I’m EXHAUSTED! These three blue tit chicks came home with me from the rescue on saturday as they need continual feeding throughout the evening and early mornings. They never stop eating….not ever… you would be astonished at how many mealworm one of these little beauties can put away in one sitting.
One will doze off after a feed, but there’s ALWAYS two wanting more.
If only they would all fall to sleep together. In between chick feeds, my stray cat, Curly, expects to be fed twice a day….
The special needs hedgehog wants mucking out and feeding….
And the dogs DEMAND three square meals and two good long walks each day. Well, the walks have been cut down to 30 minutes. I’m only allowed out that long before the mighty mouthed chicks start screaming unmercifully.
And just when I think I’m done, this happens again. I really pity parent birds. How on earth they manage to feed hungry chicks around the clock beats me! Well….they go back to the rescue tomorrow, thank God for small mercies. Hopefully I can catch up on my sleep and my life….must dash….my charges are calling…..