Over the weekend, a colleague from the rescue and daughter and I were at Martin Mere, a Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust which is one of the world’s largest and most respected wetland conservation organisations, that is working globally to safeguard and improve wetlands for wildlife and people.
This time I was giving wildlife talks and trying to raise awareness for the rescue and in particular for hedgehogs.
Ten years ago, Britain had 60 million hedgehogs, now we only have a million, a truly shocking statistic. Given this rapid decline I fear for their future and unless something is done urgently, I can easily see them becoming endangered.
Now, daughter was in charge of a game called Clucky dip, a wonderful simple little game which involves kids having to guess which painted eggs sitting in the sandpit are whole, as some are only halves. The child who picks the whole egg is given a prize, and the loser receives a sticker. You wouldn’t believe how popular this game is.
Very soon all three of us became very busy. You’d be surprised how many people have never seen a hedgehog, and how little is actually known about them by the general public. Well, I was halfway through my hedgehog spiel when I heard the most awful screaming……high pitched and full of rage it was.
I spun around, along with my audience, wondering what on earth the ruckus was about, and immediately saw daughter, all ashen faced being screamed at by an enraged little boy. He was stamping his feet and was going a terrifying shade of purple whilst slowly backing away from the Clucky dip. Daughter, who looked distinctly shaken, mumbled something about him being FURIOUS because he hadn’t won a prize. His mother merely walked off and left him to his tantrum.
After a while, the incensed little boy disappeared and life went on. More and more talks were delivered and queue’s of kids formed to play the Clucky dip.
Come lunchtime, I decided to have a potter around Martin Mere. It’s such a fabulous place and you just can’t beat being surrounded by beautiful birds. At one point, as I was happily gazing across a lake, a whole flock of birds swam towards me.
Initially, I thought they were after food…but no! They just ignored me and all began to climb out of the lake in a impressive orderly manner.
And then they just waddled off in a line down the path!
After a very pleasant hour, I returned to our stall to carry on with the wildlife talks. And there to my surprise was the enraged little boy standing a few feet from the Clucky dip with his hands on his hips, giving daughter the evil eye!!! Daughter was well aware of his presence, apparently he’d been popping out of a nearby bush every ten minutes to glare at her….seriously! I’ve never seen such an angry child hanging grimly onto a grudge! He meant business!!!!! Daughter said she fully expected the rottweilers to appear behind him at any moment, and had been seriously tempted to give him a prize just to get shut of him.
And on top of him she’d had another little boy tear his loser’s sticker off his coat, rip it in two and hurl it at her, and another kid, whose father kept paying until his son won a prize…….good for us, but maybe not so good for the child eh…
Anyway, despite a few angry little boys, the day was a huge success. We received lot’s of donations, raised the profile of the rescue and raised awareness with hundreds of people re the plight of hedgehogs, AND…. daughter made £150 on the Clucky dip. Smashin’!
I’d like to say a huge thanks to Jo for the cucumber seeds I recently received, I shall really enjoy growing these next year.
And a big thank you and a hug for Glo for the wonderful information packs she sent me from a rescue near her, where they have bears……yes BEARS, imagine what it must be like caring for them.
And finally, I’m now off to the Lakes for a week so I’ll catch up with you all when I get back……be good now!!!
Thanks Kath….sadly BCUK is falling apart and I too have endless problems there. If you have any non-BCUK blogs, please let me know and I’ll follow you there.xxxx
I have read a lot of your posts,Dina.They are beautiful and intriguing.Wonderful photos
I tried to invite you as a friend on BCUK but it says error in data base!!
Lol…..can I hire you as bouncer next time Elaine??????
The ducks were gorgeous and I loved how they ignored me. XXXX
Sounds like the boy wanted a swift clip round the ear – why do parents let them get away with stuff like that. Loved those white ducks – some great shots. Hope you enjoyed your break.
I think the parents want a clip round the ear – never mind the child !
I couldn’t agree more Kegs!xxxx
Fabulous photos of the birds. I’m gobsmacked, but unfortunately not surprised by the antics of these children. What the flippin’ ‘eck are the parents playing at. These are going to grow up into what? and as for that really scary child, I dread to think what he may grow up into. Anyway, rant over!! xx
You’ve said it for me there Suzy……I fear for the scary kid, he had venom in his eyes and you could see the rage in his bunched up fists……he needs taking in hand, quickly!!!! xxxx
A most interesting post, and it’s good to see how you and your daughter are helping spread the word. As for the boys behaviour … they certainly haven’t found a very effective method of displaying their disappointment at not winning a prize! Your daughter must have been very taken aback!
Glad to see that my little package arrived and thanks so much for the link to my blog, and showing the collection of pamphlets and card
I hope you enjoyed your holiday in the Lake District and I’m looking forward to seeing your next blog posting with some photos.
Thanks Glo, daughter was horrified at the first kid and having a sticker thrown in her face was disconcerting!
I loved your package, and was left wishing I could see a bear close up….sighs…..so thanks again for your time and trouble.xxxx
I wasn’t aware of the hedgehog statistics either. Not good. On the positive side, after the spiel about bees, although in some areas it is a worry, our lavender and sunflowers have been almost a permanent place of residence for the bees. We’ve had hundreds and some nights the bees have “slept” under the sunflower petals also hiding there when it rained. I read that bees can’t navigate at night so if they miss the twilight home run they merely stay put on the biggest flower around. And why not a sunflower?
I have planted a lavender hedge for the bees Mick, so am hoping to have as many as you next year.
Awwww….how lovely to hear of bees sleeping under the sunflower petals…..how very Beatrice Potter that is, and what a wonderful children’s story that would make. I love sunflowers and have had lots this year that have even managed to stay upright without a stake. Thanks Mick. xxxx
Sounds like your daughter handled the situation with those bad mannered children very well – well done to her! I’m astonished at the behaviour parents let their children get away with, seems to be happening more and more! A pity that memory had to spoil your otherwise wonderful – and successful – fund raising day.
Thanks for dropping by Caro.
Yes, I too find it difficult to believe that a parent can just stand by and do nothing to nip such behaviour in the bud, they must know how unhealthy it is and that it does the child no favours in the long term. xxxx
I think you should have a small store of very special consolation prizes for kids like this little monster mentioned above. They should be something that activates with a little squeeze and becomes incredibly dirty and sticky… the sort of thing that is impossible to clean off clothes, and provides sticky fingers and and a melted chocolate effect on face and hands. If you could get something that also makes a lot of noise… maybe a quack quack as well, that would be even better. Because I see the parents as having a lot of responsibility for such behavior, and it would be very worthwhile to offer them a lesson in ‘prizes’ as well.
Lol….I was smiling reading this. I think you’re just the guy to come up with such a deterrent and I’d like to commission you immediately to create the device.
Yes, the parents have to be called to account, I would never have tolerated daughter behaving in such a disgraceful way. Thanks Shimon.xxxx
A glorious day for hedgehogs and fundraising and interacting with fine-feathered friends; as for the scary children…I wish they weren’t quite so plentiful. I’ve just returned, after a 10-year “deviation,” to teaching, and cannot believe the change in behavior and lack of parenting…but you and daughter are “there,” and I’m “here,” and there are thousands like us trying to fill these “responsible adult” gaps, so we’ll proceed with as much energy as possible, I hope. These children need to encounter examples of healthy adults and calm, but firm, patterns of fairness, justice, discipline, and community…thank you for ALL you (and daughter) do, Dina, to make the planet joyful, healthy, thriving, and safe.
It was a wonderful day, despite a few spoilt children. Sadly I have to agree re there being far more unruly children around, I teach art workshops and have noticed a deterioration in behaviour. The focus these days is on the rights of the child which translates into children thinking they can do and say as they please. I had to take over that game on several occasions as the children were getting out of control. I had to use my special, firm voice, which has yet to fail me!!!
I hope your children improve and the teaching goes well, I shall send you lots of positive vibes.
Thanks Kitty, you do say the sweetest things.xxxx
Your poor daughter with the tantruming boy… I am guessing he was two? And feeling sorry for his mum…..
Love the white ducks?geese? swimming towards you and waddling off so organised!
And Clucky Dip is such a good name for the game! :)) Made me laugh!
Is that you with the fabulous long hair giving the talk about the hogs? Wow that is LONG!!
Have a lovely holiday in the Lakes….xxx
Lol…..the trantruming boy was about eight Arose, and his mother seemed indifferent!!!
The geese are SO fab aren’t they…..the waddling was so sweet, I couldn’t stop smiling!
Hahahahaha….clucky dip is a smashin’ name isn’t it…..I love it too, but didn’t come up with the idea.
Sadly, that aint me, it’s my wonderful comrade in arms and she has the most fabulous hair!xxxx
Bringing back the hedgehogs has just got to be an awful lot more useful and good for society, than having emotionally uncontrolled, spoilt little boys amongst us.
Nice little fund raiser.
Lol….nicely said Menhir!!!xxxx
Terrific photos of your day at Martin Mere. It looks wonderful – I’d love to visit and it’s great to hear that you were highlighting the plight of Hedgehogs. The statistic of their decline in just 10 years is truly appalling.
As to those children….it’s just astonishing. It is rotten for Daughter to have to deal with that when the game sounds such fun.
Have a lovely week in the Lakes!
You’d love Martin Mere Wendy, it’s teeming with birds and lot’s of other wildlife too including otters and all sorts of insects. It’s really scary to think how many hogs we’re losing isn’t it, something will have to be done to help them.
Those kids were a nightmare I must say, especially the glaring boy, he needs to be taken in hand quickly or he’ll fast become trouble. Thanks Wendy.xxxx
Bless your hearts for bringing more awareness of our hedgehogs plight, and working SO hard at and for the rescue centre. lovely images
Words fail me with regard to those awful children, it just doesn’t bare thinking what sort of adults they’ll grow into – give me animals anyday!
Rose H
Ahhhh, thanks Rose, it’s wonderful to know that you are taking such good care of your little hogs and spreading awareness too.
I know what you mean about the kids, it’s worrying to think what kind of parents they will eventually become….and yes, animals are so much easier to deal with at times, even when their attacking at least it’s honest.xxxx
You managed to keep my blood pressure even with those wonderful images of happy birds pecking and waddling and swimming away while you related the tale of three mal-adjusted boys. There’s an important lesson to be learned in being a gracious loser — one I hope these boys learn some day. And, goodness! what did they lose that they didn’t have before? It wasn’t even their money. Yes, smashin’ indeed for that £150!
Lol, thanks Nikki, the birds kept me calm too, it’s incredible how these kids think they can get away with such bad behaviour isn’t it….I agree….totally agree with your comments, and yes, the day was a huge success despite a few spoilt kids.xxxx
Wonderful ….. Martin Mere was one of my mum’s favourite places to visit.
Enjoy the Lakes ….. I’ll be in touch very soon xxx
Ah…..that’s good to know. Maybe next time I’m there we can meet up.
Looking forward to hearing from you.xxxx
Loved the pictures of the white ducks. There is something comical about them as they waddle along. As to the little boys, I hate to say it but most likely they learned that behavior from their parents.
Thamks Jason….the waddling always makes me smile too, this lots were so chilled and unhurried.
I shudder to think that these kids were echoing their parents.xxxx
Excellent! Another superb wildlife post…..Always a treat to read these.
Love the piftures of pour feathered friends…..Thanks D! Hugs! :)xx
Thanks Bushka, Martin Mere does have some lovely birds and it’s such a relaxing place. xxxx
I loved thise pictures! I didn’t know that in GB you have “merecats” (they look like lemurs I have seen in Africa…)
and parents can be a very terrible exemple indeed!
People shoud take care of hedgehogs since they are wonderful garden keeper’s… if you have slugs (snails without the shells) in your vegetable gardens, hedgehogs will eat them without need to use chemicals…
About the bad kids: don’t blame it on them… they just follow the instructions from high-above
Have a lovely evening Claudine
We don’t usually have meerkats here claudine, these must have intitially been brought in.
I couldn’t agree more about the hedgehogs , they are indeed the gardener’s friend and I think we should all be doing our bit to keep them safe.
Yes, we do have to hold the parents responsible for their children’s behaviour. Thanks Claudine.xxxx
How infuriating, to have such spoiled little boys! Glad Daughter didn’t cave in to them. I hope the parents didn’t put pressure on her! Worrying about the decline in hedgehogs
but I love the pictures and stories of those beautiful ducks – they look like a coachload of well-groomed ladies all ready for an outing 
It was awful to see such spoilt, badly behaved children Gilly….I think some parents refuse to challenge their children and think that they always have to have their own way…..
Lol…..what a great description of the ducks, one that fits them so beautifully….I loved the way they just all strolled past me as though I wasn’t there and went about their business.Thanks Gilly.xxxx
It is hard to believe that children can be so rude! I am glad that your day was a success overall despite the behaviour your daughter had to endure. Have a great time at the Lakes!!
Thanks Jennifer……I think the parents let their kids away with bad behaviour. I could never daughter getting away with anything like that….if she was ever rude she was told to immediately apologize. xxxx
It’s sad about the hedgehogs but perhaps now they’re our national animal their future will change for the better.
I don’t envy your daughter having to deal with children like that.
Jo and Glo really are such lovely blog friends.
Enjoy the Lakes, and fingers crossed for good weather. xx
I do hope the hogs are paid a little more attention now they are our national animal Flighty…..and that their numbers improve. The weather isn’t helping them either is it.
Oh….sighs….some kids behave like little monsters don’t they.
Ah yes….Jo and Glo are gems yes!!!
I didn’t realise that hedgehog numbers had declined so drastically, very worrying. We seem to have plenty around here, they’re always shuffling about when we take Archie out for his last walk at night. It sounds like you had a great day at Martin Mere, probably not so good for your daughter though. You just have to wonder what kind of adults those kids will grow up to be. Thanks for the mention, glad the seeds arrived ok.
So glad to hear you have lots of hogs Jo, long may that continue.
I love Martin Mere and we are always so well received there and the public seem to enjoy seeing the hogs. I have to agree about the kids….spoil the rod and spoil the child eh? Thanks Jo.xxxx
What a terrible time for your daughter – why do some parents fail so desperately to discipline their children. Imagine what they will be like is several years time!.
Such a shame about the plight of the hedgehog.
These days a lot of kids seem to rule the roost with parents caving in to the slightest tantrum, it’s almost as though they are afraid of their own kids.
The hedgehog stats are worrying, I do hope the numbers pick up soon. Thanks Sue.xxxx
I so enjoyed your pictures from Martin Mere! We used to go to Slimbridge WWT when we lived nearer, it’s a great place too.
Glad you had a successful day – and dry!
Have a great week x
Thanks Rusty duck, you could spend days exploring these trusts couldn’t you……fantastic they are.
Oh……being dry is SO wonderful!xxxx