I must be the only person who enjoys an un-mown lawn….
For the last month I have been face-painting each Sunday at the bull breed events in parks across Liverpool
A view of half the courtyard from upstairs, it runs right and left from this bit…
As most of you know the aim is to neuter and micro-chip bull breed dogs free of charge and raise awareness re their care and the importance of training. These dogs get really bad press and, in the wrong hands they are lethal. In the right hands they make wonderful loyal pets.
I also love a freshly mown lawn….you wouldn’t believe most of this was planted last autumn.
The shelters across Liverpool are filled with unwanted bull breed dogs and one is put to sleep every four minutes. They are trophy dogs and are worn like a label, many have terrible lives, many are forced to fight. This you all know…..So, three years ago the rescue came up with this initiative and along with other animal charities and vets we all took to the parks in an attempt to do something about this growing problem.
The plum tree is absolutely laden.
The first year was well attended and many dogs were micro-chipped and neutered; we also took a fair amount of abuse, but it was worth it.
Hundreds have fallen off, now at least twenty or so ripe ones fall each day.
The second year saw a hideous fight between two huge pit bulls and one was badly injured, there was also some abuse but the locals were getting used to us and our no questions asked policy, and again well worth doing.
The buddleia is ready in the courtyard, all ready for the arrival of the peacock butterflies.
This year the turn-out broke all records. We made a profit of £1.400 overall even though we don’t plan on making a profit. The great news was that HUNDREDS of bull breed dogs were neutered, some people who were breeding their dogs actually neutered them instead and hundreds of dogs were micro-chipped. Some of the attendees were actually checking out bull breed dogs to breed their own dog with, but hey…you can’t have it all your own way eh?
looks like the birds got to the currants before I did!
The best part of the events though wasn’t the fantastic attendance or even how many dogs were neutered, it was the fact that now, word of mouth has resulted in people contacting the rescue to have their dogs neutered outside of the parks….and they are still doing so! Word is spreading….RESULT!
My little Herbie hog made it into the rescue 2015 calender, it shows a few animals who have found forever homes.
You can’t stop everyone breeding these dogs but if the population can be reduced significantly, that has to be a positive thing. It would be wonderful if other charities looked at this model and did the same in other cities across the UK, surely it’s better to actually DO something about this problem rather than keep reading about how yet another child has been killed…
This year the overwhelming majority of people who came along were wonderful, sadly a few drug crazed people tried to ruin things, and there were a few scares re possible dog fights, but given there were hundreds of dogs in one place all went remarkably well! Everyone is absolutely delighted with the final outcome. Roll on next year!
And finally…
A beautiful white wolf.
Your garden is luscious! I love those plums. They always remind me of the plum dumplings my mom used to make. One of my favorite eats ever!!
My daughter is a huge fan of the pit bulls. They are very gorgeous dogs but they do need an owner willing to do the work with them. Glad you had such a good turnout.
Thanks Susanne, oh yes, you just can’t beat plums!!!
Pit bulls are wonderful dogs in the right hands……I believe that owners have to take responsibility…..no child should ever be left alone with any dog in my opinion. I had three dogs when daughter was born and she was never left with them, even for a second.xxx
Fabulous! Change starts when one person decides to just do something differently. I love pitbulls and can’t stand it when they’re given a bad rap. There are no bad dogs. Just bad owners.
I couldn’t agree more….I have met so may pit bulls during these events and the dogs that have loving homes are so loyal and protective! It’s so sad how the ones that are abused and turn nasty give the rest a bad name, and those poor creatures are to be pitied as is every animal that is in the wrong hands. It makes my heart bleed! Thanks Casa.xxx
I’m so pleased your initiative to neuter and tag the dogs is paying off. What a blessing that we have wonderful people like you willing to help! The garden is looking wonderful, as always!
Ahhh, thanks Paula, there are literally hundreds of volunteers involved in the bull breed events and each and everyone of us is thrilled with the progress this year.xxx
Well I think it is an amazing success story. Well done. Is it really a wolf? It is beautiful.
Your garden is looking great. I love lawns with wild flowers. Nothing beats a daisy lawn. And those plums! Wow, I must go and look at mine tomorrow but I don’ t think they are ready yet. Are these early ones?
Thanks Chloris, it has been such a rewarding year re the bull breed awareness events, here’s to it growing each year! Lol…..I think it’s a husky but to me it’s a glorious white wolf!
I hope you have found some plums, I have tow plum trees, the second has lot’s of fruit too but it hasn’t ripened yet, thankfully, otherwise I would be overwhelmed with produce!xxx
As a dog lover this post was wonderful to read.
What a great job you are doing.
Sadly as you rightly say this dogs are often used as trophies……..and have a dreadful life, but with people like you the situation will improve.
I love the white wolf….amazing.
It is utterly heartbreaking to know how some of these poor dogs live and die, they are used for so many evil purposes and so many waste away in shelters or are put to sleep. Every dog that is neutered is a wonderful thing and as it’s free so many are taking advantage of it, I really hope the populations can become controlled eventually and that less of these dogs are bred to live unhappy lives. The wolf is a beauty isn’t it….I couldn’t take my eyes of it. Thanks Cheryl.xxx
Hooray, Miss Dina, for this necessary and creative initiative re: the bull breed dogs: How fabulous that it’s growing in its outreach and success! So happy to hear, and you’re right: what a great method for accomplishing this. I’m forwarding this post as a link to the rescue nearest us as well.
The gardens and courtyard look so inviting and glorious! I do hope in one post soon you’ll share how you manage to cram 72 hours of activity and creativity into 24. I would so appreciate your tips on accomplishing this!
Love to your spirit and art and work
In gratitude for the light you spill so joyfully into the world…
Oh how wonderful that you have forwarded this to your rescue, I know America has terrible problems re the misuse of these poor animals too. I think having a foot in the door of the communities that have these dogs is invaluable, the things you hear are most enlightening too.
getting to the heart of the problem and working from within seems to be the best way to go. So many dogs have been neutered and many owners were dead set against it but were persuaded otherwise. To have people now contacting the rescue is such an amazing breakthrough…hopefully the initiative will grow stronger each year, maybe we’ll get to other cities to one day.
Hahahahaha…..I do wish there were 72 hours in a day….I never seem to have any time, there is always so much to do!!!
Thanks so much Kitty. I hope your celebration went well.xxx
PS. Lovely plums! I’m interested to see the growth habit of your plum tree as I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how to get mine to fruit next year. I think lateral growth is the way to go!
Y’know I am hopeless when it comes to pruning fruit trees, I always forget, but to be honest I seem to have good harvests by leaving them to grow and do their own thing. This tree is four years old and this is the second year it has been laden. Thanks Caro, good luck with yours.xxx
Excellent work! As you say, it would be good if charities across the country followed your example – there are far too many of these ‘trophy’ dogs in London, especially among the more aggressive youth. I used to live in a flat where the upstairs neighbour was a boy who acquired one of these dogs and the way he spoke to it (and abused it) was heartbreaking. I called the RSPCA at one point when they left the dog indoors howling while they went away on holiday for 10 days. Surely there should be some way of ensuring suitable caring owners for all animals?
Oh….what a terrible story Caro, that really is awful, fancy just leaving a dog like that, these people behave like monsters! They are hopefully banned from ever having another animal.
I would love to see other cities having a go at getting these dogs chipped and neutered, London, Birmingham and Manchester would be good places to start, as you say the youth there are using the poor dogs as trophies.Thanks Caro.xxx
So glad they’ve done so well this year, and I bet you being there helped get the kids in and therefore a lot of the money! Bet you’re glad you finally have your Sundays to yourself again though! xx
I am rather enjoying having my weekends back! Everyone pulled together and are so thrilled with such a good result, I hope this incentive goes from strength to strength. Thanks Scarlett.xxx
Where do I start?…..at the top. I love the un-mowed lawn, I can just imagine my toes walking through that! As for that plum tree, I’m not in the slightest bit jealous, wow look at all of those plums, my mouth is watering. It’s great that the buddleias are now ready for the butterflies, can’t wait. Such good news about the profit and more so that all those dogs have been neutered. Finally, I’m in love with that white wolf……gorgeous! Suzy x
I love to walk through long grass too, especially on sunny days. I have never had so mant plums, I simply don’t know what to do with them all! I’m sure I’ll come up with something.
It is wonderful to see so many of these dogs that have been breeding getting neutered and to think people are coming to the rescue for help now. Thanks Suzy.xxx
My goodness, what a gorgeous shot of that wolf. Wait, WOLF?
I’m glad to hear there was so much success in your (and your group’s) efforts to get better control on the population of these particular dogs. And am most impressed with the gorgeousness of that buddleia! I have one in a large container that’s done pretty well in a not-ideal spot and one in the ground in an ideal spot where it’s malingering. *rolls eyes* Anyway, those plums look gorgeous on the tree. Glad you are having such a wonderful harvest.
Lol….I think it’s a husky but to me it’s all wolf!!!
It has been wonderful to see the success of the bull breed initiative, everyone has worked so hard and now it’s all coming together.
Oh nooooo……buddleia should romp away in your sunny climate, how DARE it sulk. Deprive it off water and give it the grow stare and all should be well. Thanks Anne.xxx
Well done on the bull breed initiative you all ! I was at a local fete yesterday and when I saw the face painting stall I thought of you.
I like the way your post shows the hard work you put in and then also a more relaxed side with the gorgeous garden. I envy you those fruits. They look luscious

And I had to smile that one of your doggies is in the courtyard picture, waggy tail and all
Enjoy what’s left of the weekend xxx
How lovely that you thought of me at a fete!
Oh….you wouldn’t believe how many plums I have, everyone has carted of bags of them and yet there are still so many! So sweet they are as well.
Now if you have another peep you’ll see both of the dogs looking up at me, they always keep tabs on me and hate it when they can’t follow me.
Thanks Keggs.xxx
Those plums make me think of plum jam, plum cake … Are they sweet or sour plums? Nice work on the bull breed dogs.
Thanks Jason, the plums are very sweet, utterly delicious. I’ve been scouring the internet for recipes!xxx
If Herbie knew, he might be chuffed to be a calendar pin up; how lovely.
Nice blooms and fruits. You’re well ahead with all the harvesting possibilities.
The pit bull project is an interesting one. It’s a shame the breed has that name, as it immediately conjures up exactly what you want to change in the public psyche. I’ve come across some well-petted and loved pit bulls, they are seductive when they are cared for properly. Like with all dogs, you have to be aware of the boundaries of their natures.
The wolf man achieved a moment of fame with his lovely looking dog. He really must have looked the odd one out.
How very true re the bull breed dogs, I have met so many docile loyal ones. Owners need to be responsible re their animals and however placid never leave them alone with a child. I’ve always had dogs but never left them with daughter unsupervised.
Lol….yes, the wolf man and Herbie are in the limelight for sure! Thanks Menhir.xxx
That white wolf is just sensational – a prince among animals! Well done and huge congrats on your initiative and its success – I guess it’s mainly the responsible owners that are having their dogs done – but that in itself is good, there’s not a lot anyone can do about the irresponsible ones
Hope you manage to eat your plums before the wasps do!!
Oh yes….that is one delightful wolf….such a magnificent creature! Thanks Gilly, it’s good to know that people are talking about free neutering and that word is spreading. This year people were persuaded to neuter their dogs when they wanted to breed them so that was a major achievement. I’m trying to stay one step ahead of the wasps!!! xxx
Another most enlightening post especially re the bull breed.
I really like your garden….really looks wonderful…cut or uncut lawn!
Enjoy the rest of our summer…long may it last. Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, I really think we are making a difference re keeping the bull breed population down and it’s something that needs to be built upon, and I’m confident we will. Here’s to a wonderful summer for us all.xxx
Congratulations on your work with Bull breed dogs….amazing. It can’t be easy, but it must be done, and so again BRAVO…
Your garden looks fabulous….and I do love courtyards….and so glad that Herbie made the calendar…What a summer you have had. Oh and by the way please save some plum pie for me, when I get to visit you eventually:)xxx
Thanks Janet, I remember the terrible story you told me re the injured fighting pit bulls in America….it’s so sad knowing how some of these poor animals are treated, utterly barbaric dog fighting is!
It was nice to see my Herbie in the calender, I don’t often see his face and now I can look forward to seeing him every day next November.xxx
That is wonderful work re the bull breed dogs etc – very well done to your rescue initiative – I really hope the idea catches on everywhere.
What a huge amount of money raised too! Well done and well done to you doing the face painting and everything and everything else you do for the animals.
Herbie really is a bit of a celebrity isn’t he!
The plums look wonderful! Have to say I also love an unmown lawn full of daisies and dandelions and wild flowers and plantain and clover and everything….:)
Oh I love to see wildflowers amongst the grasses too, they are always full of insects busily humming around, I keep trying to grow a meadow but can’t get any flowers growing for love nor money….the only other option is to dig everything up and re-sow….I shudders at the thought of that I does!!!Thanks Arose, it’s marvelous to know word is spreading, hopefully this initiative will make a difference in Liverpool.xxx
my lawn has mole hills as well as not been moved awesome post thank you for sharing have a blessed week
I saw a dead mole this week, I’ve never seen one before so a shame to see a dead one. It looked like a baby, their mothers push them out early July. Thanks Linda, you have a lovely week too.xxx
As alwaywsa dog reflects the actions and personality of its owner.
Thanks, I agree Sue, and there are some nasty owners out there.xxx
Hats off to you and all the other people who care about this situation great that so many people attended.
Your garden really has come on in leaps and bounds and looks wonderful in the sunshine. I can’t believe you have plums already – my plum tree was attacked by some sort of insect this year as was the cherry – so no fruit for me –
Thanks Elaine, so many people gave up so much of their time to make it all happen so it is so rewarding to know word is spreading and dogs are still being neutered, people are even calling for advice re aggressive behaviour.
Oh noooooooo….if only I could pass you a bag of plums, half the neighbourhood is eating them at the moment and there’s still lots left on the tree. I didn’t have many cherries either but my cherry tree is young so maybe one fine day…xxx
An interesting, and informative, post and terrific photos, especially the white wolf!
The gardens looking good, and I much prefer an un-mown lawn as well.
I admire everyone, like yourself, for what they do for animals in general be it pets or wildlife.
Flighty xx
The white wolf was such a stunning dog, it was quivering with excitement at seeing so many dogs.
I love to potter around an un-mown lawn from time to time, I enjoy seeing the daisies and dandelions. Thanks Flighty.xxx
Oh, well done!
Those plums aren’t ‘alf bad either x
Thanks Jess, I think we’re making a real difference now. Oh, those plums are simply delicious!xxx
Sounds like good work and I’m glad you’re seeing a good response over the years. The gardens looking fab too. It looks so well established, you’re right – I wouldn’t have believed it was mostly planted last year!
Thanks Jenny, it’s great to finally make some real in-roads into the bull breeding. I’m really pleased with the back, I’ll need to move some plants but hopefully next year it will look more established.xxx