Last year, the rescue, along with vets and the Dogs Trust began addressing the growing problem of bull breed dogs across the North West of England. The event has now become an annual thing, and during May the welfare needs of bull breed dogs are promoted at parks throughout Liverpool.
Sooooo….guess what I’ve been doing for the last three Sundays???? Ahha! You’ve got it in one! Face Painting!
A happy three legged dog.
It’s now undeniable that bull breed dogs get a bad press. Staffy’s in particular fall foul of the negative image that has been created by irresponsible owners, and pit bulls who are abused and tortured and bred only to fight are now regarded with horror by large numbers of the public. Bull breed month is all about trying to turn that image around. By placing the focus on people and promoting positive ownership of all bull breeds we hope to make a difference.
Responsible ownership includes neutering, to prevent unwanted litters, and micro chipping along with the basics like good nutrition, training and exercising. At these events neutering is free for bull breeds and micro chipping is free for all dogs.
Neutering is the easiest way of controlling the overpopulation of bull breed dogs and reducing the numbers that are abandoned on the streets or left rotting in rescue centers. Educating youngsters may help reduce the numbers of “status” dogs owned by kids who encourage aggressive behavior in their dogs.
Sadly, a bull breed dog is put to sleep every hour in the UK and 40% are put to sleep before their 4th birthday.
Many more are neglected, abused, fought and terrorized.
This year, just like last year I was absolutely horrified and disgusted by the some of the behavior I witnessed among bull breed owners. Without going into detail I don’t think these people should be allowed to care for dog, never mind a child! I know we hold these events in extremely impoverished areas of Liverpool, but a lack of money alone doesn’t create these types of monsters.
I was talking to a really nice guy who had two male American pit bulls, [banned breeds] and I asked him if he was going to have them neutered as this does reduce aggression significantly in males. He told me he wasn’t and he told me why.
Where he lives, he said, thugs in gangs of four or five break into houses with two or three pit bulls. Family pets are torn apart and the people pinned to walls by growling dogs while their homes are robbed. This man lives with his elderly father and had been robbed three times. In the end he got the American pit bulls for protection. He said he couldn’t even leave them in the yard unsupervised as poisoned food is often thrown over the wall. Anyway, he went camping for a few days last month and his father was robbed again and trapped against a wall by pit bulls while the young thugs laughed! I was disgusted!! What is the world coming too? How can so few rule the roost??? And bring decent neighbourhoods down?
?????? Lots of little GIRLS wanted to be monsters, vampires and skulls this year!!!!
Anyway, wherever there’s a negative, there’s a positive. There were hundreds of loving bull breed owners that attended the events to balance out the bad and over the three weeks we signed up hundreds of bull breed dogs for neutering and micro chipped over a thousand dogs AND raised over a thousand pounds for the rescue.
The first week was a total washout, but the following weeks saw lots of sunshine, it’s amazing the difference good weather makes!
Now let me tell you about this little boy. Alfie he’s called. Well, he waited for his face to be painted for over TWO hours Sunday gone. At first he waited in the queue, then he crept closer and closer until he was eyeball to eyeball with every kid having their face painted. And the whole time he kept up a running commentary telling the kids exactly what I was doing….shrieking things like….”Oh! the lady’s puttin wed lippy on yeh now” and squealing “You’re an ‘orrible orrible monster!” The amount of times I almost tripped over him or poked his eye out with my paintbrush was unbelievable! When it was finally his turn he asked if he could be a bat, and God knows how I managed to get a drop of paint on his face. He wriggled, squealed and screwed his face up so tight it was almost impossible to paint him…. Every bit of paint I put on he instinctively rubbed off and by the time I had a batlike thing on his face I almost collapsed with exhaustion! I did miss him when he went!
Another little boy and his band of merry men taught me how to beat box….it’s all about the letters b, p and th apparently! The things you learn when you get out and about eh?????
An alien Princess! Oh yes! They ask….I deliver….well….ISH!
And finally, to demonstrate the problem, heartbreakingly, an elderly man was killed in his own garden by a bull breed dog a street away from the park we were in on Sunday. The dog was shot, and the owner arrested. An awful lot more work needs to be done to effect positive change, but I suppose we all have to start somewhere.
I can’t understand these people either Debb….it’s awful isn’t it?
OMG…..Bali Bloody Summer sounds absolutely horrific….why do people get such pleasure from torturing animals… makes me feel physically sick. I really hope it gets banned, poor dogs, they suffer so much at the hands of people. xxxxx
I just can not understand why some people train their dog to become an abusive monster. I pity the dogs of course. Where I live now they also have a big annual dog fight event called Bali Bloody Summer. It’s disgusting. Some animal welfare association have been trying to report it as an ilegal activities. I really hope it will work out well. I’m so sad about this
Thanks Kegs, it is awful for the people who have to suffer at the hands of a few thugs.
Overall the three days were great and word has certainly spread since last year…’s going to be a long road but at least a start has been made.xxxx
Well done to all of you who are trying to do something to combat this problem. Sounds like the event was well attended and enjoyed by many. I feel sad for those people who have no choice but to live in the areas you describe. Absolutely heartbreaking. Another fascinating post xxx
Linda, you are a woman after my own heart….I agree wholeheartedly to every word you’ve said, and thank you so much for your comments. It’s frustrating isn’t it, to see such wonderful dogs in the wrong hands. We’ll keep pushing for change, and try our best to help the dog victims …’s only a small start, but even if one dog is helped or neutered the problem is reduced.
I agree that to share your life with a dog is a great privilege and one that shouldn’t be abused.EVER!!! xxxx
Don’t get me started on the plight of Bull breeds. The story of Lennox hit the heart of millions and yet we are still fighting this battle of prejudice against certain breeds. Unfortunately Bull breeds are the desired choice of weapon by many thugs or naive youngsters nowadays and many of them end up in local sanctuarys. Owning a pet is a privilege not a freedom and you wouldn’t believe the amount of youngsters (under 16) up here that are out and about with staffies taking them for walks (yes the dog taking them). Seeing that bugs the hell out of me because the dog dragging them along is simply one problem that escalates for owners who have no idea about the need for training and socialisation. Bull breeds are intelligent and strong canines that really do need their brains and minds worked but they are also amazingly easy and willing to train, it’s such a shame there’s no law to protect the Bull breeds from irresponsible owners.
Well done Snowbird for supporting this cause and bringing awareness to others.
That poor mans family will be absolutely devastated, let’s just hope the owner is prevented from owning other dogs.
hi dear D. i’m writing a resume and i want to say that my father, most of my aunts and uncles are teachers and that was the reason i was drawn to the teaching profession. can i put it like this: born into a family of teachers, i developed a passion for teaching and this passion drove me to study at the teacher training centre.
Hi vahid. Hopefully you got my email. Good luck with everything hun. Take good care of you!xxxx
Your kind and caring heart shows through in all your postings! Definitely an informative read and heartbreaking stories to go with it. As you say, the positive side of it is also apparent. That little Alfie sounds like a real scallywag and quite the character for sure. Great job on describing him and his antics. Super face painting
There aren’t too many bull breed of dog at the leash free park we visit at least a couple of times a week. In my experience with the ones that do come to the park, it is not the dog but the owner that is sometimes attracted to purchase such dogs that is the real problem. Sadly they sometimes encourage, but not training their dogs properly, to be a thug and a bully.
The robbery stories you recount are horrifying. Imagine the terror of being pinned to a wall by a dog in your own home!
I think there is a simple solution: I would make a law that you can’t own such a dog without going through a mandatory training class. That would discourage the wrong type of owners I think. You could even make licence renewals for such dogs be the subject of some sort of ownership test where the dogs are screened for signs of mistreatment.
p.s. I think that it was so kind of you to paint all those eager faces.
Thanks for your comments Jennifer. I totally agree, it’s always the owners. The trouble with the some of these owners is that they but the dogs on the black market, and many are banned breeds. These people have no respect for the law and won’t even neuter their dogs, they wouldn’t attend anything which is why it’s so hard to pin them down.
Generally though, I think you have some fantastic ideas here, if only the government were more proactive!!!
I can’t believe how terrifying it must be to be broken into by such thugs wielding dogs as weapons….these people are a species that I cannot relate to at all and they seem to thrive on cruelty and violence.
Ahhh…..the kids do LOVE been painted and were so patient and sweet.xxxx
Some lovely dogs there. I totally blame the owners, and if a person is caught abusing a dog they should be banned from ever having one again.
I couldn’t agree more Dessie!xxxx
Kids always make the day memorable don’t they. Fantastic job of all the face painting requests – vampires, werewolves, skeletons are so ‘in’ with my girls right now because of stuff like Monster High and Disney Channel’s ‘My Babysitter’s a Vampire’. Whatever happened to Care Bear’s and My little Pony fans?
Oh yes… just can’t beat the natural chatter of children!
Ahha! So THAT’S why all the little girls wanted to be Vampire’s etc! I thought it was strange, but now I know!xxxx
What an AWFUL story about the robbery – how horrible is that! Thank goodness there are people like you and the rescue to try and put some positive thinking out there! – although I do know what it’s like to feel that you’re climbing a mountain. It’s like, how do you eat an elephant? … one bite at a time…
Good on yer, SB and co.
It’s really is a disgraceful story isn’t it Gilly…..sighs….
Now that line about the elephant is brill, it’s cheered me up and brought a smile to my face! Here’s to one bite at a time! Thanks Gilly.xxxx
What a sad statistic, 40% put down before their 4th birthday! It really is all down to the owners, my daughters friend has a staff and it is the loveliest, dog. So gentle, and I can never resist stroking her soft velvet fur. I think you’re doing a great job raising awareness of the importance of good pet ownership, I hope it gets through to the right people.
It’s a dreadful statistic isn’t it Paula. he rescues in Liverpool are overflowing with staffies and bull breeds…..hopefully the message will get through and people will neuter their dogs, especially as it’s free.
I love a staff too, I think they are the sweetest, most loyal family pets.
Thanks xxxx
I don’t know what to say, I just despair of certain parts of our society, what on earth is the matter with these people and of course it goes on if they have children as they bring them up in the same manner. I sometimes think neutering could help the people situation…..I know, I’ll be hated probably for that comment…lol! Oh well, it’s also good that there is a positive side to this story. x
Suzy, at the last event, several of us said the exact same thing about neutering people! They way some adults were acting and talking around their children sent chills through me. Many were very heavy handed around the kids too….with that sort of example the kids will end up just like their parents. As it was, the little ones were a joy to be around, but you do wonder how long that will last!
I despair at times too, but hopefully these events will grow and have more impact…..maybe we should take the police along!xxxx
Your face painting is brilliant – no wonder the kids love it. We have two Staffies living next door – they are the sweetest natured dogs who play together like little puppies. It’s definitely owners not the dogs who need sorting out in my opinion.
Ahhhh staffies! I love them, especially their huge square smile!
I couldn’t agree more about the owners being the problem. Thanks Elaine.xxxx
It’s a complex situation, which, as you highlight, varies according to region and district. Once it was the Rotweiler for power status, now it is Pit and Bulls terriers. We’ve a number of the varieties in this locality, none of them thus far an issue. Adults with their children in tow and without kids around, tense and step back when one comes forward to be friendly. I understand the caution. Another that smiles dead easily, is the petted lump of a family of little ones, mostly trots around without a lead and obeys his/her master’/mistress’s voice. Hubby was so taken with this dog, he was tempted to bring one home, ‘just like her’.
Awwww….the petted lump sounds ADORABLE! You’ll have to get one just like her!Oh yes!!!
Talking of Rotweilers, there was a guy with a large male one behind me while I was face painting. The owner looked drugged to within an inch of his life and three times fell asleep on the grass, each time he dropped the lead. The dog was protecting his master and lunging at everyone, the third time I grabbed the lead and thought the dog was about to have me!! Fortunately the guy woke up and grabbed his dog back. I was so annoyed I actually yelled at him to go home and sleep whatever he was on, off!xxxx
First of all….thank goodness there are people like you involved in organisations that are trying to make a difference….Thank you. Secondly the face painting is wonderful, and Little Alfie is clearly a character… probably paid him more positive attention than he used to getting which is wonderful.
The stories about gangs robbing houses and pinning people to walls using snarling pit bulls is beyond terrifying, and yes how the hell did it come to this?
I remember telling the story of when I painted murals for a large animal hospital in Philadelphia, USA. While I was there, about thirty pit bulls were brought in as part of a murder investigation. It was very clear that the dogs has been trained to fight, and had scars all over their bodies. They had been found in a house which had a fighting ring in the basement… This was about 23 years ago, and at the time I remembered thinking that this could only happen in America! Well, guess what, it moved right across the Atlantic, and now we are dealing with the same madness.
Anyway, to finish on a positive note….thank you for all your work in this area:)xxxxx
Thanks Janet, hopefully more and more organisations will get on board next year and the impact will be greater. Every little helps I think, and it’s better than ignoring the growing problem.
Oh Alfie….what can I say, adorable he was if a little exhausting.
Yes Janet….how the HELL did it come to this???? the actions of a few sadists are taking over, and they never seem to be caught or punished which gives them the confidence to carry on.
That story of the pit bulls always makes my skin crawl, it’s one thing hearing about dog fighting but another when you actually see the dogs themselves. It makes me so angry I could scream!!!!
I do not understand for the life of me how any human being could enjoy a pair of dogs tearing each other apart, there has to be something missing, they are sub human at best! At times you despair, as soon as one problem is solved another springs on, it’s an endless battle and one I think were losing….
Ah well, yes, we have to be positive to carry on.
Thanks Janet.xxxx
I have very little patience for the owners of vicious dogs… no matter how good their reasons…
No, me neither Shimon. The guy who was robbed had very friendly, well socialized dogs. He had them as a deterrent. It’s people who make the dogs vicious and I have no patience or tolerance with that, ever.xxxx
Such a challenge, and how beautifully and generously you and your colleagues are seeking too meet it, Snow Bird. I know I’ve said it before, but thanks again for making our world better and never losing hope…the children are precious and I believe I’m in love with Alfie.
Joy to your week!
Awww….thanks Kitty.The staff and volunteers at the rescue are very dedicated and never give up where animals are concerned. I think these sort of projects start small then escalate. There were more people on board this year and more animals chipped and neutered. Still, as you say, a huge challenge.
Lol….y’know, I think I fell in love with Alfie too……fight you for him????? xxxx
ooooyyyyu D ! been missing u ! hope everything’s fine at your end. sorry i couldn’t follow your posts. By the way, did u sell your boat ? have a good time and take care.
OYYYYYYYY Vahid!!! Lol. How lovely to hear from you, I’ve missed you too. I hope all is well with the teaching and that you are keeping well.
Well….we haven’t sold the boat yet, lot’s of people have viewed it and liked it but they have all been people wanting to live aboard and our boat isn’t really suitable for that as it doesn’t have a static bedroom and would be hard to redesign to incorporate one. A guy got in touch and suggested a swop, our boat for his camper van……intriguing! Hubs was having none of it….soooo we’re still sailing which is rather nice.xxxxxxx
It’s irresponsible owners that are the cause of these problems as you’ve pointed out. Typically the problem has been allowed to drag on and get worse because of an apathetic bureaucracy. Thankfully people are now realising what the real problem is and perhaps, thanks to people like yourself, it will change. It certainly needs to! xx
Brilliantly said Flighty! xxxx
I don’t understand the fascination with monsters and zombies (esp the zombies) and a shame so many children idolize them. But you’ve done a lovely job with each one — even the wiggly boy!
So sorry to hear about the situation with the man, his father, and the dogs. To be robbed so often… I can understand his frustration! I’m amazed at how well all the dogs in your photos seem to be getting along. They seem pretty placid!
Thanks Nikki, I was surprised how many kids wanted to be vampires etc, I think they must watch them on TV.
I felt sorry for the poor guy too, he said the thugs must have been watching his house and saw him taking his dogs. It’s unbelievable how anyone could behave in such a way isn’t it, it makes me wonder what has happened to these kids to make them so hard hearted, and how do you get though to people like that?
The dogs in the pics were wonderful, social, well cared for dogs with fantastic owners. It shows how wonderful bull breed dogs can be, I saw lots of children hugging them and the dogs were so gentle. xxxx
Thank goodness you and others are putting on events like this; these poor dogs can lead such brutal, short lives. And to read that they are used as weapons, almost, in crime – is horrible. But I’m glad the May events have been a success and the children’s faces look fantastic.
Thanks Wendy, it is horrendous how these innocent animals are used, but a lot of determined people are now trying to make a change, and hopefully, each year more and more organisations and volunteers will come on board and can begin chipping away at the problem. Every little helps and now lots of these dogs will be neutered and out of the breeding cycle. The turn out was double what it was last year so there is hope.xxxx
If you get through to just a handful of people at these events it will make a difference. It’s not the dogs fault, it’s the owners, any dog can be aggressive if they’re brought up this way. The facepainting is fabulous, and I had to chuckle about Alfie, there’s always one.
I totally agree with you Jo, it feels like having a sheer mountain to climb but even being in the heart of the community is a start and word does spread.
Yes, without a doubt the owners are to blame for the ever growing problem and they have to take responsibility for the dogs. In the right hands these animals make superb pets.
Oh Alfie……he was a one off. It seemed so quiet when he’d gone! A little angel he was, I asked his mother if he had siblings, she said he was QUITE enough!!!! xxxx
Is that fluffball an Akita? I think I spy a chinese crested on the second to last picture too – they’re famous for being some of the ‘ugliest dogs in the world’ but I think they’re kind of adorable in a scruffy sort of way. Your facepainting is fabulous as always! xx
Lol……look at you showing off re dog breeds!!! I do believe it is a Chinese crested, apparently that little dog bosses a far larger dog around.xxxx
Scary stuff Snowbird, and well done for tackling the issue head on. I sincerely hope it makes a difference.
Thanks Rusty duck. This year was better attended than last year, hopefully the snowball effect will kick in and it will gather strength and momentum each year. I was surprised by how many people agreed to have their dogs neutered. xxxx