Right…..let’s get straight down to the mushrooms. I really must wax lyrical about my first batch. I picked about twenty of them with the vague idea of sharing ….and I was drooling at this point, let me tell you. So I plucked a chili from the greenhouse and a few fresh herbs that are still growing and I fried the lot in butter with a little garlic and black pepper.
Oh my….how to describe the taste???? ….FANBLOOMINTASTIC does not do them justice!!! As a side to cheese on toast they were mouthwateringly delicious. Sadly….I have to put my hand up and confess to eating the lot….all twenty of them in ONE sitting. Poor daughter was bereft….she has the nose of a bloodhound and when she came home she could instantly smell them and was salivating…..oh dear…..I’m a hobbit at heart obviously!!! I now await batch two with BATED breath. Yes!!! And hopefully next time I’ll be up for sharing….or not!!! So, that’s the awe part!!!
Annie stealing the bird seed….again!
The shock part wasn’t as pleasant….no….not pleasant at all!!! Y’see those hanging baskets on the stump in the courtyard? Well, the linings had been plucked to bits by the birds for nest building, so I decided to re-line them all so they’d be ready for the spring seedlings. Now please don’t think me a cheapskate, but I often use old jumpers or coats as lining material….here I used two old jackets. Anyway…..I had them all back on the tree freshly lined and was just packing up my steps when I was struck on the back of my head by what felt like a mallet. I immediately fell over the steps and crashed into a pot. I somehow righted myself and staggered around the courtyard like an old drunk, crashing into things, with flashing white lights raging in front of my eyes. Turns out the largest hanging basket had snapped and dropped like a stone onto my head! Oh the pain….and the two day raging headache!!!! I think the bang on the head has awakened some slumbering part of my brain though because ever since I’ve been having the strangest dreams….
Now….the wild, wild winds have been wreaking havoc here. The other day I went out only to find my Olive trees rolling down the drive; their pots were smashed to pieces. So I went online to look for new ones. I must confess to being disappointed with what was on offer. The pots were either all really boring and cheap, or beautiful and extremely expensive. After a while I gave up looking as all the stores were selling the same items. Then, while shopping at the weekend, I came across these pots. I rather liked the shapes as they had a sort of corrugated iron look to them, and despite being a grey plastic and dirt cheap, I bought them. Once home I gave them a coat of metal paint……and now I’m delighted with them…..what do you think? And don’t say they look like brightly painted plastic tat! Lol
In situ outside the front door
I think they sit rather prettily with my barrows.
While on the subject of brightly painted items….can you see the path that Annie is running around my potato digger? Soon that will be an island, just like the pond in the back garden.
And here’s another island forming around the limestone benches. While the back grows the front is being run ragged….ah well…dogs have to run!
Never mind….moving swiftly on….Y’see the little owl in front of the blue pot in between the milk urns…..well I bought that a few days ago….it’s solar powered and lights up at night. I love it and it cost buttons. Maybe the bang on the head has given me a good eye for bargains….
And…. almost finally, my very FIRST snowdrops. Ahhhhhhh
And finally…. this white quail came into the rescue recently, I’ve never seen a white one before. Isn’t she pretty???
Mushroom and cheese on toast. That looks soooo delish and makes me hungry now. Hope your head is okay now and shooo shooo the weird dreams
Thanks Debb….oh yes, that was a delicious lunch! Lol….my dreams are getting a little better!xxx
Sounds like you have a concussion! I hope the headaches and the bad dreams will clear up soon. The new planters fit in perfectly with the blue door. The white quail is a beauty. Lucky you to have snowdrops. Here we just have snow and lots of it!
Thanks Jennifer, I’m all well again now.We have all sorts popping up at the moment, most unusual, I hope we don’t get a cold spell which will kill everything off. Oh dear……sorry to hear you have snow, the weather is so odd worldwide now.xxx
You must hold the record for garden related near-fatalities, you need to stop letting things land on you/roll on top of you (logs)! That cheese on toast looks delicious! x
Don’t I just!!!! Gardens can be dangerous places lol…..now that was a rather smashin’ batch of cheese on toast, not to mention the mushrooms!xxx
Poor you hope you’ve recovered from your bang on your head. I love the fact that you are growing and eating your own mushrooms thats great. That looks like something to try.
Thanks Annie, my head is fine now….still having weird dreams though. I would give the mushroom kits a try, it’s such fun watching them grow.xxx
Thanks Glo, I must admit to the darn bang on the head being really painful….I think a bang on the head always shakes you up doesn’t it? I’m glad you’ve recovered too. Lol…I’m all for a hard hat after that, I often have apples dropping on my head too and they can hurt as well!
Hahahahaha….I hope the weird dreams aren’t from the mushrooms, but I shall bear that in mind!!! Struth….xxx
What a terrible shock to get struck on the head by a heavy plant pot falling down on you! Such pain that must have been…it’s just not fair when your garden efforts turn on you ~ I know how painful it was when I slipped and banged my head against the wall, so can’t even imagine the pain you must have suffered. I’m glad you are feeling better, but the strange dreams must be a bit unsettling. Perhaps you will need don a hardhat! Just had a thought…perhaps the strange dreams are from the mushrooms!! Your garden is looking very colourful with your bright additions.
Oh, and I hope your head is better! What a surprise, and not the nice kind!
Oh my….now I’ve never thought of sherry or marsala to add to mushrooms, as I have so many more coming I shall give that a whirl.
I use metal paint on the pots, it doesn’t chip and withstands frost really well. I water down the first coat with turps, then sand it when it’s dry and then add a second which then lasts for years. I find gloss tends to peel and chip….
A dog run….I have been giving a lot of thought to that recently, it may be the only solution…..
Lol….a hanging basket weighs a ton when it drops from a height, I shall avoid walking under them next time. Thanks Anne, I hope the week gets less hectic.xxx
Marsala brings out the buttery notes in mushrooms. And oh-so-good on toast
I used to rent a house that had a very very tall avocado tree growing between the garage and the back entrance to the house. It was always a hazard to walk that distance, keeping an eye out for avocado bombs from 30 feet up!
Hahahahaha….if only we had the climate for avacado bombs!!!! I imagine it’s on a parr with a hanging basket dropping on your head! Lol.xxx
I’m late late late to the commenting — sorry about that. Ridiculously hectic in my world. MUSHROOMS!!! You are indeed a hobbit. There is no resisting mushrooms with garlic and butter. I also like a dash of sherry or marsala.
I’ve wondered about painting plastic containers. Does it last, the paint that you use? I thought it would peel off or not weather well. The new pots certainly fit well with your theme
Ah, those dear dogs. Maybe you should design a dog run for them with enticing obstacles since they seem to like running around things. Currently (since last night) my beloved George has gone missing. Roomie had given the cats free reign yesterday afternoon and George was in and out. But when evening came, he still hasn’t returned. I hope he’s safe, poor boy.
Oh…..how worrying about George. I went cold hearing that, I REALLY do hope he returns, I’ll say a prayer for him. Do you think he may have got locked in a neighbours garage or shed, it does seem odd as he doesn’t usually roam does he….I have my fingers and toes crossed for a happy ending. Let me know if he comes home.xxx
Didn’t want you to worry — roomie just emailed me that George is home and all in one piece. Thank you for your kind prayers. Happy ending!
That is just the BEST news!!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!! Alls well ends well!xxxx
Busy,busy,busy….. colourfully busy, even!
We enjoyed our mushrooms too. It’s fun watching them grow and enjoying the harvest.
Thanks Menhir……I do agree about the mushrooms, the kits are such fun and the produce so tasty. I have another two, white and brown mushrooms which haven’t started growing yet, so lots more to come and enjoy.xxx
You poor love! Great thing thumping down on your head out of nowhere – I didn’t laugh AT ALL….:)) awwww….. it is exactly the sort of thing that happens to me… and it is so unfair!! You do a good thing and then it lands on yer head!
I can’t believe the mad dogs have galloped round and round and made another race track, the beasts!
Ah well… the plant pots look great! Well done you! Don’t know where you get your energy and enthusiasm! xxx
Hahahahaha….come on now….I HEARD you laughing…oh yes I did!!!! Why oh why oh why I always ask myself…why me????? Every bloomin freaky thing happens to me!!!!
I give up re the dogs…… I’ll just have to turn their paths into something else….or maybe the digger will look the business sat on it’s own island? One can hope eh? Thanks Arose.xxx
Oh those mushrooms – I would have scoffed the lot too. Poor old you you don’t have much luck with your injuries do you a million to one chance that the basket should fall just as you were walking under it. I love your pots and it wouldn’t be you if you didn’t paint them bright colours. Maybe that quail is an albino perhaps. Very sweet.
Lol….nice to know a fellow mushroom fanatic!
Some of my injuries are so freaky….there I was patting myself on the back for a job well done as JUST as I bent down underneath the darn thing to put the steps away it snapped….my fault though. It was an old basket and I put it higher up the tree …..obviously it couldn’t cope any more and gave up the ghost! The WEIGHT of them though!!! Glad you like the pots, I like a little colour, probably a throw back to owning a narrow boat…..love the roses and castles look!
I think the quail is a domestic bird bred to look like that….why can’t we leave well alone…sighs….thanks Elaine!xxx
Entertaining post … I love fresh mushrooms. I also am frustrated by pots being either cheap and ugly or beautiful and way too expensive. Although I can’t leave clay or ceramic outside in our winters. I’ve been thinking I should try painting some of our cheap plastic containers. Hope your head feels better!
Thanks Jason. You certainly can’t beat fresh mushrooms, they are just so tasty.
What is it about pots???? Surely there can be a middle ground where good quality pots are made for a fair price! I’ve had the same problem here with pots that aren’t frost free and have lost lots in snowy periods. Try painting the plastic ones with metal paint, it comes in all colours and is really resistant to chipping and fading. My head is so much better now…I shall beware flying baskets!!!xxx
Another splendid post…..Tasty…..Colourful….Innovative….Informative….Painful…..Well….. Simply wonderful to read. Sorry about that ‘bang’ on the head…Perhaps, next time you’ll remember to share those… ‘mushies’….I’m told such sharing prevents unwelcome ‘bangs’ on the head….;) Hugs! xxxx
Thanks Bushka, you are MOST kind! Lol….maybe that was my payback for keeping all the mushrooms to myself, yes, I’d best share them next time!xxx
Goodness I do hope that you’ve recovered from that bang on the head.
Apart from that it’s seems like you’ve been busy as usual, and that food certainly looks delicious.
It’s always good to see snowdrops appearing.
I’ve never seen a white quail before. xx
I’m quite recovered now …tell you what, gardens can be dangerous places for sure!!! Lol
The snowdrops are such a pleasure aren’t they, such adorable little plants that withstand whatever the weather throws at them. Thanks Flighty.xxx
Just love those mushrooms, yum yum! As usual you brighten up the day with your pictures and ideas for the garden, I think I will have to have a go at painting some of my pots. xx
Hi Karen, lovely to hear from you. I hope you and yours are well. Oh yes….yum mum mum re the mushrooms, roll on the second batch I say!!!
I would have a go painting your pots, metal paint is great for the plastic ones and really does transform them. I like a little colour in the garden especially in the winter. Thanks Karen.xxx
It sounds like you suffered a concussion. Go slow and give yourself lots of rest. I LOVE the new pots! Very artsy and clever! The dog stealing the birdseed is too funny! Maybe English birdseed is tastier than the American kind. ;o)
Lol….y’know, I wouldn’t be surprised if I had suffered a bit of concussion!!!! I shall take your advice immediately and go sit with a large glass of white wine. Yes!!!
The strange thing is, Annie cannot be bothered with her food when it’s presented in a dog bowl She’s such a fussy eater, yet she will eat anything that she can steal, including moldy old bread and bird seed….such an odd dog and as for Sam he’ll eat anything and is very fond of bird seed!!!! Thanks Casa.xxx
Ouch, poor you and that whack on the head … hope your strange dreams are nice strange and not nasty strange!
Oh your dogs Dina- you shouldn’t have such happy dogs who have so much fun
And I love the red and blue pots for your beautiful olive trees – you’re right, those are the perfect colours!
Thanks for lifting my spirits once again with your delightful blog – hugs!
My dreams are really odd Gilly, so vivid that I actually wake up thinking they are real. I awoke a few nights ago dreaming about three people who were dead yet it all seemed so real I felt like I had actually conversed with them! Most odd!!!
Sighs….those dogs, they love to have fun and I do love them but they can be a couple af menaces running wild in me garden!!!! Thanks for your lovely comment re me little blog!!!xxx
So many interesting things to comment on, Dina. Those mushrooms look fantastic and your meal – delicious!
I’m sorry to hear about the nasty blow from the hanging basket. They are heavy things.Hope all is well now with no more headaches (and that your strange dreams don’t trouble you too much).
I love all the bright colours in your garden and that little quail is so sweet. Hope she finds a good home soon.
Thanks Wendy, apart from vivid dreams I’m now fine. Those things do weigh a ton don’t they, I think it couldn’t handle the extra compost….
Oh my….I was thrilled with the mushrooms and am now looking forward to the next batches. I would get the kits agin!
I’m sure the little quail will be snapped up soon, she is such a friendly little thing.xxx
Sorry to hear about the bang on the head and glad you’ve recovered now. The rescued olive trees look great in the customised pots. What a good idea! All the additions to your garden look colourful. It’s good to see the snowdrops appearing isn’t it?
Thanks Linda, apart from really vivid dreams I’m fully recovered. I’m hoping I get olives at some point….wouldn’t that be nice.
I love to see snowdrops, such a beautiful delicate looking plant that’s as tough as old boots. I love to have a lawn full of them.xxx
Well we all need a good bang on the head every now and then, and yes I am sure it’s shaken a few things up……hence the dreams:)
I LOVE mushrooms and cheese on toast, etc. etc. and so like you would have eaten the whole lot!
I laughed out loud at the runs the dogs are making….Oh they did die and go to heaven when they found you and their new home – really I mean that:)
I love the new pots, especially when I see them with all the other painted goodies, and the white quail is simply beautiful:)
Have fun dear Dina as Spring approaches. I always love to see the first snow drops, and amazingly have seen all sorts of shoots around where I live, including lots of daffs….thanks to the mild winter.
Dina, Dina, how does your garden grow?
With mushrooms and olive trees all in a row…
Dogs running wild, and birds swooping low and
Little hedgehogs and other critters all in a row.
This comment has ME laughing out loud!!! I LOVED your poem and your comment about a bang on the head being a good thing! It’s certainly given me vivid dreams that’s for sure.
The dogs….oh….I gave up a long time ago, they intend to have fun no matter what and egg each other on to come up with better and better games…they are ALWAYS up to something, just like mischievous children….I suppose I should think about making their dog run paths pretty by turning them into moats and floating boats on them,,,,would you believe they even think my bath water is a game????? I’ve never had a pair of dogs like these two….
Spring is springing isn’t it, I saw some mini daffs out today and the bluebells are shooting up….let’s hope we don’t get snow! Thanks Janet.xxx
And your own food1
Ah yes….so fresh and delicious!xxx
Except for the blow to the head, it sounds a treat of a week: full of your endless creativity and sweet enjoyments: love the olive pots and your color scheme, and envy you your delicious mushroom feast…the quail is gorgeous, Dina; looks quite different from those I’ve seen!
Enjoy your dreams…such gifts they can be and bring. Take gentle care,
Oh Kitty….the mushrooms were to die for! My head is fine now but such strange dreams….
The quail surprised me too, I’m used to seeing the little fat brown spotty ones so when the snowbird appeared I thought it was something else. I think it’s been bred to look like that….why does mankind always have to meddle….sighs. Still it’s a lovely friendly little thing so hopefully will be re-homed soon. Currently it’s living with rabbits.xxx
What fab photos!
Thanks Mary.xxx
Now you’ve got me drooling with thoughts of those mushrooms. I saw a mushroom kit in one of the pound shops the other day. I didn’t buy one but I might just give it a go now I’ve seen how successful you’ve been with yours. I don’t know what the quality of it will be like coming from the pound shop though, worth a risk at that price I suppose. Sorry to hear about the bang on the head, they’re blooming heavy are hanging baskets so I can understand why you were seeing flashing white lights. I think your pots look fantastic. It’s hard to find individual items these days, like you say, the shops sell all the same things, so it’s a great idea to customise them. Hope the quail gets a home soon.
I would give the kit a go, as you say it’s well worth the risk and it’s such fun watching them sprout. I bought three kits and the other two haven’t popped out yet. It is lovely to have mushrooms that fresh and I am a huge fan of the things.
Oh….hanging baskets are bloomin heavy for sure!I know what you mean about trying to find something unique, everything is just churned out now, soon pots will pop out of 3D printers! Brave new world eh….The quail is such a lovely little thing, I’m sure it will be snapped up soon. Thanks Jo.xxx
A very patriotic colour scheme! The painting is very neatly done too. What will happen to the white quail – I’m assuming it’s an escapee rather than a wild bird.
Thanks Sue….ah, patriotic, I hadn’t thought of that!
Yes, I think the quail is a domestic bird so will not be released into the wild. It is a lovely bird though, very friendly so I don’t think it will be long before it finds a new home.xxx
I hadn’t spotted your monkey puzzle tree before, it’s a beauty. Sorry to hear about the bang on the head though, settle back and enjoy the snowdrops.
Thanks Jessica, I do love that tree, they are so slow growing though, but so hardy and primitive.xxx