Christmas has come and gone in the usual blur. I’ve enjoyed lots of gatherings with family and friends, especially going to this veggie cafe with a bunch of pals, it’s very bohemian. You order your meal and then chill with your own alcohol around a simple wooden table, so much cheaper and more relaxing than buying in-house. And I love the simplicity of the place, no frills…..just the good old hippy feelgood factor!
Hubs and I went for an Indian meal over Christmas…seriously, the only thing we didn’t eat here was the candle!
Christmas dinner was fab too…..and not a piece of meat in sight.
The dogs had great fun prancing about under the table while we ate….
But it can all get toooooo much.
One of my favourite presents this year was this mug I got from the rescue, it actually has pictures of our ferrets on it. Lovely that!!!
Now, one of the things I dislike about Christmas is the waste. So much money is spent on gifts that people don’t want, so every time I was asked what I would like for Christmas I said….PLANTS…..and just look what Santa brought, tulips, pomegranate trees, lavender, hyacinths….
Heather, cranberry bushes…..and many more little beauties. Now these will NOT go to waste, instead they will live on for many years and provide so much pleasure, for people and the wildlife.
Now, a little tale for you to end on. About six weeks ago hubs and I discovered a wonderful new walk. We were half way around it when it started absolutely chucking it down. As we were powering on home, we suddenly heard a cat crying. We looked around and there was this cat, sheltering by a skip, calling out to us the whole time. The cat seemed fine, but it wouldn’t stop yowling at us, it was almost as though it was trying to tell us something.
Anyway, hubs took the same walk with the dogs without me last week and was on the lookout for the cat, but he saw no sign of it.
Today we took the walk again, and we’d both forgotten all about the cat until we suddenly heard it calling out again. This time it was hidden in thick undergrowth by a brook and it took a while for me to spot it. As I crawled closer and closer it called out to me the whole time. I was amazed to see it close up. It had the most beautiful, unusual coat, like a golden tabby, but it’s eyes struck me the most. They were the most gorgeous shade of blue I’ve ever seen. Finally I got close enough to stroke the cat. It was very friendly towards me but hissed at the dogs who hubs was holding a distance away. It was in good condition so I wasn’t worried about it, but for some reason I feel like it’s it’s trying to communicate with me….what on earth is it playing at??? Now I know you may think it was just yowling as some cats do, but honestly, there’s something really weird about the way it’s behaving….I think I’ll go back tomorrow…..
And finally, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year, filled with happiness, prosperity and good health.
Best wishes to you all.
Happy New Year! Sounds like you had a nice Christmas. What a great idea to ask for plants. They certainly won’t add any clutter and are bound to pretty up the garden. How odd about the cat with the blue eyes calling out like that! I hope it will be okay.
Thanks Jennifer, all the very best to you and yours! Oh I am SO pleased that I asked for plants….the variety I received has been fantastic. I haven’t been able to get to the blue eyed cat as the path it hides in has been to flooded and
A lovely bunch of thoughts and sentiments and a great crop of plants!
Sounds like cat is crossed with a Siamese somewhere along the line.
Have a super 2014!
Thanks Menhir, I am thrilled with all the plants, I can’t wait for spring!
Yes, I think the cat has some Siamese in it
Sounds as if you have had a really good, well rounded Christmas and New Year!
The food looks delicious in the pics! And it’s great you managed to get out for walks and everything in spite of the weather.
I look forward to hearing what happens next in the story of the blue eyed cat!
Happy New Year and I hope it is a really lovely one for you and yours! xxx
Thanks Arose, it has been a lovely Christmas and New Year but all back to normal now! All the very best to you and
Your Indian dinner looks so delish! I definitely think the cat is trying to get some sort of message across to you and would investigate further. I’d dig around its burrow to see what it might be hiding such as kittens. It’s probably a lost/abandoned house pet. My dogs spent Christmas the same way yours did – eating and sleeping.
Oh to have a dogs life eh? lol
I have a feeling that the cat has been abandoned. It’s in great condition though and has clean eys and a lovely coat. I will be on the lookout for kittens…thanks
Happy new year 2014! Best wishes for you and family
Please take a picture of the blue eyed cat. I’d love to see it
Thank you Debb, all the very best to you and your darling dogs. If I see the cat again I’ll be sure to get a pic. xxx
And spring is just around the corner!!! happy new year… with a lot of new “seeds” to bring happiness and joy to all of us!
Hugs :-)claudine
Thank you Claudine, all the very best to you and yours and a huge hug right
Happy New Year to you and your entourage!
Thank you Glo and all the very best to you and yours for
So glad you had a good Christmas and wishing you all the best for 2014. I wonder if the cat had kittens nearby – what do you think?
Thanks Elaine. A few others here have suggested kittens whichI hadn’t thought of as I suspected it was a tomcat as it had a rather squarish head. But I was concerned about that so I drove around yesterday but didn’t see it. I shall take the dogs tomorrow and have a good scout around. All the very best to you and yours
Your wonderful presentation of those Brussels would tempt anyone who refuses to eat them to have a go, the Xmas table looked gorgeous. How wonderful to get plants for the garden instead of endless supplies of bath smellies and hand/body creams. Like you I am so intrigued by why that cat keeps trying so hard to get you attention, but like so many times before and many times to come, we frustratingly just don’t understand what animals are saying. Why can’t animal translation skills be tagged on the end of our six senses!! Happy new year xx
Thank you Sam. Oh I couldn’t agree more, I hate wasting money and some of the gifts people buy are most odd and just sit in the house or go to a charity shop….now plants, who would ever turn a plant away!! Thrilled I am.
Ah yes….we certainly do need that sixth sense for sure, how great that would be. All the very best to
It’s wonderful to see pictures of your celebration… and inspiring to hear that you manage to stay alive without eating meat. My best wishes to you and yours on the new year. May it be a year of health and happiness, and continued learning and new adventures, with the warmth and the joy of friends… both human and animal. May the coming year be even better than the year we leave behind.
Thank you Shimon, we have had a pleasant Christmas, although I’ve had the most awful flu which fortunately has finally gone. Lol…I hope to be alive and kicking for many a year!!!
That is a lovely New Year wish, yes I hope for all that for you too, especially good health and new
I really enjoyed this post. Sounds like you’re having a wonderful Christmas season. I love the mug with the picture of the ferret! Plus I felt like reaching through the screen and grabbing myself some of that Indian food. It’s great that you can get plants for holiday presents. Too cold for that here, though they could always be bought in advance for spring delivery. Hmmm.
Lol, Indian food does have the mouth watering doesn’t it… tasty!
If I were you I’d deffo try to get plants bought in advance, I’m amazed at how many I got, and there’s lots more still to be delivered. Now that’s a gift that lives on, no waste!!! xxx
I would have to go back. Waiting to hear what happens when you do.
I drove by today, but no sign of it. I’ll pop around tomorrow with the dogs….xxx
Another lovely post, and what a great veggie Christmas! Now that’s strange about the cat … I am agog to know what happens next.
New year hugs!! xx
Lol….agog…what a wonderful word! I still have no clue what the cat is up to. I’ll take the dogs around tomorrow, I’d love to get a pic, it is so different. Thanks Gilly, have a wonderful
Ah, your meals and cafe look fabulous, and I love that no-meat Christmas! What a beautiful bunch of plants, Dina! I dream of heather and have almost ordered some, but I’m not certain it would make it in my garden zone…will look forward to your photos of those gorgeous plants.
Wow…your cat story sounds so much like the way I met he-who-became-Fergus…I just figured he was telling me he wanted to come home with me, but it sounds like yours has come with some other message…? Will look forward to the unfolding of this; hope he’ll be OK.
A blessed new year to you and many new animal friends and stories! So you can share them. Here. With us.
Oh what a shame about the heather, I suppose you have more extreme weather than us….I am looking forward to seeing all my plants blossom and grow.
The cat is such a mystery, I’m hoping if it wants a home it will follow my scent and turn up here, always room for one more!! I drove by yesterday but no sign of it.
All the very best to you and yours Kitty, have a fantastic 2014. I have a feeling it’s going to be a wonderful
Oh you must go back tomorrow….this little kitty is definitely communicating something to you.
The veggie cafe sounds right up my alley, and I love the look of the Indian food…..and Christmas….Is that Annie flaked out on the chair? What a little sweetie.
Wonderful plants, and a pomegranate tree… that does sound exciting.
I wait to hear about the Blue Eyed Cat, and meanwhile, I send you wishes for a wonderful 2014. xxxxx
I fully intend to go back Janet, the cat was acting incredibly oddly. Now if we ever get to meet in Liverpool, I shall take you to that cafe, the food is lovely and I know you would like it in there.
Yes….that’s my little Annie, well a girl does have to get her beauty sleep doesn’t she???
I am looking forward to seeing the pomegranate grow, at the moment they don’t have a leaf on them.
I shall keep you posted re the cat adventure. All the very best to you
Lucky you getting lots of lovely plants as presents.
Your cat story is intriguing, and I hope that we all find out more.
Thanks, and a happy New Year to you too. xx
I can’t wait to see them growing Flighty….yes, lucky me indeedy!
I shall go looking for my blue-eyed friend….yes, something seems to be afoot. All the very best to
You’ve certainly eaten well over Christmas, your meals look delicious. I received a plant for Christmas too, just the one but I’m thrilled with it, I’ll tell more in a future blog post. I wonder if the blue eyed cat has some Siamese in it, they’re known for being very vocal. Thank you for your good wishes for 2014, I hope the new year brings everything good with it for you and yours too.
We certainly have enjoyed some delicious meals Jo….roll on the spring to wear them all off eh?
I shall look forward to hearing about your plant, there is no better Christmas present to receive!
I thought the cat had a touch of siamese, I agree with you re them being a very vocal breed.
All the very best to you and yours
Has the cat any kittens hidden away?
I hadn’t thought about kittens Sue as the cat seemed to be a tomcat will I will now keep an eye out just in case. xxx
Great images. Glad you had a great Christmas. Hope the weather is kind to you all. Been a bit wet here in NZ. Happy New Year.
Thank you Peter. Wishing you a wonderful New
Concurring with what Nikki said about the delicious looking Christmas meal…and the fantasy trip to England
Your li’l elf and hubby look very festive and happy. The restaurant looks inviting! What a wonderful selection of plants – you’ll have fun figuring out where they will go. Most intriguing about the call of a blue eyed cat ~ certainly sounds like a story about to unfold ~ hope you find out what it is trying to communicate. Do you think it may have kittens tucked away that it was worried about?
A very Happy New Year to you and yours, Dina
As I said to Nikki Glo… tents for my friends but nice warm beds!!!! Yes….it would be wonderful to meet up wouldn’t it? Let’s hope that you can make it across…..a lovely thought!
Lol….l’il elf and hubs did enjoy their dinner, I froze half of it for New Year’s day…..
I am looking forward to seeing my plants grow, it’s always so exciting with a plant you’ve never had before.
I didn’t think of kittens, maybe because the cat seems to have the square head of a tomcat. I will go back and check for them now though…..
All the best Glo, thanks and you have a good one!xxx
Very smart of you to ask for plants! And what a lovely and fun variety. I only planted my own pomegranate tree last year so we can compare their progress as the years go on. Now, cranberry bushes sound intriguing. You’ll have to share how you grow them and everything.
Your veggie meals look fantastic. I love Indian food! Roomie and I are planning a fantasy visit to England. Gardens and bookshops and tea. I told her we could visit you — maybe post a tent on your property and run with the dogs
Happy new year to you, Dina. Maybe this is the year the blue-eyed cat will tell you its secrets.
I am thrilled with all the plants I got Anne. Oh you have a pomegranate tree too….yours will be so much happier in your golden climate!!! Be lovely to compare notes. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the cranberry bushes do, I love cranberry juice and it would be great to have my own, even if it is only a mouthful.
Now listen up me dear girl……if you make it across the pond I shall find nice warm beds for you and Roomie in my house….you wouldn’t want to be in a tent in our climate, catch your death you would……and I could take you out and about….how smashin’ would that be eh?
Ah yes…..maybe the blue eyed cat will tell me it’s secrets……you would have LOVED that cat, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. All the very best to you and yours
What a great idea to ask for plants… they wouldn’t want for a home around here either. I hope you solve the mystery around the blue eyed cat..
And a very Happy New Year to you too snowbird. I’ve so much enjoyed following your blog. Jx
I am delighted with my plants Jessica, I think I’ll do that again. And it’s great to think they will live on long after Christmas has passed.
Thanks for your kind words. have a wonderful 2014. xxx