What a crazy old week it’s been, all higglety pigglety and busy.
One of the highlights was the arrival of my new pans. Now, I rarely wax lyrical about such things, but, one by one every pan I seem to own has imploded or fallen to bits, so having a nice new shiny set is rather novel, of course they’re far too nice to use at the moment, struth, I don’t want to dirty them do I?!
Now….the truth is….if I’m to have a house/dog sitter, and soon…..pans become more of an issue….it’s a noted deadly sin and called pride!!!
So, one problem sorted, but now the dishwasher has broken down….
Currently, we’re having a log shed built to size, this is the bare bones of it so far….
But it did mean that we hubs had to move all the logs that lived in that spot…..no mean feat I can assure you. This time however, there were no avalanches!
Since re-seeding the lawn in the back, which I assure you is beginning to grow, despite it still looking straggly, I’ve hardly been out there as I’m now running the dogs in the front garden. I now only pop out to have a quick look at what’s growing then I dash into the greenhouse to sow a few seeds.
Curly cat has now latched onto the fact that I’m usually dog free while in the back garden, so now keeps me company in the greenhouse……and of course Curly has taken possession of the chair, I now kneel in the mud whilst sowing seeds! But y’know….cats must have their creature comforts!
I’m happy to see that the rockery I planted in the back garden last summer has survived the winter, it shall be lovely when it grows a little, filled with tiny jewels it is! There is a pond nestling in the top, soon the grasses will grow and it be be totally invisible….oh….looking at the pic, seems it already is…
Our Manager trying to say a few words while being mobbed by sheep….
Now, do you remember the T.V thing I had to do last week? The one I got myself into a twist over?
Well, no sooner had I done that when another T.V crew moved in, this time it turns out that a three part documentary is to be filmed showing the work of the local Dog’s Trust, R.S.P.C.A and our rescue. Compared to those big boys we are a small operation so the exposure will be good for the rescue. The programmes will be aired on Freeview and Virgin in about a months time.
Soooooo…..there I was, babbling away in front of a camera again, this time highlighting the plight of the hedgehogs. And they say lightning doesn’t strike twice, actually, it’s about to strike four times……
Next Tuesday I’ve been asked to do an interview with BBC local radio re how badly rabbits are treated, something close to my heart as they are the most abused pet in the UK, then, the day after I’m to be interviewed by the aforesaid T.V crew re the farm animals the rescue cares for.
I think I shall rant discuss the subject of keeping micro pigs as house pets….
I’m surprised about these developments, so I haven’t had a chance to even think about getting nervous…at this point anyway, and once you agree to do something, you have to follow it through…don’t you?!
They may have created a monster!
These guys came into the rescue together a while ago, they’re getting on a bit now so it was wonderful to see them being re-homed…..together. Awwwwww…
I thought I’d post a quick pic of the baby rabbits that were born recently, their mother is totally relaxed and coming along beautifully. The nest is made of rabbit fur, the mother plucks it from her own body. In the wild rabbits only need to feed their babies once a day as their milk is so concentrated, domestic rabbits tend to feed two or three times a day. Soon the babies shall open their eyes.
And finally
There has been a marvelous initiative recently. Funded by lottery money, the Grow Wild project has begun. Wildflower seeds, selected by Kew, are being issued free to encourage people to help our pollinators by growing a wildflower haven. Each box contains five packs of wildflower seeds, annuals and perennials and a small D.I.Y solitary bee house. I have six boxes to give away. As they are British wildflower seeds they will only thrive here, so sadly, this is for UK gardeners only. If you would like a box, please let me know, and I’ll get them in the post asap as they will need to be sown in a week or so.
Lol……I don’t think the media and I are compatible!! It’s so sad to think how many rabbits are neglected, I agree, they don’t make good pets for children and they are so easily forgotten about when left in hutches in the garden.
Sadly, the woman who adopted the dogs brought them back a week later saying that they didn’t fit into her lifestyle….sighs….
I am pleased to say that my pans are still shiny!!! Thanks Jennifer.xxx
Sounds like you’ve become a media personality! It is sad that pet rabbits are mistreated. We have a rabbit ( not my choice- it’s was my son’s doing) and I don’t think they make good pets for children. They are nocturnal for one thing! Isn’t it heart warming that the two dogs found a home together! Congratulations on the new shiny set of pots and pans. It is nice to upgrade everyday useful things like this every once in a while.
Thanks Menhir….always good to get a smile. I haven’t seen any posts from you in a while despite checking…..I would have received a word press one…are you posting on any other sites?
I shall leave the pans for Laura, though I fear she may be too afraid to use them!
Sadly, hubs and I haven’t had many chimineas as I’ve re-seeded the back garden and can’t let the dogs out there, they would go crazy if we were out there without them. We are going to get a log burner installed this year so are gathering wood for that. I am looking forward to having one for next winter.
I was laughing out loud at the thought of you sowing weeds! Priceless! xxx
Quite a lot in this post made me smile and also say, good on ya!
Will your pans experience a cordon bleu debut before your sitter arrives?
What a lot of logs to re-site. Hopefully, a chunk of them will have been used before you need the place where they are going.
You gave some very educational snippets of information which, I for one, found fascinating.
I won’t be gardening much this year, if at all,. I hope your seed packs find homes. A few years ago I bought a mixed wild flower pack to encourage birds and bees. To my horror, I found had planted some weeds I had previously spent a long time getting rid of. The best bit was finding I had planted flat leaf parsley as well, my favourite kind. It still thrives.
I think someone may have discovered that you are a natural in front of the microphone. Goodness, I think we’re seeing the birth of a media star! Kidding aside, I’m so pleased the rescue is getting the publicity that might prove helpful and getting awareness out there about animals.
Your rockery looks fantastic. And that soft sunshine pouring through makes it look magical.
Your seeds give-away sounds lovely and I hope these will germinate all over land. Since I have trouble with seeds that are supposed to thrive here in California, I didn’t even envy these for the UK. I do know my limits!
Lol….I have to admit that I am far from natural in front of a microphone, I’m not sure why my voice suddenly rises several octaves and develops a warbling tremor….or why I suddenly have the urge to speed talk….but hey….it was always for the wee beasties and as you say a little awareness goes a long way, so glad I finished the last interviews today though!
I’m glad you like the rockery, I’ve always had a fondness for them, I think I like creeping miniature plants.
The way the climate is changing I think we’ll struggle with these seeds too! Thanks Anne.xxx
Good morning, Dina. Love the pots and pans and yes, I do would not want to make a mark on them:) Let the house/animal sitter do that.
I am so excited about your tv appearances….Clearly you were so good on the first one that they want more…..personally I think that this is just the beginning. Please let us know when you are on so that I can watch.
Love the picture of Curly – so smug:) and the rockery garden is truly beautiful.
Keep up all your good work, you are an inspiration to me an I am sure so many more. Janet:)xxxxx
Thanks so much Janet….I’m amazed that I could be thought of as inspiring!!!
I shall leave the lovely pots for Laura when she house-sits….the poor girl will probably be too scared to use them!
I finished all the interviews today, the series on Freeview and Virgin tv will will on air in a month or so so I shall let you know the channels when it’s about to be aired. I did local BBC radio Tuesday, I think you can still listen, the slot was on about five to nine on the breakfast show,
Curly is adorable, he just wants a little company.xxx
Hi Dina, your pans are fab, the garden in looking great – glad there wasn’t another logslide though.
Curly will always find the best place!
Keep up the brilliant work you do, the interviews are fantastic for raising much need awareness.
If you’d please consider me for a seed pack I’d appreciate it.
Hi Rose, lovely to hear from you. I must say I’d have been a little unnerved moving those logs again!!!
Curly ALWAYS finds the best spot, he still comes in at night and has the lounge to himself….he is a sweetie though. I shall have the seeds in the post asap. You look after you gal. xxx
Maybe the pots should have come with someone to fill them with delicious food.
I love that rockery! So fabulous! I have a very similar idea for my garden but it will be years in the future before I can make it happen. Good luck with your new position as TV animal advocate. They found just the right person. 
Lol….now that’s an idea!!! Pots arriving filled with food….
I shall look forward to seeing your rockery develop, I found raising the initial mound of soil to be the hardest part…. the rest was plain sailing!
I have to say that I am MOST relieved that the last round of interviews was finished today….it’s rough on the old nerves, but good for the animals so I’ve just had to get over myself…..Thanks Casa.xxx
The wild grow project sounds fab, if you have any left I would love some.
Everything else sounds wonderful and you work so hard, well done you!
Thanks Steph, could you email me your address so I can get the seeds to you?xxx
Your pans are too gorgeous to use! Love the rockery leading up to the pond, that is a lovely feature. It is always good to read about your work at the rescue centre, and now you are going to be famous too! Getting the public on board is a good thing, hopefully they will take note of what you say and care for their animals more, keep up the good work!!
Lol….I quite agree re the pans and shall leave them for the house/dog sitter to use.
I love tiny rockery plants, they force you to look closely, the pond is almost invisible, and the grasses haven’t grown yet.
Lol….thank god I’ll never be famous, the media are fickle and soon depart, but some good points went out. Even if only one person took note it will have been worth it. Thanks Pauline.xxx
OF COURSE the pans can’t be used – good heavens! They wouldn’t be all shiny then, would they???! I do love your posts. Curly is cheeky, nicking your chair … and you’re in demand by The Media! I bask in reflected glory (*dja know what, I have a friend who is ON TV … *) At least it’s a good platform to get across some basic and essential info so that people look after their animals better!
Hahahaha….I knew you would see the sense in simply admiring the pots!!!! Maybe they should be polished occasionally, but struth….never used!
Lol….I’m kinda relieved/deliriously happy that the final interviews were completed today, sadly I was outdoors on the farm, hair blowing wildly around whilst being rammed by a sheep…..and a gal is supposed to say something sensible! But yes, some valid points were put across so it was worthwhile! Thanks Gilly.xxx
I do admire your pans, of course they are too nice and shiny to use. You must keep them to get out when people come round and they will be so impressed.
I see you are stocking up ready for the apocalypse with all that wood. It won’ t catch you unprepared.
What did I tell you? You are going to be a big star. A celeb. Can I have your autograph? I shall be able to tell people that I knew you before you were famous. Well, sort of.
I love your rockery, I don’ t think I’ve seen it before. I look forward to seeing what little jewels you have planted.
I knew I could rely on you to see the sense in NOT using the pans!!! And yes….how wonderful to pull out shiny pots when visitors arrive instead of my usual burnt ones….
Hahahaha…..oh yes….I’m well prepared for any disaster….I’ll share some with you if push comes to shove!!!
Lol….I’ve just finished the rounds of interviews and to be honest I’m bushwacked by it all….I shall sleep like a baby tonight and the nightmares I’ve been having where I open my mouth and nowt comes out shall hopefully be a thing of the past!!!
I’ll post a little more on the rockery when it begins to fill out and flower, I must say I’m rather pleased with it. Thanks Chloris.xxx
My! My! You are keeping busy….don’t think I could keep up with you….Good thing ‘hubs’ is so helpful….all those logs etc?
I’m sure those new pans will deliver a feast to savour.
Love the pic of Manager in conversation with the sheep! Ha! Ha! Hugs!
I’m glad hubs shifted those logs, last time I moved them I got myself into a right pickle!!!
I still haven’t touched the shiny new pans…..one day I shall have too!
Our sheep can be most wilful but there are a few that seek out human company and enjoy a good head rub….thanks Bushka,xxx
Wow! Your passion is truly leading you to give voice to all those wonderful and important beings at the Rescue! Hooray, Dina: Keep up the excellent work!
Curly is the picture of utter contentment…and I LOVE the rockery: can’t wait to see the pond and etc. in bloom.
I love wildflower and bee house giveaway: How perfect. I hope people will take advantage of this.
I cannot believe all those logs: Hope your dear one’s back managed OK.
And finally, as someone with two good stockpots and cast iron pans…I have great pot envy, but it’s exceeded by my joy for you!
I didn’t receive this post, so I’m happy I checked your site, as it’s FULL of life, as always, and gave me such light, Dina. Thank you! Joy to your new week.
Ahhhh, thanks Kitty, I did find it all a little nerve-racking but I finished the last interview today and felt that some important issues were raised so it was definitely worth it.
Curly is a little love, he just likes to hang out with me and behaves more like a dog than a cat, I have to leave the greenhouse open now as he’s taken such a shine to the place!
Poor hubs, he shifted that entire log pile while I was having a lie-in…
Now…..I love cast iron pans, but for some reason they cost a fortune here, my friend has some and she’s had them for years, they seem to be indestructible and look marvelous bubbling away on a stove! I’m glad you caught my post…..have a marvelous weekend!xxx
It’s good that you’re getting noticed by the media – for all the right reasons, of course. It’s a wonderful opportunity to highlight the work of the rescue centre and the needs of domestic and wild animals. The garden is looking good. I don’t think I’ve noticed your rock garden before so that was interesting to see and the cabin will be very useful. All the best with moving the logs into it once it’s finished!
Yes, if there’s a point too media exposure I’m happy to do it. I chatted about the abuse and neglect of rabbits on the radio yesterday and discussed the problem of keeping farm animals as pets in homes today so I felt that those were worthwhile causes….I’m rather relieved it’s all done and dusted though!
I have always had a thing for rockeries, it’s such fun to sit and gaze upon all the tiny plants….
The wild weather has meant that no further work has been done on the log shed….what has happened to spring??? Thanks Linda.xxx
I feel for hubs having to move all those logs. The picture of Curly had me smiling.
I always enjoy your animal rescue reports and pictures.
I’ll pass on the your wildflower seed offer as I have more than enough to sow already. xx
Hubs was an angel shifting that little lot, while I was having a lie-in too! Curly is such a sweetie, he behaves more like a dog and really enjoys a little company. Thanks Flighty.xxx
You’re becoming a celebrity. We were filmed got TV once and four hours filming was reduced to four minutes.
As for radio it is fairly east to forget that you have an audience just imagine that you are having a chat to the radio interviewer. At least if it i live they can’t mess about with what you want to say. Is the TV programme national?
Lol….the media is fickle, when it has it’s fill it will disappear again! They do edit quite rigourously don’t they….I must say I found the live interview a little daunting, I had to wait an hour to go on air which does get the old nerves going! The radio interview was BBC local radio, breakfast show Tuesday….the other filming is going on freeview and virgin tv channels. I’ll let you know when. Thanks Sue.xxx
Love the new shiny pots and pans, as you say, it’s a shame to use them really. Curly really has got his feet under the table at your place, even his own chair in the greenhouse now, they say it’s a dog’s life but a cat’s life isn’t far behind. I think it’s wonderful when two doggy companions are rehomed together, it must make the transition much easier for them when they go as a pair. You’ll have to let us know when the programmes you’re on are going to be aired so that we can all tune in. As for discussing how badly rabbit’s are treated, you should see my bunny at the moment. We had to take him to the vets on Wednesday because he’d managed to get a piece of hay twisted round his back leg and it had swollen up, he’d bit his leg trying to get it off and he won’t leave it alone so he’s now got a collar on, one of those that dogs wear to stop them licking their stitches. Poor thing, he does look a sight, but he’s managing very well with it on and it’s doing the trick.
Oh, your poor bunny! I do hope he’s on the mend now. Your guy is one of the lucky ones, so many people neglect to even look at their rabbits for weeks on end.
Sadly, the woman who adopted the dogs brought them back a few days later, she said they didn’t fit in with her lifestyle…..unbelievable!
Curly has taken such a shine to the greenhouse chair I’m considering putting a cushion on it for him! Thanks Jo.xxx
Those are some very shiny pots! Suitable for an emerging TV star! Grow Wild does sound like an excellent project.
Hahahaha….happily the pots remain shiny, I enjoy looking at them too much to use them!
I am glad that there is an initiative to try to plant wildlife friendly plants across the UK. Thanks Jason.xxx