Each year Liverpool hosts a City of Light Night, and this is the second time I’ve been. Events are put on across the city and many are held at the same time so you have to pick where you’re going carefully. Our tour started in the Bluecoat Chambers….a lovely arty little place.
I must say that overall the installations were something of a disappointment, I mean WHAT is this plastic crow on top of a TV all about???
Now I have a plastic crow on the stocks in the garden…[sitting on the top of the right hand stock post] but nobody calls that art do they….and for that matter, what about Skulldoug and Ghost Dawg, are they art???
This was the only thing that appealed to me in the Bluecoat. This figure was made up of individual pieces of glass, each bearing part of the image…very interesting!
Anyway, after the Bluecoat disappointment hubs and I ran right across town, uphill all the way to get involved in a torchlit procession through a labyrinth…turned out to be a labyrinth made up of candles in plastic bags in a bloomin’ carpark. Double disappointment! And by now I was sweating and my feet were throbbing. Soooooo….after a quick half of beer to sooth the nerves and calm the mind we carried on uphill to the Anglican Cathedral. Now here the lights were stunning! But there was no time to enjoy them because we were there to listen to a sing bowl orchestra……a quick confession here, I have a singing bowl and I love to play it, the family though are hardly appreciative…the room empties as soon as I get it out, which can be a good thing sometimes.
Now the orchestra were based in a tiny chapel which was absolutely packed and we couldn’t see a thing, so I crept past, through and over people, some of whom were meditating, for what seemed like ages until I finally got to the front. I was just beginning to relax and enjoy the ommmmmmsssssss and kerplonks, when suddenly my mobile went off….it’s a new one and has the loudest ring you’ve ever heard! Oh the shame! All eyes turned on me with a vengeance and a few kerplonks went astray…and it was daughter demanding to know why we were two hours late meeting up with her!
I turned and fled, past, through and over people, some of whom were no longer meditating! And that was the end of the sing bowl orchestra for me. Hubs was thrilled as he was not enjoying it one little bit!
Soooooo…..we carried on running up and over hills until finally we arrived at the Japanese drumming and firefighting display. That was marvelous but standing proved painful for by now we had been running around town for five and a half hours….and this was all we really got to see.
The weekend did improve as we all bathed in sunshine and some of hubs family came up for a BBQ, there was an unfortunate fire, but hey….I don’t know how greasy meat is, I don’t eat or ever cook the stuff. Anyway fires were put out and good fun was had, charred food and all.
Chaps in hats, hubs, his brother and father.
Hubs and I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary last week too….and guess what I asked for?
Oh yes….PLANTS!
And we enjoyed a lovely Italian meal in this arty little restaurant.
And finally….
I have been meaning to post a pic of my black tulips, every passer by has admired them and they lasted nearly a month, little stunners they were!
Great to see a picture of your hubby and family. As for art, one has to approach it with caution. It’s something like listening to somebody else’s dreams… including day dreams. Every once in a great while you run into solid inspiration… you know… like every once in a while you run into a hundred pound bill in an old book… but we can’t depend on that happening. I like drinking old crow, though…
Hahahaha…I too like drinking old crow! Yes, I agree about the art, often I think it becomes confused, after all , what is art, some of it is just ideas, but yes, when something hits the spot the effects are fantastic. Thanks Shimon.xxx
THIRTY TWO YEARS?? Were you five when you married?! Congratulations, dear Dina. Looks like you and hubs do very well together despite your differences at bowl orchestras. Who even knew they existed? I love that shot you took of the cathedral looking up into the light.
I have my own idea about that crow on the telly…
Hahahahaha…..what DO you mean, was I five???? I was only two I’ll have you know I was only two!!!
Yes….hubs and I wrestle through life at times but generally get along fine, as long as I get my own way mind!
Oh how I wish you had shared your view on the crow on the telly…thanks Anne.xxx
Dreadful mistake. Of course, you were only TWO! As for the crow and telly — perhaps it’s telling the world that there’s nothing but crap on any given channel.
Hahahaha….that has me really laughing out loud!!! Still laughing, OF COURSE…how spot on are you!!!! Brilliant! I have sky and record everything of interest!There is no way I could just watch normal T.V!
Married hubs when I was 21…..Still amazed it worked out, but hubs and I have always had our own identities, even back in the day, I think you have to stand as an individual and be comfy in your own skin before you can share a life with another. xxx
Great images even if you didn’t really enjoy your trip.
Thanks Peter, you have to give these things a whirl I suppose.xxx
Happy anniversary! Those black tulips are gorgeous massed in the way you planted them. I have the same tulips, but spread them over a flowerbed and they don’t look half as nice planted that way.
The City of Lights festival sounds to have been an adventure if nothing else, but your backyard barbecue sounds like it was great fun.
Thanks Jennifer, this is the first time I’ve block planted like that and I was really pleased with the results, so effective with such a dramatic tulip.xxx
Enjoying life to the full as ever Dina !
Congrats on your 32nd wedding anniversary. That’s no mean achievement these days. I like the pic where one of your doggies is lying flat out on the grass. Looks like everyone had a grand time at the BBQ, fire notwithstanding.
Thanks for another life-affirming post. Just what I needed after a dull few days.
I always look forward to reading your posts and this one was full of action (and plants LOL). xxx
Thanks Keggs….oh Sam has to be in all the shots and all the action, and while he’s lolling there, poor Annie is hiding behind a bush waiting to herd him!!!
I can’t believe hubs and I have been married so long….where do the years go eh….we have to make the most of them, time flits by so quickly.xxx
Goodness, the things you get up to in Liverpool. We have no such excitement here in Suffolk. The plastic crow and telly baffle me but so do your stocks. How come you have stocks in the garden? And where did you get them from? Are they an art installation or do you use them?
I love your black tulips, are they Queen of the Night?
Lol….my stocks are genuine 17th century local stocks, they were bought at an auction along with a potato digger and other weird and wonderful things…. I just couldn’t resist them. I have a plastic skeleton in them called skullduggery, Doug for short and the ghost dog is Dawg….all for fun, the local kids love it!
Yes, they are Queen of the Night and have been the best tulips I’ve ever had….and they bloomed for ages. Thanks for visiting Chloris. ccc
Plastic crow on a tv? No, I don’t understand that either!
Wishing you a belated anniversary – looks like you’ve had loads of fun though.
I love the stocks – a good idea – I can think of folk I would be tempted to put in them :@
I have some black tulips too, they’ve made me smile each time I’ve looked at them.
Thank you for your lovely comments Snowbird, I really appreciate them
Very best wishes
Rose H
It’s baffling isn’t it….half the time you have to go off and read what these art installations are all about….
Lol….there’s a few people I’d like to see in the stocks for an hour too….
Thanks Rose….I have missed you.xxx
Nice Tulipa! Are they Queen of Night? I agree with you about the mystifying art displays, I feel like our concrete chicken Casimir has been underappreciated for his artistic value. Congrats on your anniversary!
Well spotted Jason, yes they are queen of the night and are the best tulips I’ve ever grown, for remaining upright and prolonged blooming.
Hahahahaha…..poor chicken….I’ll call it art….there you go, feel any better!!! Thanks Jason.xxx
I feel the panic… about having a cell phone ringing in the middle of a Concerto
but I guss for you was even worse since this type of music is a lot quieter…
kisses and hugs claudine
Have a lovely long w.e. (at least here in Switzerland tomorrow is holiday) and I don’t have to work on friday
Oh it was a terrible thing to have happen, as you say the music was so intense and quiet …people must have thought I was very bad mannered and inconsiderate!
Have a lovely day off and enjoy your holiday.xxxx
As usual a most enjoyable post, with some interesting pictures.
A happy, if belated, anniversary. xx
Thanks Flighty….I can’t believe how quickly the years are flying by.xxx
What fun you’ve been having – and good for you – burrowing to the front of the show to be able to see…. but you poor love having the mobile go off like a rocket! What bad luck!
the tulips do look beautiful and I do think the stocks and plastic crow and Skulldoug etc are an art installation really….. definitely! And I like the way the display changes….. !
Good to see Sam involved with the celebrations and CONGRATULATIONS to you and hub! That is a real achievement!
Lol…the phone incident couldn’t have been worse, the sing bowl orchestra was so quiet and meditative too…..I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me!!!
Hahahaha….I love the idea of having my very own art installation!! YES!!! I’m always fiddling around with things…
Sam always has to get involved in everything, he even had to get in the chap and hats pic….I suppose he is a bloke too!!! Thanks Arose.xxx
I love that Sam’s managed to get involved in each photo. You seemed to do an awful lot of running round for Light Night – big mistake, you should have come and found a bar and music like I did xx
Lol….Sam pokes his nose in everywhere, leaving poor Annie lurking trying to get him running!
Yes, far too much running in high boots was done…..and of course we should have called it quits and found a bar! Thanks Scarlett.xxx
Congratulations to you both on your anniversary, I can’t think of any better gifts than plants. I definitely think your stocks are art, if Tracey Emin can call an unmade bed art than you’ve definitely got a case. Nice to see that you had some fine weather for your family get together, it’s pouring down here today, Archie’s crossing his legs as I haven’t taken him out yet but I think I’m going to have to brave it, he can’t hold on much longer.
Thanks Jo…..it’s always great to get plants isn’t it? Sighs….that unmade bed got so much publicity, it’s bizarre! Lol….I’m smiling at the thought that my stocks are art!!!
Yes, we are back to rain too….we really need a few weeks of sunshine don’t we, here’s hoping! Poor Archie….go for it gal!xxx
Congrats on the wedding anniversary, and the black tulips are lovely
Thanks Jenny, they were the best display I’ve ever had with tulips, I’ll have to store them well ove winter.xxx
What a strange show, well some of it anyway! I do love ‘your’ garden art, always makes me smile when I see a picture of it and your crow is in the right place and setting for sure! Those tulips are beautiful, I love the colour. Suzy x
Lol….thanks Suzanne….I agree my crow adds a touch of macabre gothicness.
Oh those tulips were utterly breathtaking, someone even stole a few!xxx
Seems like a case of don’t believe all the hype of what is yet to be.
On your question of what is art…..indeed, what is is? There are focussed definitions, impressionist ones, graphical, architectural, naif and there is what you see everyday around you in life, it lends itself to the subjective camp. It’s a big philosophical question, a subject that has no single characterisation.
Oh I was so disappointed re the labyrinth, I imagined it to be in tunnels with torches…..sighs…
Yes, defining art is always down to the individual and we all like different things, but these type of installations seem more like thoughts or ideas to me, they take little skill or talent to implement, and there is no discipline involved in their creation…although maybe someone, somewhere may like them. Thanks Menhir.xxx
Enjoyed hearing about your action packed week with pics. The phone incident made me laugh as we too went to a concert (in a Cathedral) at the weekend – nice baroque music, but much more staid than a singing bowl ensemble!! Congratulations on your 32nd wedding anniversary and the Italian restaurant meal sounds like a perfect way to celebrate! Were you given 32 plants?! Love the tulips.
Thanks Linda, lol…..I think I received more than 32 plants! Oh….I LOVE baroque music, you lucky thing!xxx
Goodness you must have been shattered running all over the place like that – shame it was all a little disappointing. Nice to know someone had some sunshine over the weekend, here it has been nothing but rain, rain, rain. Love your patch of black tulips surprised they lasted so long – and so many anniversary plants too – congratulations by the way.
Lol, I thought I was back in the Lakes, only this was worse, I was running in boots with a huge heels!!!
My feet were in bits, I hadn’t anticipated how far the distances were. We are back to rain too….when is the sun going to linger….
Those tulips were the best I’ve ever had, and they remained upright the whole time, now I just have to let them die back and put them away for next year. Thanks Elaine.xxx
I put my Queen of the Nights away last year and they didn’t all come up when replanted this year. I have heard that it is in fact OK to leave them in the ground. I might try that this year.
They are rather stunning aren’t they ?
Oh….I would love to leave them in situ Keggy….I may take your advice and just sow a little poppy seed over them for summer colour. Oh gosh, they are just gorgeous, especially that hazy blue centre…xxx
What a crazy day! I don’t understand the crow on the TV, either. But I totally get the beer, plants, and cookout! Have a great week!
Hahahaha….couldn’t agree more re the beer plants and food….they NEVER disappoint! Thanks Casa, you have a good week too.xxx
Talk about an action packed post! I laughed out loud at the phone incident:). As you say oh the shame:)
I havn’t seen the stocks before and yes there’s an interesting sculpture…..certainly beats the crow ion the tele, and I loved the chaps in hats:)
Thank you . Xxxx
Lol….it sure was SHAMEFUL! And I had the phone on as daughter was meeting up with us so completely forgot to turn the darn thing off!
I bought the stocks in an auction, they were the original village stocks and I simply couldn’t resist them. Skulldougery, Doug for short, adorns them along with his Ghostdawg. Thanks Janet.xxx
Did you see the unmade bed ‘art’ on TV. Someone actually bought it for loads of money!!
I did see that Sue….to me it’s not art, just a thought or an idea…..there is no discipline or skill in producing such a work.xxx
Glad the weekend was saved and lovely after the disappointing City of Light affair, although i also love the glass sculpture and singing bowls!
It’s no fun if you can’t see what’s going on or being presented. I’m relatively short, so I also try to scoot up front, if I can: thanks for the reminder to turn my phone off (although I often forget it at home)!
I love the light-smeared shot in the cathedral! Wow!
Looks like a grand gathering for your cook-out (I don’t eat meat, either :)). Love the hats! And what a great haul of plant riches you made for your anniversary. We’re planning our July anniversary party right now…I’ve already blown my gift potential on plants as well.
Congratulations and joy to you and your husband, Dina. Thanks for a lovely post and beautiful photos! Can’t wait to see where all the plants settle.
Blessings on their growth and health.
So many art installations are poor these days, it seems that anything goes and is considered art….I just see them as thoughts half the time. I loved the glass figure though, that was mesmerizing.
Lol…I’m short too and hate not being able to see what is going on, it was awful when my phone went off as it was buried in my bag and took ages to find, and because it was so crowded it took a while for me to hightail it out of there…was I blushing!!!
I was astonished at the grease pouring off the meat sausages….it dripped through the holes in the trays and had the BBQ blazing away, all very dramatic until my sister-in-law arrived and helped put it out….then I was barred from cooking….to my delight. My lovely veggie tray was delicious….
I had a feeling you would be veggie too!
Oh how lovely that you have plants gifted too….the very BEST present. How lovely to be planning a party. Thanks Kitty.xxx
Thanks for sharing some delightful pics….glass figure, singing bowl orch..BBQ sans meat for you….and those black tulips? Wow! Congrats! So many plants…..A Great time by all accounts….:) xx
Thanks Bushka, the Light Night was a mixture of pain and pleasure, I’m not sure it was worth the five and a half hour run. All the new plants have disappeared into the garden, I always think I have lots of plants yet the garden swallows them up. Still, they’ll soon grow. I’ve never had such a fantastic display of tulips, and they stood tall and straight throughout their blooming period.xxx
Love your garden….stocks an all! Good to see you making the most of the weather. And congrats to you and your hubs on your 32nd Wedding Anniversary.
Thanks Karen, I’m still waiting for this heat wave that has been forecast, it’s back to rain, rain, rain now, still, it waters the veggie patch for me. Always good to hear from you.xxx