Eighteen months ago my back garden was an utter dust bath! The dogs had run every blade of grass off the lawn, dug up or chewed through most of my plants and dug holes everywhere they shouldn’t….then, to top it all off, we had a Leylandii taken out which proved to be the final nail in the coffin. For those of you who didn’t see the state of the back garden, have a look here.
What a difference 18 months and a lot of hard work has made!!! I must say I’m thrilled to see how it’s developing.
Now that I’ve FINALLY removed all of the horrible hedging in the front garden, alongside of the railings, I feel the same as I did when the back was destroyed…..another HUGE challenge! I buy shrubs, large ones that cost a penny or two, and they look INVISIBLE, and now that the hedges are gone, the dogs can chase every dog that passes by and are smashing the shrubs as fast as I put them in….and I have to run them here as I’m letting the lawn grow in the back….sighs…
I do feel hopeful though, as I never thought the back garden would ever look like a garden again…..
The dogs also chewed through/dug out EVERY plant in my little courtyard…..and these areas are back to looking like gardens, so a girl has to have hope….
To the left of the courtyard, the pear and plum trees by the gate are loaded with fruit….fingers crossed…
To the right of the courtyard…
I added a smashin’ new prop to this little scene today, do you see the bunch of wrought iron keys hanging from Denzil’s right wrist? He’s the skeleton sitting on the stocks! Duggy, short for skulduggery, is in the stocks….genuine article, those stocks….16th century!
Now….we live right next to a primary school and each day a pilgrimage of kids come into the garden to hang out with the skeletons, that’s fine…but….they have taken to picking the flowers to take home to mummy. I tell you, I didn’t have a tulip left, Queen of the night only lasted three days….every single one was picked! What IS a girl to do? They are cute though….the kids and the tulips!
Talking of vandalism…..this new toy lasted exactly 30 seconds!
Annie looking like butter wouldn’t melt…typical border collie!
On the rescue front…. we have a giant continental rabbit.
This guy was re-homed by us three years ago, sadly, his little friend recently died, so he’s back with us while being mixed with a sweet little bunny….all is going well! He’s almost the same size as Annie
Do you remember Darlin’ the starling?
Well, to date he has managed to learn every mobile ring tone he’s ever heard, guinea pig, rabbit and every bird he’s met, amongst other things! He’s also mastered clunking pipes, rustling hay and squeaky doors, but his latest acquisition has startled us all! Now he has learnt to talk, we can’t quite make out what he’s saying but he has the voice of a very strange elderly man…..rather creepy it is. I wonder who goes in there when we all go home!!!
Sadly, it doesn’t look like we can ever release him as he’s far too eccentric for a wild bird and he seems to thrive on the endless bustle of the unit….
Also this week we went to see Paul McCartney in Liverpool, it’s surprising how much energy he still has. He was rather good…I had two spare tickets, in four hours they were sold via the rescue website, for the rescue of course…how miraculous is the internet????
And finally….
I am now officially a trustee for the rescue….well…both of our rescues.
It looks like I’m going to be busy as it’s an active role….struth! Lots to get to grips with….
I thought of you when I saw that rabbit, such a fine chap he is! I do love having a garden, and am grateful for a little earth to tend too, I have almost given up on at least a thousand occasions, but a little spark in me keeps fighting on, just to have a rose or two and a few plants for the bees…..I’m amazed how it’s all growing now and as the dogs get older they are getting better….I am far more accepting re the house…..It’s the living garden that grabs my soul, my furniture is dog and cat friendly and replaceable….Thanks himon, all my best to you…and Nechama.xxx
I loved that giant rabbit. And your garden is such a blessing. Just the sort of place to relax in, and be grateful for the life we live. But I am sure that if I had dogs I would have given up long ago, trying to keep the garden in shape. I figure it’s just natural for one’s immediate environment to reflect on the types of individuals living there. I used to worry about the scratches on furniture caused by cats… but over the years, my attitude towards furniture, pillows… and even the occasional roll of toilet paper… changed. I couldn’t keep fighting it. Still, I admire your spirit and your strength, Dina. It’s amazing. Best wishes always. xxx
Reading about your trees being removed has given me the horrors. We will have to have a huge old locust taken out sometime soon. It is dieing and dropping limbs all around. Dangerous. To do so we have to take fencing down and move yard ornaments etc. It will be a challenge to the tree removers. I have had some of the same dog damage. I have a good sized dog and the neighbor has one too. I used to let the neighbors dog into the garden so they could “play”. That was a big mistake. Their play removed turf, plants and my sanity. Unfortunately they have to go elsewhere to play now. Good luck with your remake of the back garden.
It was a total nightmare….I’m so glad it’s done now though, especially as the garden is coming back to life. I really hope all goes well with your tree removal, I’m glad that you are moving everything you possible can! Make sure you stay home and supervise the process!
Young dogs and turf are a bad mix for sure, I’m constantly re-seeding both my lawns, as one grows the other is run bare. Thanks for visiting Lisa.xxx
Oh BLESS your corgi mix!!! I laughed out loud at the thought of her wallowing like a hippo! 16 eh? what a marvelous age, here’s to many, many more years of wallowing!
Darlin’ is beloved and adored by us all! Lol, I suppose they will remember the garden, you don’t find many with a set of stocks and a couple of skeletons!xxx
My fat black corgi/standard doxie mix went on safari through my shade garden and then found a cool spot to wallow around in like a hippo. But she’s 16 and on her last legs so I’m glad she had her moment. I love Darlin’! What a character! Those kids will remember your garden forever.
Thanks so much for visiting Jan. I do love the stocks, they would have been lost had I not bought them at an auction….
Being a trustee will be a challenge for sure, but a good one!xxx
Hello there,my first visit to your blog. I’ve ‘hopped’ over from Cheryl’s and I also look at Jo’s blog and quite a few others where I’ve seen your name !
Well done on becoming a trustee … and wow those stocks they are great, certainly a different item to have.
All the best Jan
What an amazing transformation! Those old stocks are beautiful and the starling sounds like quite a character – I’d love to hear his elderly man voice. Well done on the new post. xx
Thanks Veggie Mummy….I am so pleased to see grass, flowers and shrubs again!
I love the old stocks, they came from a museum and now I am preserving them…..
The starling keeps us all utterly enchanted, and he thrives on all the hustle and bustle!
His latest voice is weird though…maybe I should take a recording1xxx
Wow what a transformation! Well done you… and I do remember the dust bowl and the beastish digdogs charging about etc! Looks so lovely now though.
I didn’t realise Starlings could be such mimics and wonder if it was one of them who used to sing and sound like the alarm going off …. after reading comments about them sounding like telephones ringing – heard that too. I love it when millions fly in a ‘murmeration’ – so wonderful to watch.
Well it is all looking and sounding good and fancy Paul McCartney ‘n’ all!
As for the humungous rabbit… I am dying to kiss its big snuffly nose and CUDDLE it!!!!xxxx
I’m glad you remember the dust bowl…..I was beginning to think that I’d never have a garden there again, just goes to show that a garden just wants to grow….
Starlings…..I have no doubt that one learnt how to mimic your alarm…I’ve heard all sorts of odd sounds coming from the trees….lawnmowers, mobiles and even kettles! Mumerations….spellbinding! Always awesome!
That rabbit was to die for…and so gentle too! Thanks Arose.xxx
Well done, your garden is looking so lovely. You must be so pleased. It is great that you are going to be a trustee, you do so much for the Rescue Home.
Starlings are amazing mimics. Years ago I had a starling in the garden who used to mimic the phone ringing. It used to drive me nuts. I remember going for a walk once and was stopped in my tracks by bird song which I had never heard before. Eventually I realised it was starlings. I walked on a bit further and there was an aviary in someone’ s garden. All the local starlings were copying the exotic birdsong.
That is a rather scary monster bunny.
My back garden is beyond anything that I expected, I’m really happy, now I have something to build on over the years!
I am astonished to find that I’m now a trustee, I will certainly give it my best!
Gosh, what an interesting starling story, that’s on a par with the the story about accidentally taming rats! Starlings are amazing mimics for sure!
It sure is one HUGE bunny! Thanks Chloris!xxx
The work you have done in your garden is an absolute credit to you.
Never give up…………I can see that front garden in a couple of years, it will be beautiful.
My terrier has calmed a lot over the years………..like us humans, old age has given me tolerance patience and I cannot run as fast as I used too
Love your beautiful bunny…………..so sweet.
Well done in all your endeavours……………….BTW beautiful blog.
Thanks Cheryl, I am amazed at how quickly the back garden has thrived! Hopefully the front will catch up!
Lol…..you can’t run as fast as you used to…I can’t run at all! Your dog is gorgeous! Thanks for visiting, I’m glad I found you!xxx
Are there any plants that dogs won’t go near? It might be a solution.
How are you going to fit in all the activities…is hubby partaking in some of them?
The garden is growing beautifully, developing into maturity.
Sweet bunny and chirpy Starling…what a clever boy.
I have planted the odd spiky plant, but I am worried about thorn and eyes….especially as they get bigger! Hubs always helps where and whenever he can….
I am amazed how quickly the back has grown, beyond my wildest dreams really, when that tree came down I did despair…..for a while, but I always hoped….
The starling is an endless source of fascination! As for that bunny…..thanks Menhir.xxx
I agree with Sue, up there. Those kids wouldn’t be stealing my tulips! I’d be the female equivalent of the old geezer with the cane, yelling, “You kids get off my lawn!”
But that rabbit has me distracted. By the time I figured out its actual size, I was astonished. We have cottontails around, but of course they’re native, and small. This one is — well, extraordinary.
Your garden is looking extraordinarily happy. It’s good to hear your enthusiasm. And congrats on becoming a trustee. I don’t know exactly what that means, but I suppose it’s rather like being on a governing board here. I’d be happy to have you on my governing board any time!
Hahahaha…..I’m laughing here! I think the kids would have a heart attack if I hollered and waved a stick around! I do need to woman-up for sure!
That rabbit is utterly enormous, he is truly a jaw dropping sight, especially when you first lay eyes on him, he now has a new friend, a tiny wee rabbit!
A trustee is the same as being on a governing board. Thanks so much for your kind words, I do hope that I can contribute, I know I have a lot to get my teeth into at this point! Thanks Shoreacres.xxx
The garden is looking great and I think you are exceptionally tolerant of tulip thieves I’d threaten them with the stocks. Maybe Darlin could learn to mimic Cliff.
Hahahaha…..you DO make me laugh!!!! On both counts here! Thanks Sue!xxx
As always an enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
Despite the best efforts of pets and young children your garden is looking good.
Well done on becoming a trustee of both the rescues. xx
Ha! Yes….between the kids and the dogs eh??? You just have to have utter determination where gardening is concerned….never give up!
I think I have a lot to learn re being a trustee! Thanks Flighty.xxx
p.s. Well done on becoming a trustee – hope it’s not too much extra work for you.
Thanks Elaine, it will be an active role for sure, but I would prefer that, I’d hate to waste my time sitting in meetings and achieve nothing……an awful lot to get to grips with though! xxx
Your garden is looking good – re-stocking is an expensive business, even more so with your over-excitable dogs. You must have a lot of patience to put up with their antics! What a star that starling is – I knew they were good mimics but learning to talk, well, that is something else. Glad you enjoyed the concert – good old Paul – he just keeps going and going. It must have been special for him to perform in his old stomping grounds.
Oh how true, plants certainly don’t come cheap these days do they, and you do have to buy reasonable sized shrubs or the growing period would go on forever!
It’s so funny now, the starling is using his strange old man voice quite a lot, if we look at him he becomes furtive and stops!
Paul does just keep going…..I could do with a little of what he’s on! He knows he’ll always get a warm welcome in Liverpool, he seemed to enjoy himself! Thanks Elaine.xxx
Wow, dear one. My favorite sentence is when you say, “I’m thrilled with how it’s developing,” because if our gardens don’t thrill and delight our own hearts, what’s the point?
Your backyard is becoming a veritable paradise. I love fruit trees, too; they add so much: and yum! I’ve been baking pies like a madwoman this month to clear the freezer for what’s coming.
I cannot wait to see what magic you create in your front yard, Dina!
I don’t believe I’ve seen a bunny quite that large: looks quite content.
And Darlin’! What a wonderful companion for the rescue workers.
I knew you’d be a Trustee! Hooray for the wisdom of those who selected you. What a gift you are to all.
Sir Paul! How fun for you. Nice to hear he looks good and sounds good, too. Inspiring.
Thank you for all the news and excellent photography. The one of the destroyed toy spoke volumes and brought back many memories! Gotta love our pups.
I totally agree about gardening, if there is no thrill then there is no point! I am so delighted that the back has grown so quickly, I think the gods are smiling on it, and it’s teeming with all types of wildlife. Gosh, your fruit has lasted well! Here’s to another bountiful harvest….with potatoes as well….how you will enjoy eating them!
I do have high hopes for the front border, the old hedging has left the ground matted and hard to dig so a lot of work will need to be done…..but I’ll get there!
You are getting to know me far to well….I wasn’t sure at first about being a trustee, but it does seem to be an active role and should certainly keep me busy, funny how you don’t see things coming though isn’t it?
Awwww…..glad the toy brought back memories,dogs are just like people, they gradually age and enjoy different things…
Thanks for your kind words and support ….as always!xxx
Ohh Lina! It looks like in a fairy tale… I love english gardens with a lot of flowers and plants, just like yours! I tried to have something like that, at least in a 2m2 (below our palmtreas) but it doesn’t work. I like to have a some flowers to cut and put into vases, but mostly of the time this works only between april-may and after there isn’t flower to cut but only Oleandrum. And my best wishes on your being a trustee!!! You shall be proud… I didn’t know that starling are such good imitator as the jay…
Have a lovely Friday
Ahhhh, thanks Claundine, don’t look too closely though! Oh what a shame your season of flowers is so short, but I bet you make the most of your flowers while you have them!
I don’t know very much about Jays, I don’t see them around here….I must do a little reading up on them!
I am certainly going to be kept busy as a trustee and no doubt will be faced with many challenges……I shall certainly do my best though. xxx
Oh, how does your garden grow???? – very very well I would say….almost in full recovery mode….now all you have to do is train the angels not to chase dogs by the fence!:)
Really, everything looks fabulous.
Oh the Starling…what a hoot, and the rabbit…looks very pleased with himself…and Annie on that table…what can I say….she looks so innocent and sweet:):)
The concert sounds great and of course you have to become a trustee….they don’;t want to lose you – and I don’t blame them.
News of the primary school children coming into the play with garden toys…..just adds more joy and wonder to the whole place. I love the stocks…..keep up all the wondrous work. Janet. xxxxx
I didn’t expect the garden to grow quite as quickly as it has…..yes, I must try and keep them away from the plants along the railings…..or get a temporary fence! They are getting better though, they have finally stopped digging up and chewing through plants!
You would love wildlife….and just imagine all those animal portraits!
I am just beginning to realize how busy a trustee can be…..thanks for your kind words….I hope I’m of some use to them!xxx
Congrats! I’m sure you will make an Excellent Trustee!!! Hugs!
Love those ‘stocks’ with Duggie stuck there….
Mmmmm…Giant Bunny! Looks rather well-fed.
Yes! Your garden certainly looks superb….would never say it looked this was 18 months ago. Well Done! Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka, being a trustee will certainly keep me busy!
That bunny is gigantic, he must weigh a ton! It’s amazing how quickly a garden can grow isn’t it, I suppose it’s about finding the right place for the plants, there has been a lot of re-shuffling going on. xxx
Your garden looks absolutely scrumplicious, and I think it’s wonderful that you’re tolerant of the kids wanting to hang out with Duggy and then vandalising your flowers! All that hard work is definitely paying off.
That starling is priceless. He’s a fixture now! Congrats on your being a trustee – can’t imagine anyone being better. They are very lucky to have you!
I haven’t the heart to tell the teeny tiny kids to leave the tulips alone, they really are so sweet!
I am surprised how quickly the back has come together, I’m hoping for the same with the old hedging area, if only the dogs would stop smashing the plants…..
Oh that starling, you could listen to him for ever, I think he really enjoys the endless stimulation of the unit, he especially loves all the chicks, he stares at them, totally fascinated!
Thanks for your kind words re being a trustee….I have a lot to learn for sure and will certainly be kept busy.xxx
I have just read your post about the Leylandii coming down! What a fantastic change you have made to the garden in such a short time, I am so impressed! Your garden is looking really lovely, I’m so envious of your alliums, mine have still not put in an appearance, the leaves are all there, looking a mess now, but still no flowers!
Thanks Pauline, I did think it would take a lot longer to see any real growth in the back so I’m really pleased with the progress, I now have something I can build on! Oh, what a shame about your alliums, they can throw hissy fits some years…..hopefully they’ll show up next year!xxx
Never a dull moment at your house! But maybe a few quieter ones to enjoy the gorgeous blooms everywhere (minus those stolen tulips). I love the alliums dotting the landscape and frilly pink flowers. Annie on that table looks like she’s approved your efforts to tidy up after the tornado of dogs, like she’s had nothing to do with it!
Wait. Did you say that bunny is nearly as big as Annie?! Just looked continentals up and had my jaw bouncing off my keyboard at the sight of a young child hauling a bunny in her arms like a …a medium sized dog!
Glad you had a fun outing to see Sir Paul. And congrats for your new role as trustee!
Those stolen tulips! Made my heart bleed it did to see the kiddies picking them each day in their prime! Sighs….
Annie is such an oddbod, she can go from calm to utterly crazy in the blink of an eye! Collies!
Lol….that rabbit is simply huge, when sitting on his haunches he looks very doggish and the amount of food he gets through is unbelievable!
I see I have a lot to learn about being a trustee….all in good time though, they are certainly going to keep me busy! Thanks Anne.xxx
Glad you spent an evening with Paul and were entertained. You have some entertainment going on at home and work, what with the talking starling, the little darlings coming to see ‘the garden ornaments’ and the doggy antics – who is entertaining who, I wonder? The courtyard and garden are both looking good!
Paul was rather good, surprisingly so given his age! Yes, plenty to entertain all round that’s for sure! Darlin alone would keep me entertained for hours, he is such an intelligent bird. Thanks Linda.xxx
Your garden is looking fabulous, hard to imagine what it was like not that long ago. The bunny is gorgeous, how lovely that he’s going to have a new friend. I do feel sorry for my Sammy as he lives on his own and rabbits are very sociable animals, they like company, but we try to spend lots of time with him so that he isn’t lonely. What a character the starling has turned out to be. Mynah birds, well known for being able to talk, are part of the starling family.
Thanks Jo, it’s surprising how quickly things grow once they get going isn’t it? Oh….you would have loved that giant rabbit, when he sat up he looked more like a dog! Thankfully he’s gentle and easy to handle. I’m sure your Sammy is spoilt rotten with you lot! I shouldn’t worry about him!
I’d heard that starlings are part of the mynah bird family too…..they do have an amazing range of vocals!xxx
I know you love your dogs, but I’m glad I don’t have to deal with the added gardening complications. Your gardens look great, though I’m not sure about the stocks. Good that you can use them for a touch of whimsy, and for entertaining the kidlets.
Thanks Jason, yes, young dogs certainly know up a garden!!! They are getting better though, they don’t dig up or chew through the plants any more…..
Lol…..you have to like the stocks or run the risk of being put in them!!! The kids do love them and the skeletons…….xxx