At the moment, it seems to be a bit of a battle trying to get anything done….at all! Everywhere I look, jobs need doing. The windows are taking on a stain-glassed/mottled-spiderweb appearance as it’s been so long since I cleaned them and the ironing is beginning to take over the house!
Every time I go to do one job, I seem to find myself doing something totally different or having to do three jobs just to get initial job done…..
Would you believe that the kale I grew for the cabbage whites has now grown back?
Today I went into the front garden with the intention of sorting the veggie patch and after absent-mindedly stroking Curly cat for ages, I became rather chilled and forgot all about it and trotted off to a garden center instead…
where I bought this gorgeous euonymus, another hundred bulbs, a few packets of seed and a couple of bags of cutting compost. I haven’t even had a chance to plant the sixty tulip bulbs I already have OR the bag of alliums! And as for cuttings, I have hundreds in my plastic greenhouses that need to go into the greenhouse, but can’t, because the tomatoes are still ruling the roost in there, and I won’t compost them yet as they are still laden with hundreds of tomatoes that are still ripening…..and Herbie, the hedgehog, will have to go in there soon as well….sighs…
My little wood mouse ready for release.
Part of the problem is the rescue, the wildlife staff have been taking taking holidays for weeks, which means lots of extra shifts for me, and now I seem to have become the rescues’ official tour guide, [!] upon whose shoulders’ fall the duties of showing classes of school children etc around. It’s surprising how shy so many of the staff at the rescue are, they go pale and wobbly at the thought of showing groups of kids and adults around and doing a bit of a chat, yet have no problem wrestling with angry animals, baring fangs!
Still, I enjoy it, and do love to chat…. even the dogs get fed up with my waffling, although having said that, they do have a superb grasp of the English language due to my witterings, I’d put them on a par with eight year olds….anyway, I digress….
So, after buying the cutting compost, I sauntered into the greenhouse rather determined to do something about the mess in there….
and instead ended up protecting my lemon tree with some straw as it’s turned rather chilly of late and the tree has twenty seven young fruits on it. Yes, I did count them, I think I count them every day! You may not see them, but trust me, they are there!!!
As for that one lemon, it’s still on the tree as I simply couldn’t pick it, and instead, have enjoyed watching how bulbous it has become, how big can a lemon actually grow…I wonder…
One of the things on my list, that I did manage this week, was to become a Butterfly Conservation member. Haven’t had chance to read this little lot yet!
And…. get to see WICKED with daughter…
I received this utterly delightful parcel from a dear friend this week. Amongst the wonderful gifts were two antique glass salt cellars, and the lids are hand made from buttons!!!! Now these are simply beautiful and they sent me spiraling around the house in search of the PERFECT place to put them…which then set me on a dusting spree as everywhere I placed these beautiful trinket holders looked dusty…..EVENTUALLY….
after dusting most of the house they ended up here, on my cheeseboard which sits upon the breakfast bar where I sit during the day and where I read and paint. All my most precious treasures end up here!!!! I can’t stop looking looking at those delicate button lids, what a FANTASTIC idea!
And finally….
talking of dust….
this turkey hen at the rescue spent HOURS digging herself a nest/hole/dustbath…
just as she was about to enjoy the fruits of her labour, turkey hen number two came along, pecked her on the head and stole her hole….then….
along came a stroppy chicken, with a bit of attitude, who then ran both turkey hens, and their admirer off, and played out in the hole, for the rest of the day.
As my mother used to say, there’s good stuff in little parcels!
Or, to put it another way, though she be small, she be fierce!
The chicken, that is, not me!
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with tasks myself. I am 5 weeks into recovering from an illness and all manner of chores have backed up into a big long list of to-do’s. If I were there, I would love to come on one of your guided tours. I never tire of seeing animals. I hope you enjoyed Wicked. Chickens can be very scrappy when they want to be.
Oh you poor thing! It’s horrid isn’t it? I have a terrible bout of flu now which is not helping!
I would love to show you around, the variety of critters is huge!
I loved Wicked, it wasn’t what I was expecting at all.
Lol….oh yes, chickens can be characters for sure. Thanks Jennifer, hope you catch up soon and stay
For a moment there, I thought you’d snuck into my garden and took a snap of my returning kale
I find myself nodding along with you as you recounted the diversions and digressions. Petting a cat features rather in too many of my failed efforts to take care of chores.
And look at those tomatoes! The one the birds planted in my garden has been producing lots. And, like you, I just got a pile of bulbs to plant. When when when?! For me, there’s also the dilemma of where where where!
Hurray for your lemon tree! I hope it keeps producing for you.
Isn’t it odd re the kale, to think my cabbage white ones are the ones I’m now eating is strange!!!
Ah yes….cats, stroking and digressions!!! It is so very soothing to just stroke and think though….
Hahahahaha….you MUST let the birds plant some more toms for you next year. It has been a simply brilliant year for them here, I’m finally coming to the end of them I think, such a shame as you recipe has proved such a hit!
I do hope my tree holds onto it’s fruit, it tears the heart out of me to see them drop off! Thanks
I sometimes think I need an assistant to remember why I went to wherever I am. I am always going into the garden to do one thing and end up doing something else or nothing at all.
Hahaha….yes, me too!!! Glad to hear it’s not just me! Thanks
‘Small’ has a history…..The Armada was won with little ships!
Your lemon looks like it is the size for harvesting. It is a bit late to have many more fruits Isn’t it? Perhaps you can encourage more growth in a greenhouse. That might do the trick. Otherwise, some garden fibrous cloth to clothe it in should protect the tree from the worst ravages of winter frost.
What a lot of knick nacks you have, including little mouse. Might he return to you as he has been so lovingly reared? xx
Ah yes…..small DOES indeed have a history!
All the fruits on my lemon tree will ripen next year, providing I can keep the tree happy, last year I lost about thirty fruits due to bringing the tree indoors….I think it was too hot for it. I will put it in the greenhouse when the first frosts come…..
My little wood mouse is now running free in my garden once again, and probably stealing the bird seed! I didn’t think it would survive as it hadn’t opened it’s eyes when I found it so I’m really happy to see it go free. Thanks
Oh, autumn is such a time for endings and beginnings, isn’t it? So many stories all around us, we get lost in their meanings and the paths they’ve set before us or led us down…I can understand the urge to gather bulbs to plant new dreams while you’re harvesting the old. Your greenhouse looks crammed with blessing…and a lemon tree! What a very green thumb you have!
I love the wee mouse: blessings on his release and comfort!
I can just imagine what a great tour guide you are, Dina; I’d love to learn all about the rescue from you! Lucky guests!
Glo’s poem is wonderful: what a gift she has.
How lovely that you and your daughter went to see Wicked together. Isn’t it great?
Joy and peace to your wanderings, creativity, and adventures, Dina; love you and love your sweet energy.
How lovely to think of autumn as time for beginnings and endings, how true that is! Whenever I plant bulbs I can hardly believe they will all burst forth in the spring, and I’m always amazed when they do, nature is amazing!
My little mouse is once more running free in the big wide world, it was such a sweet little thing to care for, not once did it ever bite and tried so hard to survive and did so against the odds. I am very fond of wood-mice, they have huge eyes and ears!!!
You are very kind re me being a great tour guide, I think I’m an enthusiastic one at best!!! Whoever I’m showing around leaves knowing I have a great passion for animals!!!
Glo’s poem is wonderful isn’t it, my waffly old post has become a humourous poem!
I loved Wicked, I didn’t know what to expect so really enjoyed it!
Thanks Kitty….love you right back!!!xxxx
I have had same problem as Elaine above…. so I’d written a nice long comment that has disappeared too! Grrrr!
I shall copy this comment just in case it does it again.
ANYWAY!! It made me laugh – about the birds scrapping over the dustbath – and what sweet pictures of them enjoying their bath too!
I understand completely the whole boldly setting off to do something and then getting sidetracked and then going off at a tangent and ending up not doing what you’d originally intended etc!
The button lids are great – there have been lots of buttony things going on over recent years I’ve noticed – button necklaces for example!!
I’d also enjoy leading children around the rescue and sharing the excitement and showing them the treasures of helping animals and seeing all their ways etc – I’m sure you make a wonderful and inspiring guide!
Oh nooooooooooo….not another one!!! So sorry, I shall email support and see if they can fix it, so annoying though!!!
Lol, glad the turkey/chicken antics made you laugh! There’s never a dull moment on the farm!
I often get sidetracked……and seem to be getting worse of late….sighs….
The lids are so ingenious aren’t they, they fit so beautifully too, I do love unusual, unique things.
I especially love to show the kids around, it’s good to teach them a little about wildlife and other animals and they do enjoy it. Thanks so much
Grrr just finished commenting and a message came up to say it had timed out and it disappeared….. Now I can’t remember what I said. Sounds like you’ve had a busy week – sometimes it’s like that where loads needs doing but you just can’t get started somehow.
Great pictures of the ousted turkey – poor thing – who would have thought that a little chicken could get the better of a big old turkey. I am sure all your jobs will get done given time – I hate working to lists and just do what I feel like at the time – it’s easy to get distracted that’s for sure.
Oh how very annoying. I shall email just host and see if they can resolve the problem….sorry about that!
I think we all have times like these as you say where all the outstanding chores grind to a stop….sighs…
Lol….I was surprised to see a chicken chase off three turkeys too!!! Thanks
spelling error… ahem…that’s feisty chicken…
Lol, I didn’t even see the typo!!!xxx
No ironing (just pressed for time ;))
She scurries here, she scurries there
She’s in; she’s out; she’s everywhere
So much to do but nowt gets done
Before it seems the day has gone
She fills her time outside the house
With rescue classes, and her mouse
That’s ready now to be released
No longer cowerin’ tim’rous beast
Ee-gum that lass is never still
Tomatoes on the vine still fill
Her greenhouse to the very top
So off she goes to garden shop
Re-purchase bulbs and other stuff
Because one never has enough
…oh, then a turkey digs a hole
To make a dustbath, poor ol’ soul
Usurped by one, its head a-pickin
Until both lose to fiesty chicken…
Any morals to this rhyming?
Guess it all depends on timing …
Choose your battles; bathe in dust
Iron only if needs must…
Pressed for time? Well, here’s the reason
Smack-dab mid the changing season!
oh what a wonderful rhyme!!! Says it all so much better than I can say it meself – except to say what I always say – another lovely, spirit-lifting post, Snowbird!! :wave:
It’s utterly fabulous isn’t it!!! How very clever our Glo is! Thanks
Omg….how amazing…you are just BRILLIANT! I just love this… do make me laugh……it’s head a-pickin…..I am laughing as I type that..and how very clever the title is….pressed for time! You really should do this for a living, you are such a natural, and so very, very funny! You have taken a waffly ole post and turned it into a priceless gem with your wit! Thanks Glo, once again you have made my day!!!
So happy you enjoyed it
Your antics and those of the animals you deal with are grist for the muse mill 
I’m so happy that my antics result in poems like these!!! Fabulous stuff!!!xxx
Hooray for the perky little mouse and a fat sassy chicken.! :o) I’ve had the same skirt on my ironing board for three years. I hate to iron. I’m waiting for it to iron itself.
Lol….the little mouse is free once again and the chicken is still in possession of the hole!
Love how the skirt is still sitting on the ironing board….brilliant stuff, I shall abandon all feelings of guilt now I’ve heard that. Thanks
I love your Euonymus, what a gorgeous colour. And of course you need lots of bulbs so how sensible of you to ignore the ironing and dusting and go shopping instead. These boring household jobs both come very low down on my list of priorities.
I love your lemon tree, do you keep your greenhouse heated in the winter?
It is a lovely colour isn’t it, and so nice to have something colourful in the garden throughout the year.
I couldn’t agree more, a girl simply must have lots of bulbs and housework can wait….I’m sure I’ll get around to it before Christmas!!!
Last year I brought the lemon tree into the house and most of the fruit fell off, I think it was too warm. This year I have packed straw over the base and shall put it in the greenhouse when the first frosts come….fingers crossed I get all those lemons next year. I don’t heat the greenhouse.Thanks
Well once again I can see that you have been sitting Round and twiddling. your thumbs:):)………
I definitely want a mouse and oh the lemon tree and all your glorious treasures. It is all a feast for the eyes.
Yes autumn is suddenly upon us with all the lovely smells, colours and snuggles under the couvert:)
Thank you and have a wonderful time of it all – xxxx
Lol…..yes, here I am twiddling the computer keys now! My little wood mouse is gorgeous, y’know it’s never bitten anyone, not once, I think it likes us. It’s free once again, bouncing around in the great outdoors where it belongs. Glad you like my treasures! Thanks
Sounds like you may have just a tad too much ‘on your plate’…as the old saying goes. However, you sound to be happy doing…what comes along.
Must say I like the last picture and ‘write up’ on it very, very much.
Seems to be a lesson in that last pcture (write-up). Hugs! xx
Yes…..sometimes there is so little time…and far too much to do! I do like the endless variety though!
Glad you liked the turkey/chicken story. The farm is full of lovely animal stories…….yes, there is certainly a moral in the story! Thanks
Your lemon tree is doing brilliantly! It’s easy to get sidetracked, but at least the greenhouse is a warm place to be now it’s getting colder.
I do hope all those lemon buds become fruit, that would be a treat. Our weather has turned chilly of late so no doubt I shall be found hanging out in the greenhouse …..I love pottering in there. Thanks
Lovely to read as per …… I’m moving to Yorkshire in 10 days time and wonder if we can fit in lunch/dinner before I go???
Thanks Marian, I could do next wed about one if that is any good for you….be nice to catch
As always an enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
It seems that you’re busier than ever what with one thing and another.
Well done on becoming a Butterfly Conservation member. xx
Thanks Flighty. I do always seem to have an endless list of things to do. I am really pleased about the membership, I shall enjoy the read up and will hopefully learn a little more about butterflies and
You didn’t say if you enjoyed Wicked. I went to see it with my daughter earlier in the year. It was Eleanor who really wanted to see it, I wasn’t so bothered, but I loved it. It was so good. I’ve started buying my bulbs but haven’t finished yet, and the ones I have bought are still sitting in their packets, I’ll get round to planting them eventually. I love the story of the turkey hens and the chicken but I do feel sorry for turkey hen number 1 not getting to enjoy that dustbath after all that work.
Oh….I thought Wicked was wonderful, I had no idea what to expect so it was a very pleasant surprise.
I managed to plant about forty crocus today then the rain battered down…..I’m sure we will all get around to planting them all.Lol, glad you enjoyed the turkey hen story….I felt sorry for no 1 too, all that work for nothing. There is always something funny going on at the farm. Thanks
Where do you keep your lemon tree over winter – we have a plant on our windowsill in the house that will soon be too big.
I’m a bit like you – I’ve stood up in front of about 300 head teachers and given a talk without any motes and taken whole school assemblies at short notice but hate going to parties where I don’t know many people.
As for your list of tasks – I think you need a lost with things that have to be done at the top and things that can wait at the bottom – like the window cleaning as for ironing depends whether you have run out if clothes,
Last year I brought the lemon tree into the house and all but one of the fruits fell off so this year I thought I’d pack it with straw and leave it out until it gets really cold and then put it in the greenhouse.
It’s funny how some people don’t like public speaking isn’t it….I don’t mind it either as I just see a bunch of people, same as me.
Yes, good advice about a list….I have run out of clothes though and have taking to wearing creased ones, funnily enough, no one seems to have noticed! Thanks