Last week drastic measures were taken to finally rid a hedgehog of ringworm. Despite daily treatment this hog still has ringworm around his ruff, so now it has been decreed that the only way to cure him is to bathe him in a formula twice a week. I’ve never bathed a hog before, so this was a first for me. It was really strange trying to dry him by wrapping him in a towel!
Remember Howie, the little hog who has been living with me….the one who lost his spines? Well, he now has ALL his prickles back, how marvelous is that eh?
Now, after much discussion it has been decided that he will go and live in a walled garden until next spring where he can be monitored, so if he sheds his spines again he can be brought back to me for treatment. If he holds onto them he can then be released into the wild. I will miss him, even though I’m delighted that he’s gaining his freedom, it’s bitter sweet seeing them go.
The gardens are a source of endless pleasure at the moment, everything is blooming and the heady scent is intoxicating. Here is the first of my new roses to blossom….Abe Lincoln….gorgeous it is.
And for once the clematis is surviving slug attacks…
I have added two jewels to the courtyard recently, a wisteria and a Charles Darwin rose, both are growing beautifully, well, apart from when Sam eats the rose buds!
The back pond is proving to be a haven for frogs, and the newly planted gunnera, bulrushes, iris and ferns provide excellent cover.
And the front pond is full of tiny frogs, and my water lily is just about to open….and there are lots more buds!!!
I’m keeping an eye on all the new plants in the back garden, some are happy where they are but some are sulking….I’ve had to move the almond tree from the middle of the stone circle and plant the blue bamboo there instead as that wasn’t very happy with it’s location….I’ve added a little lavender to pad out the planting. The box hedge is taking it’s time growing….but it will get there in the end, and one day I WILL have a hedge!
Now recently I’ve begun to suspect that hubs was losing his mind. He always goes to bed earlier than me and each evening he’s been trotting down complaining that he can hear talking….or the TV blaring. As neither of these scenarios was true he became perplexed and I questioned his sanity. After a few weeks of this, we were sitting in the courtyard eating our lunch when hubs looked up at the bedroom window and noticed dozens of bees going in and out of the roof….yes….it was a bees nest that was keeping him awake! Just goes to show how you can doubt your sanity doesn’t it….and the murmurings did sound like human voices.
Hubs and I have enjoyed several long cycles recently, with a delicious picnic of course, which came to an abrupt end when I got a flat, you should have seen the size of the thorn…it would have brought a tank down! Anyway, on one cycle we were chatting to a nice bloke on a bike who was asking whether or not it was legal to cycle when drunk….well, we didn’t know the answer to that, but you can’t ride a horse when drunk but you can drive a narrow boat!!
I wonder if he was contemplating cycling while under the influence…..more fool him eh?
Recently, hubs asked me to get a feather for his hat from the farm at the rescue, so I did. The first feathers were goose feathers which raised many a smile so hubs insisted I acquire more manly ones, “less girly“, he said! Get him eh?
So, my second attempt was donated by this turkey….naturally shed mind!! He came into the rescue at Christmas and has three girlfriends to display to….
These met with his approval….
And finally…
Can anybody identify my mystery plant…the one on the right growing up the felled tree…it’s now sporting little pea like purple flowers….
A lovely post, you made me laugh. Your husband is lucky that you have such a choice of feathers for his hat.
I haven’ t seen a hedgehog for years. Where have they all gone? They used to be a common sight squashed on the road but you never see them now.
Your climbing plant is a vetch, definitely a vetch.
Lol, thanks Chloris, I suggested budgie feathers at first, that met with great disdain!
Hedgehog numbers are dropping drastically every year, ten years ago we had 60 million, we now have one million. Their habitat is shrinking daily, cars are increasing and so many gardens are over tidy and use pesticides, it’s such a shame. They are also prone to so many diseases and ailments and many are mowed or strimmed.
I’m rather pleased to hear it a vetch as I want that stump
What a fantastic garden. And so much good news in one package. I’ll be thinking about this post all day. It would interest me to know what the bees were talking about. My father used to claim that the chickens in the chicken shed were saying “Hi, how are you? I’m fine” over and over again. Is it really necessary to dry the hedgehog with a towel in the summer? That seems to me like a rather difficult operation. I don’t think I’d have the patience. Thanks so much for this beautiful post, with the beautiful pictures too… It has really filled me with happiness.
And yes, those feathers are wonderful… They really do something for the hat. Though I think I would have settled for the girlie ones…
Hahaha….there you go….you are so easy to please! Now if you ever want feathers let me know and I’ll pop some in the post. We have goose, cockerel, turkey, peacock, exotic small birds, crows, seagulls, ducks…xxx
Thanks Shimon, how lovely to think that you are pondering on my blog, I often spend the day pondering on yours.
When you listen to the bees, it sounds exactly like people murmuring in hushed voices, but no words present themselves, however, we have a blackbird outside the kitchen that sings…”You’re very purrrrty” all day long, and another bird that I can’t see who sings, “Come-and-catch-me-if-you-can” very quickly all day too.I’ll have to listen to what the chickens on the farm are saying tomorrow!!!
We have to dry the hog to get some of the formula off him, they have a keen sense of smell so it may annoy him, I suppose I could rinse him in clean water, but then they’re nocturnal so I don’t like to have them out too long. As you say, it’s a rather awkward job! Thanks
Beautiful gardens. So peaceful looking.
Thanks Susanne, you can’t beat a garden for a little peace can you, especially when the sun is shining and the birds are
Some great images and plenty of growth up your way, and a recovering hog. All keeping you busy.
Thanks Peter, yes, never a dull moment that’s for
Well I must say that Howie is looking very handsome with his glossy new spines ! Well done you for persevering
The garden is looking great and I do envy you for having wisteria. I love it, but don’t really have any spare room for any more plants in my garden.
Do you know what sort of bees you have in the roof ? My friend has just discovered bumble bees going under her roof tiles. she was most astonished because she thought that they only nested under the ground.
And that hat. Well I do hope that hubs won’t be using those feathers to display to any girlfriends like that turkey was doing LOL !! :))
I agree that it looks like an alpine hat. Very fetching.
Have a great week and thanks for more news of our furry friends.
Hahahahahaha….laughing out loud at the thought of hubs displaying!!! Heaven help him if I catch him wagging a tail feather or strutting!
Howie is amazing isn’t he, what a fantastic outcome, I was beginning to get a little worried.
I’ve wanted a wisteria for such a long time, I had one but it never once bloomed so I heard the trick was to always buy them in bloom as some are barren, they don’t come cheap though. I hope to train it all around the courtyard, now wouldn’t that be lovely, imagine the scent of all those flowers in a small space!
Strangely enough, the bees are bumbles, I thought they preferred the lower ground too! Thanks Keggs. xxx
I love your pond areas – so beautifully planted, no wonder the frogs are happy there! I’m not sure about your mystery flower but agree with Flighty, I think it’s a perennial sweet pea as it has pairs of leaves, a square stem and climbing tendril at the tip) – it will grow to over 2 metres so will need training upwards, unless you want it to grow horizontally! Really lovely to know that Howie is toddling off to the great outdoors, I hope he does well. Must be like having your children leave home….
hope it goes well. xx
Why thank you, I must say the back pond was planted for frogs and such but is becoming very attractive in it’s own right, it’s amazing how quickly plants settle and look as though they have been there for ever isn’t it?
Several of you are going for a perennial sweet pea, that’s perfect for covering the ugly stump, unless it runs wild!
Sighs….yes it’s hard to see them go but wonderful at the same time. Thanks
Brilliant news about Howie, I’m so pleased he’ll be on his way soon, a bittersweet moment. Poor little hog with ringworm, I can’t imagine he’ll have enjoyed his bath at all. Your garden is looking fabulous, all your new plants look to be settling in well. I’m not sure about that last plant, I have a perennial sweetpea but its leaves don’t look the same. It’s an absolute thug, I’ve tried to remove it on numerous occasions but it’s having none of it, it’s still growing strong.
Ah yes….bittersweet indeed Jo…..I do miss them when they go, you get attached when you see them every day….but good luck to him….and here’s to his total freedom.
Funny enough the hogs don’t seem that upset being bathed, maybe because they are such good swimmers, drying them is the hard bit.
Oh….a thug eh….just what I need to cover that stump….while other plants grow anyway. Thanks
Wow…this is an action packed post…..First of all three cheers for Howie, and you of course…..and the garden looks magnificent. I love your ponds, and all the beautiful flowers…..a perfect haven for nurturing humans and wild life, and as for the bees….when do you start to get honey???
Have a wonderful weekend, filled with furies and flowers. :)xxxx
Hahahahaha….I doubt the bees will be willing to share and I’m not brave enough to suggest it to them! It’s such a relief to see Howie back to his former glory, each little success is huge and I feel confident that he will go a wandering around the big wide world once more. Thanks
It’s official, Mr Prickleless is MR PRICKLES. He looks so healthy and fabulous! It’s so lovely that he’ll be released, but we’ll miss him xx
Ha!!!! Yes….Mr prickles is back in all his splendour!!! And yes….aint he just the business now! Thanks
Everything’s looking great. It’s good to see Howie looking so well, here’s hoping for success with the ringworm too. I can just imagine how awkward trying to dry a hedgehog is – have fun with that!
Thanks Jenny….lol….drying a hog is the weirdest thing I’ve done to date! Certainly aint easy…
I’m sure he will be clear of it soon, and as for Howie, what a star!xxx
I’m not sure which bit to comment on as it was all so interesting and wonderful. So I’ll just thanks for a brilliant post! x
Thanks so much Suzy….I do seem prone to rambling! xxx
You probably know all this stuff, but thought I’d attach a link that has a lot of info re hedghogs and ringworm…
Reading that has made me itchy. We always wear gloves when handling the animals, but knowing how contagious the ringworm is always has me nervous of bringing it home to my two hogs….so far so good, I’m careful! We keep the infected hogs away from those that don’t have it, I have known members of staff to catch ringworm, BUT, touch wood, so far I’ve been lucky….long may it continue!!1 Thanks Glo…I bet reading that gave you the heebie geebies!!! xxx
With bees in his bonnet and feathers in hat
Hubs flew for the auto to fix up her flat.
A bike with a puncture stops dead in its tracks
And pushing it causes bashed shins and sore backs…
Yay! Howie is better with full set of spines
And the flowers are growing as well as the vines…
But, all of a sudden I stopped with the rhyme…
I read about ringworm …I hope just in time…
“Hedgehogs uncommonly transmit a characteristic fungal skin infection to human handlers as well as other hedgehogs. This ringworm or dermatophytosis infection is caused by Trichophyton erinacei, which forms a distinct mating group within the Arthroderma benhamiae species complex.”
Hahahahaha, as usual you have MADE my day!!! I just love how you put it all together so beautifully in a poem….I have several of your treasures to read now, and they ALWAYS raise a smile!!!
My poor shins were black and blue!!! Thanks SO much Glo!!!xxx
The plant looks like some kind of pea to me, too. Hooray for Howie! I love your pond. I wanted to add a pond to the garden but had no way to hook up a filter and pump so I’m pondless and mostly frogless.
I had no idea a hedgehog could get ringworm. I hope he recovers. 
I’m rather happy to hear I may have vetch or a perennial sweet pea from a packet of sweet pea seeds, I have a large stump to cover and that may help!
I don’t have pumps in my ponds, but the planting plus straw keeps the water clean, I suppose it’s too hot for you to have a pond without a pump?
Hogs are besieged by ringworm, we have about ten a year suffering from it….the poor things seem to be prone to all sorts of ailments. I’m sure now he’s being bathed it should clear quite quickly. Thanks
Without a pump/filter system, ponds here quickly become mosquito farms.
The mosquitoes here carry several nasty diseases such as the fatal West Nile virus. I would love a pond!!
Struth!!! I didn’t even think of mosquitoes! We never used to have them here but now we get them too, thankfully, we don’t have them carrying disease, that must be scary!xxx
The ringworm sounds nasty. It must be difficult to treat and dry a hedgehog, but I’m sure everything will be all right. Encouraging news about Howie. Your garden is looking good especially around the pond area. Your wisteria is doing well. I think the mystery plant is some sort of vetch or a wild sweet pea.
Ringworm is a horrible thing for a hog, they go all crusty and lose their spines …….it really is AWKWARD trying to dry a hog!!! Especially when they curl up! A case of being creative….
I have really high hopes for Howie now…it’s taken a while but he finally got there.
Ah yes, others agree about the plant ….how interesting, I need good coverage on the old stump so am rather pleased, especially as it popped up amongst a packet of sweet peas Thanks Linda xxx
Ohh dear! I didn’t know that ringworms are so terrible to fight away… with our cats (when they were still wandering around) we had couple time to treat all of them with pills. Howie look great
with his spines back… yes, I guess is better to keep an eye on him for a while, you never know. My compliments and congratulations for these beauties you posted: as I wrote on my blog… you do miracles with your hands… and the flowers are gorgeus!!!
Ringworm is easily treated in hogs, we tend to spray them, it does take quite a while to go though, this poor guy has it in an awkward place, we usually spray them but when this guy curls up we can’t spray the affected area. Hopefully this will sort the problem soon…
Isn’t it lovely to see Howie now, what a difference eh? and fantastic that he can have a large garden to play out in then hopefully the wild!
Ahhhh….thanks so much for your lovely comment Claudine, I wish I could do miracles with my hands.xxxx
Ringworm round the ruff! That sounds very unpleasant, even if it is alliterative.
Ringworm is very common in hogs, if left untreated their spines fall out so it has to be sorted, this hog has it in a difficult place which is hard to spray when it curls up. Thanks
So much I could comment on! Glad Howie is no longer spineless. Do hedgehogs shake like a dog when wet?
How tall is that final plant? It looks like some sort of vetch.
It’s so good to see Howie dressed again isn’t it, I was beginning to worry that he may end up captive, not ideal at all!
The hogs don’t shake when wet, they are really good swimmers and don’t seem to mind the water, they only drown when they can’t climb out of a pond or ditch.
The plant is now about two foot tall, it’s streaks ahead of the sweet pea seeds that it popped up in….I had a look at vetch, how interesting. I want something to cover that stump so birds can nest in the vegetation, I have a montana and honeysuckle growing, will it cause them any problems? Thanks Sue. xxx
I remember having to push a bike with a broken chain a couple of miles home and it’s no fun at all. Garden is looking fab, you’ve chosen some really lovely plants to put in it.
Oh it’s a pain pushing a bike, and you always seem to get a flat at the furthest point from home!!! I find it goes in cycles….ha…no pun intended, no flats for years then one every week, I’m in the one a week stage! Thanks Jess xxx
Ha ha ha ha, I love it – your hubs demanding ungirly feathers!!! I’m chortling away here. Fascinating and lovely post as always. I absolutely love wisteria. And roses! You just have green fingers and animal-loving hands – reckon you should insure them – your hands and fingers, I mean, not the animals
Hahahaha….he’s a one isn’t he? He went walkabout with the goose feathers and drew some strange looks and smiles and got all touchy, he hasn’t braved the world sporting the turkey feathers yet….hopefully his pride will remain undaunted this time around! Lol….LOVIN the idea of insuring my hands! Thanks
A most enjoyable post and terrific photos, the last of which I think shows perennial sweet peas which sadly are unscented.
The garden is looking good and full of interest, and I like the ponds.
Flighty xx
Ahha! A perennial sweet pea you say? I’ve never seen one before, it came in a packet of sweet pea seeds so that makes sense. It is twice the size of the sweet peas and is flowering already, the flowers are only small though…..a shame it has no scent….but a bonus if it comes back as the aim is too cover that stump with climbers so birds can nest in it. I’ve put a montana in and that is flying up it. Thanks
What’s with Sam and rosebuds?
Is there any reason why they should not be edible?
Delighted with the news about Herbie.
Looks like hubby is about to go on an Alpine jaunt. The hat is just right for a lederhosen outfit and a bit of yodelling.
BTW. what do you do about a bees nest? I’m glad from one view point it isn’t wasps that are bothering hubby, but, bees: they’re almost a protected species these days. At least you know what the low hum and buzz is now.
You appear to have an interesting magenta light in a couple of your pictures.
Lol….Sam eats anything, but as you say roses are edible, well that one is…I think! It’s the lovely scent that attracts him, he doesn’t seem able to resist.
Lol….will pass on your comments about hubs hat, he aint no fan of yodelling though!
I’ll leave the bees, they aren’t a problem and even when the window is open they keep to their flight path….they settle after midnight, which is great for me as that’s when I go to bed….
I think the light is me not understanding my new camera, I finally had to purchase a new one and am struggling with the settings…I hate having to figure new gadgets out. Thanks
The garden is looking great – well done! So pleased that the hog has grown his spines back – how strange that he didn’t have any before for whatever reason.
What is the big iron round ball thing…. I remember seeing it before in a post and I think it was a cauldron? It looks as if it must weigh a lot…am most intrigued – what was its original purpose etc?? ‘Inquiring mind needs to know’ :))
What an enormous hog the one with ringworm is! Huge! Hope the remedy works ….. and yes how baffling to try and dry it in a towel!
Very annoying to have a puncture when you are out on a ride.. hope you didn’t have too far to walk back or are you one of those ones who just whips the tyre out at the side of the road and fixes it all in the twinkling of an eye and carries blithely on!
Isn’t it wonderful that it isn’t winter with all that rain and those grey grey skies….xxxx
It’s fab seeing that hog restored to hoglike glory!!! A bald hog is a strange thing! Lol….drying a hog is so weird….the spines get stuck in the towel….most odd!
The big ball is from the middle east, and it lives in the porch and holds dog and cat food, hubs hat is it’s lid…..I like to think of it as my cauldron! I got it from a pub that was closing down along with other brilliant items, apparently two guys hired a van and drove right across the middle east acquiring all sorts! I’m not sure what it was made for though….and it has fab thick chains all over it.
Lol….I’m useless at fixing bikes, we were miles away when the tyre went down, hubs raced home for the car and I had to push the darn bike for ages….and of course the pedal whacked me on the shin all the way…as it does!!!
I’m looking forward to lots of sunshine! Thanks
So the big weird cauldron is still a bit of a mystery – a girt huge cooking pot of a thing! Amazing!
Having to push a bike for miles with a flat tire and being whacked in the shins is the pits…. what a star hubs is to pelt off home and fetch the car to come and rescue you – a true chivalrous knight for a damsel in distress!
Lol….hopefully heads were never boiled alive in it!! Hubs mumbles endlessly…. but he knows I’m never going to change! xxx
Another Super Post D! So much to see, read and learn….
I’m really ‘taken’ with that turkey….Lovely bird!
Drink and Cycle? Mmmm….Probably not wise….Enjoy the good weather! Hugs! xxx
Thanks Bushka, that turkey is a beauty, and he escaped the Christmas table too….a friendly little chappie.
I don’t think I’d dare to drink and cycle!!!xxx
Wow, Dina, your gardens are amazing. I can see how over the last year or two alone, your very hard work has created such beauty! I’ll bet the hedges will hit a growth spurt and look wonderful soon, too!
Hooray for Howie: blessings on his journey and on the other little one besieged by ringworm, poor dear. I had to take a painted turtle into our nearest wildlife rescue (almost an hour away) this week…I’ve been calling every day to hear how she’s doing. Ready to lay eggs, if she makes it through and heals from her wounds…such important work you do!
Your husband’s hat looks almost too Old-West-macho now. I hope he’ll enjoy both his restored sanity and sleep, and get ready for all the whistles from women who find his pioneer-cowboy look enticing!
We’re getting our annual passes for the bike trail this weekend: will think of you sailing along yours (with a new tire) as I’m peddling down mine.
Joy to your sweet heart!
It’s fantastic seeing that baldy hog with a glossy new set of spines! Ahhhh….poor turtle, thank goodness you found it, what happened to it? Note to self….google painted turtle!!!
Hahahaha….I shall pass your comments on to hubs, he will be thrilled and feel all macho!!!
How lovely that it’s time for you two to get the bikes out, you just can’t beat it can you, well, unless you get a flat, or go uphill or battle the wind!! But that’s all part of the experience!
Another delightful post Dina ………~x~~
Thanks Mrs!xxx