What a week it’s been, and how time seems to be flying by…..
So…..my jolly. What a wonderful time I had. It was a little like Christmas. Never have I seen so much food and drink, or laughed so long and loudly, and I mean those proper belly laughs…..y’know the ones, where your whole body shakes and your eyes water! The amount of times we gathered around this table….and such merry gatherings they were, with lots of tale-telling and singing….and it saw it fair share of feasts too.
I became very good at herding people throughout the jolly, as every time we went out people broke off into smaller groups and vanished, including my good self! So I simply applied Annie’s border collie skills and began rounding people up and leaving them dotted all over the place in small groups!!! Then I’d gather them all together again and herd them to the cars, most satisfying it was, no wonder Annie enjoys it so!
When I arrived home, hubs was out with the dogs so I went off to meet them. When Sam saw me he dropped his jaw and gave me the hugest square smile I have EVER seen on a dogs’ face, and his eyes were shining. I haven’t seen him smile like that before. He did it several times, lovely it was. I think he must have missed me. Between him and Annie they nearly knocked me down bouncing up and down on me!
Now talking of being knocked down, hubs and I were on a walk a few days ago when I heard a sudden thump. I looked back and was astonished to see hubs lying on the floor with his legs in the air! He’d actually walked under a road sign and hit his head on it….I was baffled when I saw him lying there….I thought he’d been shot or something!!! Once I knew he was okay I couldn’t stop laughing….what an egot!
Recently we’ve had a few cold but sunny days so hubs and I have been down to the beach . Amazingly, Sam has actually followed me off the lead……what a breakthrough! Maybe I should go away more often!
We finally managed to wear the dogs out, even Annie, which was a first.
And after a long walk one had earned oneself a beer, so we dropped off at a pub where Sam of course, took the high ground, this pic made me laugh as the tree behind him looks like a mane….
And not to be outdone, Annie sat on the seat of the bench too.
What’s good for the goose eh….
I was happy to see all my seeds coming up when I got home, sometimes it’s like watching a kettle boil waiting for them to sprout.
I noticed something odd while in the garden a few days ago. A large bumble bee was on the ground looking listless, so I took it into the back garden and placed it on a crocus plant. As I did I noticed tiny mites on it’s back, lots of them too. So I checked it out on the internet.
Apparently these mites don’t harm the bee and simply use it as a plane, to get from one bee’s nest to another, or from one flower to another where they hop onto a different bee. The only time the mites become a problem is when there are too many, then it can be difficult for the bees to fly. The things you discover eh? Anyway, the bumble had a drink and recovered quickly.
Potting on the spinach.
Now….over the last few days I have finally completed several large tasks…the ground beneath the hedgerow has been weeded and the wildflower hedgerow seeds sown, along with the woodland wildflower seeds, and my spuds are now planted in the extended veggie patch, where I’ve also sown carrots, leeks, parsnips, broad beans, peas, broccoli and beets.
And……. do you remember the baldy hedgehog that came in around Christmas? Well, his spines haven’t grown back yet so it looks like it’s going to be a long recovery process…….so, as it’s not ideal to keep him captive for a long time in a crate at the rescue, he has come home to live with me. I’ve named him Howie.
At the moment Howie is in Herbie’s rabbit hutch while Herbie remains in the hoghouse in the greenhouse…..now I have to sort a new hutch for Herbie for soon it will be too warm in the greenhouse.
And finally….. time to chill….
and put my feet up. I KNOW my socks are on inside out, but I’m far too tired to fix them. And what DO you mean… my socks don’t match my jimjams???? I’m going for the eclectic look!
Its sounds as though you had a great time and were greatly missed. it warms the heart to have the dogs so excited to greet you. I hope poor Howie recovers now that he has made a home with you. Your seeds have certainly sprouted well. it is still to cold here, but soon…
Oh you can’t beat a dog welcoming committee….they are so spontaneous aren’t they? Howie is settling in nicely, I’m making sure he keeps nice and warm, he’s pottering around at night now which is great, a little freedom for him. Here’s to some good weather for you! Thanks Jennifer.xxx
How AMAZING about the mites hitching a lift on the bumble bee! They must THINK these things through mustn’t they. Maybe they ASK the bumble bee first if he minds….?? I bet they do. I bet all the bugs and creatures are all communicating away and we just haven’t got a clue!
So funny about Sam’s square smile! Can just imagine it.:)
Hope hubs has recovered from being felled by a road sign…. is he tall??? xxx
It’s astonishing isn’t it? I bet you’re right y’know….who knows what deals are struck between these creatures….Lol, I was smiling at the thought of the mites asking for a lift!
Sam lad is a one, he constantly surprises me, he does exactly what he likes in a really good humoured way, bumbling through life happily.
Hubs is an average height, what was he thinking eh……EGOT that he is! Thanks Arose.xxx
Oh! I’ve just realised from your response to Flighty’s comment that your picture of Howie is all him! I first thought that he was wrapped up in something to protect his skin and prickles. Well, you learn something every day – at least here on your blog! I do hope his prickles start to grow back, poor little thing. Looks like you’ve got plenty of pricking out of seedlings to do – lovely to come back to good growth! Sounds like you had a really fun break, good for you! Glad you’re back though
He does look like he’s wrapped up doesn’t he, it’s so odd seeing a hog like that…I do hope he recovers, he’s a lively little thing for sure. The pricking out is always a big job isn’t it, I’m one of those that struggles to choose the stronger seedlings and ends up potting them all on…..and of course the greenhouse can’t handle the trillion pots….
Thanks so much Caro, it’s LOVELY to be back.xxx
How lovely that I have you smiling! That’s good to hear. Lol…I’m not sure if hubs thinks I’m wonderful, but the dogs and the cat do….it was lovely to go away, and the company was fantastic but I did miss having animals around me…..I’m very rarely without them so it always feels a little odd.
I have high hopes for Howie….hopefully it’s just a matter of time until his prickles grow back.
Lol….you sound just like my sister!!! Thanks Janet.xxx
What a fabulous post…I have a big grin all over my face:):) I love nothing more than long, drawn out dinner parties…with lots of laughter, conversation and wine…..I am so pleased you had such a fabulous time, and am not surprised at all to hear that the dogs missed you…..it’s so good to go away every now and then just so that those around you realise how wonderful you are:)
As for Howie….another little creature who has lucked out big time in crossing your path..
Tell Hubs, I would probably have done the same thing….I am alway tripping over nothing, or bumping into imaginary walls:)xxxxx
Must have been a fantastic time for everybody. So hubs nearly signed out? Great post and fantastic images.
Thanks Peter….I did have a blast! xxx
If your socks matched your pajamas, I’d be suspicious. Your house is becoming hedgehog haven.
It is funny how unfunny things can be so entertaining. I don’t think my hubs would have done well if I had laughed at him on the ground but I probably would have laughed til I was running for the bathroom, anyway and he would have gotten over it. I love happy dogs and yours look blissful.
Hahahahaha….now WOT do you mean about me not matching up!!!! The hogs are creeping in aren’t they, now I’ll have to sort another hutch…..sighs….
Oh….seeing hubs flat out was so baffling, I couldn’t work out what on earth had happened….and once I knew he was fine I was helpless laughing, he wasn’t too impressed though!
Ahhhh yes….a happy dog is a joy to behold! Thanks Casa.xxx
A lovely post about good things to come home to! I’m glad you had such a great time with friends. Sam and Annie obviously missed you lots – I love Sam on look-out again! Poor hubs – what a shock. It must have been quite a knock on the head. Were the dogs there? I imagine they would have found it a very strange game!
That is interesting about the bumblebee and Howie looks so cute, it’s wonderful you’ll be caring for him now. Hope his recovery isn’t too far away.
Wishing you a relaxing evening in your comfy socks!!
Thanks Wendyit was a marvelous break, but lovely to get home again, it’s weird not having an animal around me.
Hubs had hold of Sam when he fell, but managed to keep hold of his lead which was good as we were on a very busy road. Sam looked absolutely baffled….I couldn’t stop laughing once I knew he was ok.
It is interesting about the mites isn’t it, have you ever seen them on your honey bees? They were an orange colour…
Yes….here’s to Howie getting better soon.
You can’t beat a comfy pair of socks, inside out or not! Thanks Wendy.xxx
and for the lovely Howie… poor “litlething” I hope he’ll soon get well!
Down here the snow did come back till 400 m/slevel… Pretty chilly and still we didn’t get our hands in the ground…
Thanks Claudine, it’s great being happy, long may it last eh….I hope the little guy does get better, it’s probably just a matter of time…
Oh NO! Sorry to hear you have had more snow, here’s to a wonderful spring and a little warmth.xxx
He is an lovely little hog, not at all shy, unlike Herbie Annie does look cute when she smiles….and a long walk always does the trick!
Oh….the cottage was a great laugh. Thanks Scarlett.xxx
Now why am i not surprised at the pattern on your pj trousers!
Howie has got a good head of spines, I wonder if all the growth effort is going into his hairstyle?
Lol….it must be subconscious Menhir….it would be animal print ….
Hahahahaha….yes, maybe he’s after a quiff!!! xxx
Ah! Good to be gone and good to come home…new eyes, new tasks, and new devotion from loved ones! What a merry post: the seedlings look like they’re coming along wonderfully, Dina!
Love to you and all your companions. Hope Howie is helped by all your love and attention and will thrive as all lifeforms in your general vicinity seem to do.
(It was probably all that good energy of yours that temporarily blinded your husband and laid him out flat.
It is lovely to have a break and just as good to come home again, and you are right about the fresh eyes!
Ahhh, thanks Kitty, I do have high hopes for Howie, it just seems to be a time issue, and I have plenty of that, and patience!
Hahahahahaha….that comment about blinding hubs had me laughing out loud! xxx
Brilliant post again – so lively! Love the way your dogs greeted you ! Your seedlings are doing so well – it must be all that love. Hugs xx
Thanks Gilly, it must be spring making me lively….a little sun goes a long way eh….and I hear we are in for a four month heatwave, how wonderful that would be eh? xxx
Love reading about your travels and life’s little ups and downs. Poor hubby knocking himself out…was it a warning sign of some sort! I had to look twice at the picture of Howie..never seen a hedgehog without his spikes before, I hope they grow back. As for the socks and PJs…you go girl, everyone has their own style. Xxx
Thanks Karen, the sign was a high sign and he walked beneath it….then poof….flat on his back!!! Ahhh, poor Howie, he does look so odd doesn’t he, hopefully he will make a full recovery and return to where he belongs.
Lol…I shall go!!! xxx
You certainly sound well after your ‘jollies’….enjoying what you do best..being ‘out and about’. Another lovely post D! Such vibrant pictures, too. Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka, I think a good jolly is a fantastic tonic…..and good company and laughter.xxx
Have I missed something? Where have you been????
Lol….I went to York and stayed in a farmhouse for four days….all sixteen of us, for a friends birthday.xxx
Just spotted it on your last post!!!! Wonderful ~x~
Good to see that you enjoyed yourself, and that the dogs were pleased to see you when you got back.
The picture of Howie made me smile as he looks rather snug all wrapped up like that. xx
Thanks Flighty, the pic of Howie is just him curled up, it is odd to see a hedgehog like that isn’t it…and their skin is such an odd colour.xxx
That tree had me fooled.
Lol….me too Sue!xxx
It sounds like your long weekend away was a hoot, how lovely to get together with friends and have such a great time. It’s hard to pack up for home when you’ve had such a lovely few days, but there’s nothing like a dog to make you feel as though you’ve been missed. How fascinating about the bee, I didn’t know they carried mites around, and poor Howie, I hope his spines grow back soon. Hope your hubby soon recovered after his bang on the head, that could have been so much worse.
Oh we did have a ball, but as you say it’s lovely to return home, especially when it makes the animals so happy, they seem so human at times.
I was surprised about the mites on the bee, at first I was horrified…I thought they were a type of bee flea…
Hubby is fine, he had a lump on his head and seems to be paying more attention to where he is going now! It was funny though….it would be wonderful to see Howie with spines some time in the future…thanks Jo.xxx
What a fun trip with your friends. Laughter is so good for us.
I did laugh about your poor hubs knocking his head on a sign. Poor him !
I would love to have seen a photo of Sam grinning at you when you got back. How funny
And Howie the spineless hedgehog. I am sure he will thrive in your care. Glad to see you putting your feet up at the end of it all. Now to those seeds…
I agree Keggs….you can’t beat a good laugh, it does make such a difference. Oh hubs….what a daft thing to do….I couldn’t help laughing, it was so bizarre! I wish I had a pic of Sam’s smile too, it was truly enormous, never have I seen such a happy face on a dog!
I do hope Howie recovers, it would be lovely to have him back in the wild where he belongs……thanks Keggy.xxx
Welcome back
So nice to be greeted with such excitement isn’t it. I hope Howie settles in well with you.
Thanks Jenny…..it’s always wonderful to be greeted so warmly…yes! Howie seems to be adjusting well so far….now he needs to grow those prickles back.xxx
Sounds like a great time was had by all – it’s nice to have some time out like that – oh but coming home – no one greets you like a dog, do they? Hope your husbands head is ok – what are men like? The other day mine went to look through the window at something and forgot there was glass in – honestly! Nice to see your seeds coming along – mine aren’t showing yet. Poor little hog looks awful naked – hope his spines grow back soon. And as for those socks!!!
Oh you are so right about dogs….they are so natural and spontaneous. Sam did have me smiling, I didn’t know a dog could smile as wide as he did. Hubs…lol….he had a lump for a few days and is now tired of me laughing at him, it was so funny as he was so cross at himself. Lol….maybe yours and mine should pay a visit to specsavers….
I really hope Howie grows his prickles back….time will tell.
Oy…..what’s wrong with my socks???? eh???? lol thanks Elaine.xxx
The houseparty weekend must have been good for the soul and also the welcome home from your loved ones. The plants are doing well too. It’s good to get away for a break, but it’s also good to get back home and I can relate to that. Hope your new charge thrives.
Thanks Linda, a jolly always lifts the spirits and the people I was away with are such good company. Yes, it’s always good to return home….Curly cat seemed to miss me too, she didn’t show once for hubs….just ate the food he left. Here’s to Howie!!!xxx
Looks like you’ve been very busy but having fun, too. That’s the first time I saw the word “jolly” used as a noun like that. Looks like your off to a flying start with your vegetables.
I do hope you use “jolly” like that too…lol. This is a really busy time, everything gets a spurt on at once along with the weeds of course. Here’s hoping your spring kicks in soon. Thanks Jason.xxx
Always nice to have proper excitement when one returns home — well done, Sam and Annie! But regardless, you deserve more jollies like this one after planting and weeding and caring and mucking out and picking up and repairing and sorting and picking up spouses who run into signs (!) besides the every-day-rescues!
We’re all glad you’re back
Lol….what IS hubs like? I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw him lying on his back….he had hold of Sam at the time who looked equally baffled.
Oh you are spot on, dogs sure know how to greet a gal….thanks SO much Anne.xxx