This terrapin is in the process of shedding it’s shell, if you look at the sections in the middle you can see they are about to fall off. This happens as the terrapin grows bigger. I find it absolutely fascinating.
At the rescue there are about a hundred terrapins, and we have to separate the males from the females to stop them fighting. They can live up to fifty years so it’s a huge commitment taking them in. This one should easily outlive me….
These little ducklings came in yesterday, they’re only a few days old. Their mother and siblings were killed by a car. Sometimes this is done deliberately…..and sometimes I feel like screaming.
This magpie came in with a broken wing, it has now made a full recovery and will be released soon.
Today at the rescue I almost lost the plot. You have to toughen up there and shut feelings down, but sometimes they bubble up and threaten to erupt. Today was almost one of those days. As I was going in and out of the hedgehog room, I noticed a man with an old black dog. It had a grey muzzle and it’s back legs were trembling. I began to feel incredibly angry and upset as he was clearly handing it over to the rescue. Old dogs are often dumped and don’t often get re-homed.
After the man had gone I went to find out what had happened. For some reason this really affected me badly. The story wasn’t what I was expecting though, the dog had been adopted by an elderly lady 15 years ago and she was now to old to care for it. It must have been terrible for her to give it up……anyway, the dog is now being fostered by a lovely lady so will receive plenty of tender loving care. And there was me jumping to conclusions and cursing the man who brought it in……I shouldn’t be so hasty to judge eh….
Albino rabbit.
Noah, an old rabbit. A right little darling.
Mum and four babies.
Long haired guinea pig.
These two long haired guinea pigs were brought in by a woman who decided she doesn’t want guinea pigs any more, she now wants a dog instead! Seriously!!!!
Well folks, I really do try to be positive but sometimes the rescue gets to you and I think today was one of those days.
Tomorrow I’m off to the Lake District for a week with hubs and the dogs. My sister and her partner will be joining us and daughter may pop up for a few days. Hopefully I’ll be rejuvenated by the time I get back, and ready to tackle anything!!! Even that blooming half dug herb garden.
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I’ve never seen a terrapin shedding its shell! Thanks for sharing that! I’m so glad there are people like you who care for the small creatures. For every person that is cruel to animals there is one who will care for and adopt them!
Thanks Bumlelush. The terrapins are fascinating, the first time you see the shedding shell you think that somethings wrong!
I do agree re the balance of cruel and kind people in this world, now if only we could stop the cruelty, how wonderful that would be.xxxx
I had no idea terrapins shedded their shells! How strange, although it makes a lot of sense no I think about it! Great post xx
Thanks Jen, a lot of people don’t know about the terrapins shedding their shells, I must say it looks weird!xxxx
Oh, from sad to joy and all inbetween. I think you do a grand job and I’m not sure, as sue said, if I could cope with some of the things you must come across. x
Thanks Suzy, sad to joy says it all. Overall it’s wonderful though as we do pull so many animals back from the brink and then have the pleasure of seeing them go back to the wild. xxxx
Thanks Sue, yes, at times the rescue can be emotionally draining. It’s weird how the odd event can cause you to unravel. Watching the old dog tremble was heartbreaking, but at least it has a wonderful foster carer to look after it now on a one to one basis.xxxx
I’m so glad the old dog found someone to care for it. Must admit I would find working at a rescue centre almost impossible – I’d probably cry myself to sleep every night!
I always thought terrapin and tortoise shells just grew extra ‘rings’ around the edge as the animal grew!
Terrapin shed their scale ? I didn’t know that ! lol :p
Hey I’m looking forward to hear your story about Lake District. I hope you’re feeling better now
Thanks Debb….yes, terrapins are fascinating when they shed their shells.
I had a wonderful time in the Lakes and we even had some good weather for once!xxxx
How interesting about the tearapins shedding their shells. I didn’t know that. The rabbits are wonderful. How sad that the old dog had to leave it’s owner. I hope you enjoyed the Lake District. It is a wonderful place.
Thanks Dessie, yes it’s always worse for the older animals to be parted from their owners…..
I had a complete ball at the Lakes. We even had reasonable weather.xxxx
I had no idea that terrapins shed their scales like that! How interesting…. Hope you have a very lovely time in the LD… the rescue place must be really harrowing at times…. I am so glad the old dog with the shaky legs was happily rehomed…. poor dog, he must have felt so anxious about what was happening to him
Hello Arose, lovely to hear from you. I’m enjoying reading your new blog and am delighted that things are working out so beautiful. I must say the van buying and the travelling course sound SO exciting!!!
Oh and btw……you BUILT your own house??????? SERIOUSLY??????? WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!
How did I not know that…..left me speechless it did! RESPECT me dear girl!!!
I’m back now and soooooo much happier, and yes, that poor old dog will be ok, tore at my heartstrings it did.xxxx
Must be difficult at times, I love reading all about the different animals there. Bit behind in reading blogs so you may be back now, but hope you had a good break.
Thanks Annie, I’m back now and ready for anything!!! I love the variety of animals we get to handle at the rescue, it’s a real pleasure to work with so many different creatures. I’m surprised you have a chance to read posts at the moment given how busy you are with work and all your rapidly growing plants! I hope things a getting a little easier.xxxx
The terrapin does look like a fascinating creature. You didn’t mention how large they get, and it is hard to tell from the picture. But I still prefer the rabbit. They are wonderful. Wish there were more here…
Thanks Shimon, I agree about the terrapins being fascinating, they can grow quite large almost 14 inches long. They have very sharp teeth too. People often release them in ponds and canals and they can easily eat a duckling. Rabbits…..oh you can’t beat them, and they come in so many shapes and sizes. I love them too!
I wonder why you don’t have many rabbits…..I thought they were common everywhere across the world. That is such a shame! xxxx
I always learn something new at your animal rescue — like the terrapin shedding. I knew they must get new shells somehow, but never saw one in process.
I’m sorry, I can’t but laugh at those funny guinea pigs! They look like my cats if their long hair stayed the current length and their bodies struck by the shrink ray! Delightful. I’m sorry they weren’t wanted by the future dog owner… Hope you had a wonderful time at the lake district!
Lol, thanks Nikki, the guinea pigs are strange looking, we have to cut their hair quite often just so they can see otherwise they would look like waddling fur balls.
I’ve just got back from the Lakes and had an absolute ball. xxxx
I do hope you have lots of sunshine, some lovely walks and some great scenery.
You deserve it after all that emotionally taxing work. Thank God there are places like the rescue and people like you in this world. And the animals are such darlings. I loved the ducklings in particular. Very sweet. Hugs xxx
Thanks Kegs. The animals are gorgeous aren’t they. For some reason we have re-homed lots of rabbits lately and have actually cleared the waiting list for rabbits waiting to come in. The tiny ducklings are delightful aren’t they.xxxx
I so admire you and anyone else that works in an animal shelter or vet’s office. I could not do that. I’d be wreck.
I had no idea that turtles shed their shells.
Thanks Susanne, normally I can handle the rescue, but lately it seems worse than usual….we do get good phases though so I shouldn’t complain. xxxx
I don’t know how you do it either. I would get far too emotional.
Have a great break, you deserve it. Jx
Thanks, I’m heading off in a few hours and the sun is shining so all is well.xxxx
A separation, wind down, and time to regenerate is definitely required. a refill of energy for you and yours will be a good thing; indeed, for the rescue services, and the animals too.
Enjoy The Lake District – it’s a fab part of the country.
Wise words my friend, yes a break is in order!
Aren’t the Lakes special eh??? a little paradise that restores the soul. Yes. xxxx
It must be heartbreaking when you see animals being dumped because they no longer fit the owners requirements. I don’t know how people can do it, I really don’t! It’s just as well there are places like yours that are willing take them in, but I can see how it would wear you down. I hope you have a lovely break and come back feeling fully refreshed.
I always hate to see old animals dumped Paula, they find it so hard to adjust to the change. I don’t understand people who dump their old animals either, they are completely heartless. The rescue has a no kill principle so no animal is put to sleep, only if non-treatable illness calls for it.
I will come more more cheerful…..Thanks Paula.xxxx
Have a great time xx
Thanks Sam.xxxx
An interesting read, and photos, as always.
I’m sure that you do better than many of us would when it comes to not losing the plot, and I know that I’d find it hard indeed. I admire people like yourself who do what you do.
Have a lovely time next week, and fingers crossed for good weather. xx
Thanks Flighty….you’re very kind. I do get the urge to rant at people sometimes, but have always managed to control myself to date!!!
Now wouldn’t it be lovely if we all got a week of sunshine!xxxx
I don’t know how you do that job – it would break my heart. I didn’t know that about terrapins wonder why they do shed their shells? Have a lovely break, sounds like you need it.
Thanks Elaine, I do feel ready for a break.
It’s funny, I think I’ve toughened up then suddenly get the feet kicked out from under me…..I wonder how many more years it takes to shut feelings off…..
Yes, interesting watching the terrapins moult!!!xxxx
You and your rescue are doing fantastic work; it’s wonderful that you’re there to care for these animals after so many of them have such sad stories. That is fascinating about the terrapin; I imagine the skin-shedding is an incredible thing to observe. And have a lovely holiday next week; wishing you lots of glorious weather.
Thanks Wendy, the rescue does so much good and I must never forget that. We all have so many success stories and rewarding results….I suppose we just have to take the rough with the smooth and accept some days to be utterly dismal.
It is incredible how the terrapin sheds it’s shell, the new growth underneath pushes the old shell up segment by segment, almost like a tooth pushing the old one out.Nature is astonishing isn’t it?
I must say I’m ready for a break. Herbie is now in the rescue and Curly will be cared for so just need to pack now!!!xxxx
Happens in chaplain work, too, Snow Bird…sensitive hearts need firm self-care, it seems: so take your lovely rest and feed your sweet heart! Joy to you, and know the important work will be waiting when you’re re-energized. Sending love and gentle peace,
I can well imagine it does Kitty. Sometimes things can get to be too much can’t they. So many sad things happened today, I didn’t want to depress people but most of the situations were caused by stupidity and cruelty. I will get over myself and come back more balanced once this day is done. Thanks so much Kitty.xxxx
It’s very hard when you really care, about animals or people. It can wear you out and upset you and I think it’s important to have a break every so often. Hope you have a lovely time in the Lakes with lots of wonderful walks, brilliant scenery and sunshiny days!
Thanks so much Gilly. A break will restore me I’m sure. Sometimes you just get sick to your stomach witnessing endless suffering, especially suffering that could be prevented.
Oh those walks…..I can’t wait! Mountains, lakes, forests, wildlife…..the badgers….xxxx
Forgot to say….Have a wonderful week away. i hope the weather stays fine for you.
Thanks Jo.xxxx
I really don’t know how you do it, I have total admiration for you. I know I would get too emotionally involved, I don’t sleep on a night as it is when I’ve heard something awful on the news, especially involving animals. Bless the old dog, it’s terribly sad when an owner gets too old to look after an animal, but thank goodness there’s someone who can give the dog some tlc in it’s old age. Fascinating about the terrapin, I didn’t know they outgrew their shells. We saw one walking down the road a couple of years ago, I thought it was a tortoise at first, anyway, it turned out to be a terrapin. We found it a home with someone who already keeps terrapins.
Thanks soooo much Jo, you’re a real sweetheart. I think the dog reminded me of my old wolf who died 18 months ago aged 17. The poor thing looked confused and tired, but at least it will be in somebodies home being cared for. It’s so hard to see these things at times.
It’s really interesting watching a terrapin shed it’s shell over a few weeks….the first time I saw it I thought there was something wrong!
Oh….how wonderful that you rescued the terrapin and how odd to find one casually walking down the road!!! Goodness!!! Whatever next.xxxx
Clearly…you need a ‘break’ D. :yes: Rescue can be extremely Emotionally Taxing………HUGS!
Have a fabulous time away…..and…. R-E-L-A-X……
Thanks Ell, I think having the flu for so long is wearing me down too. I can’t wait to get to the lakes, that always sorts me out.xxxx