It’s been a rather odd week for one reason and another and without realising it I think I’ve been feeling a little run down and tired. Often in life you can forget to really live and find yourself just going through the motions and not really seeing and experiencing things around you…. if you know what I mean.
Sometimes you can’t see the wood for the trees.
And it’s easy to become detached and distant from things.
Every morning, unless it’s raining, I like to sit with a nice strong cup of tea in my little courtyard. Well, yesterday as I headed out, I saw a butterfly caught fast by an old cobweb. I removed the cobweb and then noticed that one of it’s wings was all curled up. I tried my best to straighten it out, and then let it go.
But it couldn’t fly and just fell to the ground where it struggled about lopsidedly. I felt horrible, I realised I would have to kill a butterfly, something that I would find very hard to do.
So I picked it up, and although not feeling very hopeful, I had another go at fixing the curled-up wing. This time a bit of it fell off but left the rest of the wing pretty straight, so I let it go, and to my great surprise it flew off perfectly, even though it’s wings were making a tattered, fluttering kind of noise.
This morning, as usual I pottered out to the courtyard with my cuppa and sat on my little chair. I’d only been sat for a few seconds when I heard the tattered fluttering of wings behind my head. And there was the wounded butterfly. It actually did a few laps around me, much to my great delight, and then it went off to feed on the Buddleia.
And all this got me thinking. Sometimes our creativity, or spirit can become trapped or bogged down, and although sometimes it may cause a little pain and upheaval, we can free ourselves again. Only we can set our spirits free….
Somehow, that encounter with the tattered little butterfly woke me up again…..
Such a beautiful story and reflection. I hope the butterfly is doing fine now.
You’re truly a kind-hearted person *hugs*
Thanks Debb…..your a hero yourself! I hope your little darlings are well.xxxx
Thanks Kegs……the thought of having to kill a butterfly is really awful.
And I’m amazed that it actually flew off in the end, and was back the next day still fighting fit! Resilience indeed!
Oh….bugs and viruses are nightmarish at the mo….when they start gradually, you don’t notice that you’re under the weather, and after a while you do start thinking you’re depressed or something.
Ahhhh….you can certainly do without viruses and bugs, I hope you are feeling better now.xxxx
Awhh I’m so glad you were able to fix that butterfly’s wing. I had my heart in my mouth reading that you might have had to destroy it. what a relief.
Nature can be so resilient but sometimes we have to really try hard and not just give up at the first setback. Glad you persisted. And how sweet that the butterfly came back to see you.
I think there must be some viruses about. I had vertigo and nausea for almost 2 days earlier in the week. My friend who came round to see me today said she had the same thing. It left me feeling quite drained and weak for the rest of the week. Hope you are over yours now and fighting fit again :yes: xxx
What a beautiful post and experience with the butterfly.
I can totally relate to everything you said….Sometimes it takes being bogged down a little, to make a fresh step….and to see things in a new light:)
Thank you:)xxxxx
Yes….I like that, a fresh step! Thanks Janet.xxxx
It must have remembered you and come back to say thank you
what a lovely story xx
Awww…thanks Scarlett.xxxx
Ahhhh, how wonderful that you’ll hold that little butterfly close to your heart, what a lovely thing to say.xxxx
What a fantastic experience and a beautiful post. I would have expected that the butterfly would come back hungry, but seemingly, he managed to survive despite the new limitations. I will hold your butterfly to my heart always.
How wonderful that you helped it and it could fly off and then it came back next day to thank you! Amazing… and how very uplifting. Reminding us of our interconnectedness.
Not surprised it helped shift something in you….
Sorry to hear you’d been a bit down…life has its phases like that doesn’t it and then something as seemingly inconsequential as a fragile butterfly can reconnect you with the source of life
Can see a butterfly shape in your cloudy sky photo – did you make it like that or was it just there? xxx
It was amazing Arose, it gave me goosebumps seeing it come back! Yes, all things are connected for sure….and life is full of tiny miracles.
Now, here’s the thing, I didn’t see that shape when I took the pic, but I did see a butterfly shape when I posted it. You are the only one who has noticed!!! Wow!xxxx
Yes… I saw the butterfly in the clouds straightaway! How amazing that it was there eh?
Yes… made everything about that little encounter all the more special and mysterious. xxxx
Thanks Elaine, yes I totally agree, it’s often the small things that have the most impact isn’t it. xxxx
Aww sorry you were feeling a bit down – it’s funny how we lose sight of things sometimes however wonderful our lives are. It takes something small to make us appreciate that we should make the most of every day.
I’m sure that we all feel like that at times, but thankfully it’s usually short lived.
Well done with the butterfly, it’s what I would feel and do as well.
A lovely reflective post. xx
Thanks Flighty. My problem is I never seem to realise when I’m not well and keep on going,doing my thing, then suddenly wonder why I feel down. My bugs are going now and I feel so much better.
It was so wonderful to see that little butterfly flying off….I really thought I’d have to kill it.xxxx
Lovely post Snowbird! There are few creatures more delicate than a butterfly- so glad that you were able to fix the wing so it could fly. Even more assuring was seeing it fly the following day. Hope you are in better spirits now!
I’m feeling a lot better now, it’s great when a bug finally lifts isn’t it….
It was lovely to see the butterfly back the following day, like you say, their wings are so delicate and our hands so clumsy, a wonderful result. Thanks Jennifer.xxxx
What a great story. Glad you’re feeling better today. Take care now. x
Thanks Rusty duck.xxxx
.. and sometimes it’s nice to read of this kind of miracle…
the Human who lies inside us, unfortunately, all too often doesn’t observe what surrounds him and that imprisons us in fear.
A beautiful aphorism, yours, I wish you a lovely night!
Ahhhh, thanks Claudine, yes, a very tiny one, but still a little miracle. Have a wonderful evening too.xxxx
What a fantastic and heartening connection.
Thanks Menhir.xxxx
Wish I could send a big slice of banana nut bread on its way to you! I love it that though a butterfly’s life is so short, you gave it a second chance to flutter and feed and flitter just a little longer.
Thanks Nikki….although having seen that banana bread it’s tormenting not to receive a piece!
Yes, lovely to think the little guy is still gracing flowers. xxxx
Looking at these subdued images again, I think I get a glimpse of the mallorn of Lothlorien.
Oh goodness….YES! They do look like mallorn trees! Ahhhhh….The Lord of the Rings….my all time favourite book.xxxx
What a lovely experience and reflection on spirit…your kindness and care was restorative for the butterfly and its seeming tending of you–and gratitude–renewed your own precious spirit. How healing love is. Thank you, Dina; I’m down with a terrific nasty cold/flu and this surely brightened my day, so both you and the butterfly are still restoring spirits.
Oh no….sorry to hear you have the dreaded lurgy too… really is draining isn’t it. I hope you feel better soon.
It’s strange how a small chance encounter can totally alter your mood and outlook isn’t it, I have felt so much better today. And how lovely to think that my little butterfly can restore your spirit too. Awwwww. Thanks so much Kitty.xxxx
There are some strange bugs flying about at the moment, and I seem to have caught them all. You’re right about them being a type of depressant Val, they become so draining too don’t they.
Thanks so much for your concern and advice, I often forget to drink water, so off to get a pint now. All the best to you too.xxxx
Hello again. Do hope you will soon be completely over the bug you have as that in itself can really influence your emotional state~ I have found that some viruses seem to effect your normal way of responding and feeling about things in general~ like a sort of depressant~ Once you start recovering you find you no longer feel quite so flat ~ even lack of real restful sleep can render you low emotionally (I find this to be so anyway) I am sure you know you need to drink lots of liquids ~ the more water you can drink the better ! All the best to you!
Ahhhh, thanks Val, yes the idea of killing a butterfly left me cold. I’m so glad you could relate to what I said, and I totally agree about being fully present within nature.
I’m feeling so much better today, I hadn’t been sleeping and seem to have had some weird little bug which has been draining. xxxx
You sound so much like me in your response to the butterfly and the idea of possibly having to destroy it is so spirit wrenching~ I could really relate to all you said here. The natural world has so much to impart to us if we only take the time to really look and be a part of it. Hope you are feeling a bit more positive . When you are a ‘giver’ you can sometimes forget that you also need to give some nurturing time to yourself! Lovely post (as always)
What a lovely reflection. I do think nature teaches us things. Great that you helped the butterfly – who clearly remembered you! I’m scared of touching their wings because of knocking off the scales, but clearly you have magic hands and set it free. And it set you free too … that’s what I call eco-balance!
Thanks Gilly, yes, we do have to be so careful with butterfly and moth wings, but this poor thing left me no choice but to have a go at fixing it. I was truly amazed when it flew off and returned the next day! How lovely to think it could have remembered me.
We set each other free… lovely…..and what an amazing eco-balance!!!xxxx
Aw ….. you need a bloggers’ hug ~x~
I do….awwww thanks Marion! Big hugs back.xxxx
Yes….I think we did. Thanks Sue.xxxx
So you helped one another didn’t you?
I’m glad the butterfly could go happily on its way. I think the kindness you showed it was repaid by it showing you the right direction. We all need to be helped along at one time or another. Hope you’re feeling a bit better.
What a lovely comment. Thanks Jo. I’m feeling so much better, it’s odd how things turn out isn’t it? xxxx