What do you see? A pile of dried leaves? Good, that’s how I want the hog to look.
Yesterday I released three huge prickly hedgehogs, they were four times the size that they were when they arrived at the rescue and totally rearing to go. Selecting their new homes is always a worry for me. These three were all males so needed to be released in different areas, so much thought was needed in order to find them their ideal homes.
If there’s water nearby they need a slope to be able to climb out, good cover is needed for nesting and hibernating, and what will they be eating….sighs, decisions, decisions! AND I have to remember where I’ve released hogs in the past.
Finally, I found three perfect homes, it took all evening but I was happy with my choices. I covered each hog with dried material and left them with plenty of food to ease them into their new lives, then walked away with many a backward glance. I do hope they all do well…..
I’ve painted up a few more old bits and pieces and popped them in the courtyard museum….
And…..guess what? YES…. I found a tin of red paint!!!
This little rabbit hutch was donated by the rescue, now Herbie can sleep here during the day if the greenhouse gets too warm.
Erm……the lamps seem to be taking over in this area!
Obviously getting carried away! Again!
Now y’see that metal stand? That was once a support that came around double glazed windows, I tied it all together and now it’s a great little place for me to grow my herbs, spinach and rocket and it’s right outside the kitchen so not far to go to gather them on rainy days…
Hmmmmmm….bits of red are appearing everywhere!
Enough is enough…..soooo…..moving swiftly on!
The garden is full of cherry blossom, it’s floating everywhere and I just love it.
These three cherry trees all flower one after another, and when they have finished all the plum, pear, and apple blossom comes out.
Sam loves to chase the petals, you should see the daft thing leaping about….he’s taking a breather here but he’ll soon continue his antics.
And just look at the tadpoles, lots of green and brown frogs coming….
And there’s been lot’s to celebrate too. My lovely neighbour Barbara had a birthday and twenty two of us went for a meal, then back to her house to party, and it didn’t cost us a penny so I’m on the lookout for a thank you plant, something delightful, just like her.
And finally, last but not least..
Daughter has a birthday today, she’s now twenty six, struth, how times flies! She’s out with her chap tonight but she and I will celebrate on Saturday with a meal and a circus performance. Just people mind, NO performing animals…oh no, that wouldn’t do at all!
Ahhhh…..yes…it does only seem like yesterday to me when daughter was gurgling….they grow up so quickly don’t they! Thanks for such a lovely comment. Have a wonderful week.xxx
Aaah, lovely! Celebrations all round, what a busy week! I’m wishing your hedgehogs well in their new homes, we won’t know how they fare so we just have be hope. Happy birthday to your 26 yr old – time flies, my son is now 19, remember when he was a gorgeous cuddly baby and lively toddler! Still a lovely boy, I’m sure the same can be said for your daughter, she looks fun! Lovely cheerful photos, you have a knack for seeing the beauty in everything which says a lot about you! Have a wonderful weekend and week ahead! C xx
Happy birthday to your daughter! My only son is just a year younger.
You have certainly been busy with the red paint. I like the big hand with the blue nails. It whimsy just appeals to me. I hope the hedgehogs do okay on their own. Have a wonderful weekend Snowbird!
Thanks Linda……lol, glad to hear you like my weird old wooden hand!!! Hoping my babies do well….and you have a lovely week. xxx
Looks like you were a very dedicated real estate agent for the hogs, and you didn’t even get a commission. I’m very much taken with all the objects you painted out in your garden. Thinking of doing something like that myself with my rather ugly plastic containers.
I pleased to hear you like my bits and bobs, I just love old unusual items and they do last the test of time, a quick sand and a coat of metal paint keeps them ticking over nicely.
I would certainly paint your plastic pots, metal paint is so much better than gloss.Thanks Jason.xxx
As soon as I saw your cover image, I thought immediately that you’d found a tin of paint
And surely did paint your town red. So bright and cheer — just like your good self. Love that image of Sam relaxing regally, albeit briefly, on all those gorgeous petals. Makes me want to plant a cherry tree just for the effect.
Celebrations looked wonderful with all those bright and happy smiles. Hope you and your dear daughter enjoy your time out together.
And happy release day to your hogs! They have been wonderfully cared for and I wish them well in their new adventures. Actually, in that first shot, the only thing I saw was the prickly rose cane and hoping no one would get snagged on it!
Lol….I’m afraid you are getting to know me FAR to well……Sam can look a rather regal boy when he’s not up to his tricks!!!
Oh you must plant a cherry tree, it would be lovely in your climate sitting out with lunch and blossom all about, and the blossom just browns up and shrivels so doesn’t need to be cleared away.
Hahahahaha….I hadn’t seen the rose cane at all!!!! thanks Anne.xxx
Great post and pics. Those animals just don’t know how lucky they really are. You are obviously enjoying spring too.
Ah, thanks Peter, I do love Spring, it’s such a wonderful time full of new life.xxx
I love your courtyard museum! One of my dogs leaps about chasing cherry blossoms, too. I didn’t know other dogs did it, too.
So happy you were able to find homes for your hedgehogs. Do you ever go back and check on them? Do they wander back to your garden?
I’m pleased you like my courtyard Casa, it scares a lot of people off, but I am a little too eccentric!!!
Lovely to hear you have a blossom chaser too, crazy guys!
I don’t go back to check on the hogs, they can walk a mile a night so I’d never find them again. I release them all quite a way from my garden as we live on a busy road and already have several hogs living here. Thanks Casa. xxx
The cherry blossom looks amazing – the trees must have looked so beautiful. Glad you found the hogs safe new homes and that they are all well fattened up bless ’em.
Fancy Daughter being 25 now! Wow… times flies along…… hope she had a wonderful day….
And you been out to play as well with the girls… looks as if you enjoyed yourselves in your gladrags!
Now then…. red AND blue……! I am looking forward to a third colour creeping in too at some point! xxxx
I do love cherry blossom, it’s one of the great sights of spring. We have several trees that flower one after the other so it prolongs the season. Fingers crossed for the hogs, I hope they do well, they are such adaptable little things in terms of what they will eat.
Time does fly, gosh I can’t believe I’m the age I am!!!
Hahahahaha….it’s only a matter of time before other colours creep in! Thanks Arose.xxx
Sorry…….. Daughter was 26 not 25… … duh….
I love all the tadpoles too – wow millions of them! How wonderful!!! Am most envious… and then you’ll see all the little frogs bless ’em! Wonderful! xxxx
That must have been a worry about releasing the hogs but I’m glad you’re happy with your choices. They’ve had the best start.
I’d love to see Sam chasing that blossom. What a fun dog he is!
That’s great about the tadpoles; it’s wonderful to see them growing so well.
Hope Daughter had a lovely birthday (and enjoys all her celebrations). Twenty six sounds so young…(!)
Thanks Wendy, yes, they do have a head start, they’re all plumped up, de-flead and hardened off….I’ll keep my fingers crossed for them. Everywhere I go I keep an eye out for for hog homes….
Sam is one crazy, zany chap, he’s such a happy boy and seems to appreciate everything, it’s often the way with abused dogs.
This seems to be the year of the tadpole for sure, I’ve never seem so many in such a small pond.xxx
I love the way you describe the people circus as ‘no animals’.
The hedgehogs are well camouflaged and it sounds and looks like you have given them a great re-start.
Lots of greetings to all of your friends and family on their respective birthdays.
Your Garden must be quite a decorative sight. Do that animals recognise the colour red? I have a vague recollection that some birds, perhaps birds of prey, can discern certain colours. xxx
Lol….now I know we are animals too, but we get to choose [we normally] if we want to be in a circus. Oh how I hate to see performing animals!!!
I really hope the releases went well, I covered the hog with more leaves than the picture shows and left plenty of food so hopefully all went well!
I’ve heard birds see colour too, they often appear iridescent to each even when they have plain black feathers…dogs are supposed to be colour blind but ours don’t seem to be, they go after red fruit each year! Thanks Menhir.xxx
I look crazy in that picture, I guess that’s what chocolate cake for breakfast does to a person! Sam looks very majestic, I think he needs a red collar to go with all the red in the courtyard! x
Thank you.xxx
Lol…..I think you’re right about a collar for Sam…and as far as I’m concerned, you often have cake for breakfast!!!xxx
Painting the town red is the way to go. Your yard is very attractive. As to finding homes for the hogs, I can imagine that it is heartbreaking work. How good that your wonderful daughter is having a birthday, so you can forget about the difficulties of life for a moment, and celebrate with her and the family. I’m happy for her and you. May you have much happiness always, with friends, families and neighbors… and may all the living creatures in your vicinity be happy too. xxx
Thanks Shimon……it can be hard to settle on the perfect place and I try not to over think things, but it is important to get the location right….here’s wishing them well.
Thanks for your wonderful good wishes, I wish the same for you too.xxx
Good! Pleased you are happy with relocating your ‘hog buddies’….Sounds good places….
Very colourful your garden etc….You really DO improvise and recycle very well!
So many ‘tales’ told by the decor of your garden….
Happy Birthday to daughter….Hugs!
Very Happy Post! Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, I have my fingers crossed for the hogs, hopefully they will do what they are meant to now….
I love to recycle things and that old support is a great herb and salad holder.I’m a little eccentric……lol xxx
Luuurve the red paint – it makes everything look even more mediterranean! Hope your hoggies do brilliantly. They don’t have any excuse not to, now they’ve had your TLC! Your pix are fab as usual – and congrats to daughter, who is rather beautiful …
Lol….thanks Gilly, I think I like the mediterranean look…..and I wish the hogs well too, I’ll be releasing plenty more over the coming months so will need to be on the lookout for good sites…..daughter is a pretty little thing!xxx
Your garden corners all look colourful. Have a good time with your daughter on Saturday – sounds like you’ll have fun!
Thanks Linda, we did have fun.xxx
A most enjoyable post, and lovely pictures. I especially like the second picture of Sam.
Have a good weekend. xx
Thanks Flighty, Sam does look rather handsome when he likes.xxx
It must be like watching your children leaving home when you release the hogs fingers crossed they all survive out there. I reckon your husband should hide the paintbrushes when you are in painting mode – everything is certainly looking very colourful. Sam is looking very regal in that picture and your blossom is magnificent. Have a lovely weekend.
Oh yes, seeing them go does have me worried, but I’m sure they’ll do well, they have got fantastic new homes. Lol….hubs agrees re hiding the paintbrushes, sometimes [often] I get carried away!!! Nice and bright in the winter though.
Oh I do love cherry blossom, and it just fries up within a few days so no need to clear it away, I wish that were true of leaves! Thanks Elaine.xxx
My heart would be in my mouth releasing the hogs, I hope they do well in their new homes. It must feel so rewarding seeing animals released back in to the wild, especially when you know they wouldn’t have survived had they been left to fend for themselves without help. Your courtyard is looking lovely with splashes of red, and look at all those tadpoles, you’re going to have splashes of green and brown too. Happy birthday to your daughter, she’s such a beautiful girl. I hope you have a lovely time on Saturday, and I agree about circuses, I wouldn’t go near one if they had performing animals.
I find releasing animals a little nerve racking to Jo, but I’m a right old mother hen. It is brilliant when they finally go, that makes it all so worthwhile. Goodness, this year we have hundreds of tadpoles, every year we seem to have more. I saw a wonderful yellow frog yesterday so I’m hoping we have more of those. Thanks Jo.xxx
Love the cherry blossom lawn. No blossom trees here yet, an omission I must fix!
I hope your daughter has a lovely day.
Oh you just can’t beat cherry blossom, it’s so delicate and short lived. Thanks Jess.xxx
Well done on finding homes for the three hogs. There must be a lot of pressure to find just the right spot. The splashes of red are very jolly (though I do kinda hope you’ve finished that tin of paint
). Happy birthday to your daughter too…
Thanks Jen, yes, me being such a worry wart an all does mean I faff about re the final choice.
Lol….yes, the red paint has now been shelved!!! xxx
You found a large tin of paint then.
Hope the hedgies do well.
Lol…I sure did Sue.
Yes, you and me both re the hogs.xxx
I’m late to the party, again! On your previous post ~ I was pleased to learn you are now a newsworthy celebrity ~ along with your daughter and Mr. Prickleless! Well done on raising awareness, Hedgehog Woman! Also hope your newly placed hedgehogs will fare well as they venture out into the world, fit as can be.
A very Happy 26th Birthday to your lovely daughter. Hope her day was wonderful and that you enjoy yourselves on Saturday. You have done a lot of celebrating lately, so that’s exciting ~ jolly and all
Your garden looks very cheerful. with the splashes of red and blue ~ now it’s time for the green foliage to join the rainbow. Must be funny to watch your dog chasing cherry blossom petals! My cherry tree is still tightly budded with no blossom yet…but the weather is warming up for the weekend so that will hurry things along…not that I want spring to hurry by, by any means.
What a heap of tadpoles! Wow!
Lol….I don’t think I have celeb quality!!!! I think it was you who actually gave the hog that name. I do hope the new releases are doing ok, I do worry about them…..
Celebrations seem to be like buses, none for ages then they all come along at once!!!
I can’t wait for the garden to really get growing, it seems to start so slowly, then ….boom, everything grows at once.
Here’s to a wonderful spring Glo.xxx