Well, Christmas is definitely getting closer and now the world hasn’t ended, I’m beginning to get things done.
The decorations are now up, but given how many boxes of things I wrestled down from the loft, I’m always amazed how they disappear throughout the house and seem so few, when up.
I’ve had most of my decorations for years now and have become quite attached to them as they all carry memories of Christmases past when daughter was little and we had other dogs who have left the imprint of their teeth in many a Christmas ornament.
Frosty the snowman is a particular favourite of mine even though he’s seen better days. He moves slowly to a sad little tune and daughter used to dance with him when she was little. Every dog we’ve ever had, including the current two have ragged him around a little….yet still he dances and sings his mournful little song! Ahhhh…bless him!
I know these little deer are probably naff, but they come out religiously, year in, year out and I just love them.
So…yes…getting there. Slowly but surely things are getting done. The presents are being bought along with things that shouldn’t be getting bought! I was in town shopping a few days ago, when I came across the visiting German market. Off I ran into the Moroccan stall like a kid in a sweet shop. I just couldn’t resist this gorgeous lamp…………..
And this one. And…I had the pleasure of a jolly good haggle and managed to get twenty pounds off the two of them! How smashin is that!!!!
The dogs are loving Christmas so far, so many deccies to creep off with, and lights to pull down, wrapping paper to rip up, and food goodies to steal…..Sam is so funny, anything that plays a tune sets him off howling, and my…can he howl. Bloodcurdling it is!
I was also loving the run up to Christmas…. until I bought a new knife, a VERY sharp knife. I’d decided it was time to end the annual Christmas fight with the turnip with my old blunt knife.
So, a few days ago I gave my new knife a trial run and nearly cut the top of my thumb off….I couldn’t believe how much it bled! A lesson learnt though….beware of new knives. It’s unbelievably sharp!
And if that wasn’t bad enough, a day later I almost blinded myself. I was cleaning the dog poop from the garden when a twig from the plum tree attacked my eye.
Immediately, everything went red, it was as though someone had suddenly put a pair of red sunglasses on me. My eye bagan to water horribly and as I brushed the tears away, I noticed, to my horror that it was blood!!!
EEEEEK! I felt all sqeamish and wobbly…..There’s something freaky about seeing tears of blood running from an eye. It’s still sore now, but I’m hoping it clears up in time for Christmas.
But, onwards and upwards and all that. The pressents are being wrapped, and stashed in piles…..
And I’m gradually tidying the house and putting projects away for a few weeks. The trouble is though, you move something from one place and then just clutter another. I’ve moved all my blacked up auction bits and pieces, and now I have to move my artwork that’s going in an exhibition next summer…..it’s all big art and I’m wondering where to stash it. I may be able to get a book out of that bookcase at this rate!
An-y-way…..I’m off to marshall a ghost walk for the rescue tonight. The things they have you do eh? Actually, I’m rather looking forward to it….we trot around all the old aged buildings in Liverpool and a guide tells the ghost stories connected with them, then we end up in the Cathedral graveyard, in the dark…….
And finally guys and gals….
I would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year….and an enormous thank you to you all for your fantastic company and for reading me little bloglet! xxxxx
Urgh you poor thing with that eye – you really were in the wars over that week!! I loved the Christmas table and seeing Frosty! xx
Thanks sweetie. Frosty loved seeing you too!xxxxx
and I forgot to say – hope the eye is better – that sounded AWFUL!! Must have been so scary seeing tears of blood!!!!!! You poor love – must have been really frightening…. xxxx
Oooooohhhhh….me poor eye, I came over all peculiar I tell you. Nothing worse that tears of blood and by ‘eck, it SURE did hurt. I spent the last two weeks trying not to rub it, but thats hard to do in your sleep! Thanks Arose.xxxxx
oh gosh that is ages to not be able to rub yer eye…. very tricksy….
Love the pics of the dogs and so on too…. they’re real characters… Daughter has a wonderful little film of Spotty bounding along in a very very long puddle – he just kept going up and down in it bounding like a leaping deer! crazy creatures…. Your Sam just makes me laugh to see him….. just has that leapy look….. xxxx
Awwwww….you’ll have to post the film, I’d love to see that, I can almost imagine it!
Sam’s a lummox, apparently there is such a word, it means lumbering ox, he is springy and bouncy and sure runs like a gazelle but my gosh, he’s so CLUMBSY! And heavy, he actually sits on us and we can’t breath.xxxxx
AAAAAAAH how did I not comment on this post? I know I read it!!
All looks very festive chez toi….. you’ve done better than us though our tree is FAB…. can’t see it for sparkly bits and lights! Daughter did it.
Love the new lamp…. Ive always secretly fancied one like that….
A bit late to wish you a Happy Christmas… but I hope it was a lovely one… xxxx
Lol….I often do that, read a post and somehow forget to comment!
I do love my new lamps, they make everywhere feel so warm and cosy.
Christmas was most smashin thanks.xxxxx
I hope you are all healed up by now and that you had a wonderful Christmas!
I was thinking an apt name for your outside fellow in the stocks – Skullduggery! Or Duggy for short
Thanks Glo, Christmas was lovely, though exhausting. My eye is so much better now.
I LOVE Duggy!!!! Wow, what a fantastic name! I hereby christen him Duggy! Thanks for that!xxxxx
Ekkk….I’m so sorry to hear about your eye. I would freak out if it happened to me. Get well soon!
Anyway I loooooove your house. It looks warm and so pretty with all the decoration. Merry Christmas !
Lol, thanks Debb. My eye is almost healed, thank goodness. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year. xxxxx
Awww, I like Frosty the Snowman too. Older decorations are the best because of the memories. I hope your thumb and eye have healed so you can enjoy the holiday chaos! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to reading more. Thanks for visiting mine as well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Yes, I do know what you mean about the heaps of boxes and how decorations have a way of seeping into the nooks and crannies. But that’s okay. I prefer decorated homes not to look like a Christmas store! Love that you are putting out memorable pieces and that your current animal companions are pictured among them. Hope your eye heals soon and you can enjoy the holidays in comfort. Merry Christmas!
Thanks Nikki, yes, it’s astonishing how decorations seem to totally disappear! I’m with you though, I don’t like too many, they end up giving you a headache.
My eye is so much better now, which is a huge relief!
Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!xxxxx
Happy Christmas. I do hope your eye is better.
Thanks GG, my eye is really improving, thank God!
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.xxxxx
Oh dear, you have been in the wars. I hope all heals for Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you and yours and to all your animals.
Lol, yes, that’s exactly how I feel, like I’ve been in the wars!
All the very best to you and yours Dessie.xxxxx
Wow, dear, u’ve been quite a lot busy! Hope your eye and thumb are Ok by now! You’re really good at decorations. Love the style. Wish you a wonderful Christmas festive. :)XXXXX
Lol, thanks Vahid, my thumb is on the mend and hopefully my eye will heal up soon….I’m a sight for sore eyes! Glad you like my decorations!
Have a wonderful festive season……[I know you don’t celebrate Christmas, but have a fab time anyway!]xxxxxxx
Slicing the top of your thumb is bad enough but hurting your eye is even worse. I hope that you’re okay!
It’s all looking very sparkly. I hope that you enjoyed the ghost walk.
Re your last sentence thanks and you too for the wishes. xx
Thanks Flighty….oh there is nothing worse than a sore eye! I’ve never had my eye bleed before, it’s quite scary as you have no idea what the damage is.
Have a wonderful Christmas.xxxxx
Gosh, you are getting attacked from all angles! I know what you mean about new sharp knives ~ especially when used to a dull one. I can also relate to poky twigs ~ oh dear! I hope you are well on the mend soon. I’m sure your ghost walk was good fun. All the best to you, your family, dogs, hedgehogs …and all the other creatures you care for …during this Merry Christmas season
Thanks Glo….I do feel a little battered and bruised, my Mum always said things go in threes….last night Sam jumped up suddenly hitting my lip….now that’s all swollen and cut! Struth!!!
I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.xxxxx
Hope your thumb mends quickly…..Bet you’ll be very wary of that knife now….
May you – and yours – have a Wonderful Christmas…..Love and Hugs! :)xxx
Thanks Ell, my thumb is healing nicely but I still feel like I have a chunk of wood floating around in my eye.
I hope you and your family have a fantastic Christmas.xxxxx
Yikes; so sorry to hear of your run-in’s with knives and twigs…the ghost walk sounds peaceful by comparison! Your home, with all the old and new treasures, looks so cozy, lovely, and inviting! Blessings to your holidays and joy to your new year!
Thanks Catherine, the house looks o.k once I’ve given it a good spruce up, that’s the next big job!
I wish you and your family and 4 leggeds a wonderful Christmas.xxxxx
A very happy Christmas to you and yours, and wishing you all a restful, peaceful, healthy and good 2013.
And a wonderful Christmas to you and your family too.xxxxx