Badgers in a protected sett I was watching last summer.
Well, once again it’s shooting season.
The government has now given the thumbs up for badger culling to take place in two locations in Britain in yet another attempt to tackle bovine T.B in cattle which resulted in 25k cattle being slaughtered last year. After these trials, which are expected to reduce the badger population by 16 precent, it’s highly likely more culls will take place across the country.
Vacinations are available for badgers, but the goverment refuses to consider the option of animal rescue and badger protection groups trapping and vacinating badgers.
It baffles me why more time and money is not spent on speeding up the development of an oral cattle vacine, which is apparently still years away. Research has shown that this practice has little effect and is cruel. Healthy badgers are killed and injured along with sickly ones, and badgers merely flee the area, potentially spreading the disease even further. There are many opposing the cull and an appeal is to be launced in court.
As well as these culls, up to 20k badgers are killed each year by badger baiters and thousands die on our roads. I really find it astonishing how we can send probes into space yet cannot produce a simple vacine for bovine T.B!!!
Yeah…me too, mine is supporting the badgers though, and at least your voice is being heard with your MP…and they do crave votes…I think there are too many people opposing these culls now, protesters are everywhere and the marksmen are getting scared of shooting people….xxxx
I have only just ‘found you’ through a comment left on Blue Borage.
I’m having a look around and found this post.
I too am disgusted/appalled by the governments policy. What ever happened to the ‘protected species’ status?
I know the fight continues for the badgers cause and just hope sense will be the outcome….
Rose H
It’s sickening isn’t it, there are lots of petitions going around if you’d like to sign one. x
I’ve already signed them and contacted my MP on numerous occasions, but sadly he’s a wasted cause
Rose H
How did you get those beautiful pictures of badgers – I’ve seen them rarely but have never been able to get a clear picture
Well….there is a protected sett, sadly I can’t say where as badger baiters are everywhere, and every now and then we take a peek to make sure all are present and accounted for.x