An ancient rabbit brought into the rescue
Now…..I’m not usually the type of girl that likes to boast, but this week I’m feeling rather proud of myself.
Y’see I’ve finally learnt to speak dove. Now you may think dove is similar to pigeon, woodpigeon and collared dove, but let me assure you that it’s quite different as there’s far more cooing involved. This little dove chick that I’ve been hand feeding really seemed to appreciate my efforts!
I became fluent in cat and dog in my early teens, and mastered ferret, sheep, duck and chicken many years ago. Currently, I’m working on guinea pig and hamster, and hope one day to learn herring gull.
I’m also really pleased with my newly planted lavender hedge, and even though it’s only small, it smells gorgeous. I can just imagine the bees and butterflies on it next year. This is one of my new wildflower borders that I grew from seed. I’m really happy with the size of the plants and delighted to see Lady’s bedstraw actually flowering.
Here’s a muskmallow in the other wildflower border blooming away. It’s already three foot and will be twice the size next year.
I’ve been busy taking LOTS of cuttings…which means hundreds of free plants next year……
I’m finally getting runner beans…
And my sweet peas are flowering, about time too!
I’m positively powering through the decorating, I’ve now done the kitchen, the downstairs hall, daughters bedroom, the bathroom, the dining room…..
And this little rest room. Mmmmmmm….I got a bit arty on the ceiling!!!
I’ve been wondering what to do about this trench that the dogs have run through the raised pond area in the back garden… neighbour asked me why I had dug this, which did make me laugh, I know I’m a bit cooky, but not that cooky!!!!
His Lordship had better get this digging lark out of his system before the big re-vamp next year!
And finally, a map of the garden layout for Nikki and anyone else who gets confused by my ramblings about front, back and courtyard gardens.
Thanks Shimon, oh yes….I’m in complete agreement here…’s an experience you just can’t beat!xxxx
Your decorating is beautiful, and I congratulate you on learning dove. Isn’t it a transcendent experience, every time we can reach across the divide and and enjoy the love for and from a different living creature ?!
I like the arty ceiling, Sam’s arty tunnel and the lovely lavender bushes you’re growing into a hedge. I can imagine you communicating in animal speak and I’m sure a two way conversation takes place.
We once thought there was a dove burbling day and night somewhere under the roof of our Italian house as our neighbour keeps a good few of them and we see them flying around. Then we realised that it was water in a control pipe at the back of our fridge that was constantly making a ‘cooing’ noise. Nevertheless that cooing noise is very soothing and I’m sure if you can replicate it your dove will feel most reassured.
Lol….thanks Linda….Sam’s arty tunnel eh?
Oh I loved the story of your cooing fridge, it had me smiling away!xxxx
I LOVE that little rabbit !! What a darling little creature. I hope he goes to someone who will love and care for him.
I laughed at your attempts to ‘talk with the animals’ too. What fulfillng work.
The garden is coming on well – apart from the doggy designs LOL !
And I think the ceiling in your ‘smallest room’ is great. What flair.
Lovely to hear all about the comings and goings in your neck of the wood. xxx
That rabbit is the sweetest little rabbit I’ve ever come across Kegs, and any future owner will be vetted to check that they are able to deal with all it’s needs.
Laughed you say? at my “attempts” to communicate with animals….my dear girl, you obviously haven’t seen me in action, you would be in AWE…
Lol, my dog designed island certainly is an unexpected feature! Thanks Kegs.xxxx
Ah, I appreciate the map of your gardening space! As for those inventive dogs of yours, have you asked them for an explanation? Perhaps you could translate for us!
Sweet peas in August — my, what a nice surprise.
Lol….I have conversed at length with the dogs re their digging and such, but they tell me that they enjoy it and although they don’t wish to offend me, they have no plans to quit in the immediate future. It’s their dog rights they say, to dig and run and chew plants.
My sweet peas have never been this late before but it’s nice to have them finally flower. Thanks Nikki. xxxx
The ancient rabbit is adorable; I hope she has a safe and peaceful old age. How fantastic that you can talk with these different creatures; the important thing is to act calmly and patiently with them, isn’t it? (although I bet they often test that!)
I’m pleased your wildflower borders are doing so well and I love your wonderful ceiling.
I can see the glint in lovely Sam’s eye – plenty of digging in him yet!
The little rabbit is doing really well now Wendy, it’s amazing what a little tlc can do.
Lol….I am ever so smug re my abilities….but yes, patience and serenity are the most important qualities around wild animals….and they always like to test those!!!!
Glad to hear you like the ceiling…..I do go mad every now and then with colour!!!
Hahahahaha…..I have to agree re Sam, I don’t think he has any plans to quit just yet.Thanks Wendyxxxx
You have been busy both in your house and garden. That lovely rabbit, hope he continues to improve.
Thanks Annie, the little rabbit is happy as Larry. xxxx
Lovely pics… and what fun to be cooing and squeaking and mewing and howling along with them all.
The trench the dogs have dug is amazing! you should fill it with water and have a moat with the island already there…. Then you could have a little radio controlled boat to sail round the moat with the disabled hedgehog on it and it would be like ‘tales from the river bank’ that children’s programme from way back when!
You really do work very hard – getting all that decorating done!
All looks good and what fun that you painted the ceiling rose thingy like that! xxxx
Lol…’s great fun for sure, especially with the birds. They cock their heads to one side and have a good listen, then give me the slow blink and reply! When I walk through the exotic bird aviary over a hundred birds go quiet and look at me, then they all whistle in response……
A moat? What a FAB idea….yes!!!!!
Hahahahaha….the ceiling is a bit zany that’s for sure.xxxx
Ahhhh….yes, the Kenny incident…I remember it well!
Kenny the street fighting cat who couldn’t get along with a single cat in the rescue, who after being tried out with every single cat eventually had to share an enclosure with a very placid tomcat, who he managed to rile up and scrap with!
Kenny, who, after a really bad fight [with the formerly placid tomcat] which involved him fighting and rolling in a dirty litter tray, Kenny, who I decided to clean up, Kenny who didn’t take kindly to such overtures.
Kenny, who I wrapped in a towel, and gently cleaned. Kenny who came after me like a cat out of hell when I let him go…..Kenny who bit and tore my arm to pieces…..
Somehow, I don’t think Kenny was in any mood for conversation!!!xxxx
I love that picture of Sam he looks so naughty and adorable at the same time. I’m not too sure about the talking to various animals… I’m pretty sure you weren’t conversing the time I saw that Cat attack you viciously… x
You’ll do well at Hogwarts…..Dove-speaking…et al…..;)
Delightful post! Lovely garden…grrounds…you have….Animals clearly feel ‘at home’ with you! Hugs! xxx
Lol….thanks Bushka. xxxx
Bless that poor little rabbit. Let’s hope he gets a lovely home for his twilight years. I confess to speaking all animal and bird languages. Oh, ok then, lets just say I speak human to them all and hope they understand. I’ve had a couple which respond so maybe they do. I love that ceiling. I leave all the decorating to Hubby so there’s nothing quite so artistic in my house. Your lavender hedge looks lovely, and so does your front garden so I don’t know why you’re bothering about your back garden. I say let the dogs have their fun. Just look at that cheeky caught in the act look on Sam’s face. He does make me laugh.
I hope the little rabbit finds a new home too Jo, she is loving being at the rescue though as we are all totally spoiling her, she gets the best of everything. I don’t think she has been well cared for in the past so she seems to appreciate her new diet and quarters.
Lol….I’m loving the fact you speak human to all creatures, I’m quite sure they understand.
I wouldn’t dare let hubs decorate, he’s really intelligent but a hopeless decorator, and whenever he has had a go it all takes forever!!!!
Lol……maybe I should just turn the back over to the dogs…..and let Sam tunnel his way out or to Oz!!!!! I must say Sam makes me laugh too, apart from last night when he had me up all night being sick with something he ate on the beach!!!! Thanks Jo!xxxx
The home and gardens look so welcoming, Dina; the bath ceiling seems especially inspired! I speak a few of these languages, plus red-tail hawk and mourning dove, but you are far more varied than I. It seems like each of my cats has a different dialect and they often laugh at my awkward pronunciations and word mix-up’s. I notice the laughing stops when it’s time for treats…
Thank you for another inspired and wonderful post. You posts make me so happy…
Thanks so much Kitty, I do get carried away sometimes and the ceiling is one of those occasions…..still, it’s different I suppose!
Now……cats! Yes, they can be rather obnoxious, condescending creatures when you get their language wrong. As you say, they are more complex than dog and many of them are rather learned…. I try to avoid conversing with unknown cats, my ego can’t take the mocking looks, I will attempt a conversation with a strange kitten though, as long as no adult cats are around!
Red-tail hawk eh???? mmmmmmm…..that puts my nose out of joint for sure!!! xxxx
Probably will soothe your heart to hear I cannot master crow.
Ah yes, most soothing, especially as I speak EXCELLENT crow and jackdaw, adult AND chick!!!xxxx
You have been busy!
Not so much a Doctor Dolittle ….. more a Doctor Dolots!!!!
Hahahahaha……Dr Dolots…..smashin’ that!xxxx
Wow, you have green fingers SB and very painty fingers too, I guess … good heavens girl, do you ever slow down??!! It all looks fab and I hope you have time to sit down and enjoy it all. It looks marvellous.
Lol, thanks Gilly. Green painty fingers eh?
I work on the basis of if you rest too much you rust lol….and there is a lot to do so onwards and upwards and no rusting!
I must say it’s lovely when it’s done, to sit and look around with a nice glass of wine, makes it all worth it.xxxx
I hope that the rabbit is okay as it looks rather dishevelled.
I’ll happily talk to all creatures, always in the hope that they understand what I saying.
Enjoy the runner beans. I hope that your sweet peas do better than mine which only lasted a couple of weeks.
Lovely post and terrific pictures. xx
It wasn’t in very good condition when it came in Flighty but it’s getting better by the day, it’s a lovely gentle little thing, I’m really fond of it.
Ahha….another born linguist eh???? A competitor for my throne????
Thanks Flighty.xxxx
It’s good to know that the rabbit is getting better.
My mum said talk to the animals, so that’s what I’ve always done. No, your throne is perfectly safe! xx
Lol…that IS good to hear!xxxx
Ah, what about bovine -speak, especially when the bull is close by? Then there’s cockerel, ram and ewe. I promise you the last two woolly varieties do have subtle differences. What’s your level of horse-neigh and whispering?
The plants look lively. I like Lavender from a distance. All that decorating must leave you pretty svelte!
Lol, now….I must confess to being rather poor at bovine…….but I’m up there with the finest cockerel, ram and ewe, and I forgot to mention that I have puppy, kitten and lamb off to a fine art! I also do a variety of garden bird chicks, excelling at robin in particular!
I can also manage a good whinny but apart from that my horse is rather sketchy…..definitely needs some work!
I do love lavender, especially the scent. Thanks Menhir.xxxx
Ahhh… you speak from the heart; no wonder your message is understood in any language
How wonderful your garden looks…your hard work and tender care is paying off.
As for those dogs!! They are just downright enjoying themselves with no thought to or regard for pretty gardens
Your house decor is fabulous! Such a fancy ceiling as well. There’s no stopping you! Well done
Awwww…thanks Glo….I’ve a fair few languages to learn though….lol
The dogs…..sighs I, what is to be done with Sam…we’ve just come back from the beach and while he was off his lead he managed to eat something that has him vomiting….and he’s sitting here asking for his dinner…..if there’s ever been a dog to get into mischief, it’s him!!! They do have a great time though which is nice to see.xxxx
Wow you really are an animal linguist that’s a long list – you could do a duet with Rex Harrison on that song ‘Talk to the Animals’. Ha.
As for decorating, aren’t you exhausted – all those rooms, all that upheaval – you’re a gem, no doubt about it – don’t know where you get your energy from.
Hahahahahaha….now there’s a thought, what language would I sing/howl/growl in though?
I must admit to being rather tired of the decorating, but it urgently needs doing and it is lovely when it’s all fresh and clean again. I do loath the upheaval though.
I do flop of an evening, with a dog either side and a large glass of cold wine! Thanks Elaine. xxxx
But can you speak turtle? It’s a very subtle language. Love your wildflowers!
Ah now….no, not a word of turtle has passed my lips….I’m most impressed if you do!!! Thanks Jason.xxxx
I hope you don’t model your seagull speak on the one in Watership Down!
We too are starting to harvest runner beans.
Oh heavens….I must avoid that seagull speak!!! The beans are really late this year as are the sweet peas, I think it was down to the wintry spring. Thanks Sue.xxxx