Oh WHAT a week! It’s almost Christmas and here I sit with hardly any presents bought, only half of the deccies up and a house that looks like a midden! Now, the reason for this sorry state of affairs, is in part due to extra rescue shifts and Christmas gatherings with friends and family.
Today, I was called upon to play tour guide at the rescue for a marvelous bunch of women who had shown up with a shedload of supplies for the animals. Around the same time a Vicar arrived at the door with a rottweiler puppy that is probably about nine weeks old. Somebody had abandoned it in his churchyard in the middle of the night. The puppy, now named Holly, has a belly full of worms and is a little bandy, probably due to a poor diet. The worst thing though is that she’s recently had her tail docked/cut off, with what looks like a pair of scissors….it certainly hasn’t been done by any vet! The general thinking is that a litter has been bred to be sold, and Holly is the bandy runt.
Now Christmas is always a difficult time at the rescue as so many people abandon their dogs, some have even left them tethered outside. So now there is simply NO room at the inn, and all the doggie foster carers have been utilised ….so where on earth was this puppy going to go? Urgent calls were made to other rescues but basically they are in the same situation as us.
The staff were at their wits- end…..and then their gaze fell upon me, smack bang in the middle of my tour….
“Please can you foster her for a while?” they asked.
What’s a girl to do eh???
So….. home she came!
My two through the kitchen door…..Annie looking away in disgust!
She really is like a baby bear, she’s roughly the size of Sams’ head…and she’s a RIGHT handful!
If I put her in her crate and she can’t see me, she YELPS the house down….and for a small puppy she has a BIG voice.She’s piddled EVERYWHERE…and I suspect her poops are sure to follow..and she’s already found the toy heap, much to Annie’s annoyance…
I’m wondering how I’m going to manage my Christmas shopping etc….I can’t leave her alone too long…..and how am I going to cook the dinner??? Eek!
Sam is lovely with her, but Annie is NOT amused. At all!
Curly however, couldn’t care less…..after all he has his own room…
I was thinking about calling this post, “Unexpected gifts” ….before the puppy arrived that is,
but I suppose she is an unexpected gift too….
This delightful book arrived MOST unexpectedly in the post from a very special friend, it really is a joy! Thank you SO much Kitty, the FUN I shall have trying these recipes!
Then I received this wonderful little Christmas tree, I’ve hung it from one of my Christmas stars….how cute is that….thank you Anne!!!
To round it all off, my lovely next door neighbour arrived with home made mince pies!
And finally….
here’s a lovely Hesperantha Coccinea, ‘Fenland Daybreak’ that Chloris sent me a while back, it’s blooming away in the greenhouse….how very sweet! AND now it appears I have won a wonderful little black book of Latin plant names from her blog….thank you Chloris!
I have a feeling the Gods are smiling on me!
p.s….sorry it’s blurry….I had one eye on the plant and the other on the puppy!
Well first of all, thank you Nechama for taking the time and trouble to write to me….I consider it a great honour.
Now, rottweilers…..well they are powerful dogs, extremely strong with huge square jaws, they used to pull carts laden with meat in Germany….and of course, if they chose to they could inflict terrible damage on a person or other animal, but, they actually have a very calm, placid nature and are renown for their loyalty. If they are raised well and socialised they make outstanding pets, I know many…..In the wrong hands, like any dog, they can be lethal because of their strength and do a lot of damage.
Some dogs, due to their nature have a strong prey drive, like huskies, greyhounds etc….but not the rottweiler……they are utterly fearless though.
My view is that any dog can be dangerous if treated badly or raised to be brutal, the problem though is that the larger breeds get bad names, especially bull breed dogs. Funnily enough, the german shepherd is regarded as one of the most dangerous breeds as it has such large jaws and bites repeatedly, yet this breed doesn’t tend to get bad press. I thinks people create dangerous dogs…..I don’t think dogs themselves are anything other than man’s best friend if treated properly.
Finally, I think if people have children they should never leave them alone with any dog….children can poke eyes, pull tails and unwittingly anger the most placid dogs…..so I think they have a responsibility to supervise kids and dogs at all times…..better safe than sorry!
Headrubs and purrs to you.xxx
Thanks for that explanation. You can be sure, I will try to share the message with the many people who are afraid of rottweilers and other dogs reputed to be fierce.
That is good to hear. Thank you.xxx
My dear friend, this post is something I put aside… because I was a little too busy when the notification came… and today, I am finally beginning to deal with mail… but I wanted to hear more from you about the rottweiler. I have heard some really terrible things about this type of dog, and there is a popular movement here in Israel that wants to outlaw these dogs completely in our country. There have been cases, where innocent children were attacked. As a cat, all dogs look pretty much the same to me. So I thought maybe you could give me the enlightened view of this particular family of dogs. As you know, I trust you.
No such thing as a relaxing Christmas for you ! I am glad to see that poor little Holly has found a refuge with you over the Christmas period. So many unwanted animals get abandoned at this time of year. What a terrible time for so many of them. But this one has landed on her feet. I just hope she doesn’t get under yours while you are in the kitchen on Christmas day !!
I love the photo of her looking out of the window at your two. And Curly cat sleeping on the chair. What a contented cat he seems to be now. I bet you wish you had brought him indoors sooner. Maybe the time would not have been right then. I firmly believe that there are times when things are ‘right’.
Enjoy those delicious mince pies and have a great Christmas.
If my health continues to improve, then I hope I will get to pay you a visit sometime very soon.
Take care xxx
It is sad to see an animal abandoned, especially at Christmas as all the rescues are full, some can be so heartless can’t they, but at least little Holly was found and shall have the best of everything now.
Oh Curly is so happy to be in and I don’t have to worry any more when it’s freezing, he’s so contented as you say, yes, I do wish I had brought him in sooner, but I also agree about sometimes just being right….
It would be lovely to have you visit and meet all the animals!xxx
Oh, Dina. Never mind the decorations. You are enjoying some of the best of Christmas as it is — loved ones and lovely surprises, puppies notwithstanding! Holly looks very demure, she does. I’m sure it’s a ruse and you were well taken in. I’m sorry it’s going to put a kink in all of your plans, but I do hope she’ll find her way into someone’s home permanently soon.
As for you, young lady. I was shocked at the parcel that arrived with your return address. Thank you so much for sharing your artistry with me. I love it all. I had already sent the card and tree and then you mentioned having Curly Cat indoors. I think he might enjoy a blue kitty, don’t you???
Yes, I decided to worry less about the deccies and such and just do what I could, and lovely surprises certainly raise the spirits and a smile!!!
I’m SO glad your parcel arrived in time for Christmas…..I was beginning to think I had put the wrong address on it!
I shall try Curly with a toy! Thanks Anne!xxx
Holly is very cute, but oh dear, I think having a puppy is more trouble than caring for a baby. Of course everyones ‘ eyes fell on you, I could see that one coming.
I am sure you will have lots of fun with her but how you will get the Christmas dinner cooked I can’ t imagine.
I am glad the Hesperantha is blooming for Christmas and I hope the book will arrive soon. It is coming via Amazon.
Have a very happy Christmas Dina.
Hahahahaha….maybe I should have seen it coming!!!
She is SO adorable and I totally agree that babies are easier, at least we can put a nappy on them!
The Hesperantha is gorgeous, I am so chuffed to have it, thanks again!!! All the very best to you and yours too, thanks Chloris.xxx
Blimey Snowbird, when do you sleep?? What a handful!
But I know you’ll cope becoz you will just love everybody and in the end Holly will get the message and start behaving as well as your other dogs
Blessings on your merciful heart!!
Sleep has been hard to come by since holly arrived!!!! Lol….and of course I’ll cope, I just like to have a whine here!!! Lol…..
Thanks so much Gilly.xxx
Oh dear – as if you haven’t got enough to contend with – you have to worry at how heartless some people can be don’t you. I should imagine the last thing you needed is a puppy to worry about. Good luck I think you’ll need it. Hope you manage to get round to organising Christmas I’m sure it will all be fine in the end. You have received some lovely things from your friends especially those mince pies – enjoy.
Some people are utterly heartless aren’t they, these pups sell for a fortune so clearly they clocked her as the runt with a disability, I’m so pleased the vicar found her, she must have been terrified alone in the churchyard.
Oh those mince pies were mouthwateringly delicious! Thanks Elaine.xxx
You are very admirable for your compassion, and with the good humor you have for the challenges of taking Holly in. I suggest that you reward yourself with a couple of extra of those mince pies.
Lol…..thanks Jason, those mince pies din’t last very long….AT ALL! xxx
Oh, what a handful: Bless you for taking Holly in, and special light will go from my heart to Annie, who is feeling so upset by the new energy.
Yay, Sam and Curly.
Your home looks lovely, as always. Happy that people are sending gifts to reward your goodness and that they’re bringing them to the rescue, too. Peace, gentle peace and great, deep joy to your Christmas, Dina!
Thanks for sending special light, Annie certainly improved and began to feel more comfortable around Holly….
Thanks SO much Kitty, peace and joy to you and yours too.xxx
Goodness! Providing sanctuary goes a bit wider than rescue centre. You might fall in love with Holly.
Apart from feeding the quadrupeds and bipeds when required, I guess you’ve spread your Xmas goodwill already.
It’s great that you have some delightful surprise pressies and development of past pressies to enjoy.
Have a super time with the family, the pets and your guests!
M xxx
I am totally in love with Holly, and it’s becoming more and more apparent how disabled she is now that she is moving about….
Thanks so much Menhir, I hope you had a marvelous Christmas.xxx
The Gods should be smiling upon you…..you have definitely earned a place in doggy heaven:):), kitty heaven….and every other heaven……
I burst out laughing when you got to Curly, who of course has her own room…..cats are so bloody clever…
and oh that Little Holly is a cutie…..what’s a girl to do?????
I just know that your Christmas will all come together and a good time will be had by all….especially Curly:):)
Sending lots of love….Janet. xxxx
Ahhhh….thanks Janet. Curly….oh the cat now has the life of Reilly and is loving it, and how right you are re them being so bloody clever!!!
Holly is simply adorable and your right, good fun will be had whatever doesn’t get done. I’d rather stroke the puppy than clean up.
Lots of love right back atcha….thanks Janet.xxx
Goodness me! You sure do live a full and busy life ~ and now Holly to add to the mix
She doesn’t know how lucky she is to have landed on her feet in your home for now. Sounds like she needs lots of care, and attention… Hope you have a Holly Jolly Christmas! Thanks for your wonderful parcel

Little Holly is adorable which more than makes up for all the running around, and Christmas will be a little different this year!
So glad the parcel arrived, thanks Glo and all the very best to you and yours.xxx
Ouch for the poor puppy’s tail being chopped off
that is so sad but what a big-hearted lady you are to take on a third dog and a puppy to boot but how lucky is the puppy!
Have to say it does look irresistibly cute!! and as you say – like a little bear!
Gosh you have taken on a handful at this time of year especially if he is weeing everywhere… you really are a star, I take my hat off to you!
Glad the gods are smiling on you – you deserve it with all the people and creatures you look after and make happy!xxx
It’s horrible to think how poor Holly felt having her tail cut off with no pain relief….
I do wish I could keep puppykins…..I just hope the perfect home can be found for her.
She looks more like a bear cub every day, all that is lacking are the round ears…
Lol….Christmas certainly shall have its challenges this year…..ho hum as you would say!!!
I hope the gods carry on smiling on me and find Holly pup the perfect home. Thanks Arose.xxx
You are a star…love the pictures and narrative as usual. Always make me smile. Holly is a cutie, but yes I can imagine a handful. Have a fantastic Christmas and wish you a successful 2015 :-):-)
Holly is a little darling….and certainly a handful!
Lovely to hear from you Karen, I hope all is well with you and yours….
Wishing you a lovely Christmas and a fantastic happy, healthy 2015.xxx
Awww, I wouldn’t have been able to resist bringing Holly home with me either, though she does sound a handful, especially at this busy time of year. It beats me how anyone can be so heartless to dump an animal though it shouldn’t surprise me really if they can dock her tail like that. What lovely gifts you’ve been receiving, the cookbook looks lovely, I shall look that one up.
She is such a sweet little puppy, I don’t understand how anyone could just dump her either, so many do at Christmas sadly. Her tail is a mess, it must have hurt for ages…these types of people must have hearts like stone….
I have had some wonderful gifts for sure, the cookbook is fantastic. Thanks Jo.xxx
A lovely post and wonderful pictures, with the one of Curly making me smile.
I despair of people who dump puppies but thankfully Holly was lucky to have been found and for you to foster. And as for docking her tail like that…!
Well done on winning the book of plant names. Flighty xx
Thanks Flighty, Curly has certainly settled in well which I’m relieved about!
Yes, you and me both re the dumping of puppies, thank goodness she was found. Her poor tail, it looks awful. I am so happy to have won the little black book!xxx
Poor little thing – how can people be so heartless? It’s beyond me. Good job that there are people like you around.
I can’t understand how anyone could throw a puppy over a church wall in the middle of the night, it could have froze…she’s such a trooper too, at the moment she can barely walk as she’s so bandy…I really do hope she finds the perfect home. Thank Sue.xxx
Have a great Christmas! Hope you get a rest some of the time! You deserve it! x
Thanks Linda, Christmas shall certainly be unique this year!xxx
Oh my, what a handful! I hope you get some space to put your feet up over Christmas and have a really great time!
Thanks Jess….I have a feeling that Christmas shall go by in a blurr, but with lots of wine!xxx
Ohhh, what a cute little monster, and what a nightmare not to be able to get anything done!
Thanks Mel…….puppies sure do need a lot of time!xxx