It’s been a busy and rather nerve racking Easter holiday this year. The sun has been shining and finally it simply HAD to be done, there was no putting it off any longer. Yes, the newly laid turf had it’s first mow and survived to tell the tale!!!
Unlike the squash, melon and courgette seedlings which have been beheaded by slugs. In desperation I finally mounted them on a pole in the greenhouse, surely the blighters won’t make their way up there!
We had a visitor this week, daughter was minding this little dog and brought him around for a visit, I was a tad nervous regarding how he would get on with our two as he is dog aggressive, but he was on his best behaviour and all went well.
I was delighted to see this bunch of fritillaria pop up recently, such interesting little plants.
The garden is a mass of pink and white blossom at the moment, it really is romantic and dreamy, if only I could float about in a flowing white dress, with a large straw hat and a wicker basket picking the best blooms for a posy….
Or sit on a blanket beneath this tree with a picnic…
Cherry trees outside our house.
But no…..there’s no time for such things……because…
There is face painting to be done at the rescue fund raiser. Queues and queues of kiddies all waiting SO patiently to be transformed.
And then, when I had FINALLY finished, I was given a little homework by the wildlife staff…
“Would you mind,” they said “taking baby blackbird for the night.” So after a pretty please or two I did….and fed it every half an hour, returning it the next evening, only for somebody else to take it home with them, it’s a 24/7 job at wildlife.
Tonight it was dropped off at my home again, along with another little mouth that needs feeding. This time I get to play Mommy bird for three days….and nights… for the rescue is overrun at the moment. All hands to the pump!
A dunnock chick.
I was rather nervous re the dunnock chick as it only arrived at the rescue a day ago and has been nightmarishly difficult to feed, it had only eaten one mouthful of food to date and that was forced into it.
It’s the worst possible age, too old to be hand fed by anything other than it’s mother, and it had been caught by a cat…so the slightest puncture wound could be fatal, but, so far so good, no wounds detected.
So, I got the syringe out, and full of trepidation, filled it with food. Imagine my surprise when baby dunnock latched onto it for grim death, and at one point was actually dangling off it mid air!!!
Now it’s on a syringe full every half an hour, the same as baby blackbird. Result!!!!
And finally…..
These thirteen ducklings arrived yesterday, mum had been killed by a car and a wonderful guy rounded the lot of them up and brought them to the rescue.
That cherry tree and all those blossoms are just beautiful! Looks like there is lots going on over at your place. No grass mowing yet for us but I’m sure it’s not far off.
Thanks Susanne, I do hope your weather improves soon, so many of you have had such awful winters, the weather is becoming stranger worldwide. Yes….the chicks are keeping us all on our toes for
Your garden is looking fabulous, all that blossom its a treat. Your newly laid lawn is looking great What a photo of the little bird with its mouth wide open!!
Thanks Annie….I do love the romance of cherry blossom….and I’m so glad the lawn survived it’s first mow. It’s incredible how wide chicks can open their beaks isn’t it?xxx
I love reading your blog as I am a bit of a softie where all creatures are concerned. I really don’t know where you find the energy for all the things you do, but I am glad that you do.
That cherry blossom tree is beautiful and the petals look like snow underneath it. And i think that photo of you in the dress and hat is amazing !
You have a full life there’s no doubt about it. Enjoy your hols. You deserve it xxx
Thanks Keggs….I run out of energy each evening and totally flop says one softie to another.
Oh I just LOVE cherry blossom, it’s stunning when it’s floating around in drifts, the plum and pear have been laden too so I’m hoping it’s going to be a good year for fruit. I was so thrilled with the picture Glo concocted….amazing isn’t it? I love the Lakes so will re-charge my batteries….and wear out me legs!!!xxx
Have you had any sleep?! I have no experience with birds but, wow, what a job! You are an angel! You need to book yourself a trip to the spa for some much needed pampering! Love your pink petal grass.
My charges have returned now, twice the size and with lots more feathers.I tend to feed them until 1pm then get up at six to start again. I do pity parent birds….oooohhhh the thought of a spa!!! Never mind, off on my jollies now for a week…..thanks
Waft around in diaphanous gear in pink garden, holding court with dogs, a fine wine or a sherry or two, I’d suggest.
Change clothes and gird ones loins for business at the rescue. Sleep prescribed at least twice a week for the next 3 weeks! Then…
Back to wafting in garden to a comfortable garden bed with shade. If you are able, find a slave to fan you with palm leaves and feed you grapes.
Hahahahahaha….EXCELLENT suggestions….I shall put them into practice immediately!!! Tootles off to search for slave….Thanks
I love reading about all your orphans, Dina and seeing them in your wonderful photos. That is really sad about the female duck, I wish they had some road sense and wouldn’t take their ducklings across – but I’m glad you can give the ducklings a chance. I rescued a fledgling yesterday that had somehow ended up in our barn and popped it under the nearest hedge, I hope it survives.
The face painting looks terrific!
The blossom is looking beautiful and romantic at the moment and I hope you do find some time to daydream in it!!
Mother ducks are notorious for crossing roads aren’t they? I’ve come across that scene so often, my heart is always in my mouth. I’m amazed that none of the ducklings were killed….they will do well now, the first day or two are the worst.
Ahhh….I hope your little rescue bird survives, hopefully it’s parents will be nearby, it’s lucky you found it!
My charges will be returning to the rescue soon so I hope to get myself out and under that tree…I just love cherry blossom. Thanks
Your garden does look dreamy and I would suggest that you dress up in beautiful dress…hat, parasol, etc and have a photograph taken…What a memory that would be?
Such a lovely, joyful, and busy life….you are my kind of woman:) Have a fab weekend, and I hope that the little ones do well.xxxxx
Y’know….I think it’s time to get the floaty frock out!!!! It will be a wonderful memory!!!
And you are my kind of woman!!! Fingers crossed the babies are coming on in leaps and bounds….here’s to them being released. Thanks
The blossoming trees in your garden and neighbourhood are an uplifting
sight. The lawn looks good too. Glad the dogs got on well together and hope all your chicks survive. The feeding programme sounds exhausting.
Loved seeing the face painting session.
Thanks Linda. This is such a lovely time of the year in our street, all the trees blossom together and white and pink blossom floats around the neighbourhood…’s unbelievably pretty.
I was relieved the dogs got along, Sam is so good with other dogs but Annie will react to aggression. hey had a ball running around together.
It’s hard going re the feeding but the chicks are simple adorable, they flutter their wings and stretch their necks impossibly far….and as for those huge beaks!!!xxx
re the wretched slugs and snails…..sandpaper round the poles with sandy side up? Apparently they don’t like that? and salt all round bottom of poles to deter them from their ascent…..
Poor ducklings losing their mum like that…
but excellent that they were all rounded up and rescued.
Love reading about all the creatures and seeing the pictures
and well done the doggies all getting on with each other ok.
The cherry blossom is sublime – get yer white dress and straw hat on and picnic away underneath it!
Lots of interesting lovely stuff to read and pics to look at!!
Well done and thank you for everything you do for the creatures!xxxx
Oh….sandpaper! Now why have I not thought of that before???? marvelous, shall give that a whirl.
I was glad the ducklings were all caught, they have no chance without mum, such a shame she died…..but ducklings do well at the rescue so these should all be released down the line.
I was pleased that little dog behaved, Sam wouldn’t react to aggression but I know Annie would!
Lol….off to get me frock on….well once baby birds have gone back to the rescue and when the rain stops!!! Thanks
Another lovely post WONDERWOMAN!!!!!! ~X~
Hahahaha….thanks Mrs!xxx
You have such a beautiful garden! It’s a great pleasure to look at it. I wish you many happy opportunities to take advantage of it. I’m always thrilled by the stories of your face paintings. And wishing you continuous good luck with your efforts to help the living creatures in distress. How refreshing it is that we have an ambassador such as yourself to represent us, human beings, in contact with the animal kingdom. And I can only hope that posts such as this will be an inspiration to the young to take part in the endless work.
Thanks for such a lovely comment Shimon… is a great pleasure to be around so many different animals and even better is seeing them thrive and return to the wild. I think I’d pay for such a privilege,I think I benefit from being in contact with them more than the animals do!!!
I’m really hoping my new back garden grows well and becomes a haven for all sorts of wildlife. It’s beginning to look rather
and here’s a closeup ~
Ha!!! Absolutely AMAZING!!!!! love it!!! xxx
Oh my goodness ~ you are so busy caring for your needy creatures ~ what a wonderful difference you make in this world! Love your happy painted faces, and your garden looks terrific!
I have left you something on my blog today, and also include the link here…hope it opens for you
You have no idea how THRILLED I was to find that picture today, what a wonderful momento to keep, daughter is going to print it off for me, then I’ll have it framed. Goodness, how on earth did you do it???
Thanks you SO much, now I can look at myself under the cherry tree!!!
Thanks for your lovely comment too….I only do what I can though and would love to be able to do more….xxx
I found slugs 6 foot up my bean poles last year. Just sayin’….
Arghhhhh…..oh no!!!! Thanks Jess….for giving me nightmares!xxx
Awww, such gorgeous little beebees … and what a lot of work, SB – blimey, every 2 hours all thro the night???? how do you do it??? So pleased the dunnock ate for you – obviously happy with you! Feeling the luurve …
Lol, they sure are cute little beebees! It’s astonishing how quickly they grow in a few days. The blackbird has shot up and has most of it’s features and the dunnock is already grooming and cleaning it’s beak. I think these two will be self feeding in no time.Thanks Gill xxx
Wow! AND….apart from everything else DONE… find time to share such wonderful pictures…and…report on the ongoing work at ‘The Rescue’. Splendid D! Thanks for sharing….;)
BTW…slugs will ‘shin’ – ‘slime’ – up those poles….unless you deter them with some perentive stuff….;) Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka! Oh….I do hope the slugs keep off the poles, I’ve laid a flooring of eggshells at the bottom so hope that deters
So much life, colorful and needy as it is…but full of hope and offering sustenance to our spirits as well…Your yard looks like a paradise. I know how hard you toil to make it so, Dina, but isn’t it grand to be out there with the pups and Curly after a long day of Rescue work?!
It is hard to extend my respect for life to slugs…but I’m still trying. I like your solution of raising the seedlings: good luck with that.
Thank you for your beautiful, beautiful photos and words: Gentle peace and great joy to your week!
Oh I totally agree, there is nothing better than pottering around the garden looking at whatever has appeared while the birds flit and sing….and having the dogs or the cats for company is so satisfying!
Lol….I can’t say I’m terribly fond of slugs either, I don’t mind them taking a couple of seedlings but I hate it when they behead the lot!!! I think they know I won’t kill them. I move them instead and I’m sure they just make their way home each night.
Thanks Kitty, I hope you have a lovely
Your garden is looking lovely with all that blossom and great that your precious lawn has survived it’s mowing. Hope all the little birdies survive and that you do too it must be very hard work all that half hour feeding – good luck with it.
Thanks Elaine, I must say I was worried that the grass may be torn up during moving, that’s always the real test of how well it’s taken.
I must say chick feeding is delightful but the early starts do have me yawning throughout the day! Baby birds will be returned tonight so a lie in for me tomorrow! xxx
I think my blood pressure dropped a few points just thinking about your garden full of cherry blossoms and newly mown grass. That clematis is looking very well, too. And the fritillaria is gorgeous. I do hope your poles have thwarted the voracious rascals and kept your vegs alive.
I don’t suppose spring-crisis at the rescue is over yet, but here’s to everyone surviving it, including the rescued ones!
Thanks Anne, so far so good re the poles keep the slugs at bay! I’ll be taking the birds back to the rescue later and will really miss them and their chirruping!!! I think you’re right about the rescue, it will be heaving at the seams for a few months to come…
Cherry blossom sure is good for relaxation! xxx
The little blackbird feedings is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Sam looks huge next to Herbie too! Also, I don’t see any reason you shouldn’t have a picnic under the tree! x
Lol, Sam is like a horse compared to Herbie!!! Nice they all got along though. The blackbird chick is such a sweetie, I’m always amazed how far they can open their beaks.Thanks
A nice, busy post with lots of good photos.
It’s sad that those huddled up ducklings lost their mum. xx
Thanks Flighty. It’s always sad to see orphaned birds, their mothers do such a better job than us, having said that, we do extremely well with ducklings and they never become tame. I’m confident that these will all return to the
What a full on job looking after those chicks, I hope they all make it. Those little ducklings are so cute. Your garden is looking beautiful with all the blossom, it’s dreamy indeed.
The chicks do take a lot of caring for but they grow so fast so soon my two will be feeding themselves. Everyone was worried about the ducklings as they were only a day or so old but thankfully they are all doing well.
The blossom is wonderful, outside the streets are completely covered in it, it’s so lovely to walk through. Thanks
Hope all the babies do well. The lawn looks really good..
Thanks Sue, hopefully all our lill’uns will thrive and go back to the wild, they will all get the best possible chance. I’m thrilled with the lawn although the dogs have run patches of it bare, still, it’s better than the desert I had last
Hope all the babies do well.
The blossom is all very beautiful. How time consuming looking after the chicks is – at least you can pass them on to the next person and get a good nights sleep! Must be very rewarding to see them feeding so well though.
Ahhh yes, you just can’t beat cherry blossom, magical it is! I always feel sorry for parent birds, these chicks really take some feeding. Once we get them going food wise it’s such a relief, and as you say so rewarding. Thanks Jenny xxx