…… tell hubs that the turkey feathers in his precious hat are at a ….erm….rather jaunty angle, or, are showing the wrong side. Even Annie is laughing!
And I didn’t quite have the heart to disturb this wood pigeon that I found flopping face down on my lawn, I needed to know if it could feed itself so I watched it from the garden! It could feed itself as it turns out, and seems uninjured. It’s quite young so I think it was just exhausted and unable to find food, so off to the rescue it goes for a little TLC.
Today I was releasing these three collared doves in the garden, they sat there like lemons for ages and I didn’t have the heart to tip the cat carrier to finally free them. EVENTUALLY, they toddled off and flew into the trees.
And speaking of lemons, here is my dilemma, because I brought the lemon tree into the house to over- winter it became too hot and dropped all it’s fruit, all but this one HUGE gem….I don’t quite have the heart to pick it. I mean….what fantastic use can it be put to? Now, it can only be picked for a simply amazing reason, a reason that alludes me at the moment!
Now, Sam is trying SO hard to behave. At the pub recently I insisted that he remove himself from the table and FINALLY after much plaintive coaxing, he slowly lowered his front paws to the seat. I didn’t quite have the heart to pull him off, he sits there so stoically you see…..and he is rather a big lad to haul off and all…sighs…..
And I certainly didn’t have the heart to walk past the gypsy’s colts without giving them some fresh grass that was just beyond their reach.
Nor have I the heart to re-turf this area around the pond in the back garden where the dogs have run it bare….AGAIN!
I didn’t quite have the heart to run like the wind with the dogs through this beautiful field of gold and completely flatten it, although I was SERIOUSLY tempted!
If I could really run like the wind though I’d have gone for it!
Fab photos!
Thanks Steph.xxx
What beautiful photos…..that field of gold… the ponies and the doves and pigeons and everything. And how funny is Sam with his paws down on the chair!! He is such a character isn’t he! :))
Can’t believe the dogs have raced a ring of baldness into the grass again – the beasts!!!
As for hubby’s feather…. you did well not to mention it
Awww…. hope you have a lovely weekend!xxxx
Lol, Sam is just an odd bod! He certainly has his own special style for sure!
I do look at the baldy patches of grass and despair at times, then I think, hey it’s only grass, get over yourself!!! Sometimes I do get over myself…..but not always!
Thanks Arose, hoping all is well with you.xxx
Here’s my favorite quick lemon recipe ~ easy…5 ingredients
1 1/4 cup of graham cracker crumbs added to 1/4 cup of melted butter (that I melt in a glass pie plate) ~ mix and spread to form the crust and put it in the fridge while making the filling.
zest of a lemon
1/3 – 1/2 cup lemon juice
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
2 eggs
whisk the filling ingredients together and pour into crust.
Bake at 350 F (180 C) for 15 mins…. cool and refrigerate. Yummy and quick
and you ALWAYS have heart <3
Oooooh! Thank you SO much, what a sweetie you are!!! I shall certainly give this a go! Thanks Glo!xxx
Swho’s to say which is the right side, when feathers are worn by a human being… and with a smile like that, and a beautiful dog that reaches his shoulder, I think he deserves a big kiss and a hug.
Ha! I love that….of course, if people are wearing the feathers the rules go out of the window!!!!
I shall give hubs a big kiss and a hug……you do make me smile! Thanks Shimon.xxx
I love your hodge podge post tied together with heart. That Sam. I didn’t realize what a stubborn streak he had. Those horses in that dreamy gloamy light. What do you mean you’re having trouble with your camera?? And that golden field. Absolutely glowing.
One delightful precious home-grown lemon. What will you do with it? Here’s to many more of its kind!
Lol…..I just love the words…hodge podge…..
Sam…..he’s not so much stubborn as….erm….well….he ignores me so nicely y’see….I actually think he’s doing me a favour lowering his front legs in the end.
Now since reading the post about your aunt’s garden I FORCED myself to look into a few settings….took a long time to find them and I’m not sure I can find them again, so that golden field pic was down to you!!! xxx
I love to bake bake bake and would turn that lemon into something tasty.
Real gypsies? Interesting…. But I would love to feed those horses, too. As for Sam, he just can’t figure out why your people rules don’t make any sense at all. In dog thinking, he was the perfect gentleman. He just didn’t have the heart to tell you. 
I know you can bake….and I wish I could send the lemon to you too…..sighs….I’m just not very good at it sadly, but my next door neighbour is and I may just pass it on to her and hope something fab comes back! It usually does!!!
We do have a gypsie community, they’ve had a permanent camp for years and they are into their horses big style, they ride them bareback most of the time with nothing but a strand of rope around their necks….the horses seem happy with their owners though. I love to give them something nice when we cycle past.
Lol….that Sam comment had me laughing out loud!!!! Thanks Casa.xxx
My suggestion: lemon cheesecake. Do you actually have gypsies living in the neighborhood?
Oooh….now I do like lemon cheesecake, but I’m hopeless at making deserts. The gypsies have a camp about twenty minutes away and I could tell you tales about them for hours! They have their own way of doing things but they are a cheerful chatty lot when you get to know them, they take a while to warm to people but once they know you’re ok they are most sociable. Thanks Jason.xxx
Dear Dina, first of all, try to learn San to put his bottom on the bench… and the paw on the table (is more confortable)…
amazing all their colours! Every year (now here they are already faded and I shall collect the seeds) I plant them in another corner of the garden, as I do with the flox or the digitalis (yessss the one we have taken fron Wales and Scotland are now growing beautifully)!!!!
About your lemons, we had the same problem: one of the two plants, has losed all most all the flowers but coudn’t be because of temperature change since they were left over winter outside. Maybe is because of the changing of the temperature we had, from 5° up to 15°-20°, then back to little over zero… or even is ’cause of the wind…
Ohh these lovely gypsy’s colts, guess they would like some fresh carots or apples (Sara Luna takes always fresh vegi and fruts to the farm where both kids go horseback riding).
And I see that you have some Japanese carnations too
Kisses, dear Dina, and have a lovely week end
Hahahaha….I am laughing at the thought of getting Sam to sit the other way around, he always has to have the high ground!!!
How interesting about your lemons, our weather has been very changeable too, I was shocked to find a large lemon on the lawn a few days ago….and I have no doubt that Sam took it and had a good go at eating it….even he gave up!!!
I often take carrots to the colts, recently I went around with some only to find the field absolutely full of them, the gypsies must have bought a job lot!!!
How lovely that your UK seeds are growing….if you ever want any more let me know and I’ll send you some. Thanks Claudine….hugs and kisses to you too.xxx
Ha, ha !! Poor hubs ! He had the right intention though
You sound like a girl after my own heart. I often try to put things right if I see them, particularly where it involves creatures who can’t help themselves. If there is a small thing we can do for them, then why not ?
I am so daft, I even move snails from the pathway to somewhere safe, in case they get stepped on.. As a reward, they have not touched my hostas at all. See. One good turn deserves another !
Now, as for that lemon – how about making some Nimbu Pani ? It’s an indian lemonade recipe. I have never made it myself, but I read about it in a book called, ‘A suitable boy” by Vikram Seth and was intrigued by it. There are several recipes on the internet and it looks quite easy. Do have a go and let us know how you get on
And p.s. I fancy having a run through that cornfield too.
I totally agree Keggs, it only takes a minute to help animals out…..I move the slugs and snails too but they aren’t as nice as yours, they have eaten everything in sight this year, my broad beans are stripped to the stems and my hostas look like swiss cheese!
Oh my goodnes….Nimbu Pani eh? I must go and check that out!!!
I think a few of us should get together and go a galloping through that golden field….Oh yes!!!! Thanks Keggs.xxx
I guess he may now know about the hat!
Lol, hubs doesn’t read my blog but I have crept out and fixed his hat while he was watching football!xxx
Wonderful, wonderful post, Dina. Each photo tells so many stories! Sam is a love; please smooch him and Annie for me. I always love the “release stories,” and am glad the doves eventually flew off. I’m sure they were blinded by the gorgeous views of your gardens and thought they had passed on to some kind of paradise.
Thank you for sharing such riches and affirming what a great, lovely heart you do have, and how the world is better for it. :0
I shall certainly smooch the pooches for you, any excuse will do, and they are gratefully received! It’s always different when releasing birds, some go off like bullets while others linger. I find it’s best to sit a distance away and let them do their thing….I’m also on cat alert! Hahahahaha, the birds being blinded by the gardens had me laughing!!!
Ahhhh, thanks for your lovely comment Kitty.xxx
A sore heart indeed.
A truly, irresistible, yummy moist lemon drizzle cake is the way to go. But then, you might not have the heart to eat it. I’ll bet the others would though! xx
Hahahahaha….Oh….drooling here! I can’t bake….is there any way I can send the lemon to you, and receive the moist…salivates…drizzle cake…licking lips….yummy moist irresistible bit of heaven????? I’ll EAT it! Thanks Menhir. xxx
Hahahaha…..the lemon shall be yours!!! Thanks Bushka, you have a hug too!xxx
Have a heart and let me have that lemon….
Most delightful post…..shows the rather ‘soft’ side of your precious nature! Thanks for sharing……
Have a heart…and have a HUG! xxx
Awesome post Sam looks lovely well all your dogs do to be honest you could make lemon tart or lemon merging ?
Thanks Linda, Sam is a gentle boy but does have his own views on things, I’ve never had a dog that wanted to take the high ground before so I find it most strange! Yum…..yes some sort of tart would be nice!xxx
I love your dogs – they are clearly so happy. How lucky they were to meet you:) and I would definitely have enjoyed running through that field.
Are you watching ‘Tigers in the house?’ It’s been on for the last two nights and it’s on again tonight. I thought of you as I watched it. It’s a must see.
Continue to enjoy the lovely summer weather along with your gardens and lemon:) xxxxx
The dogs are lovely Janet, they are so different but get on so well……wonderful company!
Oh ….I know what you mean about that field, it sure was calling to me!!!
I haven’t seen that programme….I’ll have to look it up, we have sky plus so hopefully we can find it. Thanks for that! I shall certainly find a good use for that lemon!xxx
That photo of Sam on the table is my favourite photo ever!! Hopefully the little woddy chick will get better soon and get released x
Lol….he does look odd in that pic doesn’t he? It seems to be good news for the chick, it has swollen legs so must have fallen or flown into something. It’s eating well now and is quite settled for a woody. Thanks Scarlett.xxx
A most enjoyable post which certainly made me smile, as did Elaine’s comment.
Sam is such a wonderful character. Flighty xx
Thanks Flighty, Elaine’s comment had me smiling too. Sam certainly is a character, his behavior wouldn’t be so bad if he was small, nobody would notice.xxx
Awwwww, Sam really does make me chuckle, what a daft dog he is. I bet he attracts quite a few stares from people not quite sure what they’re seeing is real. Those poor horses, all the fresh grass around them yet they’re unable to reach it. I hope they’ve been moved to a fresh patch now. Archie absolutely loves running through long grass or farmer’s fields, I think it’s the noise it makes which he likes as he’s just the same in rock pools too.
Lol…..Sam certainly attracts attention, funnily enough everyone seems to like him and he likes everyone, gone are the days when he was terrified of people, he’s turned into a really affectionate dog now even though he is goofy and single minded!
I do feel sorry for the horses, they do get fed each day though, it would just be nice for them to have some grass under their feet and to eat.
Ahhhh….bless Archie, dogs do love to run through tall grass don’t they, and when they are small it’s so funny seeing their ears popping up occasionally! Thanks Jo xxx
I love that photo of sam
Lol….he’s a one isn’t he! Thanks Jenny.xxx
p.s. Yes that lemon deserves to be made into something special – how about a Tarte au Citron
Oooooh….I say! xxx
I didn’t have the heart not to leave a reply on this delightful post – and I didn’t have the heart not to tell you that Sam looks like a garden statue in that pose – and I didn’t have the heart to not to say that I would like to have joined you in running through that beautiful field of corn.
Hahahahaha….LOVE it! I give up on Sam, he ignored me for ages pretending to be deaf then slowly moved his front paws and then looks at me as if to say…I’m down now, that’ll do!
Ok….let’s give it a go….ready…..one, two, THREE….and we’re off! Thanks Elaine.xxx