The new rose bower is FINALLY up!
The guy who made it spent three afternoons trying to erect it. As it’s on a windy corner it needed to be concreted in and of course each time the chap came the wind howled unmercifully, but it’s now up…..and about to be painted. Then it’s just a case of digging a border either side and planting all the new shrub and climbing roses I have been nurturing all winter. The thought of it being laden with roses one day has me hugging myself with glee!!!
This bower is eight foot high and eight foot wide, it certainly doesn’t look it though….
The veggie patch is now weeded, and the last of the carrots and taters have been dug up, now I only have leek, spinach and kale left to eat.
The herb garden is now sorted and I have decided to add a few non-herb plants this year, it’s big enough for both.
This border takes a veritable AGE to weed…..each year I try to dig out some of the old hedging and add a different shrub. I have planted the climbing hydrangea here.
We had a little sun today and the result was astonishing, all the crocus and iris opened wide and sunned themselves.
I’m so grateful to Casa for suggesting this little fence to protect the plants from the thunderous running of the dogs, the lavender was smashed to smithereens pre-fence….now it’s growing back as the dogs jump, or walk around the fence.
Annie even uses it as a place to hide while herding Sam….
Ages ago, I was asked to produce some floral artwork for a church that has a floral exhibition each year. I had totally forgotten about it and am now in complete panic mode! It’s in early May and I need to do at least another thirty paintings….how do you forget a thing like that???
I also have an exhibition coming up this summer, which I had remembered! I’ve now decided that the floral paintings will have to do for both.
I feel ever so panicky! There are never enough hours in the day!
And finally…..
Remember this hog that we had to hand feed as he was so ill?
Well, turns out that he has special needs as he doesn’t curl properly, and runs around in the daylight So….he shall be coming to live with me.
I just need to acquire another rabbit hutch, and then I shall have two hogs again… smashin!
I really like that unusual tree in the first picture on the left side. What is that? Your garden is so nice. All those spring colors coming up!! I would love an herb garden! I’ll have to think through where I could put one. You are a multi-talented lady, the pictures are really nice.
The tree is a monkey puzzle tree, it’s almost like a cactus…it’s so prickly it could take an eye out! I am rather fond of it though. Oh, you must grow some herbs, even in little pots on a window sill, maybe a few chives, mint and sage…xxx
I love the photo of Annie hiding behind the fence. She must think she’s invisible.
It’s funny how the smallest changes can have such a big impact on a dog. That bower will be incredible! Which roses are you planting? As for that little hog – what a lucky little guy to be living with you! Hedgehogs are so dang cute. I have a little hedgehog statue a friend gave me but I wish I had the real thing.
Hahaha….Annie really does think she’s invisible….even behind a blade of grass!
I’ve planted… Climbers…Schoolgirl, Swan Lake, Dixieland Linda.
The shrubs…..Margaret Merril, McMillan Nurse, Absolutely Fabulous, Horatio Nelson, Summer Beauty, Rose Alexander, Madame Pierre Coer and Arthur Bell….. Oh…fingers crossed they grow!
You would be a fantastic hedgehog woman….just like me…
I love your big fat shiny Dutch crocuses. Your garden is looking so well looked after and I love the idea of the rose bower.
Your paintings are beautiful, I hope you are managing to get them finished in time.
A couple of my friends here have adopted 3 little hedgehogs from the animal shelter. They are getting nice and healthy now. I hope they will breed as we have no hedgehogs round here at all.
I love the crocus too, it’s a shame there hasn’t been much sunshine, most of the time they are tightly closed.
Glad you like the paintings, I have managed another three….I’ll get there, hopefully!
How lovely that your friends have adopted hedgehogs, I do hope they breed, every garden needs a hedgehog! Thanks
I think the adorable hog has found the perfect home! The days are never long enough are they? Your completed paintings are terrific!
Isn’t it nice to have crocus and irises in bloom already. I also cut down tomato cages into individual rings and use the rings to make little circular “fences” around my plants. (My dogs mow down my plants too!)
The hog is a real sweetie for sure! Sighs….there is never enough time is there, we need the lighter nights to get through everything, not long now!
Dogs can be so destructive in gardens can’t they? Glad to hear you have a solution to smashed plants too! Thanks
In that first photo showing the bower, what in the world is that green “thing” that vaguely resembles a Norfolk pine — or maybe a cross between a Norfolk and a cactus? All of those arms are really quite amusing. i have an impulse to hang ornaments on it.
Your paintings are lovely. It’s a good thing you remembered your obligation now! That’s a good bit of work to do, especially with all the garden and the hedgehog and daily life to take care of, alongside it all. People who can paint just amaze me. I hardly can draw a straight line.
It’s a monkey puzzle tree.
Aye!!! xxx
Yes….as Keggy says, it’s a monkey puzzle tree, a terribly prickly creature it is too, you have to be careful you don’t lose an eye when weeding beneath it! What a good idea, next Christmas I shall hang decorations from it!
Thanks Shoreacres, I have managed another three paintings….27 to go!!! xxx
I was asking myself how can you manage to do so many things in so little time! For me too, the day shoud have at least 36 hours… but I guess that is 'cause of aging…
I better not think about our garden, yours is full with colors and ready for spring!
I wish you all the best and a lovely week!
He is a lovely hog, I think I shall call him Harry. Sighs….yes, there is never enough time is there, or energy!!!
Here’s to you getting out in your garden too. Have a lovely week too. Thanks
That’s is a helluva lot of paintings to have to do – I love your loose style – the ones you have done already are joyous and so colourful. And how sweet is that hog – he actually looks smooth rather than spikey or is that an optical illusion! The rose bower will be a lovely feature once it is covered in roses – looking forward to seeing it in it’s full glory.
Glad you liked the paintings, I worry that they are awful as I’m rushing them so…..yep….a helluva lot to go!!! Must get cracking eh??
The hog is showing his fluffy under-ruff here, but his prickles are rather soft, it’s funny with hogs, they all have totally different spikes, just like human hair I suppose.
I really hope the roses grow, if they do that bower should look ever so pretty! Thanks
Love the paintings!
And the crocuses and so on in your fenced flower bed look a lovely splash of colour in your garden. Made me laugh that Annie hides behind it when she is ‘herding’ Sam! that is such a lovely picture in my mind! Aww bless the dear Annie dig dog. Does she do that furtive stealthy panting thing and keep a beady eye on him?
Glad you like the paintings….only thirty to go!!!
You would love watching Annie….she lies low to the ground, sometimes just in a clump of grass and I’m sure she thinks no-one can see her! Poor Sam is the sheep and she races out from hiding, spinning and twirling and herding, then goes back into hiding. He seems to enjoy it and even behaves like a border collie himself sometimes, in his awkward, goofy, clumsy way, it’s all so funny to watch! She does do the furtive creeping too….with both eyes trained on him! Thanks
Could you post more about the special needs of the hog? What would stop it from curling properly; does it affect feeding? It sound fascinating and I am sure I am not the only one who would like to know more…..please, pretty please.
We had to make a cement base for a light weight bird feeder. I empathise with your need to ‘peg’ down your rose bower. BTW ‘bower’ old Norse meaning store room.
Your floral art work makes a jolly display. I am sure lots of people will take pleasure from your paintings, even better, you will be able to show them twice!
I shall certainly post more on the hog, I think I shall call him Harry. He can curl but takes his time, we have to touch his nose to get him to do it, hogs should curl instantly, he would be predated for sure. He eats brilliantly now and weighs 950 grams, it was a real battle getting him well, he went down to 300 grams at one point.
You really do bear the brunt of the weather for sure with wind and snow….how interesting to learn the origins of bower too!
I hope the paintings go down well, the floral exhibitions are a huge deal for the church so I would hate to disappoint. Thanks Menhir, hope all is going well with
The garden is looking good. I hope the painting goes well, sounds like you have loads to do!
Thanks Steph….there is always something needing doing, same for you at the moment eh? xxx
Just the thought of starting a project of 30 paintings would be enough to give me a headache. I like to work one thing at a time… one painting… one sick hog… that would be enough for me. But I admire your courage!
Lol…..I have to say it gives me a headache too, but at least I’ve started now! And starting is the hardest part…..hopefully they will flow now!!! Thanks
Oh, Dina, what a glorious rainbow of a post! And such sweet news that the little hog is coming to live with you!
I’m so excited to see roses climbing and blooming all over that wonderful bower: how wonderful! I like all the plantings you showed us. Great to see blooms and I love the herb garden, too, Dina!
And, of course, your artwork is a glory to behold, just dreamy and effervescent! I can imagine the panic to meet that deadline, but I also know what a great gift your artwork is and will be for all those who visit the exhibitions…the key chain you shared with me has caused many friends to comment delightedly, and quite a few to express their envy! (Ha ha!) So, gentle peace and joy in your in your marvelous creating.
It will be lovely to look after the little hog, it’s nothing short of a miracle that he survived, I just need to find him a nice little hog home.
Oh….the thought of the bower overflowing with scented roses is exciting! Sometimes watching plants grow is like watching paint dry though…..I’m looking forward to sowing the seeds you sent me, I was thinking of sowing them in April…..
I’m glad you like my paintings, that is such a wonderful compliment re the key chain, what a lovely thing to say, that has made my day. Thanks
First the paintings….I love them, they are alive….and actually I find that when I have a dead line, I sometimes do some of my best work. Oh and I love the wonderful colour.
I love rose bowers….I had one on my Welsh cottage garden….there’s something so romantic about them…..when your is filled it will fabulous.
The fence idea is excellent….so simple and yet so effective….and how wonderful for the little hog that it has a new home with you:)
It felt like spring here today and as is the case in your garden, flowers were blooming, and everywhere I looked nature was doing her thing with gusto:) Here’s to much more of it….
Enjoy the rest of your weekend….Janet. xxxx
I’m glad you like the paintings….that means a lot coming from you! I do agree re deadlines, they certainly motivate don’t they?
I remember your bower from pics you’ve shown, how lovely it would be if mine looks like that one day!
It surprised me how well that little fence has worked! Now I just need the lavender to bush out….
It will be lovely to look after that little hog, I still can’t believe he survived, he was terribly ill a few months ago. Yes….here’s to spring! Thanks
Wow! I just don’t know where you find the time to do ALL these ‘things’ – paintings as well…and so many to do. Certainly ‘getting on’ with your delightful garden. Love those crocusses…they seem to be popular this year…good shows everywhere.
Thanks fo sharing…..Hugs!
It is a good year for the crocus, which is surprising as there has been little sunshine about. I do feel a little overwhelmed re the paintings, time to get cracking!!!! Thanks
Your rose archway will look wonderful when it has flowers covering it all, very sensible to make it 8×8 as all the foliage will make it a much smaller opening.
Thirty more paintings, I would be panicking! All your flowers paintings are lovely, especially the lilies, will we see more when you have done them.
What a good idea that was to have the little fence to protect your flowers, I know what havoc a running dog can do in a garden!
I thought the bower had to be at least that big too….aren’t they expensive to buy though, it’s much cheaper having one built, now I just have to get those roses to grow, it will be lovely to have them draping over that bower!
Sighs….yes, I’m panicking away and haven’t progressed much over the last few days….good to hear you like the lilies, I wasn’t so fond of them so that is encouraging! I will show more if you would like to see them.
Dogs and gardens often clash for sure…..thanks
Oh what a lovely post – I do enjoy the progress on your garden – what’s that big building in the background over the fence?? (being nosy …) Your paintings are ab fab! You’re such a talented girl !
Thanks Gilly. The building is a primary school, the kids all stream past each day coming to look at Dougy, the skeleton!! I shall have to get cracking re all those outstanding paintings….sighs….xxx
Congratulations on your rose bower, I’m sure it will be heavenly – and your crocuses and early iris already are! I didn’t know you painted (or perhaps I forgort?) – clearly you have many talents. Good luck finishing all your paintings on time!
I have high hopes for the roses…..I do hope they grow, but they are susceptible to so many bugs and problems….I shall have to keep one eye firmly fixed upon them….I hope you get your spring bulbs through soon, they are so cheering at this time of the year, sadly mine aren’t open much as it’s still overcast and cold.
Yes….painting is my day job…..I will have to get stuck in! Thanks
Your rose bower is going to be fabulous once it’s covered in beautiful blooms, I can’t wait to see it. It’s such a wonderful size that it will make a stunning display. Your garden is looking so neat and tidy already, I can see the work you’ve been putting in, you’re a more dedicated gardener than I am. Your paintings are wonderful, I think my favourite has to be the goose but it’s so hard to choose. The little hedgehog has certainly landed on his feet getting a home with you, does he have a name?
Thanks Jo, I’m not really that dedicated, it’s just that I have to run the dogs in the garden each day so I do a bit while I’m out with them. I must say I’m looking forward to the roses, I do hope they grow!
I’m glad you like the paintings, I really hope I can get the rest done!
I always call the hogs with names beginning with H, so far I’ve had a Hettie, Holly, Howie…..and I have Herbie currently, so am thinking Harry? xxx
It’s looking good in the garden, and you have been busy. The bower will look lovely once the roses have grown and flowered.
I like your paintings, are they water colours?
Well done with giving the hedgehog a home. xx
Thanks Flighty, I really am looking forward to seeing and smelling roses on that bower, I may move the limestone benches and place them either side of the bower.
Yes, I use water colours. I am on the lookout for a hog house now….xxx
The garden is really coming on. It is incredible the difference a bit of sunshine makes, especially to crocuses.
Oh gosh yes….sunshine and crocus are meant to be! Thanks
Look forward to seeing the arch covered with roses. The paintings are lovely what do you work with?
I am looking forward to roses, I do hope they grow! I use water colours, thanks
What a lovely tour of your garden progress – the rose frame will be glorious – I loved your expression ‘hugging yourself with glee’. Good luck with your paintings for the exhibitions, though sometimes a pressing deadline can inspire your best work yet – the ones you’ve shown here are so happy and colourful, I especially like the goose and the vase with the bluey flowers. Lucky hedgepig.
Good for you for getting a rose arbor/bower that’s big enough! So often, the ready-made things are just too short for anything, especially when you have to account for the part that has to go into the ground. It’s going to be fabulous. I’m assuming that it’s in your front garden
Those crocus and iris blooms are certainly cheery! I’m so pleased the fence solution has allowed them to thrive without risk of trampling. You’ll soon have plenty of subjects for your flower paintings. Goodness, I had no idea you had to produce so many pieces of art! They’re lovely — my favorites so far are those lilies.
I looked everywhere for a large bower, and I simply couldn’t find one, that was a reasonable price, anywhere. This one worked out quite well, I’m hoping it stays upright though as everything comes crashing down in that part of the garden. All the pics are taken in the front.
I can’t wait for the roses to grow….fingers crossed eh?
I must say I’m surprised the fence worked so well, I have one in the back around the box hedge too….that seems to be taking a veritable age to grow!
Glad you liked the art, I wasn’t too fond of the lilies so pleased to hear you like them. Thanks