This Easter has come and gone in a whirlwind. Today is the first time I’ve managed to catch my breath.
It began on Good Friday with hubs celebrating his 55th birthday. We spent a VERY pleasant evening visiting several splendid watering holes…..
And indulging in some even more splendid real ales…… marvelous they were!
Saturday was spent cleaning the boat with a bit of a headache, and showing people around it…..sob…..
Easter Sunday was absolutely heartbreaking. A social worker friend contacted me saying that an elderly lady had been admitted into hospital with mental health problems, which meant that her two cats were now alone in the house without food and water. I contacted the rescue who agreed to take them in, and after a frustrating few hours, we finally managed to obtain a key and get into the house.
What we saw was shocking and extremely sad. The house was a shambolic, chaotic mess, and it was clear to see how the living environment had deteriorated over time along with the poor woman’s mental health. I don’t know the lady, but her personality and life were all around me. There were beautiful musical instruments, old books and an obviously prized collection of plants and old clocks mixed up with tons of garbage, rotten food, filthy litter trays and dirty clothing. I’m glad that she is finally out of the house and getting treatment, but her suffering was clear to see.
We spotted the cats cowering under a filthy bed. And of course they instantly fled. It took ages to catch them as there was so much stuff for them to hide in, and they had the run of the house. Eventually they were caught and taken to the rescue. The poor things are still shell shocked but I know they will come around eventually as we’ve had cats from similar situations. We know nothing at all about them, not their names, ages, or whether they are vacinated or neutered….
So that was my Easter Sunday. Easter Monday dawned freezing cold and overcast. A truly dismal day, and I was face painting for the rescue’s annual Bunny Bonanza….
The staff and volunteers turned out in force but we were all dreading a poor turnout.
But to our amazement the crowds really rallied around and turned up in their thousands. Absolutely amazing on such a rotten day.
The minute I got my face paints out a queue formed and remained throughout the day. And even more astonishing, people with tiny children waited in line for well over an hour without a single word of complaint…and it truly was freezing!!!
One little boy asked me to paint his face as an eyeball…..I wish I had taken a picture…..
The kids were so pleased with their funny little faces, and the smiles said it all!!! It wasn’t my best work but my fingers were frozen and I was rushing.
Overall, I made £90 and the event raised two thousand. A rather wonderful outcome. And here’s the thing. The cats I brought in will cost about five hundred pounds in vets fees as they have eye problems and need vacinating, neutering, micro chipping etc, but that’s what the shelter is all about. So all’s well that ends well eh?
Well done with the fund raising! I’m sure the pusscats will be fine, as you say, given time. Still upsetting though! x
Thanks Susz. The two cats are beginning to improve, the male is still extremely timid, but the female is really coming out of her shell.xxxxx
Hope you’re having a little rest after your busy Easter weekend! Good that you were able to celebrate your husband’s birthday and assist in the
sad situation with the lady and her pet cats as well as bring happiness to the children. They all look lovely. (I thought I had subscribed to your blog by email, but your recent posts haven’t come through so I will continue to look for new posts via my bookmarked list).
Thanks Linda…..I’ve had a lovely restful few days…..and I’ve heard that the cats are settling now.
How odd re the subscription…..did you activate it? xxxxx
How sad that the health of the lady got to that stage. It’s wonderful that you took her cats in though, I hope they, and the lady concerned have a happier life from now on.
Oh, that face painting reminds me of the times I took my children to school fairs when they were younger. They never seem to mind standing in line for a butterfly or spiderman do they
You did a great job!
Thanks Paula, it is awful to think of anyone living in such awful conditions.
The kids do love having their little faces done, I’m always surprised how still they sit as well as patient they are in a long queue.xxxxx
It’s all a matter of perspective, you know. 55 sounds to me like young and vibrant. A happy birthday for your husband. May he have a beautiful year. How nice that you brought happiness to the children as well as freedom to the cats. I’ve never understood why national health doesn’t cover cats as well, but we’ve got the same problem in our country too.
Lol….Hubs worries about his age….I’m a little younger but do wonder where the years have gone! Thanks Shimon.
People who are infirm and vulnerable are in trouble in Britain re their pets. The RSPCA does less and less and all the responsibility falls on small no kill shelters who have limited space and finite funding. The recession has tripled the problem. I’m with you, it’s a crazy situation.xxxxx
Good fund raiser.
‘scuse me, but the pic had rabbits in it, did it not, and I was seeking an image or two of the two cats.
I have been in houses that were homes that had tumbled around the person living in them. It is sad, but, hopefully, with the right support the remainder of life will be kinder.
Lol….well spotted! When I caught the cats they were cowering in a cat carrier with a towel over them. Then when I took them to the rescue they had to saty in their carriers until they could be wormed, de-fleaded and examined, so I didn’t take any pics as they would have looked depressing. I’ll get some of them in a few weeks though. They are improving a little now. Yes, here’s to a kinder life.xxxxx
How sad that the woman had to live in such circumstances. I’m glad to hear that she and her cats are now being cared for. The children’s happy little faces made me smile. An excellent result all round.
Thanks Dessie, yes it’s awful to think how long the woman had lived like that and God knows it must have been hellish, for her and her cats. The children made my day, cold or not!xxxxx
You know, I’d forgotten what an amazing artist you are with children’s faces. These are fantastic! I can’t believe you were out in the cold making art. And well done to those uncomplaining children
Congrats on all the funds raised. Perfect timing, eh?
Why thanks you!!!! I didn’t think I was doing a very good job as the endless queue meant that I was trying to go faster and faster so the faces were a little sloppy, but the kids seemed happy enough!
I must say I was impressed with the lack of moaning, especially in such young kids, I think they liked watching the other kids getting their faces done.Yes….PERFECT timing!xxxxx
I am sorry to read about the poor woman with the mental health issues and am so glad that you were able to take her cats in. I am sure that she would be grateful.
All the painted faces are so adorable. It balances out your post so perfectly to see so many smiles and happy faces.
Thanks Jennifer, life is a strange mixture of happy and sad isn’t it. I’m glad that the Lady and her cats will be looked after now.The kids were little angels.xxxxx
I’m so sorry your sweet heart ached when you faced the challenge of rescuing the cats in the midst of all the unraveling…as you say, the poor woman’s suffering was evident and you entered it…but think what love you brought to its center! Peace to her heart and to her cats.
I loved the face-painting; just brilliant, and the children’s sweet smiles absolutely confirm the joy you offered them, too.
We celebrated my husband’s 54th last night: Mexican restaurant, where he was serenaded, given a HUGE sombrero to wear during the singing, and a celebratory shot of tequila…
On to spring and the joyful blooms your goodness is always calling forth, Snow Bird!
Ahhhh, thanks Kitty. Yes, the Lady and her cats are now receiving the care they need which is good. I wish her and them well.
Kids do love to have their faces done, and when they light up I beam too, so win win eh….
Well, all the very best to your hubs, that sounds a fantastic night out…..I do hope you post piccies!!! I’d love to see that hat! I bet he squirmed while being serenaded… xxxxx
I used to love having my face painted as a child, but never did I get any designs as cool as these. You’re really good!
Very sad story about the lady, but I suppose it’s good news that she’s getting help. I’m glad you were able to find a rescue for her cats. I’m sure they’ll come around with some patience and kindness. It’s always sad at the shelter when we get animal abuse cases or hoarding cases, but I’ve never gone into someone’s home. There’s a story with the people as well as the animals.
Happy belated birthday to your hubby! I hope this weekend is calmer than the last!
Why thank you Angela. Y’know I never once had my face painted as a child, but then I was running loose in the mountains!!!
Yes, it’s great that the lady is getting help and her home will be sorted for her to return to if she recovers.
Hoarding cases are appalling, we often take huge numbers of cats, rabbits and birds from hoarders only to find they’ve started up again. It’s an illness, they can’t stop but the animals suffer terribly.
Yes….the people have stories too….which shelter do you work at, and what animals do you work with?xxxxx
What a busy Easter you’ve had, and eventful too by the sound of things. Happy belated birthday to your hubby. What a sad tale about the lady with the cats, you’ve put it all so poignantly about her life being all around you, it’s so sad how health can deteriorate to such an extent. Thank goodness her cats are now getting cared for, I hope she’s getting all the care she needs too. What a marvelous sum raised at the Bunny Bonanza, those happy, smiling faces tell of the fantastic time they all had. Brilliant face painting.
Thanks Jo. Hubs and I are always astonished to find ourselves so old! Where do the years go????
Yes, it was upsetting to be in the middle of someones life, uninvited. The lady clearly had an active mind and lots of interests. I hope she recovers. It would be wonderful if she gets well enough to have her cats back…..
Everyone was thrilled with the turnout. So many people come along just to support the rescue, and every single one makes such a difference. We were very grateful.xxxxx
It may have been strange but it also looked to be a busy one!
It’s sad when someone elderly can no longer manage to look after themselves or their pets. It’s also sad how society in general tends to ignore, or treat, them as well.
Well done on the face painting which looks to have been much appreciated, and on raising such a good sum. xx
It is sad how so many elderly people end up in trouble, I remember when I was a social worker, I was on a course and the lecturer produced a diary belonging to an elderly lady. Every entry for months and months read…..nobody called today. I always try to keep an eye out for my elderly neighbours, these days there seems to be little community spirit. If everyone looked out for their neighbours a lot of suffering could be alleviated.
Thanks Flighty.xxxxx
I wish you’d have taken picture of the eyeball boy…! joking… you’ve had such a crazy weekend – especially with the cat rescue, what a sad story… lucky you were on hand to help though! xxxx
Lol… is the very first eyeball I have EVER painted and weird it looked!!!! Yes, it’s great that the cats are sorted, poor things.xxxxx
You painted some great faces no wonder the kids all have smiles. Goodness that is going to cost a lot of money to put those poor cats to rights – doesn’t your vet give you some kind of discount seeing as you are a rescue centre?
Thanks Elaine…it’s lovely to watch the kids faces light up in smiles when they first look at themselves in the mirror. Gives me such a buzz!
The vets we deal with do give us a slight discount but these cats need a lot of medication over a long period of time which tends to be costly….then there’s flea treatment, worming, neutering, vacinations and chipping. Money doesn’t go far these days……
What a busy Easter! Glad you and hubs had a great evening celebrating his birthday. That is a very sad story about the elderly lady and the cats, but wonderful that you were able to step in and help. And the faces you’ve created are brilliant; I can see from the children’s big grins that they’re all thrilled to bits with their new look!
Hubs and I had a marvelous time….I love going to the old Liverpool pubs, they are full of characters.
Yes, I’m glad the cats are out of the house. It took ages to catch the second cat, we were beginning to despair, but all’s well that ends well!
Kids do love having their faces painted, it’s astonishing how still young children can sit so still! Thanks Wendy.xxxxx
First let me say that’s some of the best face painting I have ever seen:)
Congratulations on the successful outcome of the fair and wonderful that hub’s 55th was a success.
The story about the cats is very poignent – it touched me. A short story could be written .xxxxxxxxxx
Why thank you Janet, a compliment indeed coming from you.
Yes, it is a sad story, it really broke my heart being in the lady’s house and seeing how she lived…..
It was a wonderful result on Monday, we really thought the event would be a wash out, people can be amazing.xxxxx
What a sad story about the cats. Thank goodness there are places like the rescue to take them in. Fund raising in a very good cause.
I’m glad the cats are out of that situation, I think they’ve been through the mill too. There are fewer and fewer places taking animals now and the RSPCA never seem to help, they are overwhelmed I think and have to put many animals to sleep. xxxxx
Wow! What a busy Easter Week-end…….Well eaten and…presumably…well drunken…:roll:
Love those faces…..brilliant! Time for a rest? Hugs! :)x
Thanks Ell. It’s lovely and peaceful now so I’ll have to catch up on my work and chores. xxxxx
Ah – now I understand about your Easter day! It is awful how people’s living conditions deteriorate as they age and become less and less able. Glad you could rescue the cats and at least they will be fed and looked after now, and that will reassure their owner too, I’m sure.
Marvellous face-painting – and how lovely that so many people turned out! So good for kids to come to an animal rescue and see what happens, as well as having fun. Brilliant stuff.
Thanks Gilly. I often wonder how many people slip through the net and suffer alone in horrendous conditions. It’s awful to think of it. I hope this lady recovers and now gets the help she needs. The cats will recover and they are together and will be re-homed together if the lady doesn’t recover.xxxxxx