Duckling chicks…..we have had lot’s of these this year.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been able to sense the presence of  injured animals. Sometimes I’ve been flashing past on a bike and “spotted” a wounded hedgehog, cat or bird. But I know that I haven’t actually physically seen them. Hubs always asks how on earth I see these animals as he never notices them, and I have no real explanation, apart from that I somehow sense them. Or maybe I’m just barking mad!

Another NOISY jackdaw chick.

Once, I was on holiday with hubs, daughter and my father, who was in a wheelchair at the time. We were on a prom above a beach which was lined with thousands of gulls. I was drawn to look about half a mile down the beach and somehow knew that a gull there was injured.

Our other jackdaw chicks, as you open the cage now, they often fly out and give us a merry runaround.

 Hubs was fuming when I left him with my father and daughter, and said that I was completely crackers, as it was impossible to see an injured bird from so far away. I went to the spot anyway and found a herring gull with fishing line wrapped around it’s beak. We took it to a rescue but sadly it died of starvation, which was a real shame.

Now I know I don’t see these injured animals, but it’s not like I feel or hear anything either. It’s really hard to describe….but I somehow just know that they’re there. It makes me wonder if injured animals give off a vibe that we can sense….or maybe their injured bodies release a chemical that we can subliminally pick up on……  maybe it’s just a primal instinct that we’ve lost as the centuries have gone by…

Wood pigeon chick….I love hand feeding these.

Talking of sensing things, many years ago my father died. It was a very slow lingering death, and as he wanted to remain at home, we respected his wishes and nursed him there.

Herring gull chicks, they are very messy, and sure need a lot of mucking out.

Ten days before he died, I was about to enter the house when I paused as I felt or sensed the strangest atmosphere that I’ve ever come across. I have no idea how to describe it, only that it was heavy and rather unpleasant. Each day this atmosphere grew stronger, and heavier until it became almost unbearable. On the tenth day, my father died and the atmosphere immediately lifted.

An injured tawny owl, that was hit by a car. It’s very poorly, but after three days of just lying there and us syringe feeding it, it’s opened it’s eyes and begun to feed itself. Fingers crossed it’s on the mend.

A few years later my dog became seriously ill and there was nothing the vet could do so we kept her as comfortable as possible until that awful time came when she needed to be put to sleep. Three days before she died I sensed the very same oppressive atmosphere I had experienced when my father was dying.

Magpie chicks. I’m becoming an expert at getting very young birds feeding! I just refuse to give up however long it takes to get them started.

When the vet came to the house to put our dog to sleep he said she had only hours to live, and again after her death the atmosphere immediately lifted. The contrast between the atmosphere and it lifting was almost like opening a window and letting the summer air pour in. It was like moving from Winter to Spring.

A robin has built this nest in a bench in the back garden, it’s only 12 inches off the ground, and Curly roams there at night! Not the best spot…

I‘ve often wondered if I was sensing death itself, or was just picking up on what happens to a body as vital organs naturally begin to shut down, maybe the process of dying releases chemicals that we are susceptible to?

I’ve also heard stories about dogs in nursing homes who have suddenly become devoted to particular patients who have died, and similar stories about cats doing the same thing.

Have any of you had similar experiences? I would love to know if you have!


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  1. Oh my goodness, what an INTERESTING comment! I’m so glad it’s not just me!!!!! Plenty for me to think about there, but how awful for you. I’m glad your brother finally got help but I can imagine what a nightmare it must have been!!!xxxx

  2. Don’t know how I missed this post before. Am so glad to read it though. Shortly before my father died – he was in a nursing home – I recall feeling the most horrible atmosphere in his bedroom when I visited. At the time my eldest brother was having a really severe ‘episode’ whilst staying at the family home where me and both my brothers were trying to look after mum who had reached another low point with her MS and couldn’t manage any longer home alone… My eldest brother was going to visit dad in the nursing home every day but he got weirder and weirder and was doing really off the wall things so I put the horrible atmostphere in my dad’s room down to my brother at the time…..

    I then – thinking it was something evil – brought a crucifix and had it hung up over my dad’s bed and said lots of prayers etc and it seemed to me the horrible atmosphere passed but also, my brother finally agreed to GO and he got sectioned…. so my understanding of the horrible atmosphere was confused by my brother’s mental illness….

    It is very interesting how you ‘know’ there is an injured animal around without seeing it straightaway etc. You are obviously a ‘healer’ etc with your work with animals and having been a social worker etc so maybe it is part of the whole thing- you sense you are needed etc.


  3. Oh debb, I’m so SORRY to hear that…awwww you poor thing, you couldn’t have done more for that pup…and bless you for what you have done for the others. It’s heartbreaking to lose such a wonderful friend…..and my heart is breaking just hearing about it. Hugs….

    How lovely to hear about auras, I don’t know much about them, but I will look into it….I love violet, and blue, so would love to be an indigo person!

    Wow….your senses are amazing, you seem to be able to sense things and dream them too, I do wish you would start another blog where you talked about these sorts of things….and your dogs, I think it would be a fab addition … are such an interesting person.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Great post! I used to think that I’m not normal or something because I often sense something that about to happen. Like earthquake or plane accident, I often see it in my dream then have a very heavy feeling.

    Someone suggested me to take picture of my aura colors. It’s violet, it means I belong to the group of indigo people. I’m not sure if you have read about it. But perhaps you’re an indigo too 🙂

    PS: One of my puppy got parvo and distemper. After 2 weeks in the hospital, the vet decided that he needed to be put to sleep. I’m so heartbroken :((

  5. What an amazing gift you have. I’m so glad that you are using it to help animals in need.

    • Thanks…..I’ve had a look at your site, I think it’s great, I’ve earmarked it as I’m always looking out for dog friendly cottages.xxxx

  6. I do think it is possible to pick up on another animal or person’s stress or illness. I would not say I have a knack for picking up signals from wounded animals, but I am always the one who sees the skunk or rabbit or fox first on our nightly walks ( Thank goodness the dogs are somewhat oblivious. I dread a run in with a skunk in particular!) I think this is because I am good at picking up movement.

    • I’m the same when it comes to seeing movement…..I’m glad your dogs are immune! lol….

      Wow, I would like to see a skunk…..not an angry one mind!!!! Thanks Jennifer!xxxx

  7. Good morning Dina….You are definitely NOT barking mad….you definitely do have a sixth sense when it comes to animals….which is wonderful.

    I have a sixth sense about animals close to me, and other people….sometimes it’s so acute I wish I didn’t have it!

    Once again a memorable blog with fantastic images…..continue to enjoy your summer:)xxxxxx

    • Lol….nice to know I’m not going cuckcoo…..Ahha…another thing we have in commom!!! The list is mounting up!

      I completely understand you wishing you couldn’t sense things….I often wish the same, at times it’s more of a curse.

      Here’s to you having a wonderful summer too.xxxx

  8. There are many things at work of which we know little about so it would be foolish to rule such things out. The older you get the more you realize how little you know.

    Wonderful pics, that owl is terrific.

    • Thanks Dessie, yes, there are so many things that are not understood.

      The owl is lovely, it’s still poorly but looking a little brighter every day.xxxx

  9. You may be psychic, if that really exists. Whatever, you have a great sensitive personality. Are you of Celtic descent? Natures Nanny!



    • Thanks Peter…..yes being psychic is a hard thing to define isn’t it, it covers so many subjects.

      Lol….yes I am of celtic descent!!! xxxx

  10. What you say of your own experience doesn’t surprise me at all. You’re a sensitive person. I’ve known quite a few people with that sort of sensitivity. And animals too. <any animals show a great empathy and caring when they are in the company of sick people… or other animals who are unwell… and this, without a doctor to inform them of the patient's distress. They just sense it. I believe that we have filters that protect us from knowing 'too much'… for that would interfere with efficient behavior. But these veils can be pushed aside. Of course, there's a price. Your husband could probably tell you about that…

    • Thanks Shimon, I’ve known animals like that too, I remember my old wolf really tuned in to me whenever I was ill and would never leave my side. Animals certainly sense things that we don’t and at times seem almost telepathic.
      I like the idea of veils that can be pushed aside…..and paying the price? I know all about that. Injured animals never present themselves at opportune times…it’s always when you’re in a rush, or late, or miles from no-whwere. Hubs and I have certainly had our arguments about picking up injured animals.xxxx

  11. Ooh, you’ve put chills down my spine! It certainly sounds like you can sense and have an affinity for the injured. And a perfect place for you to be with these rescued ones. I did smile when you wrote “barking mad” just before that photo of a Jackdaw with its beak nearly unhinged from squawking!

    • Lol….so sorry about the chills….to be honest these things give me the chills too!!!

      Hahahaha….jackdaw chicks sure are something, they bring a smile to everyone’s face….they are so bright and cunning.xxxx

  12. An interesting post, and I’ve known a couple of people like yourself.
    I would say that most people lose that innate empathy, or sixth sense if you prefer, beyond early childhood whereas many other creatures continue to use it, like the dogs that you mention.
    Terrific pictures, I especially like the jackdaw chicks and owl. xx

    • Yes, I’d agree with that Flighty, I think lots of children are brought up in a very material world now, I was allowed to run free in the mountains so maybe that’s why I didn’t lose it, and I’ve always been closely associated with animals so maybe have always kept in tune with them somehow.

      Oh I love jackdaws….they have the most striking stare with piercing blue eyes, they always get what they want.

      Thanks Flighty.xxxx

  13. Fascinating post – certainly food for thought – I find it a bit scarey though – often a person will pop into my mind for no particular reason then the next thing I get an email from them when I haven’t heard from them for ages – spooky. Love all your pics looks like they are all keeping you busy.

    • Thanks Elaine, it certainly is scary!!! I like to be logical and have explanations for things, and I don’t have one for sensing things.

      I’ve heard other people saying things like that….thinking of someone and them hearing from them, and it’s happened to me too….there are many things going on that we don’t know about that’s for sure.

      Oh lordy….it’s all systems go at the rescue…baby birds are everywhere and once in the place it’s hard to get out.xxxx

  14. I’ve not had the kind of sense you have with animals/birds, you obviously have an empathy with them. I do however seem to know/sense things that are going to happen, and this does happen quite a lot but it can be about any sort of future happening. I remember as a small girl dreaming about a hearse pulling up at a neighbours house and the next day he died. That’s the closest I get to your type of sixth sense. x

    • Good grief!!! What an amazing prediction you had there, and how spooky, that actually gave me goosebumps!!!!

      I’ve heard people say that they can sense when things are going to happen….maybe we all have an innate sense of telepathy that we are hardly aware off. Thanks Suzy!xxxx

  15. I’ve never sensed anything like this, but I think some people are more susceptible to these things.

    • Thanks Jo….yes, people are all so different aren’t they….their does seem to be an increased sensitivity in some people….I’ve heard about people who can predict earthquakes, there was a series about that not so long ago. Interesting stuff that deserves a little exploration.xxxx

  16. I was fascinated by this. We all barely understand how we truly relate to the world around us, so I can believe that you do have a strong sense ( a gift, even) that draws you to injured animals or picks up an atmosphere. As you say, it has been proved again and again that dogs and cats can respond to serious illnesses in humans, so there is something here not explained by science. I think we try to rationalise everything too much in the modern world, probably our distant ancestors would understand this more.
    Fabulous photos. I love the first Jackdaw pic – what a pair of lungs!

    • Thanks Wendy. I was watching a programme the other day that suggested dogs could actually smell and detect illnesses like cancer….they do have a very intense, powerful sense of smell.

      I agree totally about us always trying to rationalize things, it makes people fearful about being believed if they say or experience anything out of the ordinary….ridicule often follows.

      Oh those jackdaws….the unit is constantly ringing with their calls for food, and their so loud they trigger all the other fledglings off….it becomes deafening! xxxx

  17. I once picked up a small magpie chick, it was half feathered, it lasted two days before it died. I chopped up a couple of worms for it but it didn’t know how to eat. We’ve got loads of jackdaws and we use up old apples, cut them into cubes and they love them.
    Continue with your excellent work, although it’s going to be endless but of course you know that.

    • Ahhh….the smaller carrion birds have to be syringe fed Mick, we use AD but diluted dog or cat food is also good. I didn’t realize they liked apples… live and learn eh?

      Lol….it’s always an endless stream of creatures…..sighs….xxxx

  18. Thanks Gilly, it’s MOST encouraging that people aren’t automatically going with the …I’m barking mad….option.

    It’s also lovely to think we don’t know it all and have much to learn.

    I do believe some people have gifts that defy science and am sure that in a hundred years from now these gifts will be understood and accepted.

    How lovely to know that your grandfather could heal, now that is a gift!!! My mother was the same, she would put her hands on my head and headaches would go….my father always asked me to do the same to him and said I was the same as mum.
    You must tell more about your father’s experiences re the Psychical Research. xxxx

  19. Fascinating post, SB – I agree with you absolutely that ‘there are more things in heaven and earth’. I’m sure you do have a super-sensitivity to animals. There are versions of this sort of thing in Christianity too – people who can ‘see’ things that others can’t, people with gifts that defy scientific analysis, people who sense presences that other people don’t. There’s so much we don’t know. Because my grandfather had a gift of healing my father belonged to the Society for Psychical Research, which took this sort of thing seriously.

  20. It was your comment about being a death midwife that brought this post on. It got me thinking about the atmosphere around Dad when he was dying which led onto the animal thing.

    You must have a thousand interesting stories to tell, I hope you post on this subject, I would love to hear more about your experiences…..they do sound incredible and you must have great strength to do what you do.

    It’s funny but I have a terrible effect on electrical items, often blowing them and lamp posts go out when I walk beneath them, and I can’t wear a watch, they always gain time, even digital clocks in the car run fast. I think I have too much electricity!

    Thanks Kitty…..looking forward to hearing more!xxxx

  21. This sounds similar to intuitive sensing, energetic sensitivity…yours, for locating other animals in need, is a gift and hooray for you for honoring it…I’ve been with so many dying people, and again, sensing and tending the energy surrounding them is so important, including the amount of light, the oils/scents, music or silence, and–especially–the energy other people bring into the space…everyone’s different. Dogs and cats often sense the dying person’s leave-taking and respond differently, too. Sometimes they huddle close in the bed; other times they become anxious and run from the room…since me patients have often entered a liminal space between here and “there,” they often converse with people I can’t see…it’s all mystery, and staying awake and kind of energetically “embracing” the experience is something I love doing…all of this, one hopes, follows time with the person before he or she is actively dying, to hear their stories and help mend their spirits before they enter that space beyond conversation…they can usually hear, but they can no longer converse…and shouldn’t, really…there’s a gradual “separating” that’s needed…oh, so many stories and lovely experiences…

    I’m so happy you have the gifts the have and use them to save and tend those in distress…Bless you, Snow Bird!

  22. Thanks Bushka, Yes there is far more going on than we know. I think we’re often nervous about admitting to the uncanny as well and often dismiss things as co-incidences, It’s taken me years to realize that I can actually sense injured animals, and I’m sure there is a rational explanation even if it’s not yet understood.xxxx

  23. Most interesting post. :yes: I would not be surprised by such an ‘intuitive inclination’…..There is so much to the essence of ‘being’ about which we know much too little….Humans often tend to relate to ‘Five Senses’… 🙄
    Exceptional for someone to be able to relate to ‘creatures’ the way you do! Hugs! xxx

  24. I agree that we only use a tiny fraction of our brain, and the rest must be doing all sorts of things we have no knowledge of.

    I get vibes from buildings too and people….I would know if someone was ill or depressed when walking into a room blindfolded.

    Interesting thoughts on ghosts!

  25. I think the brain is an amazing organ that can pick up on so much more than we realise – so I certainly wouldn’t b surprised if you were sensing injury or suffering. I believe the same thing about old building – often when something terrible has occured in a building you can sense something heavy or horrible when you enter. I’d even go as far as saying that ‘ghosts’ are just our brains picking up the residual energy… but that’s a whole other conversation. Great post x

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