Living walls are suddenly springing up everywhere and seem to be the new craze. Gardener’s World and the big flower shows are all featuring them of late and there seems to be no end to their adaptability and diversity. They can range from rambling ivy to neat structured designs. I really like them, especially if they create a green space in a concrete jungle, helping to combat pollution and attracting wildlife into previously barren areas.
I planted this wall outside my kitchen with ivy, honeysuckle and clematis. The insects love it and it also provides an ideal nesting site for the birds. My Hubs isn’t too keen on it though as it clambers all over the roof! I suppose this could be called a living roof as the ivy has completely covered our garage now. This is another haven for nesting birds and also a good food source when the ivy berries appear over winter.
I have an old tree stump in my courtyard which I’ve hung lots of hanging baskets on. I’ve also tied ribbons to one of the branches to brighten it up. I think I may have a go at turning it into a “living stump” next year….it should be easy enough to staple felt onto it and plant it up. I think ferns, baby’s tears and rockery plants would grow well…. Apparently the felt used to hold the plants can last up to 15 years. In fact, I’m now so enthused I think I might even give it a go this year…..well if it ever stops raining!
Thanks Scarlett, you’ll have to give it a go!x
What a gorgeous idea!! x