For the last week I’ve been stricken down with the most AWFUL flu bug. Generally I’m as tough as old boots and it takes a lot to knock me out, but this virus sucked the very life from me. My nose has run like a tap, I’ve never stopped sneezing and a hideous hacking cough that set my chest on fire combined with achy bones and headaches had me beginning to seriously feel sorry for myself. I just about managed the basic chores and rescue shifts, then drifted lifelessly back to a comfy chair in front of the T.V.
Then yesterday I awoke to a clear blue sky and wonder of wonders, I actually felt a little better, so I shot out of the house like a bullet and decided to do a spot of painting as many of my garden items were looking rather shabby.
With great enthusiasm I grabbed a tin of blue paint and set about painting the bird tables and bamboo canes.
And although I was much better, I did tire easily so I grabbed my little blue chair and had a few rests in the sunshine…..
Which was fatal because then I decided that these wooden nails would look good painted blue….
And not knowing when to call it a day, I painted these pots….and a bird bath……and a few other bits and pieces before I realized that a girl can get carried away!!! Literally, if it didn’t move it was turning blue!!!
Mmmmmmmmmm…….methinks I went too far!!!
The sunshine certainly cheered Curly cat up as well!!! Happy as Larry she was.
And obviously the frogs loved it too…
And I think this little chap may be responsible.
The whole pond is completely full of frog spawn, so lots of fun to come watching tadpoles!
And just look at this weird alien looking frog I spotted poking its head out of the water.
And at the rescue, four chinchillas, a family of Mr, Mrs and two five week old babies have had me howling laughing. They love dust baths so we place bowls of special dust in their cage and they all go crazy spinning around in it, far too fast to get a decent pic…..
Mum and baby
And finally, one more pic of them for good luck!
Hi Dina,
You poor thing. Having flu is no fun at all. I am sure the blue sky made you feel a lot better. I have felt all the better for a bit of warm sun and blue sky.
I think the painted nails are great BTW !
I remember your post last year about sitting outdoors and enjoying the frogs calling. You are so lucky to have them in your pond. There is a shallow pool in the woods where I go walking every week with the council walking group and it currently has frog spawn in it. I can’t wait to see it hatch out and see the frogs.
Gorgeous animal pics – I love chinchillas and your two doggird look like they are having fun too.
Another delightful post xxx
Hi Kegs, nice to hear from you.
Lol, glad you like my nails, would you believe that I still have the dreaded lurgy, but it is getting better each day.
How lovely that you remember that post, I was thinking about it as I saw the frog spawn, it was much better hearing them in real life!
I hope the frogs spawn in your woods soon, it’s wonderful to watch the tadpoles develop. xxxxx
Glad to hear you are feeling better, flu can be exhausting. I do like the cheery blue and the nails are very sweet.
The frogs and the chinchillas are great, even the alien one.
Thanks Dessie, I’m much better than I was. Blue is such a cheering colour isn’t it.
Lol….I do love the alien frog!xxxx
Baby Chinchilla looks almost as big as mum! Glad that in your blue zeal the animals didn’t accidentally change colour.
It must be getting warmer if you’re colouring everything cool blue.
Yes, the babies are huge given they’re only five weeks.
Lol, I amazed the dogs weren’t blue as well given how often they poked their noses into things their noses shouldn’t be poked into.
It’s much warmer now and spring is finally about to burst into full bloom.xxxx
I love the blue and I see that you never painted the fences blue, so No Way did you go too far! The chinchilla’s are gorgeous! I remember drooling over a white one in my local petshop when I was younger. He was pretty expensive though, as was all the kit that went along with him. I hope yours find a good home. xx
Lol, thanks Sam… was touch and go wether I started on the fences!!!!
The chinchillas are such entertaining wee critters but as you say they need large cages and plenty to entertain them so I imagine the equipment would cost a tidy packet.xxxxx
I really hope that you’re getting better now. I love how you turn your garden into blue theme
Lol, thanks Debb, I am much better than I was. I hope all your dogs are doing well, you must send me some more pics of them.xxxx
Sorry to hear you’ve been ill and glad you’re feeling better and able to enjoy the sun. I completely sympathise; I had flu, too, last week and spent it in bed with a high temperature, but came back into the world to find spring had properly arrived!! I love the blue; it’s such a spring colour. And the frogs are wonderful, I love your “alien” frog!
Thanks Wendy, we’ve had a wild wind blowing but still have a sun shining which is fantastic.
I’m sorry to hear you’ve had the dreaded lurgy too but how lovely to find that spring had arrived.
I couldn’t get over that funny looking little frog……xxxx
I like the touches of blue… especially the nails. They look good. I had a difficult winter this year as well, one cold after another, and flu between the colds… sometimes I only realized I’d been ill after I recovered. Wishing you a complete and speedy recovery, and it sounds as if you’re already on the way. Having the strength to paint objects in the garden! Wow.
Thanks Shimon, I’m glad you like my nails!!!
Sorry to hear you’ve been suffering with colds and flu, they do wear you down don’t they.I found manuka honey and lemon helped with lots of vitamin c. I hope the worst of it is behind you.xxxx
Sounds like you were proper poorly. Poor thing. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Love the blue – surprised the dog is still black. And what gorgeous chinchillas – so cute.
Thanks Elaine, it’s great to be feeling a little better, now if only my nose would stop running and my ears unblock I’d be happier.
Lol, it’s a miracle the dog isn’t blue!!! I was wearing most of it as well.xxxx
Great pictures as usual. Sorry not been on for awhile….too busy hibernating! I hope you are feeling better and less blue. Best picture for me-I loved the painted nails. Looking at your garden means I need to get out and do mine….hopefully soon, once the busy period calms down!
Hi Karen, lovely to hear from you. I understand the hibernating, the delayed spring doesn’t encourage us to get out and about in the garden.
Lol, I’m glad you liked my blue nails, I just couldn’t resist.
Good luck getting your garden sorted, let’s hope we get some decent weather.xxxxx
Isn’t that typical just as the weather gets a bit better you come down with the flu, poor you, I hope you are feeling better each day.
I love blue, can’t have too much of it, looks bright and cheerful.
Good job the cats and dogs didn’t get in your way!
Love the frogs, I’d love to get a pond.
It is typical Annie, but I have the darned bug on the run now and am feeling better by the day.
I love blue, it’s a colour that goes with everything isn’t it, and yes, very bright and cheerful.
I must say I was surprised the animals didn’t end up a little blue too!!
I love having a pond, they are only small but excellent for wildlife and I get lot’s of frogspawn every year. Maybe you could have one on your allotment…..xxxxx
Cincilla’s and Curly
wowww never put them together
your garden is absolutely lovely and fantasy full…
Lol…..gosh, that would be a fatal match…..thanks Giovannoni.xxxxx
Glad you’re feeling better! Curly looks so cute and the blue fingernails made my day! xxx
Thanks Jen, lol, glad you like the nails as you do have to look at them!xxxxx
So sorry you had that darn flu, but what a lot of creative energy it fueled…I love your version of the blues. Looks cobalt-ish on my computer, and the wooden fingernails really stand out.
Just marveled at the frog and mouse pics: precious! Joyful life seems to be overflowing in your neck of the woods, Snow Bird. Hope your healing keeps pace with your creativity!
Thank you for another wonderful post.
Lol, thanks Kitty…..painting the blues sure did cheer me up. I love a little colour and when all those pots burst into life and colour it’ll be a really pretty picture and a nice place to read.
I’m thrilled to have frog spawn again, I really enjoy watching the tadpoles and little frogs. Last year daughter and I sat out having a chiminea and actually heard the chorus of the mating frogs, it was wonderful.
Spring is suddenly arriving at last, happy days eh?xxxxx
Gorgeous! Love those ‘blue nails’….;)
For a very brief moment I thought you had given Curly a blue makeover too! And those others?
Hope you are soon completely recovered from your ‘Blue-Spell’….;) Hugs! :)xx
Lol, thanks Ell.
Hahahahaha….I don’t think Curly cat would permit being painted blue!
I’m feeling better by the day.xxxxx
Hope you are back to full strength soon as a f’flu bug really hits hard. Your garden yard looks splendid with all the touches of bright blue. Oh, it would be lovely to sit outside but it’s so windy at the moment where we are!
The chinchillas must be amusing and how clever to have contact without sticking out your fingers near them!! It seems a shame that they’ve had to be rescued. Our grandson has a guinea pig called Conker and he’s cute too.
Thanks Linda. We had a few lovely warm days but now the winds are hammering us and wreaking havoc…..I can’t wait to sit out under a warm sun!
It is a shame re the chinchillas being dumped, they are hard to handle at the moment, but hopefully they’ll come around when they realize we mean no harm. It’s funny how a clenched fist doesn’t phase them but fingers do. Oh….bless Conker.xxxxx
Thanks Flighty, I rarely get ill so can’t be doing with being idle and unable to move. I’m feeling better by the day.
It’s absolutely wonderful to see a blue sky and a little sunshine, it really lifts the spirits, especially after such a long winter.
I’d never seen a chinchilla until I started at the rescue, they are very entertaining.xxxxx
I sympathise, as like you I rarely I rarely get stricken, and hope that you feeling better now.
I like blue too! It seems that we all appreciate the better weather.
I don’t think that I’ve ever seen any chinchillas. xx
Hope you’re feeling much better now, those flu bugs are really awful when they take hold. I’m loving the blue, especially the nails, it all looks fab. Be careful putting those fat balls out in their nets as apparently, birds can get their feet tangled up in them. I’m not sure how true that is as I’ve never seen it happen, but I remove the balls just to be on the safe side. How cute are those chinchillas? And Curly cat soaking up the sun, bless.
Thanks Jo….a curse on all flu bugs!!!
It seems all us ladies rather like blue, I’m glad you think it looks okay.
Oh my, I’ve never heard about the nets causing problems. I’ve never seen it either but will certainly not take the chance. I have removed them all now, thanks for the tip off, I’d hate to injure wildlife!!!
Oh my, the chinchillas are amazingly cute!!! And Curly is a different cat in the sunshine.xxxxx
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling ill but glad you’re on the mend.
I don’t think that’s too much blue at all, it looks fantastic! I especially love the blue nails
Actually, I just love that hand full stop!
Thanks Paula….it’s lovely to be feeling a little better each day now.
I’m pleased you don’t think I have too much blue. I just love colour and often get completely carried away! I rather like the blue nails, most groovy! xxxxx
So sorry you’ve been poorly, these flu bugs certainly do sap the life from you but i’m glad the sun came out and made you feel better. I love the blue colour especially on the nails, so good! x
Thanks Suzy, oh how right you are re the flu being so horribly draining. It seems to get worse each day for the first week then suddenly breaks.
I too love blue, it’s my favourite colour. I’m glad you like the nails!xxxxx
I’m so sorry to hear you haven’t been well! No fun at all. But when you bounce back, you certainly do it in full color. Now that you’ve got all that blue, things look tied-together.
Chinchillas! How cute are they?!? Wish I could see them twirling around in their bath. Now that’s the kind my cats would probably like rather than those nasty soapy wet baths they get now.
Thanks Nikki, I do love blue, it’s my favourite colour and I think it goes with everything.
Oh you would just love watching the chinchillas having a dust bath, I must get a video of them. They roll in it at an incredible speed….I think in the wild it’s a way of controling fleas…..Yes, I think your cats would MUCH prefer the dust bath! These chinchillas are quite wild as they haven’t been handled. They will bite so we put our hands in the cage with a clenched fist so they get used to us while we clean their cage, they don’t bite us that way, whereas they will bite fingers. They clinb on our arms and their little feet are tiny and their fur is incredibly soft! I feel like David Atingbourough when they are all sat on my arm and I’m whispering away….xxxxx
Now that’s a good sort of blue. Along with the sky.
Glad you’re feeling better!
Love those chinchillas..
Thanks Rusty Duck….it’s wonderful to feel better, you think it’s going to go on for ever….
You just can’t beat a blue sky to lift the spirits.
The chinchillas are absolutely gorgeous. xxxx