Now that it’s the beginning of March, it’s time to look forward to seeing my brand new back garden burst into life.
Finally I can see that’s it’s beginning to take shape.
Over the last week I have powered away, despite the rain, and now have most of the big jobs out of the way. So….let me show you what I’ve been up to….
The felled tree border, [the bane of my life] has now been divided into three parts, the first area is planted with soft fruit bushes, the second part now boasts some beautiful dogwood, a witch hazel and all my lavender cuttings, which although tiny at the moment, will hopefully soon get a spurt on.
This is the area where the final battle took place…..and much sweat, blood and tears were involved before I finally had it looking like this…..
FINALLY all the gigantic stones, boulders and YEARS of pine needles are OUT!!!! I’ve now planted two pomegranate trees here along with more dogwood, a clematis and several christmas box. I’ve left the middle bare as I’m growing lots of perennials which will eventually live here. All that’s needed now is a new fence panel and those final logs moving, at the moment they keep the dogs from escaping into the front garden.
I really can’t believe that border is finally sorted….it’s haunted my dreams it has.
Now here on the flagged area I’ve planted a little box hedge around the buddleia, I’m going to have the back hedge higher than the front….well, that’s the plan!
My greenhouse is steadily filling up with seeds and already I have sweet peas, spinach, lettuce and lavender sprouting….what a joy it is to see those first babies pop their little heads above the soil…. no matter how many times I see it, it always seems miraculous to me and gives me such a thrill.
But….my greenhouse is always horribly overcrowded, so in order to make room for the seed trays, I’ve had to plant out all my cuttings….not ideal given we may get a frost, or even snow. So…I had myself a think and decided that I needed more growing space….so….I got myself a couple of these which are snug against a wall in the courtyard…
Now I can grow all my salad leaves here, and spring onions, spinach, rocket and herbs, and then I can use the space for cuttings during the winter. That will free the greenhouse up a little, which I can now use for tomatoes, peppers, courgette’s, chillies and flowers….
I’ve also finally managed to plant the hazel hedge by the railings and weed the ground under the beech trees for the woodland wildflowers. You would not believe how hard it is to dig a hole here….SO many aged tree roots!
Now, if you’d like to join me in the front garden I’ll show you what I’ve been up to here.
I got rid of the wooden fence around the lavender hedge and put this little black one in, I can see through it which makes it far prettier. My poor lavender is still ragged, but I’m hoping it will pick up now the dogs can’ t trample it. All the spring bulbs are popping up around the lavender …the iris are out and the crocus and tulips are not far behind. Spring is springing and it’s wonderful.
And here yet another big job has been completed, the hedges have finally been wrestled down to railing height, they had become more like trees!!!
My arms are scratched to bits though…for amongst the hedges lurked some rather fearsome blackberries…..and they don’t give up the ghost easily!
I’m still only halfway through weeding underneath them though, so I’d better get a wriggle on as I have lot’s of hedgerow wildflowers that need sowing there….
Hubs and I have been working on extending the veggie patch. We had to dig out the pampas grass and a hawthorn, well, he did actually, I lolled around stroking Curly cat…
who seemed to approve of the new developments..
And finally….Herbie, after two long years, has somehow managed to curl into a ball again and now seems to have some control over his legs! Struth, who would have thought it eh??? Even just being able to curl up properly should keep him so much warmer when hibernating.
Oh, I wish we had some sign of spring here. We still have half a meter of snow in our backyard. This has been the worst winter ever.
Oh no…..I’m shivering just thinking about it. Worldwide people seem to be experiencing extreme weather this year, lets hope it not a sign of things to come. Thanks
You have been super busy. The long view made me realize how much space you have. That’s a big garden! I like your little two tall greenhouses. I need something like that. It must be handy to have it near the house.
Alas, it is snowing here so no gardening or seed starting for me just yet. I feel a bit more hopeful that spring is in sight just reading about all the work you are doing. I hate blackberry thorns too, by the way. They are so very hard to pull out. Happy gardening Snowbird!
I’m really thrilled with the little greenhouses, the seeds in them are already coming up! It will be good to just pop out of the kitchen door to gather salad material….they were really cheap as well.
Oh no…..snow…..sighs…..the weather is really weird worldwide this year. Here’s to your spring and seed sowing coming soon….thanks
You have been so busy! Everything is coming along well, and I bet you can hardly wait for some warmer weather when spring finally arrives. Lots to look forward to. Imagine that…the little hedgehog can be called Miracle!
Oh Glo, I yearn for a little warmth, apparently it is going to be sunny tomorrow….the thought of sitting out is so delicious!
Herbie is a one isn’t he? I was amazed!!! Thanks
Awhh how lovely that Herbie is making a recovery. It is all down to your care I have no doubt. Full marks to you for taking the time with him because many people would not have had the patience. You are a saint.
The garden is looking good after all yours and hubs efforts. It’s great to see the bulbs coming up isn’t it ? I have some black tulips from last year that are coming up. I can’t wait to see if they flower again.
And I do like that photo of one of the dogs standing and admiring the garden.
Another uplifting and positive post. Thanks xxx
Thanks Kegs, I must say I really do admire Herbie, even with such a disability he is determined to get around, he has such a strong life force. And I am very fond of him so it was fantastic to see the sudden improvement, just goes to show we should always have hope. Lol….me a saint??? goodness, you don’t know me, I can be ‘orrible!!!
Oh, I have black tulips too, it will be good to compare notes, mine have only just started to pop their heads out of the
Lovely to see a new garden coming into being. I love those early purple iris. I’m champing at the bit to make a start in my allotment, but the rain has made it too sodden for anything just yet. Happy growing.
Thanks for visiting Tish. It’s so frustrating when you can’t get going because of the weather, spring seems on time this year but nothing happened at all until may last year, the seasons are so unpredictable now. Hopefully we’ll all get a good spring and
A wonderfully uplifting post….I can smell the soil and plants popping up…..Thank you:)
Clearly it is a place where everything thrives, including dogs, cats, hedgehogs and humans.xxxx
Thanks Janet, it’s my secret garden for sure, I can imagine it in a few years, hopefully all lush and green…..with the most beautiful scent….sighs…xxx
wow you have been working really hard and how great that you are getting results
! It is wonderful that Herbie can now curl up again – a miracle!
How rewarding after all your nurturing of him! 
All looking very promising and I am looking forward to seeing pics of it when it is all burgeoning and blooming! And no letting the diggy dogs dig it all up!
Thanks Arose, I can’t wait to see how all the new shrubs and plants come up, it is so exciting.
Herbie really surprised me managing to curl up like that, it does look good and I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Oh…..Sam likes nothing better than to dig a good hole!!!xxx
Well that is a great achievement for you. A lot of real hard work. Now you have the spring and summer ahead. A period of growth.
Well down in Christchurch at present, just days into Autumn, nature has attacked the good folk of Christchurch with storms, winds and about 25% of the year’s rain. Floods everywhere. Hopefully it should start easing in hours. The earthquakes have caused the ground to drop a metre in one suburb, severely damaging the stormwater drains and pipes. Many schools are closed and many people unable to get to work. My daughter and her two sons are safe and secure. Such is the resilience of the people down there, they will be out and about cleaning up tomorrow. The storm has come up our way in the Wellington area and so far not too bad. We will have to wait and see. Enjoy your better weather now.
Oh how awful. I do hope the weather improves soon, you must be getting all our rain, we had it for three months non stop and it has caused awful floods here too. I hope you have a good
Are your covered outdoor seed trays in a sheltered area? We wouldn’t dare use them where I live. Even greenhouses have to be a special anti-storm variety. We’ve seen what can happen to ones that are not.
I take it the dogs have got the message, not to mess things up! You’ll have to teach them how to do a bit of useful gardening.
Herbie must be feeling comfortable and safe. Good news there. xx
They are as sheltered as can be in the courtyard, but given the winds we’ve had I’ll take Jo’s advice in her comment and place something heavy on the bottom shelf….hopefully that will secure them.
Oh gosh no…the dogs have not got the message at all, I take them out separately in the back, and together in the front…needless to say, the front is going to the dogs!
Herbie’s sudden improvement is wonderful! Let’s hope it carries on!xxx
Your garden is looking great after all your hard work – now it’s ready for the burst of colour when your seeds and flowers come through. You have really put me to shame, too, by doing all that hard work in the rain. I’ve not been doing as much as I’d hoped, I’ve been a bit put off by the weather and I’m slightly panicking now it’s March already!!
Well done to Herbie and to you for caring for him so that he’s improved so much!
Ah…but you have a wonderful established garden so don’t have to work that hard…my problem was sorting a new one. The weather has been so grotty hasn’t it, it’s not that cold but the wind and rain add to the chill factor and the reluctance to go outdoors. I’m so glad it’s now March, it’s so wonderful to see buds and blossom….here’s to a fab Spring and Summer…
I am amazed at the sudden improvement to Herbie….it’s looking good!!! xxx
I’m exhausted just reading about it!!!!!
It’s looking great ~x~
Hopefully you’ll come up in the summer and enjoy a glass of something nice…and open my back garden for me!!!xxx
Wow, you’ve done a lot of work! You’ve earned a pat on the back, I’d say. Sounds like you have an excellent selection of shrubs. Do you find pruning deeply satisfying as I do?
Thanks Jason, I’m really happy with the shrubs I’ve chosen, great for wildlife….but I have to say, we have so many shrubs and other things that need pruning I can’t enjoy it as there never seems to be enough time in a day to do it…but hey…I love having a lot of garden so shouldn’t
Yes! WOW!!!! What a massive job done…all look promising for the coming year….Now for a good Summer. Wouldn’t that be ‘just grand’….;)
You’ll need a ‘rest’ when all is done….
Take Care! Hugs! xxx
Ahh….a good summer would indeed be grand, here’s hoping! I am looking forward to seeing the garden in the summer, now the tree is down the light is unbelievable! Thanks
It looks great!! You’ve been busy.
I love it when a big project comes together and is finally done. Are you growing lavender from seed or are they all cuttings? That black fence is a cute little keeper!
Thanks Casa, it’s such a relief to have the bones of the garden finally in place, now I just need it to grow and nature takes care of that.
The lavender in the greenhouse is seed but I always take cuttings which grow like weeds. I’m so thrilled with your fence idea! Thanks again for that. xxx
You really have been working hard and it shows – shame it doesn’t stay like that isn’t it . I still have to start my seed sowing which I will when we return from our hols
Oh you are right, weeds are popping up at the speed of light!!! And the more borders the harder to keep on top of them. I am pleased with the back, so much is now in place and it was such a mess after the big tree came down, now it just has to grow. Thanks
Wow, what a huge amount of hard, hard work! You’ll reap the rewards soon … and so will we by looking at your blog. Feet up girl, and a glass of something – you deserve it!
Thanks Gilly….I can’t wait for it all to grow now, the bones are finally in place and it should be a little haven for wildlife and for all of us come summer. I shall take your advice… feet are going up and a glass of something shall be sipped!!!xxx
Wow! What a great lot of work you’ve already finished and how promising everything looks! I can’t wait to see how it all blossoms out, Dina. We’re still below freezing and buried beneath snow, but your blog posts always remind me that spring will come and the tasks will begin …and, I hope, the flowers and veggies will grow…thanks, as always for the hope and joy…and hooray for Herbie!!! Smooches to the darling pups and Curly cat, and great love to you.
Oh….I’m shivering just thinking about all that snow. We’ve had the endless rain and wind…which can get old as well. Recently, a few blue skies have brought the bulbs out, and I’ve seen several bees and two red admirals which was lovely. I suspect it will all take off soon, at the moment it’s like watching a kettle boil!
Hopefully you can look at all your lovely poppy seeds….and imagine them in all their splendour!
I am so pleased to see the astonishing improvement in Herbie, just goes to show that we should never give up eh….thanks for all the smooches, I’ve passed those on and thanks for the great love….I’m sending the same to you and
Oh crikey, I really had better get out there and do stuff now, you are putting me to shame. The garden is really coming on though, you’re all set up for the season.
Go Herbie, Go!
Lol, I feel really pious now!!! It’s good to be ahead of the game for once though.Yes….here’s to Herbie! xxx
Wow, you’ve been so busy. I’m looking forward to hearing how your pomegranates do. A tip re your plastic greenhouses, they literally take off in winds, so I put a bag of compost on the bottom shelf to anchor mine down. Brilliant news about Herbie, bless him.
Thanks for the tip Jo….I hadn’t thought of that! I have several interesting trees that I’ll be watching closely…I really hope they do well otherwise they’ll have to be pruned and popped in the greenhouse.
Awww, who would have thought that Herbie could suddenly improve like that!xxx
A most enjoyable post and lots of wonderful pictures showing just how busy you’ve been.
It’s all going to look really good come the summer.
I like that picture of Herbie. xx
Oh….I can’t wait for a little warmth and blue skies….bring it on! Herbie has taken me by surprise! Thanks
I can relate to the struggle with blackberry canes.
Well done Herbie
The really can rip you to bits can’t they! I must say I didn’t expect to see Herbie in such a curled ball…xxx
Wow, what a lot of hard work, and it’s all looking great for it. So much cleaner and tidier – and hopefully all those new plants will fill up the spaces nicely. Also, well done to Herbie
Thanks Jenny, it’s all rather bare looking but once everything starts growing it should be lovely.
I’m really pleased at the sudden improvement in Herbie, he looks more like a hedgehog
Oh good! I’ve been wondering how your pomegranate was doing — mine has just started to leaf out. You have certainly been putting in a lot of thought, planning, and hard hard work to clear debris and create new garden spaces. I’m very very impressed. We’ve had beautiful days here (except this weekend where we’ve finally gotten some rain — but I haven’t accomplished a fraction of your to-do-list.
The new see-through fencing around the lavenders looks terrific. I neglected to trim mine back last year and may have quite the mess this year so I don’t think your little cuttings look bad at all! Those spring bulbs are a treat. Such luscious color!
I’m awed by your list of herbs and veggies. And bravo to your husband for doing the digging! I doubt very much that you were lazing while he worked. Keeping cats entertained and happy can be very involving
Hahahahaha….well, as usual you have it in a nutshell….of course it’s hard work stroking and pacifying a cat!!!! I can’t begin to explain how stressful it all was…y’know, all that purring and nose-rubbing and having to have her on my knee….and then the treats and the walk around the garden….and more purring and stroking….sighs….hard going….now how do I get that cat into my house and onto my knee….
Every time I go out I get ambushed by Curly….and it’s so wonderful. I need more cats….can I have Whimsey???? please? Pretty please???xxx