A catch-up

I seem to have lost time of late and blogging has seriously fallen behind, so here I am to rectify that. Spring has come and gone in a whirl of fruit and cherry blossom, fingers are crossed for a wonderful crop of fruit later in the year. The wallflowers have been a delight, I started …

End of February

Despite the endless rain and cold temperatures, garden jobs are gradually getting done around here. I made a real schoolgirl error with my Apothecary, I moved everything in and gave no thought to the floor whatsoever, apart from adding a few mats. Over the last few months I’ve noticed the floor getting muddier and muddier. …

The throes of winter

We’ve had everything thrown at us this winter, wild winds for weeks on end, endless rain, hard frosts and even a light flurry or two of snow, something we rarely get. There were even a couple of power cuts. The first occurred while we were shopping. It was somewhat surreal driving home in complete darkness. …

Years end

Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy, healthy, prosperous New Year. A huge thank you to all who take the time to read this blog and thank you for sharing your lives on your blogs. Until next time, stay safe.xxx

My new Apothecary

We’ve had a new shed built which has become my Apothecary. It’s a real haven, such a marvelous place to sit with a cuppa while the dogs are having a run in the garden. So peaceful and warm. I bought a second-hand pine table and chairs, very cheaply, online. The table legs and chairs came …

A hint of autumn

Gradually, the nights are drawing in and there is a faint hint of autumn on the wind. The beechnuts are falling along with the apples. The leaves won’t be far behind. I cut the bamboo down to half its size as it was beginning to dominate the back garden, I do hope I haven’t killed …