Last year the front and back garden went to rack and ruin as I found it impossible to get anything done with the pups being so young. If I took my eyes off them for a split second I’d find Annie disappearing through the railings or Sam roughing her up, so, in the end I downed trowel and gave up! Another side effect of having young dogs was that they chewed through every plant in the courtyard and turned the lawn in the back into a dust bath!!!
So this year me and my trowel are back with a vengeance as Annie is now too big to escape and can generally hold her own with Sam. As the front garden was the most neglected I’m focusing most of my time and energy there….much to the neighbour’s relief.
Some items in the garden can cost a small fortune, but others like this old stump planted up with Star of Bethlehem and Feverfew cost buttons and look really pretty. I’m not sure what the wild raspberry is doing in there though!
The stocks, potato scales, old wooden barrel, and barrows, along with the potato digger, and all sorts of milk pails and stuff have now been painted up and are dotted all over the three gardens….I got all these from The Village Museum closing auction… REMEMBER THIS??? and I couldn’t be more delighted with the results!!!
I’ve weeded all the borders now and re-planted the wildflower borders and the herb garden, I probably won’t see any real growth until next year, but hey….a girl’s got to start somewhere! And I had to cut out all the stepping stones as the grass had completely grown over them…..
Now, this post is all about my meadow problem! A few years ago I decided to leave a portion of the front lawn as a meadow, and although I haven’t had many wildflowers growing in it the long grasses are lovely, especially when swaying gently in the breeze. The problem is that the digger and the limestone benches are lost in there….and can’t be seen from the house, sooooo. …. hubs and I decided to move them!!! No mean feat when the digger weighs half a ton….BUT several hours of grunting, groaning, weeping and squabbling, along with a newly formed hernia got the job done!
How smashin’ does that look now eh?
And I won’t even try to describe the PAIN involved in moving these dead-weights….I’m surprised we didn’t break a foot….worth the pain though don’t you think?
A pretty picture and a lovely place to sit after a hard digging session….
BUT… problem now is….WHAT to put in the stone circle that housed the limestone benches….
I’ve been trawling the net for unusual ideas and rather like the thought of a Romany Gypsy caravan….all kitted out of course so guests could stay overnight….and of course hubs and I could camp out in it….
Or, how about an old red telephone box, it could house an exotic tree with all those windows….
Image source: red telephone boxes on Flickr
And ….I simply LOVE these Eco pods, now wouldn’t it be grand to take yourself off into the garden whatever the weather and work or paint in there???? Heavenly!
So guys….over to you….any suggestions?
Lol….loving the Dr Who theme…..we’ve found out they weight half a ton and cost about 1k…..still I can keep looking!
Oh my….that pulled muscle sounds painful….I totally get the pain involved in moving heavy objects….sighs….xxxx
I can imagine the pain of moving those benches. My son and I carried a cast concrete fountain into our back garden. I decided that the perfect spot was, coincidentally, exactly where I felt a pulled muscle in my lower back. I kind of like the telephone box. Could you use it to develop a Dr. Who theme?
Now how did I guess you’d go for the Gypsy caravan???? birds of a feather eh????
Lol….YES!!!! The digger does look like a glorious exotic flower!!! From some weird planet….invading….xxxx
All looks absolutely wonderful! I go for the gypsy caravan too – definitely! What a lot of hard back-breaking work but well worth the effort.
The digger thing does look like a great amazing flower! Wonderful! Don’t know how you get up the energy and motivation to do it all! xxxx
Thanks Dessie, that seems the popular choice….now where to find one at a reasonable cost!xxxx
Some unusual items you have there. I too would vote for the Gypsy caravan.
Thanks Susanne, I’m drawn to the caravan too, it would be such fun hanging out in it!xxxx
Love the little wheelbarrow planter! Gotta love the gypsy caravan. How fun would that be for a guest house!
Definitely worth the pain:):) My vote is for the Romany gypsy caravan.
When I was an art student, I used to go strawberry picking with the gypsies……and caravans just like the one you showed used to be in the fields……
As always, a wonderful post…full of hope, fun, and beauty:)xxxxx
Lol….I would have put my money on you going for the Gypsy caravan… lovely to have seen them in the fields, you don’t see many these days sadly. Thanks Janet.xxxx
You have obviously worked very hard on the garden – it looks fab.
Thanks Elaine, the trouble with gardening is that it never ends, as soon as you’ve weeded they darn things are back…..xxxx
Your front garden is looking terrific with so many quirky and fabulous things to see in it. I’m thinking of creating a new wildflower meadow area here next year; so lots of digging to come here, too! I look forward to seeing what you decide for your stone circle; I love the idea of a garden retreat such as a gypsy caravan or eco-pod. A perfect haven for long, warm, summer evenings.
Thanks Wendy, I do love unusual and quirky things and would love a gypsy caravan especially one guests could sleep in and as you say, it would be lovely to hang out in it in the summer.
I will look forward to your wildflower meadow….and can imagine the work involved….I need to try and get some flowers in mine….I seem to have too many grasses.xxxx
I’m full of admiration for your combined muscle power. The digger looks like a ray of sunshine. As for ideas, I wouldn’t dare to presume. You’ve got so many good ones, yourself.
Why thank you my dear gal….I am MOST honoured with that comment!!!
I am pleased with the digger in it’s new position, everything has a place doesn’t it? xxxxx
It looks beautiful! What a massive undertaking…good for you and your wonderful husband! I LOVE the gypsy caravan, but I know for certain that whatever you decide, it will be colorful, creative, and unique! Can’t wait to see what it will be!
Thanks Kitty…..hubs has been a great help…..but he does get heated….lol!
I love the gypsy caravan too….they seem to cost a fortune though so I’m keeping a sharp eye out for a bargain, wouldn’t it be lovely to have such a thing to play out in??? xxxx
The gypsy caravan looks like a great ides. I’m all for it. Aside from that, your garden is just incredible. I can understand the challenge of raising young puppies, and it’s a good thing you left them a little time to grow up. But I am amazed by the work you did on your gardens. And the colors just conquer the eyes. Have a beautiful summer, Dina!
Thanks Shimon….I’m really impressed with the dogs at the moment, they’ve gone from being destructive tearabouts to really good dogs [well….most of the time!] so it is catch up this year with double the gardening and decorating to get through!
I love that….the colours just conquer the eyes…..xxxx
My! Lot of space you have there…..I can well imagine the effort – mental, physical as well as emotional – it takes to manage all your wonderful Garden etc…..You have..done…and continue to do excellently….Hugs! :)xx
Lol….thanks Bushka….it’s a little better than it was, I just have to try and keep on top of it now and watch it grow….my sunflowers are already in bloom….happy days!xxxx
Well what a lovely garden ….lots of interesting things. I like the idea of the Gypsy caravan…goes with the eclectic mix. The pod is ok for office stuff but would you be painting that blue!
Thanks Karen, and lovely to hear from you. I hope all is well.
Lol….I do think a Gypsy caravan would sit happily in the garden and fit in well…..
Lol…..of COURSE i’d paint the pod blue!!!! xxxx
Wow, what a lot of hard work and it’s looking absolutely stunning! Now if you have a caravan we can ALL come and stay … 8| and if you have the ecopod then you will have all your arty-crafty-writery-painty friends queuing up to use it …the phone box with a tree is a terrific idea but does it go with your olde worlde artefacts I wonder??
I absolutely love your stone pavement … I’m thinking … a labyrinth path cut through the wild flower garden leading to the pavement … with something magical in the middle … think Narnia … Hmmmm
Why thank you …….Now I have to get a caravan or pod just to get you all here… fab would that be….we could all loll about on colourful cushions and read poetry and tell tales …..sighs….
The phone box is looking like a no-no now as the things actually weigh a TON!!!
Now…..that is a simply lovely idea, cutting a path to the stone circle….oh I need to think of something magical …….thinking away madly….now you have me wanting to plant a labyrinth hedge….maybe a small one using box….ideas ideas!!!!xxxx
Ooooooo …… it’s looking good. Can I have a sleepover? The gypsy caravan or pod will do nicely
Yes yes yes!!!!! How fab would that be…us girls all playing out!!!!xxxx
Well done it all looks, and sounds, really good. Lots of hard work I’m sure but it’ll be worthwhile.
I especially like the way that you’ve dealt with the tree stump.
As to what to put on the that stone circle I like your suggestions but I wouldn’t rush as I’m sure that you’ll find the ideal thing sooner or later. xx
Thanks Flighty! Gardening sure can be hard work!!! But it is always worth it.
I love the old stump….I just put a little soil in a hollow and popped a few seeds in….it is easy to get little features for so little expense isn’t it?
Yes….I must give the circle some thought….I don’t want a repeat of the auction items as in trying to get them home….xxxx
You would get along famously with my neighbour. She is a glass artist and has lots of unusual objects in her garden as well. She is great at seeing things other people miss and consider junk. I always marvel at her creativity. I am sure you will come up with the perfect thing for the stone circle.
Wow…..take me to this person!!!! Now!!!! xxxx
I love all the quirky, interesting objects you have in your garden, they give it so much character. I think the Romany caravan would look stunning, and it would give you your own little hideaway too.
Thanks Jo…..I do get carried away with old artifacts that’s for sure!!!! I really love the Romany caravan too….or maybe just put my narrowboat there!!!! Lol xxxx
You know the old English phone booths are a rare sight nowadays as they are replaced by dull plastic ones in most places. Perhaps if you had a pool in the garden you could turn that phone booth into a misted window shower for 1 in style?
Lol….lovin’ the idea of the misted window shower…..what a creative bunch you are!!!
Having researched the ‘phone boxes, I’ve discovered they weigh a ton…literally so maybe it would be to hard to get one of those!xxxx
I stopped dead when I read “I weeded all the borders” — you throw that out there in such an off hand way. Wish I could say that about my borders! The space is looking wonderful. You’ve really spruced things up beautifully. I vote for the Gypsy caravan. It’d look smashin’ indeed in your signature red and blue
Though I must say that stone circle is quite picturesque all by itself — kind of like a secret ruin just on the verge of discovery. And your digger reminds me of the colors of a passion vine flower. Hope you have recovered from all that heavy lifting!
Lol….weeding those borders took forever!!!! I have a permanently achy shoulder now….sighs, and the weeds are coming up already! BTW….your borders always look IMMACULATE!!!
The idea of a gypsy caravan really appeals to me, especially if guests could sleep over in it…..SMASHIN’ indeed!!!! And it would fit nicely with all my red and blue……mmmmmm….must go caravan hunting!
Y’know….now that you mention it….I love the idea of the secret stone circle ruins hiding in the meadow….how mysterious!!!
Lol….YES…the digger is very passion vine isn’t it….lol!!!
Each day my aches and pains get worse….gardening eh???? xxxx
Yes, yes I KNOW what it means to say blithely that everything’s weeded. My beds are NOT weeded. I just ignore them unless they are egregious. But then, my Mum has promised me that she will weed for me when she retires next year. So I have the excuse of “waiting” for her! (She can’t stand seeing the weeds; I just squint because my back aches less that way)
Hahahahahaha….I MUST try squinting!!!! Can I9 borrow your mum when she’s done with your garden??? xxxx
Oh I love the pod too… my new office!
The garden is looking great now.. just love all the interesting things you have in it!
Thanks Rusty duck……I do get carried away in the garden, especially with unusual items….I’d love a pod to paint in…..they are gorgeous!xxxx
Love the podspace! As you know my boyfriend’s a musician, so it’d be perfect as a mini recording studio at the bottom of the garden – guess I best get saving lol! I LOVEEEE the gypsy caravan though, so unique x
Lol….I can just imagine your better half in a pod….singing his heart out!!!!
I do love the idea of a Gypsy caravan too….I think if I got one I’d simply have to get me a shire horse too…..xxxx