Five years ago I saw a narrowboat for sale on ebay and instantly fell in love with it. It was like owning my very own floating Romany caravan. At the time we had two dogs that were beginning to age and become set in their ways, which made going on holiday very difficult, so buying the boat was the perfect solution…we could all go together.
Hubs and I knew nothing of boating or boats at the time and spent the next five years desperately trying to figure things like weed hatches, rogue water pumps, weirdly wired lighting, leisure batteries and a non flushing electric toilet out, not to mention moorings, bridges and locks. At one point we had to strip the boat down to the flags and re-build from scratch to the tune of 15k, and we never quite figured out how anything worked on the boat after that….the electrician was a law unto himself! And, the shower is set up but no outlet was ever installed to release the water…..bathing became VERY primitive!
Despite the endless maintenance issues and many extremely HAIRY moments involving collisions, crashes, the odd be-storming and dunk in the cut, I became completed and utterly besotted with my floating palace. Nothing beats sleeping with the rain hammering down and being awoken by geese knocking on the side of the boat for breakfast.
More than anything, it’s bliss to escape the television and internet and sit in a cosy little cabin after a day of fresh air with nothing more than a good book and a wind- up radio with candles glowing all around. Utter relaxation…especially after a simple meal cooked on the little two ring gas stove.
It’s wonderful to go back to basics and not have too many possesions around. On a boat you only have what you need….and it’s amazing how little you do actually need. Every time we returned home from the boat I found I was far more careful re wasting water and electricity, on a boat you are far more appreciative of such things, a tank only holds so much water and batteries run out quickly.
I put this little table together myself, and all the artwork on the boat and on the ornaments was painted with love by me, in the old roses and castles style. I also hand sewed all the upholstry and curtains and combed through endless car boot sales for boating bits and pieces.
Hours it took….hours!
But……since we got the pups things have become much more complicated. Sam is simply too big for the boat and two playful pups on a boat doesn’t really work as they crash into things and knock everything over, quite dangerous around gas and candles! And because they are too young to leave on the boat that means we all have to stay together 24/7. Soooo …..after much heart searching we have decided we have to sell it. We’ve hardly used it since we’ve had the dogs and given it costs up to 3k a year it is a total waste of money. I know the dogs will settle but not for a few years yet and meanwhile the poor boat is going to rack and ruin!
We’re supposed to sit here!!!
So decision made…..but I feel SO sad about it! I shall go and collect all the beloved bits and peices on it then put it up for sale, before the winter kicks in… really feels like I’m abandoning an old friend though!
Hopefully when Hubs retires we can have another boat or maybe a motor home, the dogs should be a lot calmer by then and in the meantime we’ll just holiday in dog friendly places around the U.K and maybe France….
Lovely pictures. Very sad that you have to sell the boat. But the start of new adventures. I hope I’ve got the hang of this.
Liz xxx.
Hello Liz….lovely to see you here. I still haven’t put it up for sale…..pangs hit me every time I try! xxxxx
Hello stranger!!
I’ve been away from blogland for so long, that only now i found you!
Great site, I want one!!
I’m sorry about the boat, and I mean it, I was going to come over for a ride, one of this days!
Hope all is well.
Hello you that girl! Lovely to hear from you!!!
Well, it’s not old yet so maybe still time for you to have a go!!!
We should catch up for a drink a least sometime soon……deffo!!!! xxxxx
Hiya Plant, a smashing website, good on yer, such a pity about the boat, at least you have had a go whereas I never have and longed to. x
Hello Mr J!!!!Yes it’s a shmae, I love that little boat. Now there’s lot’s of time for you to have a go!xxxxx
Ahhhhh, thanks Menhir. I do hope the next owner loves it as much as I do.xxxxx
It has been a difficult decision to make. Sometimes moving on is hard. You and your friend the narrow boat have both benefitted from your joint association and I am sure whoever connects with it next, will appreciate what you have put into it and keep it going.
Your future ideas do sound rather brilliant!
A new adventure for now staying in B&Bs with the dogs and maybe a different boat in the future. Still lots to look forward too.
Yes… is what you make it! And so many places take dogs now it’s so much easier to get away….Thanks GG.xxxxx
How heartbreaking …. not surprised you’ll weep when you hand it over… but I know you’ll have weighed it all up and made the right decision… and you can always get another one when the time is right… awwww…… hugs!xxxx
It’s strange how attached you can get to things, I’ve had so much peace and hastle on that boat, so many adventures to remember it by. Yes…I can always get another one in the future when the doglets have learnt to behave! Hugs! xxxxx
Oh D! That’s too sad. You really love the dogs ! I would prefer the boat!!! LOL… A very well decorated boat, I see the steps in the fifth pic are also drawers! Good use of space, Too keen
Hope you have the best boat in the world (affordable though) in near future and travel all around the world! (That’s too much, I know
) I just hope my friends have the best. Wish you the best. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Awwwwww….you are such a little sweetheart!!! Bless your little cotton socks!
Hey…well spotted re the drawers….all the steps double up as drawers and the whole boat is full of secret cupboards and drawers….I think Hubs would prefer the boat to the dogs as well! lol
I wish the very best for you too!!! Wouldn’t it be great if we could all have a blog sail before I sold it!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh Shimon….it is a glorious little boat and it breaks my heart but we’re not using it and I feel like it wants to be sailed. I’ll weep when I hand over the keys…I know I will. I would love a motor home one day but Hubs doesn’t like the idea of hauling it around the motorways.xxxxxx
Oh, I love it… really love it. I’ve never had a boat. I’ve had friends who’ve had them… and for a number of years I had a motor home that I really did enjoy traveling with… But this looks sublime. Sorry you have to give it up.
Awwww…thanks Gilly, yes hard decisions do have to be made and that little piece of tranquility has to go…….maybe we should have a blog sail before I sell it!xxxxxx
It looks utter floating bliss … and you are such a TALENTED lady!!! 8| so sorry it has to go but sometimes we have to make these decisions
and life moves on!
Well it’s not sold yet….you’ll have to get over here sharpish!xxxxx
Aw NO!
I never got a sail!!!!!
Thanks Leigh-Ann, yes at least I have lots of wonderful
Thanks Dessie, it’s heart wrenching. I do love that little boat, warts and all.x
That does seem such a shame. The boat looks delightful. Very cosy.
Oh how sad – I know how much you loved that boat! I guess it’s just the wrong time for you to have it right now, and I’m sure it will make someone else very happy xxx
Thanks Scarlett, yes, it is the wrong time and I really hope it gets an owner who will cherish it.xxxxx