So, I now had a load of bulky items sitting on the grass and an irate husband screaming at me re the impossibility of getting them home. I must admit to feeling somewhat disgruntled at this point, and the shine had gone from my day. I seriously thought about just leaving them where they were as it was clear they wouldn’t be going anywhere in the immediate future.
We got home. The vibes were NOT pleasant and eventually after Hubs checked the prices of hiring flat-back trucks and the like it became clear that collecting the items was going to cost a small FORTUNE!
Hubs kept on moaning! And grumbling. And sniping and chuntering to himself, until I flipped, which didn’t help at all as he then declared it was my problem and I would have to deal with it. I answered to the tune that I was quite capable of sorting this mess out, and as far as I was concerned, he was now OFF the job. Secretly I was in a total panic.
So Monday dawned and we went to collect the smaller items. Everything had to go by the next day so that gave me 24 hours to get sorted. On the way home I spotted a tractor working the fields. I pulled over and after a muddy run through the field, I caught up with the farmer. I asked him [BEGGED AND PLEADED] if he would lift the offending items onto a truck for me. Imagine my astonishment when he agreed and only for £15!!! RESULT! [If he showed up]
Next problem….the flat-back truck. Well….then I spotted a guy building a fence locally and he had a FLAT-BACK TRUCK! I tore over to him and asked if he rented his truck out. He said he didn’t. I’m ashamed to say that I again BEGGED and PLEADED and eventually he relented and said he’d turn up the next day and move my stuff. And for a measly £10! Of course I insisted on paying him more than that.
Well….the next day dawned and Hubs said it would be miraculous if the delivery came off. I arrived at the auction site and the beautiful boys with their power machines were there! AND they did the job efficiently, without fuss and quickly.
The brilliant Tom and his tractor making a half ton digger look weightless.
The awesome Dave and his pals loading the flat-back truck in the pouring rain. Strange how there was just enough room for everything.
Hubs predicted trouble re getting the stuff off as Tom and his tractor had to go back to work. He was RIGHT! Oh my ….TERRIFYING IT WAS! It was pouring down with rain and four of us had to wheel the digger down two metal ramps. At one point it slid and I thought it would cut the guy in front in half. Then I thought it was going down the ramps too quickly and the front porch was in danger of being demolished by the runaway digger. And….the incident when Hubs asked me to pull the digger towards my side…..I am not a warrior woman, but I actually moved the thing on my own. But suffice to say that finally after much yelling, screaming and swearing, all the items were sat neatly on the lawn. The boys where all given kisses….lots of kisses.
Here’s the digger in situ in the freshly mown meadow. Apparently you have to mow the meadow twice a year. I’ve re-seeded it with wild flower seeds now, so that should keep the digger happy!
The freshly painted barrows. I’ll pop a few more plants in them eventually. Now aren’t they pretty?
The scales need moving to be placed near the digger. When I can walk upright again and if my back stops aching I’ll move them.
DRUM ROLL PLEASE…………………………………………
Don’t they look SMASHIN? I love the plastic crow on the top, and I think they look ultra gothic painted black. Come Halloween I’ll get an old skeleton with a few tattered remnants of clothing hanging off the bones and put it in the stocks to amuse the local kids. And….I’ll light pumpkins and have them all aglow…..what fun there is to be had!!!!
So that’s what you’ve been up to!!!
I can’t stop smiling
Fantastic stocks …. great for bearded strangers!
Lovely that you’re smiling and not talking to the people in white coats on my behalf!
YES!!!! Of course…..bearded strangers would look fab in them….now next time you come you’ll have to bring the whiskers so I can get a photo opp!!!! lol xxxxx
Lol…..well there you go! I almost rendered you speechless!!!!
I love the great barrow too, I had Hubs push me around in it! I had to have a least one go in it.
YES! I shall sell cream teas, and charge people to throw wet sponges at Hubs in the stocks! SMASHIN idea that. LOVE Dinaland!!!! xxxxxx
Well I’m almost lost for words!!! You got stuck into the painting very quickly!!! Crikey….!!! :)) I love the great barrow thing… You’ll have to start charging people to come and look round your garden/land…. and sell cream teas or soup and rolls or something!
Then you’ll need to open a souvenir shop too……
I’m very impressed at how you got all these people to help you too….Well done that girl!!
‘Dinaland’…….???? …… xxxxx
Thanks Dessie, I am thrilled with them. I love anything
I must say those stocks do look rather engaging. I imagine you are the only person to have such odd garden ornaments. I do like them and think they are extremely impressive.
Hahahahaha….thanks Scarlett, I laughed out loud about your barrel comment.xxxxx
Hahaha I love your stocks, they’re brilliant! Especially the barrel nearby for “the head to fall in” so funny! Your potato digger is great too, and it matches your newly painted barrows! who else has just an interesting and unique garden?! Well done you for getting the farmer to help – you must have charmed him! x
Oh you do make me laugh … hats off to you for top pleading ability! And you’re right, the stuff looks AMAZING and I LOVE the Halloween ideas … ha ha ha!!!
Lol, thanks Gill, I do have good begging skills, learnt from working at the rescue for so long!
The stocks have become a major talking point, people are beginning to VISIT the garden! xxxxxx
Marvelous story with a happy end too. What surprises me most is that you actually had a use for all of this. When I read the first chapter, it seemed like simple madness.
Lol, thanks Shimon, it probably was total madness. I am really pleased with them all now they are here, and lovely to think some of the guy’s collection has been preserved.xxxxx
In a wonderful way… you are truly mad! But they do look fab.
Hahahahaha…..thanks GG, I think I am getting more eccentric as I get older, here’s to aging disgracefully.xxxxx
Absobloodylutely SMASHIN! Let me know if you should need a hand.
Fair bargain and good boys! The digger looks like a gun carriage! I thought it was a real crow. I love the writing style, I learnt a couple of new words. (chunter, flip,..).
Take care. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hahahahahahahaha… was absobloodylutely SMASHIN! Now I could have done with a big strapping, strong man like your good self! Delighted you’re liking my crazy words! You’ll end up a scouser!!! Lol xxxxxxxx p.s all the neighbours thought the crow was real too. x
Wow! Luckily you seem too have the Space……Enough there to keep you busy for some time…..Hugs! :)xx
Thanks ….I have about thirty other items thatneed dealing with including two old metal suitcases with the owners names painted on them! I’ll be painting for a good year I think!xxxxx
Goodness, Gracious, Me!!!!
Resourceful, or what.
P.S where did you find your catchas?
Lol….thanks Menhir. Daughter found the catchas, I’ll ask her and get back to you.xxxxx
It’s called sweet captcha on the wordpress plugins.xxxxx