Last Saturday we actually had a little sunshine, so took full advantage of it and went to the beach, luckily we had it all to ourselves!
It must have been warmish as daughter sat out in the garden with me while I worked like a pack horse! She’s now met a lovely chap who is spoiling her something rotten, and she’s taken to snowboarding…. [As you do!] And aerial dance….[Because she’s bendy!]
Inspecting her bruises has now become a weekly event!
So, while daughter supplied the music, I painted the new rose bower, dug the borders and planted the roses… Yay! Result!
I’m now contemplating moving the lime stone benches to either side of the bower….contemplating maybe as far as it goes, as they weigh a ton!
I managed to dig another patch of hedging out, it really is difficult, the ground is rock hard with roots, with the added problem of endless ferns, still, I’m getting there, slowly but surely. I planted one of the roses in the reclaimed area.
Only that little lot to go…..and since that one lovely day, it’s chucked it down all week, and it’s set to get even colder this weekend…sighs…
For the first time ever, all the birds brought into the rescue over the last ten days have been doves. Five of them!
These two were brought in by a really distraught woman. They arrived in her garden a few months ago; they were ringed but seemed really weak so she began feeding them. Her neighbour, however, was not happy with the droppings, so threatened to poison them by adding antifreeze to their food. A few days later she found them looking sickly and hardly able to fly, so rushed them to us. Thankfully, with a little tlc they have made a complete recovery.
Now, the lovely thing is that these five doves shall be released in my garden! I do hope they stay, I’m even considering building them a dovecot but I know the pigeons will take up residence rather than the doves, but a gal can dream can’t she?
This guinea fowl admitted himself into the rescue many years ago, he simply flew into the farm one day and has remained there ever since. He has an eye infection at the moment, so I had the job of prising his beak open to medicate him, you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to do that, still, beak was finally opened and the meds went nicely down the hatch.
Now….Menhir asked me to talk a little more about Harrie’s problems, Y’know, the little hog that is coming to live with with me. Harrie, it turns out, is a girl!
She came to us about five months ago. Her condition was truly awful and she was seriously ill. Maybe she ate a slug pellet or some other type of poison….but poisoned she was. Each week it was noted that her weight was dropping, until eventually she went from 900 grams to 300. Every possible treatment was tried, to no avail. In the end, we had the truly awful job of syringing fluids beneath her skin, something she hated, as she would shriek and try to bite us. After a week of that we started hand feeding her and soon she began to gain weight, and even better, began to feed herself.
She now weighs over 900 grams and would be released but for the fact she isn’t behaving as a hog should. This is her being weighed this week, other hogs sit on the scales in a tight ball, but not Harrie, she rarely curls at all and even though her eyesight is fine, she runs around during the day which is why she can’t have her freedom, she would be predated for sure. The vet thinks she has neurological problems, which could be a side effect to the poisoning. She will have as much freedom as possible though, her hutch will have a grass run, and like Herbie, I shall move it each week so she has a new patch to explore.
And finally….
talking of hogs, Herbie went back to his outdoor rabbit hutch this week, the weather is now warm enough for him to be outdoors again…
The proceedings, as usual, are overseen by Curly cat, not that he’s remotely interested in the hog mind….
he just wants to eat the hog food!
Lol….it’s doing all sorts of stunts on the silks, y’know, where they climb up and then come spiralling down as the silks unravel on their legs….
The doves are currently in an aviary practicing their flying, now a co-worker is after releasing them too, I’ve pulled rank as I have the more suitable habitat…. they should be getting released pretty soon, I do hope they stick around. I’m looking into costing the build…I await the quote with baited breath!
Things do suddenly get out of hand in gardens don’t they….I planted a hazel hedge under my enormous beech trees but they didn’t do well as they had little light…..I imagine it’s great fun watching those wrens!xxx
But what is aerial dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????? I am dumbfounded!
What beautiful white doves! I do hope they come back to your garden and you install a dovecot…. well if you have the time the energy and the whatevers of course!
Good luck with that wretched old hedging…. In a way I am hemmed in with hazel trees which I planted as tiny weeny things years ago…. I spend every autumn hacking down tons and tons of hazel tree! If I don’t I just disappear into a treetop….but I have to say so many birds hop about in them – particularly wrens who like hazels best of all apparently.
The garden is looking good Dina. I had to smile at Curly cat pinching the hedgehog food. I had a cat sitting on the bird table recently and eating the bird seed !
I hate to hear about wildlife being killed, but poison is especially inhumane. I have a fantasy about a future civilisation where ALL creatures are respected and well treated. I just wish it would arrive soon.
That rose bower is going to look fabulous covered in dozens of roses and if you choose fragrant ones, it may smell delicious too
The doves are beautiful. I wouldn’t mind a dovecote either (puts that on wish list).
And glad to hear that your daughter has found someone who treats her well. I have tried snowboarding in the past, but I seem to remember spending most of the time either on my knees or my bum ! The experts make it look easy but it isn’t.
Good luck with the new additions to your garden (creatures that is). I can just see Janet and Shimon sitting on those stone benches and admiring the roses with your two dogs racing furiously round and round in circles LOL !!
Thanks Keggs….Curly cat sure doesn’t miss a trick. Gosh….a cat eating bird seed? I’ve heard it all now!!!
Now wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if all animals were well treated and respected….sighs….bring it on I say!
I have planted some scented roses, now I just have to cross my fingers and hope they all grow.
I would love a dovecot, even if the doves didn’t nest in it, they are so pretty aren’t they.
Gosh, you’ve snowboarded? Respect gal! I would have given it a shot in my youth….but I’d be nervy re breaking something now!
Hahahaha… that image of Janet and Shimon with the dogs tering around!xxx
The doves are beautiful! And look at your garden coming along.
It’s lovely to have so many doves in the rescue, we don’t tend to get so many in such a short period of time….just a few a year usually. The garden should look a little livelier ance everything begins to grow and fill
I love those white doves, how pretty. I wish I had some hedgehogs. I have a friend who has just adopted 2 babies, they are adorable as is your Harrie.
Your lovely daughter seems to be enjoying life. But snowboarding in Liverpool.? ??
And aerial dancing? I can’ t imagine what that is, but don’ t tell me, I prefer to use my imagination.
It’s good to hear your friend has adopted a few hogs, I think all gardens should have some, we have several here……maybe you could adopt a few, your garden sounds like the perfect place for a hog or two….
Daughter takes snowboarding lessons in Manchester, she actually spends a whole day at a time doing it….struth! Yes, she’s really enjoying life, the world is her oyster!
Lol….I shall leave the aerial dance to your imagination…
Such a lovely post! My son goes snowboarding so yes … bruises seem to be the inevitable outcome! Glad she has met someone lovely. She does look very relaxed and happy … while you slave away with your hedges. My goodness, you do work hard!
Funny – I looked at your pic first and thought ‘I think I’d like those benches under the arbour if it were my garden …’ and then you said you were thinking about it. Take care with the lifting!
Fascinating about Harrie, and what beautiful doves. A dovecot would be wondrous …
Lol…..what’s with all these extreme sports guys eh? I would certainly have a crack at it if I was younger though!!! Yes, nice to see daughter with such a lovely guy… poor me ah, little pack horse or what!!!
I’m a little shy re moving those benches, they are dead weights so they may just end up where they are!!!
Now wouldn’t a dovecot look the business eh? Especially with a few doves in it!xxx
Aww little Harriet is cute.. Who’d want to poison Doves? The mentality of some people! Hubby made a dovecote for our garden as we have collar doves around.. as of yet no one has taken up residence although we often have great tits and blue tits looking inside.. :o)
I can’t understand why anyone would want to poison doves either, they are a wonderful addition to a garden! I am smiling away at the thought of tits eyeing your dovecot up! I have a feeling that would happen to me too!xxx
That little Harrie is very cute. We have lots of porcupines around but we don’t see them that often. We mostly hear them at night chewing on the walls of the woodshed!
I agree re Harrie being cute, she is a survivor for sure! I envy you your porcupines, how lovely it must be to have them! I feel for your woodshed though!xxx
I bet it was lovely to have your daughter’s company in the garden, even if she didn’t actively participate! You’ve got loads done and put me to shame, I’m only going out if the weather is warm and managed a few hours tidying my parents’ garden during that warm spell. It felt so good to be outside in warm sunshine! Lovely that your home menagerie is expanding – Harrie will be well cared for and can carry on sweetly assuming that all is well with the world!
It’s always nice to have daughter chatting away while I potter endlessly in the garden, she’s good for sorting the music too! I run the dogs each day in the garden so getting a few jobs done while I’m out there warms me up a little! It is lovely to feel the warmth on your back isn’t it? Yes….Harrie will be as happy as a skylark methinks!xxx
Great to make use of some of that lovely sunshine. It’s so nice to get out in the garden at this time of year – and I’m sure Herbie (and soon Harrie) agree
Oh….I’m sure Herbie will agree with that! He loves pottering outdoors. I can’t wait for the warmer weather to roll in!xxx
I suppose that Harrie is just a black sheep of the hogs. It can be a pleasure getting to know someone who is just basically different… though some differences are more appreciated than others. And if you do ever admit Janet to your garden… would you still have room to put up a hutch for me… just a bit down the road from her? Ah, to live in such a garden. Best wishes to your beautiful daughter. I so enjoyed the visit… xxx
Lol….yes, I suppose Harrie is a black sheep! A cute one though, I am so fond of that little hog!
Oh….you do make me laugh…..I couldn’t imagine anything nicer than having you and Janet in people size hutches….and the garden is big enough, and you two could take care of the outdoor creatures for me, what a marvelous thought! Thanks
Harriet (look more for a girl hog’s name)
I’m happy to now that she’s improuving, but I think is OK if she lives with you in your garden… isn’t it?
Here I know some people will feed them to take care of snail in their vegi-garden…
I don’t know why people has to boison these poor wild animals (but even dogs and cats)
Humans whom does that, shall deserve just the same treatment.
Have a great sunny week, hugs dear Dina :-)c
Harrie/t is a sweetie and has overcome so much! It will be a pleasure to have her. I couldn’t let her loose in my garden as she can easily escape and may be predated as she can’t curl properly.
I agree about people poisoning animals, what gives them the right to behave in such an appalling manner?
Wishing you some sunshine and big hugs too!xxx
The doves are beautiful. Are they wild? Or perhaps they’ve been raised? I don’t remember ever seeing such a creature here. I’d gladly give up a pigeon or two if I could have those around.
That bower is going to be lovely. Personally, I’d just rearrange the benches a bit where they are, so anyone sitting there could contemplate the bower from a bit of distance. If the roses are especially fragrant, sitters-near-the-bower might be sharing the space with bees!
Some of the doves are wild, but some have rings which means they have been bred, usually for weddings and funerals. Some breeders release doves at such events who have never been released before so they are unable to fend for themselves sadly and often die. I would love to think that the doves remain in my garden.
I agree with you about the benches, ant idea other than moving them appeals to me! Lol….xxx
Oh, Dina, such welcome news all around and your photography is just smashing. The dove photos are breathtaking!
I am soooooo happy your daughter is enjoying life with a young man who appreciates her: Hooray!
A day at the beach: how wonderful, and then to see the beautiful blue bower looking like it’s always been there…can’t you just see the roses climbing?
Herbie looks so merry, and Curly so very true to cat nature.
Blessings on Harrie’s new life; she is in the best possible care, that’s for sure, and blessings, too, on the dove release and the guinea fowl’s conditioned healing.
Happy New Week!
Thanks Kitty, doves do make wonderful photographic subjects for sure, such gorgeous birds!
It is good to see daughter having such fun!!! Hooray indeed!
I see roses every time I look at the bower….roll on spring eh?
I shall be releasing the doves in a few weeks, I will post a few pics of them. The guinea fowl is doing great now. Thanks
Do you think Harrie with an ‘e’ will learn anything from Herbie by observing him, or, any other hedgehog that does hoggy things? I found the back ground to H very useful supporting information to the introduction in your last post, and thanks.
The stone benches look good where they are pictures. they kinda remind be of interesting woodland fauna in their setting. You have been a busy bee with all your tittivating in the garden and animal husbandry.
Hope daughter’s bruises ease off soon. xxxx
I would like to think Harrie could pick up hoggy traits but I suspect she is what she is.
Y’know, I think you’re right, I shall leave the benches where they are, once the trees leaf up they are a lovely spot to sit!
As fast as daughters bruises heal, more form!!! Youth eh?xxx
Superb Header Picture….Those white doves! Splendid!! Certainly looks like Spring in your garden – even though it may not feel that way….and…YOU certainly keep busy with a ‘spring’ in your step….by the look and sound of your posts. Thanks for sharing. Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka, doves are photogenic aren’t they?
It’s still chilly here, but we are beginning to get the odd glimpse of sunshine, here’s to it warming up eh?xxx
Your post made me smile, as they often do. As for moving heavy objects, my approach is generally: 1) pick up heavy object, preferably with assistance from a son; 2) move heavy object until forced by gravity to put it down; 3) decide that wherever we were forced to put it down is in fact the perfect spot for it.
Hahahaha….I think my approach is the same as yours, take that digger for instance, I had a totally different spot in mind, but a half ton digger has a mind of it’s own. I think I may leave the benches where they are for now!!!xxx
I would like to be picked up and moved to your garden… could just pretend that I was another strange creature who needed feeding every now and then (a marmite sandwich would be great) and then I could play all day with all the other critters:)
Congrats to your daughter….a young man i know in the States is very big into snow boarding and yes bruising is definitely part of the sport, but I hear it’s worthwhile.
Those doves are so glorious….love the image of the two in the carrier….
And the beach….well – also lovely and it wont be long before you can spend much more warm time there…..and yes, I love the rose bower.
Happy weekend:)xxx
I laughed out loud at the thought of you in my garden eating marmite sandwiches!!! You are most welcome, the more the merrier I say! In fact, you could take care of all the outdoor stritters for me….
Snowboarding does look fun, I would be tempted to give it a whirl if I was a little younger…sighs…
I’m really looking forward to a little warmer weather and more time on the beach, it won’t be long now….have a lovely
I love the idea that a bird has admitted himself to your hospital! There must be a giant invisible sign hanging over the farm. I’m so happy that Harrie (Harriet!) has improved. I once had a small dog with a brain tumor who could only turn left. She wasn’t in any pain at all but her brain had forgotten how to move to the right. It took her forever to go anywhere unless she could get there by going straight so we just ended up carrying her. Harriet is one very lucky hog. That bright blue bower is fab!
I don’t know why that should strike me so funny, about the poor dog who only could turn left. I think it’s that my friends and I all laugh about the fact that, as we get slower and perhaps wiser, we’ve begun making right turns with traffic, rather than left turns across traffic, which can be horrendous. It may take an extra few minutes to get somewhere, but they’re unaggravated minutes.
Hahaha….yes, it’s funny to think the animals admit themselves, last year a load of ducklings were found outside the front door!
Oh….your poor little dog sounded so sweet….that story has me smiling away!
I can’t wait to see the bower smothered by roses! xxx
Glad to hear of daughter’s new relationship and fun activities. They ARE fun, aren’t they and not some kind of dare-devil stuff?? In any case, she looks pretty happy with her drink sitting in the SUNSHINE!
Good to see your progress in the front garden. What is it across the street from you? Just wondering who will get to enjoy your rose bower. I hope they do really well this year.
Those doves! They are so beautifully white. I’m glad they’ve got a chance to recover with your rescue group. And Harrie, too, bless her.
Lol….like you I hope daughters activities are fun….but they sure sound dare-devil to me!
We have had the occasional ray of sunshine here and there, but nothing to write home about. Spring is coming along nicely though, in a few week all the buds will be open.
Our front garden is on a corner and opposite is a primary school. Lots of the children come to the house to see the skeletons in the stocks, they seem to be a huge hit, we have a steady pilgrimage now…..who would have thought it eh? I hope they enjoy the roses as much!
Now wouldn’t it be lovely if the doves hung around!xxx
The bower will look great in the summer once the roses have grown over it and flowered.
I like the idea of doves and a dovecot.
I hope that Harrie settles in, and gets on with Herbie. xx
I really do hope the roses grow and don’t get any diseases…..I keep checking them everyday, it’s like watching paint dry!
I would love a dovecot, maybe one day eh? I do hope the doves stay too.
We have to keep the hogs separate as they are solitary. They generally only come together to
There really are some cruel people about aren’t there? Erm – What is aerial dancing?
There are far too many cruel people around unfortunately, thankfully the decent guys outnumber them.
Aerial silks is where you climb the silken ropes, wrap them around you and do all sorts of maneuvers….with lots of death defying drops thrown in!!! Rather her than me….xxx
How could anyone wish to poison somethIng as beautiful as a dove? And the story that Jo tells is even worse. Sometimes I just despair.
It’s horribly depressing isn’t it? Like you I despair at times too. Thanks
Lovely to see Herbie out and about again and how lovely that Harrie has found a good home with you. Those poor doves, how can people treat animals and birds so bad, I just don’t know. The police have been looking in to an incident near us where ducks have been found shot with an air rifle and some ducks have been beheaded, isn’t it awful? I hope whoever has done it gets what’s coming to them.
It’s always good to see Herbie back in the fresh air, although I’ve removed four ticks from him already!
I can’t understand how anyone could object to doves either, some people seem intent on destroying all wildlife…..oh, how disgusting to think the ducks are being killed and injured, how horrendous is that, no doubt whoever is doing it will move on to hurting people eventually! I do hope the police find out who is responsible. Thanks