A few days ago something underneath my clapped out old car fell off, so it’s back in the garage where hopefully it will be rejuvenated….for the umpteenth time! It’s an old VW and despite roaring along and shuddering like a tank, it’s usually really reliable. So, unless I want to be housebound for a week, it’s back to looking for a cheap car to hire as we live a little off the beaten track, bus and train wise.
Now Hubs and I tend to keep our cars forever but now that we have Sam and Annie we really do need a bigger car as we have their crates and them sitting in the back when we go out or on holiday, and it’s becoming something of a squeeze. So I’ve been looking around and often find myself eyeing up huge 4×4’s.
But 4×4’s tend to be fuel guzzlers and although there are diesel ones they still aren’t exactly environmentally friendly.
Which leaves me wondering what to get. I’m also a dismal driver so wouldn’t want a car that I’d have to worry about scratching, bumping and bashing about a bit! I see a car as a moving tip and something that gets me from A-B safely, not something that has to be waxed and washed……
I’ve heard good things about the new electric hybrid cars but I don’t know anyone who actually has one.
So good people, any suggestions????? I’d love to know of your experiences with makes and models…..especially large cars with lots of room…….
Most of the pics I’ve taken look just like this.
Yesterday I spent four hours digging the dreaded herb garden, a task that is painstakingly creeping and crawling along. The whole time the dogs were playing out with their boomer ball. It’s absolutely hysterical watching them bickering over it. And finally ….after four hours they slowed down.
This is them tired….
But happy…
Oh yes…..very very happy…
Can’t say I was though ..I crawled in bent double and still it’s only half dug!!!!
Oh, Sam and Annie are the luckiest dogs alive:) Here’s hoping the car gets fixed.xxxxx
Ahhhh…thanks Janet. They do know how to have fun. Cars…..arghhhhh!xxxxx
Hi dear Dina. How r u? I see you’ve got a lot of visitors
Missed u so much. Great stuff as always. Hope u get a new bigger car
By the way. It’s Nowrouz today (the first day of the Persian new year and also spring). Happy new Persian year to you and your husband. Wish u the best. :)xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Vadid, LOVELY to hear from you. I’ve been missing and thinking about you a lot recently wondering how you are, I was planning on sending you a pm to make sure all was well.
I hope work is going well and you’re not working too hard, but you usually are!!!
I can’t believe a year has gone by since you last posted about the Persian new year and spring!!!
Happy new Persian year to you and yours and I hope it brings great health, wealth, happiness,and good luck.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks dear Dina. Yea, time flies. Thanks for the wishes and I wish your success with the wildlife as well as the domestic life
With love from Iran :)xx
by the way: oyyyy
Lots of love from Liverpool! You look after you! Lol OYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY xxxxxxxxx
A bit late to the party, here, but by now the dogs will have recuperated, had another few days of gallivanting through the garden, perhaps the herb garden will have been all dug up and planted, your back will be feeling perfect… and .your car will have miraculously healed itself
Lol….thanks Glo……now if only! The dogs have gallavanted but the herb garden is exactly the same, not a spadeful of soil has been dug since posting but my back is better!!!!
Sadly the car is still missing vital organs!!!!
We have always had mid-sized Hondas or Toyotas. The most recent Honda lasted 10 years with minor repairs. I am not sure these type of cars are anything near as big as you are hoping for though. Good luck with your search.
Great pics of the dogs playing! I sometimes think that dogs can actually smile when they are happy. Yours look like they are grinning from ear to ear.
Good luck also with the new herb garden. Once the hard work of digging it out is done, it will be worth all the effort I am sure.
Thanks Jennifer, Quite a few people have mentioned Hondas, I look into that.
I’m with you on the dogs smiling, they radiate happiness when they’re happy and also manage the saddest faces too!!!
Oh….that herb garden, y’know….it’s beating me at the moment, and the awful weather doesn’t help!xxxxx
Omg. You reminded me of when big parts would fall off my car. I’d stop, walk back, pick em up, put em in the back seat, take em home and ask my room mate, “How much do I REALLY need it?”
Hahahahahaha….sounds JUST like mine!xxxxx
Sorry to hear about your car. I’ve got an SUV (which has a 4WD option when conditions necessitate it). It’s large enough for two kids, two adults & all our crap when we go roadtripping. We opted for one with “decent” gas mileage comparatively, but would love to have a hybrid. Just can’t quite afford it yet. I look forward to seeing how things turn out.
Thanks Debi. We drove an SUV when in Oz last year and I must say it was comfy. I think cars will become greener and more economical in the future. xxxxx
Ohhhh look how happy they both look running around the garden! Hope the car troubles get sorted! xx
Thanks Scarlett….they sure do love to run.xxxxx
Love the expressions on those two adorable dogs playing and playing and playing until they’re played out! Four hours! Too bad they couldn’t expend some of that energy helping you dig!
I’m not much help when it comes to cars, I’m afraid. But I wish you well in your choice.
Lol….thanks Nikki…..if only they could help me gig, what they tend to do is dig a hole in the lawn next to me where I DON’T want one!!!xxxxx
It’s good to see the dogs having such a good time. I’m afraid I’m not much use in terms of cars, I’m still driving my aging mini.
Oh…an aging mini….how lovely! Dogs certainly know how to keep life fun and simple.xxxxx
Sorry to read about your car. I drive an old Fiesta so really can’t help with suggestions.
The dogs sure look happy. xx
Thanks Flighty….I think I’ll wait until summer before buying a new car. Yes, the dogs are eternally happy….xxxxx
Tired but happy is just about the best state I can imagine. As for cars, I too keep them for a long long time… I get attached to them, and then don’t want to change. I’ve heard some good things about the hybrids. I have a friend who’s under the impression that it works out to be far less expensive… but I can’t tell you from personal experience. Loved the pictures in this post.
Yes….I too like to be tired but happy, and dogs certainly do. After a good run they glow with life and contentment, their faces are so expressive.
I really would like to try the hybrid cars, they are certainly more environmentally friendly. Thanks Shimon.xxxxx
Lovely photos – very uplifting – can almost feel the energy of the diggie doggies – they are so wonderful tearing about so playfully!
Afraid I know nothing about cars either! Have exactly the same attitude – they are just for getting you from A to B….and doesn’t matter what they look like…!
My your back must be killing you after all that digging! Wow! well done you! xxxxx
Thanks Arose…..they are energetic and endlessly playful…..and I do laugh watching them. It’s lovely to see dogs running again, I remember my poor old wolf slowly plodding along ……..
Yes, a car is something to transport us…..mine looks like a skip inside, absolutely piled high with “stuff”.
Digging is hard on the back, especially as we get older.xxxxx
What happy doggies. It looks like they were having so much fun. I feel exactly the same about cars, as long as they get me from A to B, that’s all that matters. I’ve been driving the same car for over ten years now, but it’s really reliable so what’s the point in changing it? Hope your back feels better today.
Lol, these two have a never ending appetite for fun!
I wouldn’t change the car for anything, I don’t see the point, like you. It’s just too small now as Sam is growing fast and takes up all the room.
Thanks, my back is a little better….oh the joys of digging.xxxxx
I’m with you on cars being only for a to b purposes; I’m a bit too “green” to have much love for them. I did get a morris minor convertible a few years ago; the only car I’ve had any fondness for. We still have it but, like you, I need a car with more space (for bee keeping stuff) and that can also cope with country lanes in all weathers. I’ve an old 4 wheel drive type of thing now & want to swop it for a greener vehicle as soon as we can afford to.
I envy the lovely dogs’ bags of energy!
I know exactly how you feel on the green front, I try to be as green as possible and currently most cars aren’t. so I do dread having to buy a larger fuel burning car, but we do take the dogs to rural places so need something more road worthy and bigger as Sam dominates the space. Decisions decisions eh???
I too wish I had the energy of the dogs, they’re almost impossible to wear out but that is a good thing in healthy young animals.xxxxx
Dogs are having great fun…to be sure. They may not need a car. :roll:#
Delightful post May your week-end go very well for you…I have a feeling it always does…..;) Hugs! xxx
Thanks Bushka, yes apart from the dreaded dig, dig, endless digging, things are always good.xxxxx
Brilliant pics…..what a happy pair of dogs! There are a couple of struggling football teams could do with their skills!
Hahahahahaha…..they’d make EXCELLENT strikers, Sam especially!
Nice to hear from you, hope all is well with you and yours and the lovely Lulu.xxxxx
Get the dogs to do the digging!
Oh my dear girl….INSPIRATIONAL!!! xxxxx
Ah! The pups look so happy and the garden so healthy! We take our 4-legged buddies around in an old diesel VW Jetta (With the back seat turned down), but it’s close quarters, and we don’t drive far or often; living on the trail they can hike with us every day…I wish you great good luck in your search. I always enjoy the liveliness of the energy in your photos and stories: makes me ready for spring! Thank you, Snow Bird!
The pups NEVER seem to get tired. Even after a four hour run they were asking for a walk!!!
It is hard trying to figure out what car to get….if only we lived where you are….long hikes sound wonderful.
Thanks Kitty.xxxxx
What a lovely series of pictures and I always enjoy your enthusiasm, PP … but am glad the dogs are in the pictures and not nearby
We recently sold our Honda and all the people who know about cars say that they are excellent and go on for ever. But then so do VWs! Good luck in the car hunt.
Lol…thanks Gilly, our dogs are just like the one in your last post….
Ahhh I never thought of a Honda….do they come in BIG???? xxxxx
Sorry I’m afraid I am no help at all regarding cars – I drive an old banger and the inside is only fit for Worzel Gummidge! Looks like you had a bit of sunshine for all that digging – keep up the good work.
Hahahahaha….Worsel Gummidge! You and me both!!! My car is piled high with stuff people leave in my porch for the rescue. I can never carry it all out at once so it just builds up in the boot and on the back seats. People have no choice but to sit on top of it! xxxxx
Crikey, what a lot of earth!
Isn’t it just….and the mountain of the stuff just keeps growing!xxxxx