There is a really windy, narrow road, close to where Hubs and I live. It’s full of potholes [sorry Gilly!] and is getting worse by the day. Hubs and I take this road to get to the Cheshire lines on our bikes. Now I kid you not, but the sights I’ve seen on this stretch of road are downright peculiar!
In the last few months alone we’ve seen the travellers towing a clapped out car they pulled from a ditch. How they managed to tow it without ending up in the ditch themselves I’ll never know, as they were thundering down the road at 40mph towing a car with no brakes, no working engine and only three wheels! The way it was bouncing was terrifying, and the noise was unearthly, but they didn’t turn a hair.
Even funnier was when Hubs and I came around this bend a few weeks ago, only to find three goats and two shire horses blocking our path. One of the travellers [my favourite guy to chat to, honestly, you wouldn’t believe anyone could be such a character!] had taken them for a walk, oblivious to oncoming cars! I carried on cycling and had the privilege of a shire horse galloping alongside me. Not something that happens every day!
We came across the same guy recently riding his horse, bare chested and bareback, with nothing but a bit of rope around it’s neck to direct it. He yelled ” Howdo” to us and shouted, “Walk on horse, come dog!” Simple and effective, oh yes! The horse walked on and the dog followed. The dog was gorgeous, a shaggy collie with a blue eye and a brown one. It had a mind to chase us I think, but had too much respect for it’s Master.
I always wish I had my camera when I come across some of the weird and wonderful sights on this road. The most spectacular was the enormous articulated truck that ended up half in and half out of the ditch, SatNav gone barmy again! The tow truck that arrived to rescue the guy got stuck too! The road was blocked all day.
As well as the human spectacles, I have seen water voles, weasels, roe deer, rapters and all sorts of wildlife along here that you wouldn’t expect to see on a road, albeit a country road.
The most recent event on this road was this poor kid who took the corner too quickly and ended up in the ditch. She was in a terrible state, really shocked and scared, with no recovery insurance or mobile phone. Thank God it didn’t happen at night. Hubs, a nice couple in a car and a pair of heroes in a 4×4 sorted her out. And amazingly, the car was fine. I was expecting the wheel to fall off as they towed her out. So all ended well as the kid turned back to find a more suitable route. The cows loved it though! Front row seats they had…..
Haha brilliant – not only beautiful but interesting too! I’d have loved to have seen the bare-chested guy riding a horse, sounds positively amish! xx
AMISH! Yes, that’s exactly what it’s like…..I never know what to expect around there.xxxxx
My goodness, I am amazed the car with three wheels was able to be towed. Would have liked to have seen that.
Glad you all managed to get the car out of the ditch.
Thanks Dessie, it was an incredible sight. A guy was cycling on the raod with his son at the time and his jaw dropped to his knees, we were all cowering in the bushes on our bikes as it thundered, and I mean thundered by. I’ve never seen the likes of it!xxx
I’ve very rarely ever seen anything like that on the roads round here in surburbia.
Funniest thing I think that I’ve ever seen was a large pig trotting down the the middle of a road miles from anywhere seemingly oblivious to the traffic. xx
Hahahahaha….that must have been quite a surprise! I wonder where it came from, and if it ever got home?
I once got involved in trying to catch an angry bull that decided to take up chasing traffic…..I quickly took a back seat and let the boys get on with it! Flaring nostrils and pounding hooves are not my cup of tea at all!xxx
Hubs is quite a hero
I’ve always loved the scenery of the country. It’s very beautiful. Lovely post.
Take care
Thanks Vahid, I love the countryside too, always relaxes me. You take good care of you!xxxxxxx
So glad to hear she had no damage, the cows do seem to be having a good look!
Thanks GG, hope you had a good holiday!
The poor girl was really shaken, only 19 she was. She was lucky we were all passing by. I was surprised that the car was ok, one of the men who stopped was actually a mechanic….I think the Gods were smiling on her!xxxxx
I love cows too. They don’t have to study meditation to get it right. And whatever cow like, I like as well… Your country road sounds charming. Unfortunately, our city roads are getting worse and worse all the time. They’re built well, and look just fine… but there’s too much traffic, and people under pressure, wherever you look. That was a piece of luck that the three wheeled car without breaks got where it was going without an accident… and without tearing up the road, though. Luck is unaccountable.
Yes, cows are wonderfully relaxing creatures, I love to watch them watching me.
I was AMAZED that the three wheeled car didn’t tear the road up, there was even a guy sat in it trying to steer the thing, must have been a scary, bumpy ride. xxxxx
Exciting…..:)) Country roads always have most unusual ‘happenings’… Never a ‘dull’ moment…if you get my meaning….
Charming post…..Hugs!
It certainly has it’s share of excitement that’s for sure. Thanks Ell.xxxx
Ha ha ha – I absolutely love the cows all lining up for a gawp!!! Nosy lot!!! And yes, I do see what you mean about potholes …
The cows are SO nosy and there is plenty of entertainment for them on this stretch of road.xxxxx
Ah …. so that’s life in the fast lane!!!!!
You should never leave home without a camera!
Lol…..I always say I must take a camera everywhere but always forget!xxxxx