A gathering darkness

Yesterday I came across a young rat in a trap. It was dead and judging by the droppings it had been in that trap for many days. It’s feet were curled around the steel bars and it’s face was pressed hard against the cold bars of it’s tomb. I wondered how it must have felt, starving and terrified and tried to imagine how I would feel in a similar situation. I couldn’t!

PTDC0500These sheep came to us several months ago, the mother is on the back right, the other two are her lambs, they were starving when they arrived at the rescue.

Seeing how that rat died depressed me, I can’t understand how anyone can have such a lack of compassion, even if  rats are considered vermin I still don’t get how anyone could torture one, or anything for that matter. Don’t they feel pain and fear just like us….or doesn’t that matter, because it’s only a rat…..vermin after all…

PTDC0513What do you see?

There seems to be a gathering darkness across the world at the moment, I wonder how anyone could inflict pain on any creature, yet it seems that unspeakable cruelty can be meted out to people too, this has always been the case but now the horror stories emerging across the world must make this planet of ours seem like a living hell for millions of people.

PTDC0517Not three geese, two, and a duck. These three go everywhere together, they have a firm and lasting friendship.

I have never known a time like this before, man’s inhumanity to man is reaching new levels and unspeakable acts are being committed by the second. How can any normal human being do such things and live with themselves? Humans it seems, have a dark side, and some must be rotten to the core. How can any person committing such atrocities return to a normal domestic life?


This weekend I was face-painting for Animal SOS Sri Lanka, there many thousands of street animals are suffering from horrific injuries, malnutrition and disease. Dogs and cats with broken bones, severed limbs and tick fever amongst other things are dying slowly. Many people there also fear rabies so stone and pour boiling water over animals that live on the streets. Yet Kim Cooling, after witnessing their plight set up a rescue there. The difference she has made is amazing, thousands of dogs and cats as well as other creatures have been given a second chance and a loving home….hats off to this incredible woman!

A first for me was actually painting a woman and her dog…..see all that pink? That was me that was, and they won their category in the dog show, they entered as the dog and owner who most resembled each other.

PTDC0526This German Sheppard was in goal on the day, the kids lined up to try and score but the dog won each and every time!

Hundreds of pounds were raised and the sun shone out, a fantastic result!

PTDC0527A juvenile swallow at the rescue.

I have no idea how the conflict in this world can be resolved, or what I can do about it. I suppose we just have to do what we can in our own little part of the world and ensure that we retain our own individual standards, even were rats are concerned, it’s a slippery slope after all once boundaries are crossed, each little act of cruelty makes the next so much easier…and each act is usually worse…..

PTDC0543The swallow chick hanging grimly onto a mealworm but not quite sure what to do with it.

I know that amongst the darkness tiny lights break out here and there, and that many people are risking their lives trying to make a difference, and I hope that one day across the world we will stand as one species, human, and treat each other as we would like to be treated….there’s always hope, isn’t there?

PTDC0551And finally….

Remember the friendly little robin that sits on the table in the hoghouse? Well it’s had a brood which are equally friendly, only MORE demanding…they sit on this rock until we feed them.


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  1. The contrast between your care and enjoyment of nature and the and the condition of the world is stark.I asked my brother and he says men fight when their honour is insulted… but why killing thousands of people helps I do not understand.We have to keep on doing the good we can and hoping that, somehow, someone will be able to make a change for the better.Reading the news is heartbreaking…we are fortunate here,,, love your photos as always.xxx

    • Thanks Katherine, like you I can’t make any sense of the world today, everywhere you look all hell seems to be breaking loose. Yes, we all have to do the best we can, help whenever possible and turn the news off! Thanks for calling by.xxx

  2. It does seem like we’re living in a very wicked world sometimes doesn’t it. . I’m not sure what the solution is, but we definitely need to find one, and soon! Love the photos of the Geese 🙂 .

    • Yes, wicked is a good description of some people right now for sure, like you I don’t see a solution either, people like leopards won’t change their spots sadly……but there is always hope isn’t there? Thanks Paula.xxx

  3. Rats are creatures like any other and the manner of its death is very sad.
    Like you I feel greatly troubled by world events. I don’t like the direction that things are heading and yet I feel powerless to do any about it. Canada has been asked to double its defence spending. Very frightening indeed!

    • Yes, whether we like rats or not doesn’t give us the right to torture them or anything else…..it was a harsh death and they feel pain and fear just as we do. The world is a scary place isn’t it, and what can we do, nothing sadly….powerless is a good word! Gosh, doubling the defense spending is frightening!Here’s to better days….and hope! Thanks Jennifer.xxx

  4. I quite agree and am horrified at the stories I hear. I rarely read the newspapers and watch the news as it’s usually so full of nastiness. Thank goodness for people like you, Dina, who care so much for the animals around you. Unfortunately people have always used animals cruelly for entertainment or gambling – or just to prove how tough they (the humans) are – but social media and better communication brings all this cruelty to our attention these days. We have just have to keep on with our kindness. x

    • Yes, social media does make us more aware of atrocities we wouldn’t normally hear about, some of which are truly terrible. I try to avoid the pictures, they play on your mind for sure. You are right, there have always tyrants and abusers…..how they get away with it I don’t know! I have turned the news off too, it just gets soul destroying in the end and if you can’t do anything it’s best not to know.Thanks so much Caro, I only do what little I can and wish I could do more, and yes, we have to cling to kindness and compassion, it’s what makes us human, that and having a choice re what we do and how we conduct ourselves.xxx

  5. Fab photos but do agree about the world not being a nice place and seems to be worse at the moment. xx

    • Thanks GG, yes, everywhere seems to be at war at the moment doesn’t it, and the stories make your blood run cold. Here’s hoping for better days.xxx

  6. If we all treated every person and creature as we want to be treated this would be a very different world. Every creature and every person deserves and is entitled to kindness.

  7. Cruelty is horrible, disturbing and depressing. The only way forward to a more enlightened world is to try and follow our own values and be sensitive and kind ourselves. Bless you for your concern for needy creatures and your involvement in educating others about our responsibility in caring for domestic and wild animals. It’s very hard witnessing the suffering of other humans and animals. Many of the stories you tell are heartbreaking, but many more are heartwarming so thank you, Dina, for your blog posts.

    • Well said! I couldn’t agree more, we have to hang on in there and follow our own values, we all know what is right and wrong after all.
      I find it really hard to hear of human and animal suffering, and some of the things you hear make the blood run cold….but we have to switch off at times and look after our own patch of the world where we can help out more easily and make a difference.
      Sorry if some of my stories are upsetting, I don’t mean them to be, I usually keep the nastier stories off my blog.
      Thanks so much Linda…..xxx

  8. P.s. a fantastic set of photos once again. I do like the rear view of the 2 geese and the duck. And what a talented alsatian. Sounds like a lot of fun was had by all :yes:

    • It was such a lovely day, the goalie was magnificent and the sun shone, over £600 was raised too which will go a long way over there.
      The geese and duck are absolutely brilliant, they go everywhere together and snuggle up at night. Animals form such wonderful relationships which I always find rather moving.xxx

  9. I couldn’t agree more. I also agree with the other comments that humans have unfortunately always been like this. One would hope that man would get more ‘civilised’ as time goes by but it doesn’t seem to be happening. At the root of it all seems to be the assumption that some people think they are superior to everyone else. And unfortunately many people think they are superior to animals, so they treat them in a cruel way.
    Like you, I feel for helpless creatures and feel duty bound to help them whenever the opportunity arises.
    Just as my colleague and I were leaving for the evening from our volunteer jobs in a local stately home and gardens, I spotted a beautiful, huge dragonfly caught inside one of the large soft fruit cages. It was vainly flying back and forth trying to get out. What could we do ? We decided to remove the roof and create an opening where is could get out. What a brilliant feeling when it found the hole and flew off to freedom 😀
    It made my day (so much so that I decided to help myself to a large juicy raspberry from inside the cage :>> ). My colleague did the same – just as the manager was coming around the corner. (Not sure if she believed the dragonfly story. She probably thought we were just scrumping…)

    • Yes, people are the root of it all for sure, each new generation starts afresh yet our technology grows at rapid speed, as I said in another reply, I think it’s like putting terrifying war toys in the hands of children….if each person lived a thousand years maybe we could achieve peace….
      Lol….you are worse than me Keggs…you had me smiling away there, so glad the dragonfly flew off, they are such beautiful creatures aren’t they….and to think you got caught red-handed….laughed at that! Brilliant stuff!!!xxx

  10. I love your duck and geese friends. I always enjoying seeing all the animals you care for.
    The darkness in the world has always been with us I’m afraid. Man’ s inhumanity to man or other creatures is not new. I can’ t see how it will ever change either. But there are still decent people out there, thank goodness. People like you, caring for sick animals. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration.

    • The duck is so funny, when the geese hiss it quacks away and yet still seems to think it’s a goose, and we have lot’s of other white ducks and geese on the farm but it has it’s friends and that’s that!
      Yes cruelty and torture have always been about and there is little individuals can do about it….but we can maintain our own sense of decency and look out for those on are own turf…..
      It’s good to know so many decent people are out there, maybe the little lights will grow…. Thanks so much Chloris.xxx…

  11. Your post really tugged at my heartstrings. It is a sad time around the world at the moment, but it’s lovely to know that there are always people willing to go that extra mile to help others in need. I guess we just need to hold onto that fact.

  12. Know that many are sending you love and grateful for all you do to share light in this word, Dina…that is the perfect response and example for others…we never know how many lives, of every kind (and I always include every particle of the earth’s environment in my prayers and intentions) are blessed by one good effort and one kind gesture…it all adds up and is, after all, all we can do. Keep up your compassionate love-in-action; I’ll try to keep up mine as well, and so will countless others. In the end, I believe, that is the task before us, serve this life and the next and each that comes before us…Love you,

    • Thanks SO much Kitty, yes, I think each act of kindness makes a difference too, often if you let a car in on the road that same car goes on to let other cars in, and if you smile at someone they are more likely to smile at others, so little lights are contagious I suppose….and as you say apart from helping out on our own patch there is little we can do about the darkness engulfing this world…..and there are so many good and decent people in this world, like you…..so upwards and onwards it is, with the news off for a while…..Love you too. xxxx

  13. There is always an ebb and flow of darkness and light, A few years ago I think we left an era when progress and increasing light were considered the natural order of things. Now the old inhumanity reasserts itself with renewed vigor. We cannot know how things will end up in 10 years or 100, we can only do our best now to live according to a standard of decency.

    • How very true, things certainly were better about ten years ago and we seemed to be entering into a more enlightened age, and now we have descended into the dark age again….yes, we don’t know how things will turn out and I suppose there is always hope but living by our conscience and upholding decent standards is a must! Thanks Jason.

  14. Dear Dina, your considerations are like a blade that cuts into the heart. I feel your own grief, pain, sense of paralysis. I don’t understand what is happening to this planet, but it is clear that this year things have gotten worse…
    Every time I read the posts or watch short-movies on FB… (this is usually in the evening when I have time), I end up with being sick and having nightmares.
    I dedicate my meditations to those who suffer, men and animals, but I don’t know what else I can do… and this sense of inability torture me.
    I’m happy to see your pictures, always showing me the true compassion and love towards our little animal friends…
    Thank you for doing that… gives you a lot of merits 🙂 Kisses and hugs to all of you :-)claudine

    • Thanks so much Claudine, it does seem like the world has exploded and become horribly barbaric and hearing about the cruelty on the petitions we sign is terrifying, I try not to look at the pictures because as you say it’s haunting and the images stay in your mind and become even worse in the darkness of the night….
      We can only give our best I suppose and deal with what crosses our path….and there are lots of people like you out there trying to make a difference so maybe one day all the little lights will join forces and things will get better. I hope so anyway.xxx

  15. What I can’t fathom is how one human being can see life, in whatever form, as a beautiful thing, yet another human being can just destroy it. Where is the crossover? What makes one person so humane yet another see life as dispensable. It’s tragic. Bless that German Shepherd, get him on the England team I say.

    • It’s weird isn’t it ….sometimes I wonder if all humans are actually the same species, maybe we evolved from different types of ancestors, maybe some of us still have the savage gene….I can’t make sense of it all either.
      Lol…..the England team could certainly use that dog, wonderful to see him in action it was! Thanks Jo. xxx

  16. Too true D! There is so much ‘cruelty’ around in our world…whatever justification ,may be offered for any form of inhumanity….it can never ever be accpetable….In my book, ‘inhumanity’ is anomalous to being ‘human’. 😉
    Love your post…as always! Wake Up Calls all the time! Hugs! xx

    • I do agree Bushka, cruelty can never be acceptable. For love nor money I don’t get how people can actually be so vicious! Thanks Bushka.xxx

  17. It is very alarming to hear of all the cruelty and abuse that is going on in the world but I have a feeling it has always been like this but we weren’t told the half of it. It is all the global communication systems we have that inform us all the time of certain conflicts….

    Seems very like the middle ages in Africa and the middle east and many other places too…. like knights on horses chopping peoples’ heads off and running them through with spears, torture, burning witches, crucifying people and so on….

    We’d all be a lot happier not knowing what is going on I reckon! I recall growing up with the threat of the end of the world via nuclear weapons when Russia and the USA were at logger heads and I remember it felt really as if somebody could press the button at any time and we’d all be zeroed…. so don’t let it get you down…. it is all just going on and on and on but it always has done…. the world just goes round and round.

    What is so shocking is that you expect people in the 21st century to have all evolved into human beings…. but many are still lagging behind….’orrible.

    But it WiLL be alright….

    love your duck and geese pic and all the pics in fact and well done you and your rescue for your fund-raising activities etc… WELL DONE!!!xxx

    • I think you are right Arose, the world has always been insane and maybe we just hear more about world affairs, it seemed better ten years ago, almost like a new age was rolling in and now it’s back to being a bloodbath.
      I would prefer not to know about these things too after all I can’t help anyone out….yes….I remember the cold war years too
      Yes….the trouble is each generation starts afresh yet our technology and fire power steams ahead, it’s like putting terrible weapons in the hands of children.
      I hope it will be alright….maybe in the end but I have a hunch things may get worse before they get better. Thanks Arose.xxx

  18. We were not alive at the time of the last two world wars, or, if any of us were, we were too young to be aware of what inhumanity to man was being perpetrated. The easy answer is human nature is behind this, and easy an answer as it is, it is most likely to be the right one. Resolutions are hard to propound with the current network of wars, one at least, within European reach. Recessions, lack of employment, eaking out a living if you can, all have a part to play in this mess. They existed at the time of WW2. Your core sentiments are echoed by a lot of us.

    Getting onto the rescue animals, and lookalikes. The birds have cottoned on to a good thing with your rescue centre. I reckon there must be a tweeting telegraph that is not linked to I.T. media, which feathered and winged communities now know about. One certain birdie imprinted on humans might be your informant.

    It often appears to me that people and their pets do settle into likenesses, even without painting them up. How amusing the painted pair must have looked.

    • I always remember my poor grandfather, he actually fought in both wars and was scarred from chin to navel. He never spoke of the trenches, not to anyone, I can’t believe that so many young men were forced to fight in those trenches….and die there/ Yes, humans are responsible for sure, the trouble is our technology advances but individuals don’t each generation starts afresh and makes the same mistakes….
      Ha! A tweeting telegraph….lol…..that had me smiling. and yes, people do often resemble their pets! Thanks Menhir.xxx

  19. Yes, Dina – the golden rule is ‘do unto others as you would have done to you’
    A gathering darkness is an apt title. There is no question in my mind that a mad kind of anger and hatred is growing around the world.
    The gap between rich and poor grows by the day. All the things we held dear are collapsing under an unsustainable system!
    The RSPCA tells us that cruelty rates towards animals is up substantially!

    I know when I was growing up in the UK we felt safe on our streets….and all animals were cherished……and so what has changed?
    The poor little rat killed so brutally is yet another symptom of the gathering darkness.
    On a positive note, I love your pink lady and doggy:)). And yes no matter what we must continue to do whatever we can, and hope that one day sanity will prevail
    Thank you for this timely post. Xxxx

    • There does seem to be a growing culture of rage across the world doesn’t there? I agree with you, things have become worse in the UK and divides are growing deeper.
      Yes, so sad the rat was left to die in it’s trap, how hideous a death…I see so many petitions across the world trying to ban various things….I’m utterly shocked at the lack of compassion some people have, sometimes I doubt they are even human. Thanks Janet.xxx

  20. I agree with you and all you have said the amount of folk who comment on my you tube channel

  21. A thoughtful, and heartfelt, post which totally I empathize with.
    It certainly all seems overwhelming at times but we have to keep doing what we can and hoping that the future will be better and brighter.
    Lovely pictures as always. xx

    • Thanks Flighty, yes we have to keep on going and maybe turn all the news off as there is nowt we can do about it. I hope the future gets better for so many suffering across the world.xxx

  22. We need to teach children to respect life in whatever form it takes. Their cruelty to smaller creatures is often overlooked and can escalate as they grow. When I was teaching I spent time trying to teach about planets and forces that were beyond their comprehension as the science experts that designed the curriculum dictated. They then wondered why the children’s test result in these areas were poor and yet they retained what they had been taught about the natural world. They has a natural interest in this and could experience what was being taught through direct experience. If only more time was spent on this and less on the untangible concepts that their brains were not ready for maybe we could try to make a difference.

    • I couldn’t agree more Sue, children are taught so many useless things in school that they are not ready for, and they have always related to the natural world. I also completely agree re teaching children to respect life and they should be taught that cruelty won’t be tolerated. I hope things change for the better soon, the world is becoming a rather scary place.xxx

  23. A thought provoking post. There is always hope – all those little rays of light can combine to battle the darkness, it can be hard to see sometimes though.

    • Thanks Jenny, how lovely it would be if all those little lights grew stronger and combined….yes here’s to hope.xxx

  24. ~The world has gone crazy and seems to be getting worse before it gets better – watching the news is so depressing. All these warring factions want their heads banging together to knock some sense into them.

    Thank goodness that there are some of you out there doing your best to help – even if only in a small way. The cruelty to animals just doesn’t bear thinking about – they are the innocents in this world – you would think that they wouldn’t trust humans any more – but one act of kindness can make all the difference to their short lives.

    • The news is hideous isn’t it, everywhere seems to be at war….if only we could knock some heads together!
      I get sick of the cruelty too, so many petitions I receive are absolutely dreadful, I try not to look at the pictures, sometimes I think I would prefer not to know but as you say they are the innocents and have no voice to protest. Thanks so much Elaine.xxx

  25. An apt title, Snowbird, for the darkness which seems to be spreading and the heaviness of heart that it brings. Suffering is a topic roomie and I have been discussing for months with roomie doing the heavy lifting in reading and researching. We all yearn for more glimpses of brightness and light. Like the threesome (goose, goose, duck!) who clearly enjoy one another’s company!

    • Yes, if a couple of geese and a duck can get along you would think people could too..I hope things improve, it’s hard to hear of the suffering of millions. Here’s to glimpses of brightness, thanks Anne.xxx

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