Over the last week there has been a steady influx of tiny hoglets. They are about the size of golfballs and are amazingly cute. This one is supposed to be tucked up under that towel but instead prefers to run around the top of it!
You would be surprised at how much food these babies can put away!
In between the extra shifts at the rescue, I have been trying to get some bulbs into the ground. Now these two certainly don’t make it easy. They constantly wrestle in front of me…or thunder past every time I try to dig or take a pic!
Talking of my beasties…. just LOOK what they’ve done to the new turf I laid last year!!!
I finally managed to plant some bulbs around the sides of the stone circle in the back garden, honeybells and snakes head fritillary. If they flower together in May I shall be delighted, how pretty they shall look.
Curly cat wasn’t exactly helpful either when I was planting tulips in the front garden. He immediately took possession of my kneeling mat leaving me to kneel on the beech nuts. NOT very pleasant I can assure you! Finally, with nut indented knees I managed to get 120 bulbs into the area that was once to be a meadow! I’ll need a lot more though as it is a large area.
This week I finally chose my gift from Sue’s giveaway, a lovely little bee and ladybird house!
Now….. my rather lovely moment.
Yesterday I was chatting to my next door neighbour, Barbara, and was waving my hands about in my usual excitable manner, when out of nowhere, a painted lady butterfly appeared, and landed on my fingers. I thought it would fly off straight away but it lingered there for ages. I brought it really close to my face and stared at it close up, I could see every bit of it in glorious detail. It was so very calm and beautiful, and seemed to be gazing back at me….I actually got goosebumps after a while as I had a sudden surprising thought that it was about to whisper special secrets to me, secrets I’m supposed to know……it did finally fly off, by which time my neighbours’ jaw had really dropped, she was amazed, as was I. It all felt very special somehow.
Now, remember Darlin, the lonesome starling? Well it looks like he has a new buddy.
A few months ago we rescued a swallow chick from a nest under the eaves on the farm, all it’s siblings had died leaving one remaining chick. It was very weak but it finally pulled through. Unfortunately, it missed the swallow migration as it wasn’t able to feed itself at the time, leaving us unable to release it. The problem now is keeping it alive until the swallows come back to the rescue next year. It has to be warm so it’s on the counter opposite Darlin’.
When we get busy, Darlin get’s bored, especially if we don’t talk to him. He has tried talking at the chinchillas in the next cage, but has found them fairly indifferent and non-responsive, so he has now turned his attention to the swallow. Now they are having endless long conversations and seem to be really enjoying each others company! A strange match but hey….
I do have visions of the starling following the swallow to Africa next year!
And finally….a sweet little story…
A guy brought these pigeons into the rescue last week.
He was in the center of Liverpool when he saw a bird lying on it’s side in the gutter, it was desperately struggling to stand, next to it stood a larger, healthy bird. So he went into a shoe shop and came out with a box and went to pick the sickly pigeon up. The larger pigeon immediately covered it with it’s wings and slapped at the guys’ hand each time he tried to touch the sickly bird. This went on for a quite a while. In the end the guy shooed the bigger bird away and picked up the sick bird and put it into the box.
The large bird then began to shriek and repeatedly flew at the box. In the end he opened the box to see if the bird would go into it….and it did.
So, they came to the rescue together.
Now, the healthy bird is definitely not a parent of the sickly bird, they just seem to be firm friends. The little bird had canker and must have been starving and sickly for weeks so the healthy bird must have stayed with it the whole time. Now the canker has been removed the smaller bird is making a rapid recovery and is gaining weight so hopefully I can release them TOGETHER in my garden in a few weeks. I think I’ll hold a bird in each hand and throw them into the air at the same time!
Those beastish diggy doggies! Took me a while to untangle them in my mind in the first photo! couldn’t quite work it out to start with!
How lovely that the big pigeon was so protective of the sickly one and was brave enough to throw in its lot with it… wow….
And how sweet the little hoglets…. and yes… very special to have the butterfly land on you and stay there looking at you for so long! ;0
Can’t believe the dogs are churning up your lawn again – the wretches!!!
Am looking forward to seeing all the bulbs when they’ve grown – that will be a wonderful sight – so many of them!xxx
Hahahaha….I can NEVER untangle the dogs when they are playing, and they’re in front of me!!!
I have the feeling that I shall never really have a lawn again….sobs….but I love my dogs more!
Oh….the pige is so sweet on the little feral, it is so lovely seeing them together!!!
The butterfly was rather magical……I seem to have one special moment with one each year…
It always seems SUCH a long time to wait for bulbs, but when they come up it’s always worth the wait. Thanks Arose.xxx
Animals sure are full of surprises aren’t they, it is wonderful to see how many lasting relationships there are in the rescue. I’m so pleased the pigeons are still together, it will be lovely to see them both free once again.
Hahahaha….cats eh? they always seem to covet their owners belongings, having said that, I think the cats are the owners of people!
Wow, what an amazing story about the pigeons, almost brought tears to my eyes……the wonder of wildlife hey!
Also, that must have been an experience and a half with the butterfly, I can fully relate to how you felt.
My sisters cat takes possession of the computer chair at sissies house and they’ll perch on anything to use the pc other than move puss cat……I don’t know…lol!
Suzy xx
It’s good to know that birds not of a feather may still squawk together!
Hahahahaha,,,,just LOVE this!!!xxx
That’s “stalwart” not “stalward”, of course! Yes, that optometrist appointment can’t come a day too soon.
Hahahahahaha….SO pleased it aint just me!!!xxx
What a lovely collection of sweetness, Dina. Those tiny hoglets sure look cute. The second pic certainly shows what a smorgasbord you’ve provided to match its appetite!
Wow! 120 bulbs is impressive! Especially in the face of adversity (named Sam and Annie, and possibly even Curly Cat!). I planted some, too, but I don’t like to put them in the ground because they don’t naturalize well here and tend to rot.
That little bee and ladybird house is really quite handsome. Well-chosen, my dear. As did that butterfly — it knew a wildlife lover
Such good news for Darlin. And for the pair of stalward friends the pigeons. Who knew they could be so loyal to each other.
Thanks Anne……it is unbloominbelievable how much such a small critter can put away! Smorgasbord….oh….what a delicious sounding word, I had to google it….marvelous!
Planting bulbs is not one of my favourite taske, it seems to take forever…..but come spring I’m always so happy I took the time to do it. I have about 200 in the ground with another 100 crocus to go in…..I’m surprised yours rot…..too hot for them?
It is so very touching to see the bond those birds have, I’m so pleased they remained together!xxx
You’ve made my day with this post, Dina – what a wonderful life you have with all your animals and some really rewarding moments to balance the sometimes inevitable heartbreaking ones. I do hope your swallow makes it through until the others come back – if anyone can do it, you can! Wonderful photo of Curly, will you make a painting of it? And I really think you should invest in a second kneeling pad! Perhaps one for Curly for christmas!
Awwwww….thank you Caro. Yes, there are some really sweet moments which go a long way towards balancing things. I love being around animals and couldn’t imagine a life without them.
We shall do our upmost to keep the swallow alive throughout the winter, it has to be warm so can’t go into an outdoor aviary, maybe the starling will keep it entertained!
I really must paint Curly, thanks for that reminder! Lol, what a marvelous idea….of course….I just need to get another kneeling pad!!!xxx
You have such lovely and heartwarming tales to tell – right down from your daft dogs and Curly (lovely pic by the way) to chatty starlings and friendship between pigeons – who knew! Lovely post Dina.
Ahhhh, thanks so much Elaine. There are plenty of animals around doing their thing for sure…..and as for those daft dogs….sighs….xxx
altogether, this post lifted me up to the heights of awareness and sensitivity, and brought a tranquil smile to my face and a song to my heart… blessed is the woman whose cat chooses to sit on her kneeling mat… much love…
What a lovely, lovely comment Shimon, how wonderful to think my stories can result in a smile on your face and a song in your heart…..I like the comment about the cat too. Love and hugs to you too.xxx
I would have given the cat the heave-ho and reclaimed my mat. Those nuts are killers! I am so happy the starling has a friend. They must have a lot to say to each other to chatter all day. Too bad there isn’t a translator available to let you know what they’re saying! As for the butterfly, they must recognize you as a kindred spirit. :o)
Lol, I don’t have the heart to move Curly cat, I am always sorry he has to live outdoors, he could come in but is nervy re the dogs….so out there he is boss! He does love to follow me around the garden, so I have to pull him along on my mat! Strange but true!!!
ha! Yes….if only we knew what they were saying to each other…..
Ahh….how lovely to think I could be a kindred spirit to a butterfly….thanks Casa.xxx
You always have such wonderful animal stories. You should write a book. I love your little hoglets. I do miss not having hedgehogs around any more. What a lovely pigeon story. I don’ t know why I’ m going dewy- eyed over pigeons, I am over- run with them here and mutter darkly whenever they poo on my washing or strip my brassicas. But I think your pigeons are in love and I can’ t resist a love story.
Well done getting all those bulbs in, but your poor dented knees. I suppose you can’ t tell the cat to get off the mat? No, silly question, of course you can’ t.
Thanks Chloris……maybe you should come and collect a couple of hogs from the rescue next time you are up this way.
I agree with you about the birds, I think it’s a love story too…..it’s a little like a Catherine Cookson book though….y’see the large male bird is a racing pigeon….high born and used to the best of everything, and he fell for the lowly feral pigeon and gave it all up for her…..and so he left his privilege behind and moved to the streets for his girl….and there he protected her in the gutters of Liverpool….and now…..well they get to live in Formby where they shall be fed and watered!
Gosh….I cannot even contemplate the very notion of moving the cat…..there would be blood on the moon there would!!!
I love to read posts from you, those precious little hogs are SO dear, how could anyone not fall in love with them? I know from experience just how much food and water they can put away…
You’ll have to watch those pets ganging up on you ;o) but what joy the bulbs are going to bring in Springtime.
Love your choice of giveaway gift – hope you get some leafcutter bees, the ones we have fascinate me!
What a magical moment with the painted lady :o)
So glad the birds have found some company – it’s sure to do them both good.
The pigeons bought a lump to my throat, what a lovely story.
Thank you for sharing them with us :o)
Rose H
Hi Rose, lovely to hear from you. Yes, you know only too well how much the little guys can eat. The tiny ones are gorgeous aren’t they, so many are coming in at the moment, I do worry about the ones that won’t be found. Let’s hope the weather stays mild for them.
It was such a lovely moment having the butterfly land on me, it stayed so long too. Awww….I’m so happy the birds stayed together, they would have pined without each other. It looks like they will be able to go soon. Thanks Rose, I hope all is well with you.xxx
Dear Dina, the two big dogs sure do not make your life easy… Here the lawn is damaged due to the scorching sun and too much water during the past summer.
hugs and kisses claudine
Even here we have this kind of “little houses” for the bee and laybird, but I have not yet purchased them, because even the birds-case I use in the winter to put the seeds, isn’t used! Daunting… but with all the feral cats that wander around our garden!
The story of two birds, dear Dina, is another demonstration that the animals have “feelings” – “love” – “compassion” !!! I simply loved the experience and to see these proof of solidarity among animals, they are immensely better than (some) human (besides us), of course! I really hope that canker of the pigeon is healed for good…
And that the little hoglets will be growing big and healthy! I just love them so much…
Lol….the dogs certainly don’t let my grass grow! I do hope yours grows back, the weather is so unpredictable isn’t it?
I can see why the birds stay away with all your ferals!
Yes, it’s lovely to see an example of animals who have such a strong bond, I have no doubt at all that they are capable of strong emotions and relationships, just as we are. I’m so pleased the guy brought them in together, I think they would have been really stressed if they had been separated. The little bird is doing really well now, she was terribly thin and in a right mess so the improvement is good to see. Thanks Claudine. Love and hugs to you.xxx
I loved hearing about your butterfly encounter and the pigeon tale, but Sam and Annie’s antics in the yard always make me laugh, too, Dina!
And those sweet ravenous babies are too precious as well.
Isn’t it amazing how we can plant a hundred and more bulbs and not even begin to have enough to fill our space???
Such a rich collection of stories and images this week! Thank you for brightening my day considerably…Peace to your week’s end.
Oh …..Sam and Annie, I’ve never quite had a pair as energetic as them……talking of dogs, a white german-sheppard came to the rescue a few days ago, it’s simply huge and has been starved and abused and left outdoors. It’s six….it has a lovely personality but doesn’t get along with other dogs…..it also has a broken, resigned look….I am SO tempted to bring him home, but worry how that would affect my two….huge, huge sighs….that’s the downside to the rescue, seeing all the sad dogs….I am SO, SO tempted!!!
Lol….yes, I think a thousand bulbs could go in and still we would have the urge to plant more!!!
The butterfly experience was really special, it seemed to shimmer on my hand, it had me marveling at nature…again! And the pigeons, it does my heart good to see them so close and still together. Thanks Kitty.xxx
Another SUPER post D! Thanks for sharing your close affinity with our fellow creatures….Simply, wonderful. I’m especially ‘taken’ by your experience with the pink lady. Fabulous! May she bring you the good fortune said to be carried by her ilk.
Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka, there was something rather magical about how long the butterfly sat on my hand.
Thanks for your good wishes too.xxx
You know what, I replied to your post in some detail and the blasted thing said my request timed out when I clicked to send. Everything disappeared. I wasn’t taking any more time that I might for a succinct reply.. it wasn’t an essay. sorry, I am piqued with an inanimate system.
Oh noooooooooooo….I have now reported the problem as it has happened on several posts, I shall let you know when it’s resolved, it is VERY frustrating….sorry about that!xxx
What an amazing story about your pigeons! And I’m green with envy over your butterfly – wild things really do think you’re one of them …
I thought it was a lovely story too, and they are so sweet together. The butterfly was soooo beautiful, I couldn’t believe how long it sat on my hand for! I’m smiling at the thought of your last comment!!! Thanks Gilly.xxx
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. I especially like the one of Curly.
Nice to see that Darlin’ has a fellow feathered friend to chat to as they are such social birds. The story about the pigeons is heart-warming. xx
Thanks Flighty, it is good to see Darlin interacting with another bird for a change, as you say, they are such social creatures. It is a sweet story isn’t it, animals never cease to surprise me.xxx
What a lovely story about the pigeons, and they say animals and birds don’t have feelings! Pah! It sounds like you will be releasing the starling and swallow together too, I bet they become firm friends.
Pah indeed!!! I couldn’t agree more, animals form wonderful lasting friendships at the rescue and pine if one is at the vet or dies…..it’s heartbreaking to see actually…..I think the birds are enjoying each others company but we don’t want Darlin chasing the swallow to Africa!!! Thanks Jo.xxx
Working with animals must give you some really rewarding memories. You could write a Herriot type book.
Glad you managed to spend your voucher and may I say made a good choice.
You know you could have avoided dinted knees ig you had been boss and not Curly Cat
Lol….what a lovely thought, writing a book! There are enough stories for sure!!! Yes, there are lots of rewarding moments, it does make it all so worthwhile!
I am thrilled with the bee/ladybird house, now I am hoping for solitary bees and lots of spotty critters……
I am working on my assertion issues…..you can’t outwit a cat though!xxx
It is a lovely story about the pigeons. Darlin too. Beech nuts.. dreadful things. I feel like I’m walking over snails..
Thanks Jess…..I loved the pigeon story too and it’s nice to see Darlin actually twittering to another bird for a change. Oh yes….totally agree re beech nuts crunching like snails….xxx
What a lovely story about the pigeons. I do hope the sickly one recovers well and that they can fly off into the sunset together. The little hoglets are adorable. And the butterfly moment must have been amazing.
It is lovely to see them still together, they are very attached to each other. The sickly one is coming along in leaps and bounds now, it was terribly thin so it’s surprising that it’s still alive.
Hoglets are so cute aren’t they….oh yes, the butterfly moment was very special! Thanks for visiting CJ. xxx