It’s been horrendously wet and windy over the last few days, and as a result we’ve had several birds brought into the rescue looking utterly exhausted.
This pheasant was found soaking wet lying by the side of a road. He’s sporting his finest plumage at the moment hoping to attract the ladies. Hopefully, a few days of good food and warmth should sort him out and have him back on the high ground strutting his stuff! I just love the pheasants’ feathers at this time of the year…what a pretty boy…
Another casualty of the gales was this crested grebe, the poor bird was almost lifeless when admitted and we feared the worse. We were amazed when she began eating and perked up.
I’m hoping to release her this weekend as birds like this become stressed if kept too long in captivity. This is the first crested grebe I’ve seen in the rescue. When cleaning her quarters I cover her with a light towel, it’s amazing how such a simple thing can completely calm a bird…..and the less stress the better.
The baby bunnies have opened their eyes and are bouncing around….just in time for the open day on Easter Monday….I’m sure they’ll be a huge hit with the public….adorable they are!!!
Poor mum doesn’t get a look in now as her babies have discovered her food bowl and sit in it!
All the media obligations are now sorted….I HOPE…….thank goodness for small mercies sighs I…. tell you what, having to wait an hour before you have to talk live on the radio aint my idea of fun!!! At all…..Strange things happen, my voice rises several octaves, I speak faster and faster and simple words are temporarily erased from my memory. And let’s not even get into wandering around the farm in a gale with cameras following your every move….but, at least it’s all done and dusted now!
I’ve planted several new shrubs in the border that I’ve cleared of hedging….only another 50 foot to dig out! It’s so much lighter in the front already.
Hubs had a birthday over the weekend and decided that he’d like to visit the Beatle museum, and go up the tower in the Anglican Cathedral.
He couldn’t have picked a worse day if he’d tried. It was blowing a gale and raining, but being the troupers we are, we powered plodded on anyway.
The Beatles museum wasn’t up to much but we did have a laugh with the funfair mirrors, we’ve always wanted to have longer legs!
Now….hubs is the hardest person EVER to buy for. If you ask him what he wants he always says nothing, or, that if he needs anything he’ll buy it himself. Sooo, I was amazed when he asked me to buy him a Beatles cap in the museum shop….AND he wanted a I love John lollipop…..his name is John of course….wishes he was Lennon!
Next up, climbing the tower. The Anglican Cathedral is the largest cathedral in Britain, and the largest Anglican cathedral in the world. It is a stunning gothic building.
The main altar.
The foundation stone for the cathedral was laid in 1904 by King Edward V11 at an open air service where a choir of a thousand voices sang Hallelujah from Handel’s Messiah.
The cathedral was finally completed in 1978.
The views from the Vestey Tower are stunning, 101 metres up, gosh, you should have heard the wind howling! We were really nervous about touching the turrets, they seemed to be held together by nothing more than a little grout! We did enjoy the panoramic views though!
We lost count of how many times we got totally soaked and dried out….with the help of a few good pubs of course!
And finally….
I came across an interesting painting that hangs in a small chapel in the cathedral.
Calvary, 1998, painted by Craigie Aitchison.
In it, Christ is being comforted by a bedlington terrier. I like that!
Pheasants do have such wonderful colouring in the Spring, I love watching them strutting their stuff on the high ground looking for a lady!
How lovely that you enjoyed my posts and got to know hubs a little better, that’s so sweet! Thanks for your good
The picture of the pheasant that opens your post here is just fantastic. And I love the bunnies. I’ve been having a bit of pressure lately, and so I saved your posts for later. And this morning they did give me a lot of pleasure. And though I was late to celebrate your hubby’s birthday, it really was a celebration. Because these are the best pictures I’ve ever seen of him, and it was a thrill to feel like I was getting to know him a bit… actually looking into his face. And what a smile! Wishing him a very beautiful year. You too, Dina. It is always a pleasure to visit with you. xxx
I could’ve sworn I’d commented here, but it’s obvious I’ve been dreaming again. Love the bright colors and patterns of that pheasant. And, oh! those bunnies are so so so adorable! I’m sure they were deservedly admired come Easter.
You and Hubs look adorable with your extra long legs. Glad you could find him something he likes for his birthday. So sweet!
That cathedral is magnificent! I bet a thousand voices sounds pretty impressive. 1904…hmmm, probably no film of the event!
Lol, I’m the same, sometimes I read post and wander of thinking about it, then realize that I didn’t comment!
Hahahaha…..adorable with long legs!!!! It certainly made a change him asking for something!
A thousand voices must have been stirring to say the least, it is an incredible Cathedral, the pics don’t really do it justice, it’s so vast and imposing yet very beautiful at the same time. Thanks
Ps i forgot to say how much i liked the painting of Jesus being comforted by the dog. The background is so stark and that little doggie brings a little comfort into the otherwise horrible scene. Thanks for sharing x
I totally agree about the painting, the little dog does add a touch of warmth and compassion to a desolate scene. Thanks
Thanks Susanne, the pheasant is beautifully coloured during mating season, they almost glow!xxx
Sounds like a fun birthday. The pheasant is beautiful. Such color on him.
That looks like one miserable pheasant, but he is in good hands now. Your husband, on the other hand, looks pretty happy. Nice job on your border!
Thanks Jason, yes, the pheasant was having a check-up there and wasn’t a happy bunny at all!
I think I’ll be working on that border for ever!!!! Sighs…xxx
You’ve been organising a lot of things for your diaries since I last read your postings, some quite energetic. The Pheasant is looking soo gorgeous. Your garden will love the extra light; it will grow and grow.
Has mummy bunny decided to get firm with her brood over feeding rights yet?
Many religious edifices look brutal on the outside and some live up to it on the inside too. Your interior pictures of the Cathedral have a colourful theatrical feel to them and, what a fab floor!
The dock was looking a bit bare. Last time I was in that area, which was some years ago, and at a different season, it was busy, busy. I found it interesting to see it again.
I hope hubs cap gives him many years of sterling service.
Good luck with the open day.
It certainly has been busy of late, things always seem to pile up together don’t they….like buses coming along in threes and fours!
The extra light in the garden is a huge bonus, hopefully it will help all the new shrubs to grow!
Mummy bunny hardly gets a look in now, we have to give the babies a separate bowl….they are quick learners…
Pictures don’t really do the cathedral justice, it so immense and grand, the floor is lovely, it’s heated too! Thanks Menhir, hoping the walking is going well!xxx
I love the idea of Christ being comforted by a dog! You’re a braver soul than I. I would have spent such a blowy day snug in my house. But it looks like you two had a blast, as usual.
I loved seeing Christ being comforted by a dog too, I’ve never seen that before, but dogs sure do know how to comfort!!! Lol….hubs and I almost abandoned ship on several occasions!!!! Thanks
Oh, Dina, such lovely photos and rich tales! Happy for all the souls who find their way to the rescue and back out to the world feeling healed. Those baby bunnies are irresistible, but I love the birds, too.
A year of new blessings for your Handsome John…my Phillip’s birthday was celebrated yesterday and, like John, he rebuffs all gifts and fusses, but we enjoyed lunch with friends and long hours of card playing in a riverside loft, with the pups in happy tow…we’ve been on break this week, so many day trips and little adventures.
I LOVED your tower views!
I love your border, too: I can see all your hard work paying off in such utter loveliness. It looks so beautiful and elegant. The curves are perfect, but my, what a lot of brickwork. Yikes!
I’m sure the hours and anxiety of those interviews educated so many about the need to donate time and funds to the Rescue: May it be so.
Your courage in doing these is inspiring. 
The last photo brought tears to my eyes. I’m so glad you shared it: Thank you! Joy to your new week.
Thanks Kitty, I do love all animals but if I had to choose, I think it’s birds I love the most. It’s always sad to see a wild bird in captivity but it’s wonderful to see them better and free again.
I was smiling reading how similar John and Philip are, and how they almost share the same birthday!!! I’m glad Philip had a good birthday and you both enjoyed a week of playing out!!!
That hedge border has been a battle for years, when we first moved in the neighbours called us the forest people as the entire house was blocked by a huge thick hedge!!! It is useless though as it provides no berries or flowers for wildlife and no birds nest in it……I’m hoping the new shrubs are more beneficial to wildlife!
I must say I’m glad the flurry of media attention is over, I’m sure I’m come over all babbly etc in the series, but a girl can only do her best and I did mine…..
Ahhhh, It is a sad little painting isn’t it? xxx
We have lesser grebes here, but I’ve never seen a crested. I’d say that’s one of the luckiest grebes in the world, crested or not, to have received your attentions. And the pheasant is beautiful. I grew up with pheasants in the fields and now and then on the table in autumn, but have to “make do” with the lovely egrets, herons and such now that I’m so much farther south.
My favorite photo is the one showing the boat tied to the dock. There’s nothing in the world cozier than being aboard during foul weather, with a lit lamp and a good book — that photo brought it back in a flash.
I had a look at lesser grebes, what lovely birds! I have good news re the crested grebe, the poor pheasant is still struggling to stand though.
Oh….I LOVE egrets and herons, we have them here but they are shy of people, we occasionally get them in the rescue too.
I totally get your love of boats, we had a narrow boat for years but sold it last year as we didn’t have time to sail it or maintain it, but yes… just can’t beat being curled up with a lamp and a book in bad weather, especially with the fire burning! Thanks
Happy birthday to your hubby! Sounds like you had a nice day together despite the weather. Those baby bunnies are so sweet. I bet they will be a hit with the public this weekend. I hope the poor birds recover!
Thanks Jennifer, We did have a good day, despite the foul weather. The public loved the babies, it’s hard not too! I have good news re the grebe but the pheasant still struggles to stand, his legs are still bruised so I’m hoping that heals soon and he can go back to shaking a tail feather or two!xxx
The grebe is a stunning bird, you guys do such good work. Well done with your interviews, it sounds like fun but difficult at the same time.
The garden is looking good, nice to open it up. Have a lovely Easter.
I sent you a note with my address on the contact page, hope that is okay.
Thanks Steph! I’m relieved the media obligations are over! It can be stressful! I have posted the seeds so hopefully they have arrived? xxx
Happy Birthday Hubs – and may the sun and warmth begin to shine on us all:)
The pheasant is soooooo beautiful and has a look on his face of pure relief having been rescued by your wonderful shelter.
I need to visit Liverpool because there is so much that I don’t know about, including this amazing Cathedral! One of these days…..
Can’t wait to see you on tv – please let us know when and where…..and your garden is looking fab.
Hope you and the Family enjoy a wonderful Easter weekend. Wish I had a few of those bunnies living with me. Janet xxx
Thanks Janet. The poor pheasant still isn’t using his legs, I’m hoping he improves soon.
There are so many places to see in Liverpool, you must come for a few days…..I shall look forward to it!
I will let you know when the programme is aired, it seems to be a six-parter covering several rescues and a vet….I have no doubt that I shall look and sound awful!!! Here’s to me losing the old ego!
Whenever you are ready to have a rabbit, please come to us!!! Thanks
Sounds and looks like you folks had ‘sweeping, windy weather’….Pity the birds.
Congrats to Hubs…..
Love that header picture…and the last picture of the Crucifixion.
May you have a Super Easter Week-end. Love and Hugs!
It’s always a shame to see wild birds in the rescue, the wind does play havoc with them!
The Albert Dock is pretty at night, especially in the summer! I did find that painting captivating, it’s the only time I’ve seen a dog comforting Christ. Here’s hoping you had a lovely Easter. Thanks
Aww – those baby bunnies are adorable and just right for Easter, too
Love what you’re doing to your border! And it sounds like huge fun in Liverpool. What a nice hub, to be happy with a cap. Love that painting of the cross and the dog. Happy Easter to you both!
You’d love the bunnies, they are handfuls of fluff, adorable I think the border is going to be a labour of love and shall take a veritable AGE to dig out and plant….sighs…
Hubs hates fuss and never asks for pressies so I was rather surprised when he took a shine to the cap!!! It is a lovely painting isn’t it…..hoping you had a marvelous Easter! Thanks
Hi Diiiina.
Lovely post. So u bought John a Beatles cap? Nice birthday TRIP. The Anglican Cathedral looks so GOTHIC and tall!! Your hubs is handsome BTW. Take care dear.
OOOYYYYYY! Hi Vahid, lovely to hear from you, I hope all is well with you and the Princess! Lol, hubs will be happy to think he’s seen as handsome. You would enjoy that cathedral I think. xxxxxxx
As always a most enjoyable post, and wonderful pictures.
A crested grebe is an unusual rescue. Well done on becoming a media star.
It’s a shame that the weather was so wet and windy for your day out in Liverpool. I’ve been in the the cathedral but not not up in the tower. xx
Thanks Flighty. I did enjoy seeing the grebe close up although I wished it hadn’t got itself in such a pickle! Lol….I’m grateful that my brush with the media is over with…..they are so superficial! Oh….the weather was utterly desolate, but the views were great!xxx
I’ve been rather windswept whilst dog walking myself over the last few days so it doesn’t bear thinking about those poor birds, it must really take it out of them. Your border is looking lovely, the new shrubs will be fabulous once they fill out a little. Those little bunnies, so cute. I did a post about my rabbit with the collar on on my other blog, his leg is healing now so I’m hoping we can get the collar off him soon. Glad your hubby had a good birthday, the cathedral looks stunning and those views! Not sure I’d have the head for it though, I’m not a lover of heights.
I know what you mean about the wind whilst walking dogs, it’s been horribly hasn’t it? We always get lots of unusual birds in the rescue during gales, it certainly does exhaust them.
I can’t wait for the shrubs to fill out…..
Oh….your poor bunny, I’m so glad you spotted his injury when you did! If only everyone took such good care of their rabbits! I’m not too good with heights either, I have to keep away from the edge! Thanks
What a gorgeous bird (Mr pheasant). I see a lot of them on the country lanes around here. Unfortunately I often see cars whizzing by at top speed without a care for the wildlife. On my way home from volunteering I saw several female pheasants run over on the road – just down from where I passed a speeding van !
Awful ! Some people have no respect for our fellow creatures. What a shame.
I like the wavy edge on your border too. Is that a camellia you have planted there ?
It’s looking good and will add some interest to the garden (not that it’s not interesting already mind ! )
Good luck with the open day on Easter Monday. I would also love to come along if I lived nearer
Happy Easter !! Xxx
Oh….how awful to think several pheasants were run over! Why on earth to people have to race along country roads? That’s a real shame!!!
I have planted a few azaleas in the hedge border and a few magnolias amongst other shrubs, they look huge when in the car but tiny when planted out!
I would love to show you around the rescue Keggs….hopefully you will get the chance to visit one
I had a bit of trouble adjusting to watch the first photograph was it looked like a mask at first. It’s a pity we don’t live nearer or I would love to come to your open day.
That hedge border looks to be coming along very well it will look lovely when it is completed.
That should be what not watch my voice recognition doesn’t understand my accent.
Voice recognition????? Struth! Aint you posh?????xxx
The pheasant is very vivid at the moment, he is wearing his finest colours in the hope of finding a new girlfriend. It would be lovely to show you around the rescue, if you are ever up let me know!
I think the hedge is going to be a labour of love for many years to come….one day!!! Thanks
I like the wavy edge to your border, which is looking good. Hope the pheasant and the grebe recover well. You were brave to go up to the top of the tower in Liverpool Cathedral, but the view must have made it worthwhile. Love the night-time photo looking across the water. Sounds like an action-packed long weekend. Have a lovely Easter!
The border seems to be going slow and the new shrubs are small but it’s progress, I’ll just have to be patient! I have good news re the grebe but the pheasant is not not using his legs, I hope he improves soon.
It was pretty scary up that tower, but as you say the views were breathtaking! Thanks
What a beautiful pheasant, I hope he is OK.
Have a lovely Easter weekend x
Thanks Jess, we did have a good Easter. The poor pheasant still isn’t using his legs, here’s to him showing some
It sounds as if you had a good birthday for hubs. I’ ve just got back from Liverpool, what weather! It’ s grim op north! It’s quite lucky that I wasn’ t picked out of the Albert Dock and brought along to your Animal shelter to dry out and recover on Monday, the wind was pretty scary. We visited the Cathedral yesterday, in fact we visited both of them. I would loved to have called in to see you but time was short and we had family to see and not enough time for everything. We didn’t manage to do the ferry across the Mersea or to walk at Formby and look for red squirrels. Worst of all no time to see, Dina, the great t.v and radio celeb. And as you know, I was hoping to get your autograph now that you are famous. It will have to wait till next time we come up now.
Oh… couldn’t have picked a worse week to visit Liverpool if you had tried!!! Perishing it was… think we may have passed each other in the Liverpool Cathedral!!! SO glad you didn’t end up in the Albert Dock……although I would have given you five star treatment re the drying out etc….
Now next time you come I shall take you to the pinewoods where hopefully all the reds will show themselves! Lol……my brief brush with the media has left deep scars….DEEP scars!!!! Thanks