As we had such beautiful crisp weather last weekend, Hubs and I decided to take the boat out for a sail.
Although we know that we really do have to sell it, we’ve yet to put it up for sale. I think we’re both still a little reluctant to part with it……anyway, I was kind of hoping that this sail would be one of the nightmarish ones, you know, where you end up becalmed, or bestormed, or bedraggled.
Well, we pushed the boat off beautifully, no crashing into our neighbours boats, no yelling at each other, just a sleek, smooth bit of teamwork. Even the dogs behaved!!! For once!
The weather was glorious. Not too chilly, just lovely bright, cool sunlight, and NO sudden wind sprang up to blow us about.
I drove the boat for a few hours and sailed perfectly through the bridges without bashing the boat once and even got around a tight bend without hitting an oncoming boat or panicking!!! All rather odd….
My driving was so good I was even able to take pictures at the same time, and I got this picture, which I have to say, shows the biggest, fattest duck I have EVER seen! It was almost twice the size of a normal duck, so probably one of our wildlife releases.
All the local wildlife seemed to come out for us, and this heron escorted our boat for hours. All was peaceful and serene. At one point a dragonfly actually landed on me.
Hubs took over the driving and I opened all the bridges. Each time, hubs brought the boat very close to the bank allowing me to hop off as opposed to the death defying leaps of faith he usually puts me through. And, every bridge was deserted so I didn’t have to rush or worry about holding up traffic. In fact, most of the day we had the canal to ourselves. Deserted it was. All we could hear were birds and the gentle lapping of water.
As we were getting peckish we decided to moor up and have a spot of lunch at a pub. The weather was so pleasant we even ate outdoors, and again, miraculously, the dogs behaved. No falling in the canal jumping off the boat, and no dragging me in after them, AND, they even sat down while we ate…O.K…well, sat down-ish, Sam of course indulged in a session of standing on the table, but that’s his thing now.
After lunch we took a long walk down the canal and came across this lovely boat which sails up and down selling wares, and lovely wares they are. I did like these wooden barrels, the guy makes them then paints them up, roses and castles style.
Then we got back on board and took our boat back to it’s mooring. It threatened to rain, but the weather held. We moored up WITHOUT incidence or drama and gathered up our bits and peices and secured the boat. Finally, as we were heading home, hubs turned back and looked at the boat.
He said, “It’s a wonderful thing to have on a day like today isn’t it?”
I had a tear in my eye, as I too looked back at that little boat.
What a lovely way to spend time outdoors!
Oh it is Debi! You would love it.xxxxx
What a handsome heron. And that fat duck ! Your trip looked absolutely idyllic. What part of the country was that canal ? The wildlife certainly all came out to say hello to you. Glad you are not selling just yet, but I do understand the overhead and the lack of time. So many other things to do too.
Keggy xxx
I wish you could have seen the duck Kegs, it was really HUGE!!!
The canal is the Leeds Liverpool and the pics are from the haskayne part of it.
It is so hard to think of parting with the boat after such a lovely sail. I think we’ll decide one way or the other next spring.xxxxx
What an excellent trip. It certainly made me feel like enjoying a day aboard a narrow boat.
Thanks Dessie. This trip was a one off, but a wonderful one.xxxxx
Gorgeous pictures, such a good one of the Heron! I REALLY hope you don’t sell her before I get to join you on a few fabulous sails like this! xx
Thanks Scarlett, I’m quite sure you’ll get a good few sails in!xxxxx
I’m with Shimon on this one…. and am glad you’re going to hang onto it for a bit longer….. what a dilemma though… and what a beautiful perfect last trip….. if you do sell it.
i’m glad you saw a huge fat duck! :)) lol…. what could be better? Hope you are having a groovy weekend!xxxx
Lol, I was SO impressed with that duck, enormous it was!
Yes, it was so magical it kind of threw us so we’ll see how the cookie crumbles come spring.
I’m having a FREEZING cold weekend so far……and developing a cold, just like you are…..I feel a night on the sofa wrapped in a duvet coming on.xxxxxx
That sounds perfick…… I’m still blithering and dithering about getting the cold or not… sore throat one minute… gone the next!! It is definitely brewing so I’m on the lemsip and echinacea and Manuka honey to try and keep it at bay!xxxx
Awwww….’orrible innit???? I’m really bunged up now….shivering, sore throat, runny nose! I’m eating manuka honey by the spoonful…..I hope yours goes quickly.xxxxx
It still hasn’t properly got going!!! Just nearly but almost then doesn’t quite! Yes good luck with yours – hope it goes quickly….xxx
Could be that the decision to sell the boat helped both of you to reach a new level of relationship with the boat… and that now you will be able to enjoy it more. I have known many such experiences, when the change of attitude allowed a change of relationship, and sometimes opened possibilities that just weren’t there before. If I were you, I would take a few more such trips, just to check out the possibilities.
I think you may be right there Shimon, I think we’ll hold onto it untill next spring and try to get a good few autumn and winter sails in, it is so snuggy when the little chimney is lit. Our real problem is not having enough time to sail it…..ah well….untill spring then.xxxxx
To sell or to sail, that’s the question. Oh, dear, it’s exquisite! Pity you’re gonna sell it. Lovely pics D. :)xxx
Ah Vahid…..that is the question!!! How are we ever going to part with her…..choices…..hope you’re O.K and the teaching is going well.xxxxxxx
Thanks D, yea, teaching’s going well, the students are lovely and apart from teaching at school, the number of my tutorial classes is increasing week by week. That’s great due to the fact that, our economy is like a sinking ship due to the sanctions and the prices are tripled compared to the last month. I need to HOARD some money, in case I should leave the country. Take care dear friend.
It must be very worrying for you Vahid with such drastic changes happening within the economy, especially as you are having to work so much harder for money that buys very little. Good luck with the money hoarding….and don’t work TOO hard., and take really good care of you. p.s….you can always come and live on our boat!!! xxxxx
Oh, thank you. So kind of you dear friend. :)xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Looks and sounds like you had a nigh on perfect day. Terrific photos. xx
It was utterly perfect, now when is life like that eh??? Thanks Flighty.xxxxx
Always a plus when a trip goes well, especially you can think of other experiences! Looks like a lovely boat and I enjoyed reading about yoru day and seeing the accompanying photos! No fly in the eye on this trip, then?
This trip was certainly a plus, we have had our share of disasters….but often they are the best , or the most memorable trips…..and yes….lol, not a fly in sight, either in the eye or mouth!xxxxx
A splendid goodbye. It will be lovely to look back on.
It certainly will be a splendid goodbye, if we can force ourselves to put it up for sale.xxxxx
What a fabulous day – everything just right! Treasure-trove of memories … maybe it’s a message … to hang on to the boat after all …
You know Gilly…..I think it may be a message to hang on in there, yet we don’t have the time….od dear, decisions, decisions…xxxxx
Perhaps it was fate trying to tell you something – lovely that you had such a peaceful and uneventful day , fat duck and all.
Lol….yes fat duck and all! And it really was gigantic, I’ve NEVER seen such a fatty waddling along the bank.
I do think fate is beginning to intervene……xxxxx
Great! S sort of ‘Au Revoir’ Outing…..So many delightful memories, no doubt! All Shall Be Well! Hugs! :)x
Thanks Ell, yes, certainly wonderful memories. xxxxx
Ah! Sounds like a glorious day. My husband and I enjoy canoe trips along the river and are happy it’s deep enough, after our recent rains, to accommodate our adventures…your wonderful story and photography remind me it’s time for another journey. I LOVE that fellow’s colorful artwork, too…how cool is that?
Thank you for this lovely bright “getaway” in the middle of my day!
The day was totally charmed, nothing could possibly go wrong….I loved it.
I would love to go on a canoe, I have never been in one. Lucky you eh? xxxxx