A couple of weeks ago I was driving across the Moss when to my astonishment I saw that all the fields were completely flooded. The road between the fields is very narrow and winding which made it feel as though I was driving through a lake. A VERY odd sensation! It’s really strange to see an area you know like the back of your hand completely transformed. Just shows how easy it is!
I remember another occasion about four years ago one Christmas when the same thing happened, and again it felt really eerie driving through the lakes in the dark with water lapping at the sides of the road.
These fields are on the flood plain and after a season of extreme rain like we’ve just had, the River Alt is deliberately flooded. A little hard on the farmers but I’m sure they’re compensated.
The flooded fields are an unusual sight but that’s not what amazed me. Within a few days thousands of birds of every description moved into the area. There were swans, geese, gulls, curlews, herons….the list is endless. And huge flocks of them too.
I took advantage of the new wetlands and indulged in a spot of bird-watching. It was fantastic listening to their shrieks and wailing cries, and watching huge wheeling flocks take to the skies as one!
Water and sea birds do seem to have the most hauntingly beautiful cries…..I’m sure I must be a re-incarnated mermaid as the calls of these birds almost hypnotise me and I could watch and listen to them for hours. I can always remember a strange dream I had when I was a kid. I was stood on a cliff and a huge flock of white birds were circling around my head……then I heard a voice saying…”Come flightless bird, join us in your dreams.” Mmmmmmmm….ok…whatevs ….I hear you say! Lol
I’m always surprised by how quickly nature adapts to new environments. It’s been a few weeks now and the water levels are going down but the birds remain….for now. I was puzzled though as to what actually attracted the birds apart from the water, it’s not as though there was any fish available, maybe just lots of vegetation and earthworms.
It’s a shame that the water’s disappearing, I’ve just got used to enjoying my very own wetlands! Ah well….until next time!
Thanks Shimon, I enjoyed recalling the wetlands so thanks for that! I do feel strangely connected to birds, I always have, and I have so many dreams of them. I have had awful camera problems….I have had about three useless ones over the last few years and finally feel it’s time to get a decent one.xxx
This post really spoke to me… and loved the pictures… how good to find it, even if late…
Goodness what a lot of water – it is amazing how quickly birds are attracted to it – lovely shots by the way
Thanks Elaine, I was amazed by the amount of water that covered the fields, it was very strange driving through it.xxxxx
How fascinating, and lucky you. I’ve driven through wetlands abroad so know what it’s like, and as you say the birds seen are indeed numerous. xx
It was wonderful while it lasted, now the birds are beginning to disappear along with the water. I wonder where they all came from and where they go back to. xxxxx
Some of those scenes would not look out of place at Martin Mere, which I believe is close to you?
Yes, Martin Mere is only a twenty minute drive away. A beautiful place I love to visit.xxxxx
I love the alls of seabirds too – there’s something so beautiful an haunting about it. The wetlands are strangely beautiful too xx
Yes, definitely a sound that belongs to the vastness of the oceans…..I am going to miss those wetlands.xxxxx
Another lovely post and wonderful pictures! That was a special dream of being one with nature :yes:
Thanks Gilly…..I enjoyed the dream and have had it many times, and always exactly the same!xxxxx
I can just imagine the sounds and sight of the birds – how wonderful…. I bet you could have watched it for ages.
The experience of the birds inviting you to fly is interesting….. some shamanic practices involve putting yourself into a bird for example and ‘seeing’ and ‘experiencing’ what they are…. it is a really lovely thing to practice…… xxxx
I was fantastic watching the birds wheeling and shrieking!
Now it’s strange you mention imagining being a bird, I love birds and have a great affinity with them. I often dream that I am actually flying! Weird or what!xxxxx
I love the bird watching stuff. I was watching BBC last night, and there was this woman in Liverpool, trying to compose music pieces by birds waste (poo?) ! She had spread a long sheet and wherever the birds dropped their waste on the sheet, that spot was used as a sign. What some people do!
Anyway, love the photos and water would appear soon. Take care. :)xx
Good grief, what a weird, strange way to compose music!!!! That really had me laughing Vahid!!!
I am amazed at how quickly the flocks appeared, I’ve never seen so many different birds in one place. A real treat.xxxxxx
A re-incarnated mermaid…okay, let’s see your flip side then.
I have been through France North to South, on two occasions when the land was totally inundated. Along our route there were umpteen diversions. At Avignon bridges were down, though not the one that has stood the test of time. The Romans knew what they were doing. It was great to see the ancient bridge and also the village we were going to; the village had its own micro-climate and was totally unaffected by the flooding everywhere else.
As for seeing anything other than fields awash, and sodden crops looking very sad and bedraggled, I cannot remember. Seeing plenty of flying life over the skies of France, and Spain would usually be a miracle.
Here we see lots of things going on in newly formed lochens. Some farmers express their sense of humour and place mini wooden boats, with a dummy dressed up as a seaman, using mini oars.
Lol….my flip side is kept hidden.
What a wonderful sight those little wooden boats must be…….xxxxx
Fabulous! Literally! Wetlands are stunning…teeming with wildlife – Birds! Amazing…the power of water….
Thanks for sharing D! Hugs! xx
Thank Ell, yes water certainly changes everything.xxxxx
What a lovely dream ……… ~x~
It was Marion, and strangely enough one I often had since.xxxxx