I’ve had something of a breakthrough this week. Let me explain…..
Ever since I’ve had the dogs, which is over three years [how time flies!] hubs and I haven’t been able to go abroad. This is entirely my fault as I just don’t like the idea of leaving the dogs in kennels. It would ruin my holiday to think of them sitting there bored to death and doing nothing much but bark all day. So, to date, we’ve taken them away with us. Hubs is not happy about this as he really does want to travel, as do I. In the past my sister used to look after our other dogs but she moved out of the area and now has five cats of her own.
I decided to research house/dog sitters who would look after the dogs in our home. After browsing several sites I couldn’t shake an uneasy feeling re hiring somebody I didn’t know…..people can say anything can’t they, so I abandoned that idea. Then a thought came to me, why not ask around at the rescue. So I did just that and a name came up, and I immediately made contact. Guess what? The only person who dog-sits is the girl who adopted Holly, the puppy I was fostering! Now aint that odd?
So….I rang her and it turns out that she is still house/dog sitting! Seems our paths are meant to cross!
So, Laura has agreed to be our long-term dog sitter! The plan, is for her to meet the dogs a few times, then hubs and I shall have a weekend away at the end of February…..Pompeii probably! Yay! Laura’s mum will look after Holly, who is now doing extremely well; her legs are healing beautifully now that she’s on a good diet.
We’re planning on having maybe three weekends away this year, allowing the dogs to adjust to the new set-up, then hopefully we can start taking longer holidays next year. Rather excited I am….the world, it appears, may be my oyster once again!
Of course we shall still take the dogs away with us in the UK! Beasties enjoy a break too!
Talking of travel and dogs, hubs is working in Manila for two weeks, and while he laps up the sun, I’m experiencing crazy days. Annie seems to have sprained her paw, so can’t run or walk at the moment, which means she has energy to burn and is constantly trashing the house…..and I can’t take Sam out without her as she screams the place down so he is wrecking the place too! Sighs…..How DO you rest a collie???? It’s impossible!
The weather is not helping matters either…..simply hideous, it’s freezing cold and gales are tearing through the garden by day and by night. Practically anything that stood upright is smashed and bits and pieces are blowing off the house constantly….oh….and the drains seem to be blocked!
The roof has been torn off the garage, I last saw it rolling madly a mile down the road… only the ivy is now keeping some of the sleet and hail out!
And…..to top it all off, last night, I set my alarm and rose exhausted, there is little sleep to be had while the winds rage. I thought it looked darker than usual as I let the dogs out, but began to get ready anyway. As I was about to leave I glanced at my laptop and was startled to find that it was three am in the morning…..somehow the time had altered itself on my phone! I was not a happy bunny! At all!!!
On a happier note, I was weeding my veggie patch recently and was really surprised to find lots of potatoes in perfect condition still in there! I also still have scores of huge carrots, leeks and broccoli, I must say last year was MOST productive!
Each day I still harvest fresh kale and spinach.
I had a chap build me two cages for my brassicas, they are 3x3ft, and are light and easy to move, I’m really pleased with them. The same guy is now building me an 8x8ft bower for all the roses I bought last year.
The garlic and broad beans are off to a great start…one of the best!
We also received another windfall of logs…..now we have about four years worth, if only the guy would get around to installing the log burner!
I noticed that the garden wall is full of ferns this week, I’m not sure if this will ruin the wall or not, does anyone have experience of this?
And finally…
It’s that wonderful time again….let the chitting begin!
This year I’m only growing Charlotte and King Edward.
Oh….yes….that grass seed is for the ruined back lawn, £20 bloomin’ quid it cost!!! Not sure it’ll do the trick….
I enjoyed your blog. At the price you paid for the lawn seed, it should grow beautifully! We spend February and March not dog sitting but plant sitting! Friends go to Mexico for these two months and, being retired, we move into their house, among other things to take care of the plants. It works out fine as two month in a city where you have lived for many years is a nice brake and an opportunity to socialize when you live far in the woods for most of the year!
Thanks Alain, I hope the seed does grow, but no doubt my two will run it bare again!
How lovely that you get to plant sit! What a wonderful arrangement……I must say though that I would just love to live in the woods in your stone house!xxx
thanks Snowbird…. mum is over the infections I think….. but her MS has got worse – taken another dive and she keeps dozing off every other sentence….. and really really struggles to eat but won’t accept help so is well enough to be stubborn and know her own mind still!! xxx
Ahhhh….your poor mum, it’s awful having to get old….I hope thing get a little easier for her.xxx
Goodness me, I knew your house was on stilts but I never imagined that it could actually MOVE! That must have been simply terrifying! Lol….it was odd to see the garage roof blowing down the road like tumble weed! It’s a a pain going into the roofless garage now to put the washing in the dryer, it’s a lot lighter though!!!
I think Sam will enjoy seeing Holly again, but Annie won’t, little anti-soc that she is…..how exciting though, I can’t wait to see some exciting places…..it is odd how it turned out to be Laura though! Thanks Arose, hope all is well with your mum.xxx
We had loads of wild raving winds round here too…. and my house was hopping about every now and then in the nights which was quite alarming… wooden house on stilts not attached to the ground you see….but the house survived. How amazing that your garage roof whooshed off down the road!
I think the weather makes the animals rather frantic too doesn’t it!
and how brilliant to grow your veg and so on! xxx
Am so pleased you have Laura to look after Sam and Annie – how perfect… and probably be very nice for them to see little bear again and vica versa – what a fortunate sort of continuity linky thing all round eh?
How exciting to go to Pompeii!!!
Lol…..maybe I should borrow a sheep from the rescue, that would certainly cheer Annie up! She is able to go on walks now but still limps is allowed to run, it looks like she will need another week of rest….sighs…
I am delighted to have discovered that Laura house sits, I had no idea! She is an animal lover so I know the dogs will have a good time with her.
I tried removing one of the ferns but it held fast, the brick howver came straight out!!! Thanks Menhir.xxx
an amazing number of comments!
You are doing a great job with your new camera.
I was thinking of suggesting a visit of a lamb for the sheepdog, however, when being practical about it, it somehow doesn’t quite fit the circumstances.
Splendid news about the dog-sitting. As you have some knowledge of the lady through Holly’s adoption, it must feel very comfortable starting up this special relationship.
The ferns in the wall are interesting. If it were ivy, I would say take decisive action to get rid of it, as ivy, in time, can cause serious fissures in walls of all ages. Try removing a few and dealing with any roots or debris with a systemic weed killer, if you can. With other foliage you could see what happens with other methods.
Great post! xxx
This business of having animal friends is quite complicated… and I know the problem well. Farmers have the same problem. Sometimes, years go by without their having a decent vacation. How good it is, that you’ve found a baby sitter that you can trust. That does make such a difference in life. And she sounds like just the right person for the job. Wishing you some wonderful adventures. I also have to congratulate you on the beautiful pictures. And from my study of the pictures, I now know a bit about your new camera, and it’s a true beauty. I wish you much pleasure as you learn the ins and outs of it. All the best. xxx
It is marvelous to have found Laura, how odd that it should be her! I am really looking forward to going to Pompeii, it looks so interesting and of course I have a wonderful camera to take with me, hubs has bought himself a second hand Nikon camera too so we should look good and touristy!
Thanks for your compliment about the pictures, that is a huge compliment coming from you. I have bought an online photography course by John Greengo too so hopefully I should learn a lot from that, I’ve tried several different settings so far and am enjoying experimenting.Thanks Shimon. xxx
We have had some awful winds too. The greenhouse keeps losing panes of glass.
How great that you have found a dog sitter and one you can trust to care for them properly whilst you go away and have a lovely holiday. Goodness, what do you feed them on? They seem so full of energy. I love your action shots of them.
Oh NOOOOOOO….I do hope you have repaired the greenhouse, I would weep if that happened to mine. In our other house we were always losing panes for ours, the whole lawn was full of fragments of glass. I hope you don’t have similar damage…..sighs….
I am so pleased to have found Laura, our first trip will be the end of February….how exciting!
Lol…..full of energy indeed! It’s hard for a girl to keep up with them! Thanks Chloris.xxx
Heavens, my collie X would be a nightmare if kept in, I really feel for you! Crazy weather too. We have a house sitting empty and waiting to be sold in Scotland while we’re down here in Herefordshire, and I’m getting jittery about what state the garden must be in with all this weather. Thank goodness for the neighbour looking out for it for me.
Collies!!! They certainly love to run don’t they, Annie is always happiest when outdoors herding Sam. Good luck with the house sale, the market seems to be picking up now so hopefully it will sell quickly. Good you have somebody to keep an eye on it. Thanks Mel.xxx
My friend always has cat sitters from an agency when she goes away – but it surely is so much better when you know and trust who will be looking after your beloved pets. We don’t seem to have had such wild winds as you had although the lanes around were scattered with limbs from trees – we owners of wood burners had a field day collecting them all up. I shall only be growing Charlotte potatoes this year – great that you found a little stash of undug potatoes, they seem to store really well in the ground. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Oh, I think knowing the person who is minding the dogs makes all the difference, and Laura is so lovely, she will spoil them for sure! I’m glad you haven’t noticed the wind but have reaped it’s reward. I can’t wait to have the log burner put it, they are so cosy aren’t they?
It was good to find the hidden spuds! Charlotte is so reliable isn’t it! Thanks Elaine.xxx
What goes around comes around….and it would seem that the wonderful care and home you gave little Holly is now coming back to you reward you….couldn’t be better…and you and Hubs can now enjoy the great blue yonder:) Meanwhile, I don’t think I have ever seen two happier looking dogs…..
Your crops looks fantastic, and yes, we have had wild winds here, but probably not as exposed as you….anyway, as our planting would indicate, spring is just around the corner….and with it all sorts of delights…including weekends away:)xxxx
Ahhhh, thanks Janet…..it’s just perfect that Laura shall be dog sitting, she’s really lovely so I won’t worry….well…too much!
My two are certainly happy, being the same age works well for them. Oh, roll on spring….the weather has been ‘orrible of late hasn’t it, it’s been freezing here. xxx
Instead of grass seed, just put in race track for your pups since they’re always on the run through everything, anyway.
We kennel our dogs at a great place when we travel and it costs a fortune. It really limits how much we can travel but I have to pay a premium for them to receive the kind of care I like. It’s so frustrating. Because one dog is diabetic, having a house sitter doesn’t work because no one wants to give him his shots. Fab find on the potatoes!
Lol….I am thinking of abandoning grass altogether!
Gosh, I can imagine how much it must cost you to kennel your pack!!! A house sitter would work out so much cheaper! What a shame about the shots, it wouldn’t bother me as I have to give hundreds of injections at the rescue, what a shame you don’t live closer….maybe ask around at your local rescue….there may just be the perfect person waiting!x Thanks Casa. xxx
I’m so glad you found someone to stay with your dogs. I lost my kitty-sitter about a year ago, thanks to her move to the Pacific Northwest. She was a dream, and I’ve had a hard time replacing her. Asking around at vets’ offices or shelters always is a good first step, and it sounds like it did work for you. I’m glad!
What a shame that you lost you kitty sitter, I do hope you find another one, yes, maybe the vets or local rescue may know someone. Thanks for visiting.xxx
Pompeii sounds great, it’s a place I would love to visit. Wonderful that you could find someone you know to look after your dogs. Seems like in this case virtue is rewarded.
Pompeii certainly sounds interesting, I’m really looking forward to it…..providing we get it booked! Ahhhh….it is lovely to know who will be looking after the dogs. Thanks Jason.xxx
Oops!!!!! Sorry about the ruthless, angry weather gods wrecking your place. Hopefully, they will compensate by providing you with fine climes for your week-ends away….What a stroke of good fortune for you…Laura being close at hand…Lovely!
The year ahead look promising…May it prove so to be…. Take Care! Hugs! xxx
Thankfully the winds have finally died down! I have a fair amount of brushing to do now….and repairs! Oh….the thought of lovely weekends away in sunny climes….sighs…I certainly am lucky having found Laura! Thanks Bushka.xxx
How excellent that Laura is The One! That’s ideal – someone you know. And wow, those gales – what a lot of damage they do. I’m wondering if those lovely cages for your brassicas might not take off in the wind … ?? I’m soooooooo impressed with your lovely veg – how delicious. And yes, ferns … I recently cleared at the side of our house, and discovered that ferns have roots like superglue and are happy anywhere – in the wall, in the concrete, you name it … I seem to remember they are some of the oldest plants in the world, going back millennia. With those habits, I’m not surprised! Adaptable isn’t in it!!
Yes….it’s odd how Laura and I are suddenly crossing paths! She’s a great gal too and will certainly look after the dogs properly.
I have the cages pinned down, they have hung on in there….says I touching wood!
I saw a documentary on ferns recently, they are ancient, and seem to survive virtually anywhere, our wall is now full of them! Like you say it’s no mean feat trying to pull them out, I pulled at one and a brick came out while the fern was still stuck fast! I decided to let things be!!! Thanks Gilly.xxx
Oh, my, when it rains…I’m so sorry to hear about Miss Annie’s sprained paw: hope she’ll heal very soon. Hooray for Holly’s happy-and-happier story!
What a terror those winds sound, Dina! Be safe! I LOVE potatoes, so the harvesting and planting make my mouth water. Your garden frames look wonderful, too.
I loved your story about rising and getting ready to let the dogs out so early, by mistake…that happened to me once, too…I was all ready for school one winter morning and called Phillip, who was out of town that week, to say, “Good Morning, and have a great day,” etc. He was very sleepy and slow-sounding, and then told me it was only 3:30 A.M. Yikes.
Now, finding Laura: that’s really become a blessing! And know that, if her help should ever allow a trip to the US, there’s a bedroom, decent meals, us (
), bikes, canoes, and many happy 4-leggeds for you to enjoy here at at Full Moon: Always welcome!
Things do always happen at the same time don’t they!!! Annie has stopped limping so is back on her walks, I’m giving her a few more days rest before I let her gallop in the garden though…..and does she hate not running!
Did you grow spuds last year? I know you love them….you’ll have to get some going this year, you just can’t beat them straight from the ground can you?
Hahahaha….so it’s not just me who gets up in the middle of the night then??? WOT are we like! Poor Philip!
Awwwww….there is nothing I would love more than to visit you are yours and get to see some of your fantastic wildlife….I do hope we get to meet one day. And the same goes for you two….we also have a spare room, lovely veggie meals, bikes, four-leggeds….sadly, no narrowboat any more, you would have loved that! xxx
How wonderful to dream and look forward to meeting up with you, possibly, one day! You and I could get up and dressed at 2 A.M. and then wake our sleeping husbands and tell them to get a move on!
I was just looking at homes in Wales yesterday…wish the pound/dollar exchange were more in our favor!
There’s a little town called Aberystwyth that looks positively perfect!
I have to admit, I haven’t ever planted potatoes, though I buy them “fresh” and organic at the farmers’ market, but it’s not the same. I’m a bit afraid to fail at planting them, I think. Must make the resolution and just do it!
Oh Wales….you’d love it there, my dad lived by Snowdon, and if you ever move there we’re only an hour or so drive away! How lovely it would be to meet….sighs…I have a feeling we will! I know Aberystwyth, it’s SO pretty! The rescue has it’s sister sanctuary in Wales too, they would snap your hand off as a volunteer….and they have all the horses, donkeys and ponies!
Hahahaha…..I’m a sleepwalker so hubs has quite enough to put up with already!!! I do like that idea though, we could take them to a hilltop to watch the stars!
Oh….you GO gal, just shove them in the ground and forget about them, that’s what I do….I don’t even water mine in hot weather.xxx
OK; you sold me on the potatoes and Wales, but Wales will have to wait a bit…although I think my 4-legged buddies don’t have to be quarantined anymore to move there…I can’t believe you’ve been to Aberystwyth and even confirmed it’s as beautiful as I imagine! :0
Yes….what a co-incidence! Isn’t it a small world! It is so much easier now to bring animals in, just a few jabs…..so much better than quarantine, SO glad you’ll give the taters a go!!!xxx
Does Laura know what she is getting into? LOL.
I bet she will be frazzled after a weekend with your two !!
It’s good that you and hubs will be able to go away somewhere more exotic.
Good news that Holly is doing so well. Do keep us updated.
Your action photo is so clear. Caught in mid leap. That new camera was a perfect gift for you.
We had some strong winds but no damage so far. Pity that your garage roof got it. Hope you don’t get any more bad weather of that magnitude.
The veggies look mouthwateringly good. How great is that to have kale and spinach on tap? Yum.
I enjoyed reading this post (as always).
Lol…..Laura has NO clue what she is getting herself into….at least the hog will be back in the rescue and my neighbour shall take care of Curly cat!!!!
It’s really good news re Holly, what a perfect outcome eh??? And after such a dreadful start!
Oh….fresh spinach and kale are just the thing….they go in every soup I make! Thanks Keggs.xxx
Its certainly windy, cold and wintry weather out there. You will be looking forward now to warmer climates now you have secured a dog sitter. Laura sounds a gem. My friends who live Thailand use dog/house sitters when they come back to UK. They have a couple of internationals who come and look after their labrador Pippa. So far no problems.
We expect lots of photos of your travels…no doubt a few gardens along the way. Most of all enjoy!
Oh….the weather recently has really turned ‘orrible hasn’t it, and after being lulled by such a mild winter to date….sighs…
I am lucky to have found someone I know and am really looking forward to travelling, there are so many fascinating places to go….
Interesting re your friends, that sounds like a good idea! Thanks Karen, always good to hear from you.xxx
I know exactly how you feel about leaving the dogs whilst you go on holiday, I’m just the same, Archie comes with us so we don’t go abroad. I can’t say it bothers me though, I hate flying. Glad you found Laura, you’ll be able to go away now knowing that they’re being well looked after, and great news about Holly too, it sounds as though she’s going to have a wonderful life after such a bad start. I’ve ordered my spuds from the allotment shop, they usually come in some time in February. The new growing season’s on its way.
I love travelling but utterly loath flying too!!! I have to have a few drinks to even get on a plane. I’ve never kennelled any of our dogs…..it was great when my sister lived close by, she looked after them all for years.
I am looking forward to a few weekends away and once the dogs and Laura settle into a routine I’ll try a week away….I do worry though!
Isn’t it lovely news re Holly…..bless her….I would have loved to have kept her but another large dog would have been too much.
Roll on the chitting! Thanks Jo.xxx
This sure is a bit of a roller-coaster post just like the weather has been. I hope that it settles down and you get all your mishaps sorted out.
It’s good to see that Holly is doing well, and I also hope Annie recovers soon. It looks like you’ve found the ideal solution to having holidays abroad.
Those potatoes look good, and I’m envious that you got some carrots. I’ll be getting my seed potatoes this weekend, or next, which is another step towards the new growing season. xx
Thankfully the winds are finally easing! Phew…..I don’t think I’d have a house left if they were still raging….now it’s endless hail….sighs…
Annie is no longer limping so she is being walked again which has cheered her up, I’ll rest her a few more days then let her have a run….so far so good….It’s marvelous news re Holly, I can’t wait to see her again.
I seem to have done really well with the carrots, I didn’t get a single parsnip though….Thanks Flighty.xxx
I’m glad to hear that Holly is on the mend. A case if one good turn deserves another.
I’ve no direct experience of fern growing on walls but you do see plenty on old walls that don’t seem as though they will fall down any time soion
Thanks Sue, it’s brilliant to know that Holly is on the mend without any heavy surgery, I think the poor little mite has been through enough.
Yes…..old walls do have ferns so I shouldn’t worry…..xxx
I am glad that you were able to find a dog sitter. I can relate to the problem of what to do with the dogs while on vacation. We end up traveling only within the province stopping only at pet-friendly hotels and in the off-season when it is cooler (summer, cars and dogs do not work even with air conditioning). It would be so much easier to leave them somewhere and know that they are being well taken care of. We have yet to find someone though. Glad you were more lucky!
Oh….what a shame you haven’t been able to find a house sitter, with three dogs it would be cheaper than kennels, have you asked around your local rescue or vets, they often have people advertising there…..it must be difficult booking a holiday with three pooches in the car….maybe we should start a pet sitter website where we all swop houses and care for each others pets! Thanks Jennifer.xxx
So glad you’re able to plan a trip abroad now that Laura will look after Annie and Sam and something to look forward to. I hope all goes well for you this week with two energetic dogs not able to go out for their usual walks.
Thanks Linda, I really am thrilled, I do love to travel and there are so many wonderful places to see. I am walking the dogs again which is great for them but awful for me as it’s freezing! It’s so good to see Annie on all four paws again.xxx
Brilliant that Laura would be available to care for your dogs whilst you’re away. I’m already looking forward to your fantastic travel photos! Heeeeeeyyy, might you sign up for one of John Greengo’s travel photography trips??
I do hope Annie’s paw is soon righted. Or the title of your next blog will be wild, wild dogs. Did hear about the storms and winds coming your way. I’m sorry about all the wreckage just when your husband is out of town. But I’m praying his trip will be successful.
Those spuds you dug up sure look good. Best wishes on reseeding your lawn…
It’s really exciting to think we can travel again, there are so many places I would love to visit….and yes…maybe the travel photography course too!!! I’ll still be a nervous wreck until Laura has minded them a few times, but I’m sure all will be well, she used to work in the kennels at the rescue so is pretty much used to dogs.
I am walking Annie again, and she has stopped limping, but I will restrain her from running for a few more days…..she’s actually putting weight on! Thanks Anne.xxx
It seems that Laura is an unexpected happy windfall, unlike your other windfallings… goodness me, it must be blowing a gale or two to do so much damage. Poor you getting alarmed out of bed at 3 a.m….
Wonderful about the options for travel now, and how good to hear that Holly is improving so well.
Good to see you are still enjoying your harvest
I am so happy to have found Laura, and have booked her in for a weekend in Feb….now I just need to book Pompeii. How very exciting!
The winds are easing but now we have endless hail, perishingly cold it is here….
Lol….I couldn’t believe I’d got up well before dawn, I love my sleep and hate getting up early at the best of times! It is good to hear how well baby bear is doing. Thanks Glo.xxx