Well….it only seems like a few months have passed since I got Sam and Annie. How time flies by! I can hardly believe that Sam has now turned one and Annie is almost twelve months old.
I’m getting a little bit more peace these days, as they don’t play all day and night, just MOST of the day and night, and they are slowly….very very slowly becoming less destructive. Yesterday they tore up my duvet but apart from that nothing has been devoured this week….well… apart from the strawberries that they now love to eat. I haven’t managed to harvest a single one as they always get there first! Even the birds don’t stand a chance….and, they’ve now discovered the raspberry bushes and the plum trees!!!
Sam is becoming a big lad. When I’m out walking with them, people with small dogs often cross the road to avoid us which is funny as Sam is such a softie and just wants to play with every dog he sees. It’s always the small dogs that attack him! And he just stands there looking puzzled……
Last saturday, a little girl about three was stroking him and suddenly tried to climb onto his back. When her father pulled her off, she started crying and said she just wanted to go for a ride on the horsey!
I’ve been told Sam will start to gain muscle over the next few years and will probably end up weighing 10 stone! Yikes!!!! I think he’ll have to stop sitting on my knee then.
Annie is a total minx. She is extremely intelligent and needs constant stimulation, so I’m thankful we have Sam to entertain her. She’s definitely the boss and ALWAYS gets her own way. She often gathers all the toys together and then sits on the heap and won’t let Sam near any of them. She also hides the toys in places he can’t get into. They remind me of twins, as they have developed their own special language. Each evening, they whine, yelp and make the strangest noises to each other for hours on end, and they seem to know what this strange language means! It’s really weird listening to them. During the evenings their conversation gets louder and louder and we have to turn the volume on the T.V up to drown them out.
I wonder if my lawn will ever grow back? Ah well….it’s a small price to pay. I couldn’t imagine being without these two now, they are great friends to each other and wonderful friends to us, a real blessing!
They look a handful.
Oh my….they certainly are. I’d forgotton how tiring it is running around after pups!x
What a handsome dog is sam.
Thanks John…isn’t he just! x
Thanks Leigh-Ann…..I’m hoping he doesn’t get any bigger or I’ll have elongated arms walking him.xxxxx
That story about the “horsey” is so adorable!!! Time flies!! x
Lol, thanks Scarlett…..I think I’ll buy him a saddle!xxxxx
They are gonna make an amazing couple!
Take care 
Hahahahahaha….yes, they already are!!! xxxxxx
Good job I can do sums!!!!
I’ve added my wordpress address in case we decide to defect. I just put one of my poems up for now.
Hahahahaha…this is making my brain ACHE!!!! xxxxxx
You schould have hit the ‘reply’ bit on Menhir’s comment!!!
Keep practicing!!!! *laughs* ….. wot no smileys!!!!
Spoilt pets …. they have their own trampoline!!!!
I’m guessing you’ve made a raised flower bed from it?
Hello you….nice to see ya here!!!!
How did you guess…nobody EVER uses the flaming thing so…well…I just HAD to plant it up…it’s a work in progress!!!xxxxx
Oh Menhir…..I’m soooooooo sorry about the maths thing! I always forget to do that too and it’s MOST infuriating!!!! I’ll get Daughter tyo do the modify thing, thanks for suggesting it, a good idea!
Sam is a doberman/lab cross but I think the doberman half is winning!
Gooseberries!!!!Of course!xxxxx
Blog botheration…I forgot to do the catcha thing and lost my long reply to you.
What breed mix is Sam?
Try growing gooseberries, you might get to harvest the odd one or two of those, if the birds don’t get there first. We have double netting on ours and a bird or two still manage to breach it.
Your security levels may have something to do with the difficulties of linking in to your site. You can modify them to allow commenters who have had comments previously accepted on your site; you may not want that though. Don’t ask me where you do all this fancy stuff, I am still familiarising myself with this site, its jargon and so on. It’ll probably be found under something like personal profiles, then a sub heading of that no doubt! Anyway, I got the email for this post without any difficulty, the post ,in its entirety.