A squab.
Life is becoming hectic at the rescue, the first of the orphans are beginning to arrive, and currently we have several pigeon chicks needing hand feeding…I just love these ugly ducklings! You should SEE how much they eat in one sitting!
There are several blackbird chicks on syringe feeds every twenty minutes….
along with our first batch of ducklings. Here they are, huddled together on a heat pad, they trash their joint as soon as it’s cleaned.
We’ve also had lots more hedgehogs brought in that have struggled over winter, we are overwhelmed with them at the moment, fortunately the first batch are outdoors hardening off, waiting for me to release them.
The first beech tree has burst into life, there are two in the front garden, and four in the back, over that fence on the right. What surprises me is how they all leaf up at different times, the one on the left in the front goes first followed by number three in the back, they are all the same age and height…..why??? A girl needs to know!
Polyanthus and wallflowers are running wild in the back garden…
and I’m pleased to see that this little collection of heuchuras survived the winter.
The peach tree in the circle in the courtyard is yet again stricken with leaf curl..
also in the courtyard, the buddleia is leafing up nicely, along with the honeysuckle, preparing the butterfly banquet.
The courtyard plum and pear trees have been laden with blossom, I’m hopeful for a marvelous harvest, if the wind doesn’t blow all the fruit buds off. My mini orchid in the back garden is growing well too, eight fruit trees are showing wonderful growth, only the apricot failed to flower, hopefully next year they’ll come into their own.
I planted this little patch up last autumn, the bride is covered with delightful blossom; I’m not sure where that papavar came from though, but being the poppy lover I am, it gets to stay!
I am really pleased to see the plants and shrubs I planted a few months ago in the old hedge border are thriving, I’ve sown lots of wildflowers here too, a girl has to look out for the pollinators!
And finally….
the wood shed is finished! Now we need to get a coal burner and a new log splitter, as the old one gave up the ghost.
And, and finally…..
I’m off on another jolly on Saturday, for a week, this time to the Lakes with the dogs….yes I KNOW we’ve only just come back from Pompeii, but we get withdrawal symptoms if we don’t visit those delightful hills and lakes……and this time I’m hoping the hills will be laden with bluebells!
So…I’ll see you all when I get back….be good now, and if you can’t be good, be careful!!!!
Thanks Caro, I love this time of the year, everything suddenly puts on a tremendous growth spurt, I love seeing what has grown in my absence. The rescue always tell me off when I book a holiday, they need all the help they can get at this time of the year.xxx
It’s all looking wonderfully colourful, Dina – just imagine how glorious your garden will be in a few weeks! Hope you had a wonderful time at the Lakes and have come back raring to go again at the rescue. I bet they’re missing you already!
I can imagine that it must be busy at the rescue at the time of year. Spring is a time for babies after all. Your garden is looking terrific! I dragged hubby to the computer to show him the wood shed. I like the design and would think it will keep the wood handy, but nice and dry. Have a great time at the Lakes. I look forward to pictures of bluebells.
It’s always a little crazy in spring and summer, we end up with chicks absolutely everywhere!
I was surprised how well the wood shed came out, it’s a bit of a mess down there at the moment as huge stones are piled up and logs are all over the place, it should look a lot better when it’s tidied up! Thanks Jennifer.xxx
Your garden is bursting with colour whether it’s from the plants and trees you’ve put in yourself or from self-seeding. I’m looking for that garden feature you bought recently – the one in the unopened box you showed a few posts ago. Have you set it up yet? Is it the coloured globe-shaped one in the courtyard – photo 8? You’ve been busy constructing the
wood shed. Hope your time in the Lake District is going well and you’re enjoying good weather – very windy over here in S. Yorkshire this week.
Thanks Linda, we haven’t had a chance to erect the garden feature on the stump yet, but I’ll certainly post as soon as we do!!! What a shame that the weather has been windy for you, it always wreaks havoc doesn’t it….hopefully we’ll have a good summer, it has been predicted.xxx
all looking wonderful and blooming and burgeoning both plant and beast!
Have a lovely time up in the Lakes you lucky ducky and hope you get perfect weather and plenty of bluebells and all things nice! xxx
Thanks Arose, I always love visiting the Lakes, it’s such a wonderfully atmospheric place isn’t it….I’m not so fond of the climbing though.xxx
Good to hear that you’re having another vacation, Dina. But I’m beginning to wonder why I don’t get a notification every time you post. I just started looking around here, and that’s what I see. That there have been quite a few posts I didn’t even know about. hmmm. Maybe I’ll just have to visit more often. Hope the dogs really appreciate coming along this time. But what about Curly?!
I had a similar problem with some blogs recently and then daughter suggested that I look in my blocked list and there they were, I must have blocked them accidentally….I unblocked them and all returned to normal….I don’t know if that’s the case with my posts ….strange things do seem to happen from time to time in cyber space!
The dogs love the lakes, they get really excited when we start packing. Curly is always fine when Barbara cares for him, it only took six years for him to accept her!!! Cats eh? I think it will take another six for him to accept Laura! Thanks Shimon.xxx
Look at all that wonderful colour! You are a clever girl … hope you have a fab time in the LD!
Thanks Gilly, I always enjoy the lakes, such a beautiful part of the world.xxx
Oh yesss, there is the scent of spring all around!
Isn’t it beautiful? Every year few days delay or in time… it came!
Your garden looks very special, but this is all year around, anyhow.
Have a lovely week
Lol….yes babies aren’t terribly pretty either. Pigeon chicks seem to be all beak!!!
It’s always lovely when spring finally arrives. Thanks Claudine.xxx
I just can’t get over how ugly baby pigeons are – talk about ugly duckling turning into a swan – I know pigeons are common but I think they are beautiful and so varied in the colouring. Your garden is certainly looking very colourful at the moment I bet you are pleased with it – their are so many nooks and crannies to fill and I love all your lovely blue pots too. What a wonderful woodshed – that should just about hold all your logs I would think. Hope you have a lovely break in the lakes and come back raring to go. Make sure you have a bit of rest too after all that energetic walking won’t you.
I think pigeons are attractive too, the wood pigeons particularly, their feathering is lovely close up, and they are such intelligent long lived birds, most of the chicks will outlive me!
This is a lovely time isn’t it, all the spring bulbs and self-seeded plants pop up in the most unexpected places….
I am really pleased with the log shed, it’s huge and a much better build than I was expecting….I always feel exhausted after a week in the lakes, but the climbing is worth it for the wonderful views. Thanks Elaine.xxx
No need to ask you how your gardens grow. Your photos enlarge beautifully on my iPad.
Ducks: obviously making a statement anout how they like things to be.
The weather is unsettled and bracing att the moment. Your time in The Lakes with the dogs should be good. You’ll be super fit when you return home. Have a good time!
It’s good to hear that the pics enlarge well on your iPad, I wish I could use one! Ducks are incredibly messy, we scatter the chick crumb which makes everything look so untidy and of course they splash about in their water which muckies everything up! I always feel exhausted after a trip to the lakes, I do wish I could be hauled up the mountains! Thanks Menhir.xxx
Such sweet baby birds – I bet you have your hands full! Your garden is looking wonderful and I have serious wood shed envy! Enjoy your holiday. xx
Thanks Veggie Mummy, the rescue becomes a nursery for chicks at this time of the year, it’s all systems go until autumn now! I must say that I’m delighted with the shed, it’s a really substantial build, better than I thought it would be.xxx
Your garden is burgeoning with so much colour and new growth. I enjoyed the glimpses of different views of it. It is delightfully quirky, just like you. How odd that the beech trees have different rates of coming into leaf. I noticed the same thing with my 2 horse chestnuts, even though they are side by side. I hope your hedgehogs are ‘ hardened off’ now.
Have a wonderful time in the Lake District, I love it there at this time of the year.
Lol…..quirky? Moi??? How odd that the same happens to your horse chestnuts! It just goes to show that each plant and tree is totally individual!
It will be good to see the first batch of hogs go, they have become incredibly obese and lazy!!! Time to go for sure!
Thanks Chloris.xxx
We have two blackcurrant bushes, same variety, sitting right nest to one another and one always flowers and fruits before the other,
It’s so odd isn’t it??? You would think shrubs and trees the same age in the same conditions would be more in synch!!!xxx
Just returned from Portugal and beginning to catch up….Oh how wonderful your garden looks and have fab time in the Lakes….Janet. xxxxx
Thanks Janet, I look forward to catching up with your adventures and your fantastic art!xxx
I wish I had wallflowers running wild in my garden, too. Your garden seems like such a happy place.
Those little duckling are too cute on that mat and it always make me laugh when you refer to your hedgehogs as being ‘hardened off’, as if they were seedlings. 
Thanks Casa, the thing I love about gardens is how unique each one is….my garden certainly makes me happy although there is certainly room for improvement!
I do love ducklings, they are like quick silver running through my fingers, they are wonderful to release too as they stay so wild. Lol….yes….I suppose hardening off of hedgehogs does sound somewhat odd!xxx
Super! Bursting into life….delightful way to put it…and plenty pictorial evidence – should we need so,. Truly amazing how much you get into your garden space…animals, notwithstanding. I bet you are looking forward to your hols with the dogs. They’ll enjoy it I’m sure. Travel safely. Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka, it’s always lovely to get away with the dogs and see how the garden has grown when returning home.xxx
It all looks glorious in your paradise, Dina! The colors and blooms are so beautifully scattered and seem to bring your entire property to “hyper-life.” (I’m a poppy-lover, too!) If I didn’t want the best for you, I’d be just incredibly jealous of that wonderful greenhouse.
I know the ducklings are messy, but aren’t they just adorable?! I’m sorry so many hedgehogs have been through such a hard winter, but I’m glad you and your friends are there saving them.
Joy to your time at the Lakes; I know that’s a magical place for you…will you be staying with that interesting woman again? Have fun, and blessings on your weather; merry adventures either way.
Lol….if only we could share the greenhouse, as I’ve said before, what wonderful neighbours we would make!
There is something very special about poppies I always think, they seem so fragile, transparent, yet sturdy, I love all the myths surrounding them too….they pop up everywhere in my garden, I never have the heart to move them!
Ducklings are wonderful……they stay beautifully wild too which makes releasing them so easy!
I’m always delighted to see so many hogs rescued, their decline in the UK is nothing short of shocking, so we release them in two’s hoping they breed.
Ah…..yes….the Lakes, a place of mystery and magic! We will be staying in a little cottage we always stay in called The Stables in Rydal…..it’s right next to a thundering waterfall….the interesting lady was in Bath, we stayed with her last November…..I must think about booking again but the memory of THAT HILL has me shuddering!!!! Thanks so much Kitty.xxx
You have got quite collection of interesting plants and trees there. There will always be something to enjoy throughout the year. I am told that peach trees need to be covered with polythene sheeting over the winter to prevent peach leaf curl. I hear it doesn’t affect the fruit though.
And those chicks are all gorgeous. I love em.
I have just been planting some new plants in my front garden and heard a beautiful robin’s song from my hawthorn tree. I saw that he dived down to look for worms once I came indoors. I do like little songbirds.
That woodshed looks pretty substantial. You will be able to get plenty of logs in there. You are prepared ahead of time for winter.
Have a great trip. Have fun and come back refreshed. Xxx
Thanks Keggs, I shall certainly take your advice and cover the tree next year, sadly, the peach curl ruined all the fruit last year, it was all horribly brown and rancid looking!
I do love the ducklings, it’s great that they stay so wild, it makes releasing them so much easier, no doubt when I get back there will be many more of them.
Oh….you can’t beat having a robin for company can you…..delightful little birds, they really are the gardener’s friend!
They wood shed is so much better than we thought it would be, the guy who built it is a perfectionist for sure, now to sort the log burner and get all those logs split!!!xxx
Those little hungry beaks must keep you all very busy! I was thinking how cute the ducklings look but for the clean-up. And then you noted the mess they make. Hoping your batch of HHs do well this spring.
The garden — the garden! Look at all that leafing out and color! I love the bright tulips and primroses. And that handsome wood shed. Well done. As your buddleia is greening up, mine is sprouting flower clusters.
Enjoy your time away with the dogs. How nice that they get to join you for this jaunt. We have house guests from Belgium who don’t have any food restrictions
Oh….ducklings! We feed them chick feed and they scatter it everywhere and splash about in the water so no matter how hard you try their cages always look as though they haven’t been cleaned out in a week, and we clean them twice a day!
We have a really good success rate with hogs so it’s always a pleasure to see them returned to the wild, we only have seven outdoor pens to harden them off in, so it takes months to release them.
We’re really pleased with the wood shed, it’s much more substantial than we thought it would be, now we need to split all those logs before they can be stored! I love this time of the year, everything suddenly greens up and long forgotten flowers emerge!
I shall look forward to seeing your buddleia in bloom, I’m glad it is doing well for you.
Oh…..how marvelous to have visitors…..with no food restrictions!!!! Hopefully there will be LOTS of cheese on the menu!!!xxx
As always a most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. Enjoy your weekend to the Lakes. xx
Thanks Flighty, we always enjoy the Lakes, but it can be exhausting!xxx
Everything looks wonderful. I very much wish I had wallflowers running wild in my garden.
Thanks Jason, I do love the scent of wallflowers, they seem to seed everywhere here, the conditions seem perfect for them.xxx
Wow, what a lot of colour and growth in your garden(s)! Glad to see that the rescued animals are coming along well with such loving care ~ and here’s wishing you a most delightful holiday in the Lake District. Hope the bluebells are there to greet you
Thanks Glo, when I get back to the rescue it will no doubt be over-run with a multitude of chicks! I have my fingers crossed for bluebells, they are a wonderful sight, they completely smother the hills for miles. xxx