Remember my little miracle bird that flew headfirst into a speeding car a few weeks ago? Well, I’m DELIGHTED to announce that it’s now been released. It spent a few weeks in an aviary where it flew perfectly so now it’s back in the big wide world…..whoever would have thought it eh? AMAZING!
And Missy, that naughty little micro pig has been re-homed. A lovely couple came to the farm recently looking to adopt a few chickens and they instantly fell in love with her, so they went home with a little more than they bargained for! They have lots of land so Missy can now gallop to her hearts content. How smashin’ is that!
But as fast as one animal leaves the rescue, others are sure to arrive. This wonderful sheep is the latest addition….doesn’t it have funny colouring? I think it looks more like a calf! And while I’m on the subject of sheep, haven’t they got strange eyes, I can never get used to those rectangular irises….
Along with our new sheep we recently had to take in thirty rabbits….all in one foul swoop, so now the wildlife unit is so crowded we can hardly move which is driving everyone mad, as we’re all shuffling sideways between rabbit hutches with huge bags of hay and binbags….and of course the shifts are now taking a lot longer.
Here’s another wonderful story. A few months ago a mother hedgehog came in with four tiny babies as their nest had been destroyed by builders. We were all really concerned as hedgehogs will often kill their babies if they have been interfered with, so we made a new nest which we covered and put them all in a huge cage and left them alone, and we only cleaned the outside area. Since then, we haven’t seen the babies at all, so it was very special to finally see them coming out to feed this week….and, they are really wild and hissy, so they should do well when they’re released.
I was listening to a programme on the radio recently about animal friendships. A lady was talking about how sheep in a field have their own special friends as do cows, pigs, horses, chickens, geese etc. It was lovely to hear how they remembered each other even after years of separation, and immediately bonded once put back together again. This had me thinking of the special friendships that form in the rescue.
This albino ferret is currently befriending this little lot…
And let me tell you, we call these ferrets the wild bunch as they LOVE to bite.
These three rabbits are the very best of friends so can only be rehomed together. It’s so nice seeing them all curled up together.
This is an unusual bunch of pals….there are four quails sharing a space with about fifty cockatiels and a couple of rabbits and there’s NEVER a cross word.
And amongst this lot is a single budgie who refuses to live with other budgies but loves cockatiels.
And here she is…..she cuddles up to a different cockatiel each night.
Now, while I’m on the subject of birds, I’ll tell you a story about our three love birds. The other day I was cleaning out their living quarters and suddenly tripped and fell, making a right old racket in the process. The love birds immediately took exception to the crashing about and started SCREAMING…..I have never heard such a blood curdling sound in my born days, it was SO chilling!!!! Immediately all the other birds, about two hundred or so kicked off too. It was so eerie! Obviously something about the love bird’s alarm call drives other birds crazy, now I completely understand why Hitchcock used them in his film, The birds. I bet he had a pair….
And talking of friendships….Sam and Annie certainly have a strong one. Sam being the menace he is has now discovered that clean laundry can be good fun…..I keep finding holes in all sorts of things!
And finally…..I’ve been thinking of different options for Herbie’s winter hibernation. Last year he spent the winter in a crate indoors which I didn’t really like, but I couldn’t leave him out in the rabbit hutch as he would get too cold as he can’t curl up properly. I had myself a brainwave….drum roll please…
I cleared out the greenhouse, laid some turf over the concrete flags and popped the hedgehog house he escaped to in there…..and he loves it! He’s been coming out of his house, eating his meals and going back in really well. Now, if we get a mild spell during winter he can come out and potter around and feast on the slugs that seem to breed in there!!!! Result!
I thought I had already commented on this post. Good thing I went back and read it again. I sometimes look at your posts on my phone, which doesn’t have a very big screen. Now I’m on a proper computer and I can see those creatures in all their glory !
I do love those rabbits. They are so soft and furry. I would love to have one, but I I don’t think my health is up to it at the moment. Never mind, I can admire yours.
The photo of the sheep posing for a photo with a pig’s head poking round the corner is so funny ! And good thing that Herbie has his own little micro climate in your greenhouse. He is spoilt with all that grass to walk about on.
And Sam is into everything isn’t he ? You must have to have eyes in the back of your head with him. Another very enjoyable post about life at the rescue. Keep up the good work. It’s a real tonic to read your posts. xxx
How lovely to think my posts can be a bit of a tonic Kegs, thanks for that.
I totally understand you not wanting a pet while your health is unpredictable, here’s to better health in the future.
Lol….that pig is a real character, we all take turns feeding her fruit! I’m really pleased with Herbie, he’s been hibernating but occasionally comes out for a meal, he’s safe and warm and can potter which is so much better than being indoors, which I’m quite sure he prefers.
Sam….what can I say, it’s like having a five stone toddler with him!!! Thanks Kegs.xxxx
So glad to hear that the little bird survived the whole ordeal and is once again back in the great big world. I have seen many friendship between different species, and there is always something very moving about that… I suppose we are tempted to believe that we have a capacity for empathy that isn’t as common among the animals. But that isn’t always true. Thank you for your pictures from the shelter. I always enjoy looking at them.
I’m glad you enjoy looking at our animals Shimon. and it is always lovely to see strong friendships between different creatures. I was so thrilled to see that little bird go back to the wild, and when you think they can live for over twenty years it makes it all the more special. Thanks Shimon.xxxx
I’m new to your blog but love that you rescue farm/wild animals. I have 4 rescue dogs that love to poke around my garden. Is Herbie a hedgehog? Your animals seem so happy.
Lovely to hear you have rescue dogs. Yes Herbie is a hedgehog, he was stood on two years ago by a guy demolishing his shed so his back legs no longer work so he can’t be released safely.
Thanks for visiting.xxxx
Wonderful pictures and stories! Such a (mostly) peaceable kingdom you have at the rescue, and I’m so happy to hear Herbie is all set for the winter, too, and quite a lovely palace at that. Joy to you and your winged, two-and four-footed friends. LOVE your posts!
Ahhhh, thanks Kitty, I think Herbie should be snuggy and warm and has plenty of room to roam around if he wants too.
I love all your stories of animal friendships- they’re truly heartwarming! If I worked at the rescue I would want to take them all home with me.
Thanks Jennifer, it is heartwarming when things go well and they are of late. I do struggle re taking animals home though, the staff are always trying to get me to take certain animals, I suppose knowing hubs would be cross helps me to resist! xxxx
Hey SB,
Should we start calling you St. Frances of Assisi, or what? What a cast of characters you have on hand. Been conversing with you for a while and didn’t realize you’re not in US until you mentioned the budgie. We had a large aviary in Sydney I had to give up when I was 13. Tragic event in my book. Like the changes, SB.
Lol….I don’t think I’m quite at that level Patrick!!!
Yes….a Liverpool gal I am.
Your aviary sounded good, shame you had to give it up.xxxx
I love hearing about the friendships between the creatures! I remember seeing a lamb and a rabbit playing in a field years ago and it is nice to see different sorts of animals being mates etc…. fascinating but then again… why not?
Bless your diggydogs playing – they always make me laugh… Sam is such a character!
Am very glad the micro pig has a new home and can gallop about as much as she likes…. and yes that sheep does look like a calf!
Must really lift your spirits when there is a good outcome for an initially sad case…. xxxx
Ahhhh, how lovely to have seen a lamb and a rabbit playing, that warms the cockles of my heart! And yes, why shouldn’t animals pal up with different species, we pal up with all sorts of creatures.
Sam….nuff said!!!
The micro pig will have itself a ball now with all that grass, yes, wonderful outcomes, especially for my wee bird! xxxx
I like sheep. My aunt live in a lodge at a place called Gransmoor and they had a sheep instead of a lawnmower, it was called Suzy and used to follow us around when we were playing. As a kid, my job was to get the ducks into the duckhouse and Suzy used to help me.
Not a lot of people know that when a fully woolled sheep rolls on it’s back, it can’t right itself. Eventually the weight of the wool and fat causes heart stress and they die. Mark Downs, the England fishing star told me that and that once he was fishing the Derby canal and saw a sheep in distress. He walked a mile along the towpath then a mile back to opposite where he was fishing to sort the sheep out. It survived. I’ve saved two as well, one of them was that distressed that it shook itself enough to roll over just as I approached it.
Your aunt sounds wonderful and what a fantastic time you must have had hanging out with her.
Oh….I had NO idea that sheep could get stuck when fully woolled….how awful!!!
I’m so glad to hear you saved two of them, what an awful death that must be. Thanks Mick.xxxx
I did not know that sheep had weird eyes. I’m on the lookout now. Lot’s of great rescue news, and the new winter retreat looks welcoming and warm. Good idea!!
Ah! Enjoy the weird eyes, they are very startling! I am rather pleased with the Herbie house….thanks Glo.xxxx
Great idea re herbie! He’ll be so much happier. I love the photo of the pig trying to make friends with the sheep too – so funny x
Lol….the pig is a real character. Herbie will be much happier now….thanks Scarlet.xxxx
Those rabbits are looking very cozy. And speaking of friends, I’d say the animals are lucky to have you!
The rabbits are lovely Jason, it’s so relaxing mucking their quarters out. Thanks.xxxx
Your post has lightened my heart Snowbird
What fab news that the miracle bird is now flying free again – how lucky that you found it.
I’s good to know that all those dear critters have friends, and even more wonderful to know that some have found such good homes.
The little hoggies are SO sweet! My heart melts whenever I see them at my friends hog rescue.
What great Winter quarters for dear Herbie – I’m certain he’ll be so happy there.
Thank you on behalf of those sweet animals for all the hard work in caring for them.
Sending a {hug}
Rose H
Awwww….thanks Rose. It was so lovely to see that bird survive it’s ordeal,,,,,and marvelous to finally see the baby hogs. I too love them. So good to hear you are supporting your hog rescue, the y need all the help and support they can get now.
Herbie is enjoying his new home and as well as feeding him he can hunt to his heart’s content. A big hug right back.xxxx
What interesting fauna communities you have in your sights.
Lol….thanks Menhir, we do have a diverse range of critters.xxxx
Lovely… absolutely fantastic! I wish we could have some more animals here, but we have to be happy with our six cats indoor and some other six outdoor (stray cats)… It’s always marvellous when you got to save a little animal from death. And I’m sure you felt the good sensation in your heart as well. I wish you a lovely night :-)claudine
Ahhhhh….I think looking after twelve cats is a full-time job Claudine, bless you!!!
There is nothing better than seeing an animal return to good health and be released. Thanks Claudine.xxxx
Another Super Animal Rescue Catch-up…..fascinating stories…
For a fleeting moment I thought that ‘sheep’ was a ‘miniature cow’…;) Strange colouring…
Thanks for sharing these delightful anecdotes with us D! Hugs! :)xx
Lol….I thought the sheep looked like a cow too, it’s a Jacob sheep and a real sweetie. It’s really settled in well with the other sheep. Thanks Bushka.xxxx
A wonderful post – I loved all the good news stories. The photo of the pig and the sheep made me smile! The friendships are fascinating; I wonder why a single budgie would behave like that – it’s so intriguing.
Gorgeous Sam – everything is fun for him, isn’t it?
So pleased you thought of the perfect solution for Herbie – what an ideal winter home for him.
Thanks Wendy, that pig loves the sheep and is always sneaking up on it. It’s odd that the budgie dislikes it’s own kind, but it’s happy as larry with the cockatiels…..never a dull moment eh>
Sam…..he seems to find something new to drive me mad with each day, yes it’s all fun for him!!!
I’m really pleased with Herbie’s new home and he seems really settled.xxxx
I really enjoyed this post with all it’s good news.
The budgie story made me laugh, and Herbie looks like he’ll be nice and cosy for the winter. xx
Lol, the budgie is a real odd bod! Herbie has decided to hibernate for a few days, hogs often do this, it’s seems to be a practice run for the real thing.xxxx
I’m not sure I could work in a rescue, some of the sights would upset me far too much. But oh so satisfying when there is a happy ending and the bird that flew into the car was very lucky indeed! Keep up the good work x
It was such a wonderful outcome, I didn’t expect the bird to survive never mind be released. Thanks Rusty duck.xxxx
How I love your posts….and I think that sheep is part Jacoob Sheep???
A small holder in Wales, close to where I lived kept Jacoob Sheep and they sort of looked like that.
I think you have managed to subscribe to my blog, and now I must do catch up with yours and several other blogs I read.
I just love what you do:)xxxxx
Yes, it’s a Jacob sheep Janet,it has impaired vision so the farmer didn’t want it which strangely has saved it’s life.
Thanks Janet….hopefully I’ll get email notifications now.xxxx
It must be so pleasing to have your animals released into the wild or re-homed. Some happy stories here and a lot of patience needed as you
care for the animals. Glad to hear about the hedgehog and her babies and that you finally found out that they were doing well in the privacy of their nest. The solution you found for Herbie’s winter hibernation sounds ideal.
Thanks Linda, it’s always wonderful seeing animals go back to where they came from, especially my little bird, I gave little for it’s chances. Herbie seems snuggy and warm in his little house of glass, the weather has turned cold here so he’s been hibernating for the last week.xxxx
What a lovely, heartwarming post. Fantastic news about the bird being released and the little piggy getting a new home, it sounds like she’ll be very happy there. I loved hearing all about the animal friendships and had a little chuckle at the pig and sheep photo, I do love pigs, I have a real soft spot for them. I’m so happy that Herbie will get a bit of freedom over winter, quality of life is so important when dealing with wildlife, isn’t it? He’s going to have a great time in the greenhouse with all those slugs to devour, and your seedlings should do very well in spring with the slug population depleted.
It is fantastic to think that little bird survived, the odds were against it for sure. I love pigs too, they are bright as buttons and endlessly entertaining. I feel much happier about Herbie’s new home, I totally agree, it’s all about quality of life and after all he is a wild animal so needs to live as naturally as possible…..and wouldn’t it be fab if he keeps the greenhouse slug free….thanks Jo.xxxx
Is it a Jacob sheep? One of the vicars at a school I used to teach at had a few in his garden. Hie wife spun the wool and made jumpers for the family from it. I do agree about their eyes and those of goats.
It is a Jacob sheep….and yes…such strange eyes, I’m always taken by surprise when I look at a sheep or goats eyes. Thanks Sue.xxxx
So much going on! Let’s see, where to start… Hurray for recovering bird! Always a good place to begin. That sheep reminds me of a calico. And I’m absolutely with you and rectangular irises. No matter how cute those little sheep or baby goats are, their eyes always startle me.
Hurray for the little piggy that went home! Hurray for friendships in the animal kingdom! I smiled wide at that unique budgie. And that solution of Herbie’s new home is terrific. Rather swish new digs.
I’m afraid cats like fresh laundry as much as your Sam and Annie. Roomie and I find that it is much safer not to procrastinate with folding and putting away the clean towels and sheets!
The sheep is a Jacob sheep…I’m not very good on breeds though so shall have to look up a calico sheep. Oh their eyes…..AMAZING!!!
It’s great news about Missy and the family are well known to the rescue so we know she shall be well cared for. Lol, yes, Herbie’s new home is rather posh.
I’m smiling re your cats and the laundry….sighs….I shall just have to put it away quickly as you say.Thanks Nikki. xxxx
Wow – you’ve had such a lot going on this week – it must really keep you all so busy. It’s funny how different animals take to each other isn’t it – kind of gives you faith – it must be such a rewarding job. Well done with the hedgehog brainwave, the dog seems to think it is a good idea too.
Thanks Elaine. Yes the animals leave little free time! It’s often surprising how certain animals bond isn’t it, but lovely to observe their friendships blossom and grow. I’m MOST pleased with Herbie’s winter home. xxxx