After the week we recently spent in Bath I swore, SWORE on my mothers’ thimble that I would never go back to that apartment…..the one on the top of that horribly steep hill…..but after receiving this email from our lovely landlady Liz, I had a change of heart and booked another week, next summer….WHAT have I done?????? And WHY did I do it???
> Dear Both,
> Sorry to take so long to write but it has been a busy time since you left.
> I wanted to thank you for leaving the flat looking so good. What a
> difference from the usual visitor. I am sure that you had the dogs doing
> chores! It certainly made my day.
> Within one hour of you leaving and us changing linen, the large steps in
> the hall decided to crash through the hall window. No-one was in the
> hall and it just happened. They have been there 10 years and suddenly BANG.
> What a mess and we were saved by our builder who luckily was just going
> out of the gate when the window smashed to pieces. He could have had bad
> head injuries a few seconds earlier.. He calmly went for his tape
> measure, shot off, came back with matching glass and 2 hours later
> no-one would have been the wiser. His brother has painted the beads
> today and all the window sills in your flat which were annoying me
> because the wood had split.
> It was a pleasure to have you and your lovely dogs and I hope that you
> have a super Christmas. We are looking forward to having a very quiet
> one with the TV on and a dog either side of us on the settee.
> Thanks again,
> Best wishes,
It looks like the strange energy we encountered there continued with the window smashing after we left! How VERY strange!
Last weekend, the weather was simply gorgeous so we took ourselves down to the beach, ever since then winter has roared in with a vengeance bringing freezing hail and horrendous winds, and I don’t like it! One.Little.Bit!
It wasn’t much fun sitting in the back of the car with these two, y’see, we forgot the dog towels…..
Now, as I type, the weather man is talking about a weather bomb which is going to hit us hard, now is it just me, or, is “weather bomb” a little weird and trendy? What’s wrong with “severe weather”…..I’m going to set the language police onto them….
This week at the rescue, I’ve been doing holiday cover and have been caught in several weather bombs….erm….hail storms! Freezing they were and totally ‘orrible, but, on a more positive note, I discovered that most of the rescued foxes have now been released; one poor creature had been caught by the neck in a trap and had suffered awful injuries, yet still made a wonderful recovery. This little cub is the only fox in at the moment and soon she will be off too, I have become very attached her….
unlike these sheep! I do like them, but trying to get a wheelbarrow of hay past them is no mean feat. A girl can be mobbed and knocked flat on her back during such an undertaking, which is both undignified and downright embarrassing, especially whilst being weather bombed! I wouldn’t mind if they were starving but there is hay simply everywhere!
There are two problems, the first is getting them away from the hay, and the second is getting the wheelbarrow out of the farm gate without the sheep escaping….sighs….the trials of life eh? By the time you get this wheelbarrow back there is hardly any hay left for the rabbits. There’s a ram in the mix too!
Moving on…I’m delighted with my cuttings this year….oh the joys of a greenhouse.
See the red bowl? That’s my next batch of watercress, in a few weeks it will look like it’s parent on the shelf above.
I’ve finally finished all the outstanding artwork for the rescue, this is going to be the new sponsorship certificate. Now I can get on with sorting the house and Christmas, early next year I shall be illustrating a kid’s wildlife book, but that’s next year….ages away!
And finally…
A deliriously happy cat.
Drumroll please…
Curly cat is now in….IN!!!
I’ve been feeding and worrying about this cat for eight years now, and although it has the shed to sleep in I endlessly stress about it, especially in cold weather. Y’see Curly cat is no spring chicken any more and is beginning to look decidedly arthritic. Now, the problem is that he doesn’t really want to live with dogs and despite coming in now and then, he always seems nervy in the house.
Last week I got fed up with this endlessly frustrating situation and decided to do something about it. So, I strode purposefully out, scooped the cat up and plonked him in the lounge. He has blankets, food and water and a litter tray, what’s not to like! The door is shut so the dogs don’t bother him and I pop in to stroke him several times during the evening.
Curly seemed a little unsure at first but has now taken to the situation like a duck to water! He happily goes out for a few hours then yowls to come back in! Result! So now if we are in the kitchen, Curly cat can have the lounge, and when we are in the lounge, Curly can have the kitchen.
Words cannot do justice to how relieved I feel….no more worrying about Curly freezing to death, Smashin’ eh?
I’m so glad you found the perfect post for your middle of the night mood! I was so very, very happy to finally have Curly indoors, he likes to be out when it’s warm, but knows he can now come in whenever he likes. He is a sweetheart, you would just love him!xxx
Isn’t it fantastic, the way one can find just the thing, when out strolling aimlessly? And this time, looking through your old posts, and finding the story of curly cat, which was just what I needed, it seems. Now I can begin my day in good spirits… with the thought that curly cat was finally accepted as a legitimate house cat despite the many discomforts of the past. Hope all is still going well. Sending you my best, Shimon. xxx
I was surprised that Liz had taken the time and trouble to write, but then she’s such a lovely gal I shouldn’t have been. Sheep are such funny creatures, the very sight of hay drives them a little mad, despite it being everywhere!
I am really pleased about Curly being in….it’s lovely to see him so warm and snuggy! Thanks
Isn’t it nice that the landlady took the time to write you to say thank you for being such great guests. You have a soft heart to book another week next summer. I love the look on the sheep’s face on the right in the second picture. It is though she (?) is aware and maybe even a little apologetic for their rather rude behaviour over trying to get at that hay. I am so glad that Curly cat has come in from the cold! Sometimes we just don’t know what’s good for us.
So glad that Curly is in from the cold!
Laughing about the great clodhopping sheep eating your hay and knocking you over, the beasts! They look huge – and so fancy standing up eating the hay!!fancy your landlady from Bath writing to you like that – you must have made an amazing impression on her! And how shocking the window got smashed through like that! Blimey!
Well done with the art work for the rescue – it’s great that you do all that for them!
It’s SO good to finally have that cat indoors….such a relief not having to feel guilty all the time!
Sheep… wouldn’t believe the palaver involved….often you have to cut your losses and make a run for it with just one bag of hay! They are huge….and STRONG!
Isn’t it weird how that window broke….rounded off a week of general weirdness!!! And here’s me going back, I must be bloomin’ crackers !Thanks
I discontinued my blogger blogs because of technical problems.
Oh, that is a shame, let me know if you start a new
Wonderful post and pics as usual. Interesting letter from your old landlady in Bath. Hope your winter won’t be too bad. Our spring has been all confused, but a lovely day today. But rain is due in the North island.
Thanks Peter, yes, very odd how the window smashed right after we left!!! Good you hear you have good weather today, I do hope you get a nice
Well Curly looks quite content now with his new living arrangements. And I agree with you…weather bombs is an odd term.
It is odd how the phrase has suddenly come into being with the media despite being around for a while!
Ah….Curly is now one happy little cat….which makes me so happy in return. Thanks
Curly looks so sleek and plump and WELL – you’ve done wonders, you and your miracle-animal-working hands! And how your house always looks immaculate when you are so busy right cheeses me off … (joking
) And those sheep – what are they like, greedy wool balls!
Lol….thanks Gilly…..I rather like all that talk of sleekness and plumpness….and he is now so very purry too!
It’s good you don’t get to see my windows, or ironing….and all the dust and washing and other things lurking just out of shot!!!
Sheep….such strong beasties they are and SO greedy!!!! Sighs…
Another lovely post Dina. I am still puzzling about why getting that email telling you about the near death experience you had with windows falling just after you left made you want to go back. Specially after you had sworn on your mother’ s thimble.
I hope you survived the apocalyptic sounding weather bombs and being bullied by sheep.
You do spoil your animals making homes for them in separate rooms so that they don’ t bother each other. I hope Curly cat appreciates how lucky he is.
I love your art work, what a talent you have, and what energy fitting everything into your busy life and blogging too. I don’ t know how you do it.
Hahahahaha….you put it so very succinctly! Gee….what can I say to that! My poor mother will be turning in her grave, and it sounds like I avoided an early one by an hour! And that’s without that awful, awful hill….maybe she hypnotized me?
Re sheep, sometimes the only way is to let them have the hay in the wheelbarrow and make a run for it with one bin bag of the stuff!
Curly is now an extremely happy cat, and I have puffed up eyes as I’m always in there stroking him and am a tad allergic!
Thanks Chloris….I’m so glad you can’t see all the dust and ironing that needs addressing!xxx
Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog – it’s always so lovely to ‘meet’ someone new. I loved your post – the wheelbarrow ransacking sheep made me laugh and Curly cat is adorable. I’m also really impressed by your watercress! Is it grown from seed or do you just put a piece in water? I love the stuff, so would really like to grow some. Have a lovely Christmas. x
Glad you enjoyed the post…..sheep….sighs….it’s a good job they are not aggressive, just very pushy!
It’s good to have Curly finally in, the poor thing turned up in the garden eight years ago, I think someone abandoned him.
I just put a piece I bought from the grocers in water and have had an endless supply ever since, it even keeps growing during winter! All the best to you
Oh you do make me chuckle with your shenanigins. So glad Curly has decided to enjoy being indoors – I used to have a cat that lived in a dustbin in the greenhouse as she hated our new dog. Loved the pics of the dogs in the water – they do seem to enjoy life don’t they. And as for those greedy sheep – well, sheep will be sheep as I know too well. Enjoy the weekend my friend – let’s hope the weather is decent eh!
It is good to finally have the cat in!!! What a result, especially nice at Christmas.
Awwwww….a cat that lived in a dustbin in a greenhouse!!! You’re worse than me for being a crazy lady!
Yes… understand well…..what is it with them and hay, it’s irresistible to them no matter how much of the stuff is around!
Our dogs certainly seem to have a zest for life! Thanks Elaine, hope you had a good weekend
Bertie arrived today thank you I’ll scan it in and see how it works.
The Xmas card looks lovely too ~ well done!
Have a great Christmas ~x~
Good to hear Bertie has arrived…..let me know how he gets on! xxx
I am with you all the way with the new ‘weather bomb crap!’ I wonder what knit wit made that one up…..and now everyone will be using it at the drop of a snow flake, or the freezing of a pond……:):)
Oh I do love your artwork for the sponsorship certificate….it’s bound to encourage so many people to help…I LOVE it.
As for lady in Bath….this sort of thing sometimes happens….we swear never to do something again, and then something magical almost gets us back on track….and it sounds to me like this lady might have a magical streak to her…..add that to your magical streak and bingo…you have lift off:):)
Dear Curly, I am now relieved to know that Curly will be in during these terrible weather bombed days and night, and how lovely to see the dogs frolicking in the water.
Have a fabulous week and keep warm….janet. xxxxxxx
Hahahahaha…..yes, the media do love to sensationalise! I wouldn’t mind, but the weather hasn’t been any worse than last year, it is winter after all!
You have me smiling re the magical streak, something weird was going on that week and it seems as if I’m meant to go back!!! I shall have to battle the hill again, hopefully nothing else!!!
It is so nice to see Curly snugy and warm and not having to feel guilty any more….weather bombs and all! Thanks Janet!xxx
Sounds like you’ve struck up a friendship with the lady in Bath and a break there next year is something to look forward to despite the hill. Take care in this stormy weather. I nearly got blown away yesterday. Glad you took the initiative with Curly Cat, brought him in and he’s now beginning to settle indoors.
Yes, I think we certainly got along well, Liz is such a fantastic inspiration…..I have to confess to shuddering at the thought of that hill though.
The winds have been really wild haven’t they, I have found myself clinging grimly to a lamppost on occasion.
It’s really cheering to know Curly is in and out of the cold….no more feeling guilty. Thanks
Maybe the spirit that protected you from getting hurt was the angel you covered with the blanket.
Weather bomb is so sensationalist. All the news is missing is a crazy preacher yelling, “You’re all going to hail!” Curley cat is probably wondering what took him so long to move inside.
Gosh…..yes, maybe! There’s a thought to ponder on!!! I can still see his beautiful face now!
Hahahahaha… that!!! Going to hail! Maybe you should write the headlines!
Oh….Curly sure is one happy cat, It’s great to see! Thanks
Well, very happy for Curly Cat and especially as the weather’s bombing, or whatever. (Horrible word choice, I agree.) So happy to hear the foxes have done so well: Hooray! I think the sheep would knock me over as well…what a struggle from your rescue guests!
I LOVE the artwork, as always, Dina: so gifted and so giving: what a treat you are.
Glad the pups had a day at the beach to play. They look so happy! And very, very relieved windows weren’t crashing about you when you were in bath. Lucky no one was hurt and nice to hear how all was fixed for your new friend. Hope the energy calms a bit for your next visit!
Happy Christmastime and sweet rest, when you get a chance.
Lol…..yes, Curly is thrilled to be free of weather bombs and I think, all rotten weather… wouldn’t believe how quickly he has settled into his new routine…..he pops out occasionally, then hollers at the front door to come back in….it’s working like clockwork.
It’s wonderful to see the foxes return to the wild, healthy once again … really makes their captivity worthwhile!
Sheep…..huge sighs…..they have so much hay and yet still try to take ours….such strong beasties they are too, actually the whole hay run is hysterically funny, especially when it’s a one-girl job… take to pleading with them to be nice!
I do hope the strange energy calms down, how very odd re the window!!! Good to hear nobody was hurt and that repairs were carried out so quickly. Thanks for your lovely comment Kitty….hope your Christmas preparations are going well.xxxx
Well done! You did the right move with Curly Cat… and you’ll soon be surprised how quickly he’ll get used to be inside at warm.
I hope that the little fox will total recover soon… they are such lovely and beautiful looking animals
Oh yes… Xmas is around the corner! The weather chage arrived here too… and I feel it in my poor bones (arthritis isn’t a joke).
Love to you all, hugs Claudine
How right you are Claudine, Curly has settled in beautifully, he goes out for a few hours when it’s dry but spends most of his days and nights on his fluffy blanket.
I just love foxes, they are so quiet and calm…..and have the wilderness in their eyes!
Oh you poor thing….I get achy bones too, not funny, you keep warm! Thanks
One extremely HAPPY Cat……nevermind weather bombs….sheep bombs….dog bombs…or even other ‘cat’ bombs…… LOL…. These fellow creatures know you are a ‘softy’…..Ha! Ha! As always…a delightful post. Keep Warm! Hugs! xx
Lol….thanks Bushka! Yes, here’s to no more bombs of any kind. Curly is certainly one content cat now which is good to
It’s certainly all go in your corner of the world! I’m very heartened to hear that all your rescue foxes (bar one) have been successfully returned to the wild; they are such beautiful creatures, I hope they make it. Spooky happenings at your holiday flat, you’re very brave to rebook! So nice of the landlady to write to you, you’ve made a connection there. I love that sponsorship certificate that you’ve designed – hope it brings in lots more sponsorship for the rescue!
Thanks Caro, it is so fantastic seeing all the foxes released, it’s sad to see them in captivity though… you say, gorgeous creatures.
Bath seemed decidedly spooky generally…..some weird energy flying around for sure! I do wonder what I have done….sighs…Liz is a sweetheart though…
Fingers crossed re more sponsorship!!! xxx
That is one ever so cautious cat you have cared for. I had to look after one in similar fashion years ago to avoid feline WW to beat all wars. (Ooh thunder is unleashed here tonight, yet again). I made up cosy cartons for her in an open porch that faced inward to the door. When cartons became soft I replaced them. She was a lovely creature.
About weather bomb…it is a legit description of the most severe wind and storm formations blowing inwards from the sea. You’ll find something about it on the Met Office site and probably Google. We’re experiencing the effects of it in the far north. The thunder and lightening arrived on Sunday i.e three days ago.
What an interesting email from your holiday landlady and so matter-of-fact in style for what sounds like a major domestic destructive event.
You didn’t really expect the sheep to let you get away with the fodder …rabbits will just have to wait their turn.
A bouncy and interesting post. xxx
Good to hear you had a similar cat and managed to get in out of the elements! I think it’s the dogs that put Curly off, but having said that the cat totally trusts them when they are on leads…..
I do enjoy thunder, hope you are enjoying yours!!!
Yes, although weather bomb is legit, the media do seem to hype it up….I never heard it used before!
Liz…..I can’t imagine anything at all that would rattle her cage, she really is astonishing, her energy alone puts me too shame.Thanks
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures.
It’s good to see that Curly has finally succumbed to living indoors. xx
Thanks Flighty, it’s going to be a wonderful Christmas for Curly….especially if it snows!xxx
Wonderful to see Curly making himself at home, outdoors is no place for an older arthritic cat. I’m so glad that he agrees and that he’s come to his senses. It sounds like you had a lucky escape in Bath, if it had happened an hour earlier, or if you’d left an hour later, well, it doesn’t bear thinking about. It looks like you’ve taken plenty of cuttings for the garden, something I don’t often do myself, but it’s always good to get free plants in this way.
It’s so nice seeing Curly warm and happy, he’s loving the extra attention too,,,,so a marvelous result!
Bath seemed weird in many ways, the window smashing seemed to sit with all the other happenings! I’m glad no-one was hurt!!!
I love taking cuttings, each year I take cuttings from plants I haven’t tried before, nothing to lose and everything to gain, it’s surprising how many annuals can be propagated…..thanks
Well done to Curly Cat, Inside is so much nicer than Outside (particularly during weather bombs – what a phrase!) and I’m sure he’s wondering why he didn’t make the change years ago!
Inside is certainly much nicer, especially as the weather has taken a cold wintry turn…’s a weird phrase isn’t it, sounds quite juvenile despite being a legitimate phrase….thanks
Apparently weather bomb is a meteorological term meaning a sudden fall in pressure but as they do papers make it sound very dramatic.
I’m sure Curly Cat wishes he had seen sense earlier.
Did you seen the video of Benjamin the baby goat? It was on Martyn’s weather blog on 5 December – you’d love it.
The papers do love to take these phrases and run with them don’t they…..
It’s great now Curly is in, no more feeling guilty, instead lots of cuddles for a warm and purring cat.
I had a look at that video….how lovely, I haven’t seen a kid springing and pinging like that before…..I did enjoy it, thanks for letting me
Weather bomb is an expression that has not yet taken hold this side of the Atlantic. Maybe I could get ahead of the trend. It may be unkind but I had to laugh about you and your sheep! And I can see why you would return to that apartment in Bath. It has such a sweet landlady, plus it has to be good for your thighs.
Lol….yes, it’s always good to be ahead of the game so to speak!Please laugh away re the sheep, I have to laugh myself, I often wonder how I end up in some of the situations I end up in!!!
Mmmmmmmm…..I’m still in shock re that hill and wonder what possessed me to want to go back! Thanks
It sounds like you have quite a house (and hands) full now. Not to mention sheep. I’m quite sure we’ve had weather bombs and arctic vortices before now and just called them storms. But hey, what do I know.
Yes….even though this phrase has apparently been around for a while it does sound highly dramatic and I haven’t heard it before. Thanks
Ahha….so that’s the story of your namesake! Fancy leaving your cat behind! Maybe Cooper felt secure tethered at night because somebody tried to dog-nap him!!!
I’ve had dogs in different rooms in the past, but never dogs and a cat. The dogs are aware that Curly is in so the longer it goes on the more accepting they will be, hopefully, once Curly feels secure s/he will become territorial and keep the dogs in check, I hope so, if not, things can stay as they are. Currently we have dogs in the kitchen, cat in the lounge and hedgehog [because it’s freezing] in the study!
It was lovely of Liz to send that email wasn’t it….struth, I can’t imagine how some people must leave holiday accommodation…Thanks for the compliment and your comment
Yes, that’s Nikki’s story. But it was for her sake that my (previous) roomie left her with me. Nikki couldn’t travel and roomie had to fly to another state. Plus, Nikki was the only cat I was not allergic to at the time. Used to be horrendously sensitive and had to take allergy pills just to be within 50ft of a cat. But not Nikki. So she became my “hypoallergenic” pet. And, I guess, my gateway kitty, because I can tolerate most all cats now without a sniffle.
Hedgehog, too! I’m afraid to ask who’s next!
How odd that you weren’t allergic to Nikki, I am allergic to cats too, especially if I have very little contact with them, the more I’m around them the better I get, the only problem I have these days is if I get cat or rabbit fur in my eyes….good to hear you can be around most cats now.
Lol….fingers crossed that no more creatures take up
Well, respect to you, m’dear, on convincing Curly Cat to come inside! Oh, what a darling face. And well done to you for figuring out the time-sharing aspect of your house. I lived with my brother for several years after our roommate moved away and left her cat (Nikki of nikkipolani fame). But then someone had tried to dog-nap my parents’ cocker spaniel, so he came to live with me. During the day, Cooper got the backyard and Nikki got the house. In the evening, they were refereed by my brother and me. At night, he was tethered in the family room while Nikki roamed the house. He was the type of dog who felt more secure tethered at night, weird, huh?
Anyway, it was lovely of your landlady to send such a pretty note. You (in spite of those rambunctious canines) have made a happy impression.
Your certificate art is beautiful. You’ve quite the talent for cozy images.