What a week it’s been, reeling I am, reeling!
I’m currently covering lots of extra shifts at the rescue and it’s that time of the year when chicks come pouring through the doors. Most pull through, but every now and then we have a truly hideous day. Last Thursday was such a day…….talk about stressful! It got to the point where there seemed to be dead and dying animals all around me…..then I opened up a hedgehog crate and found a hedgehog, that we had nurtured for six months… dead…..and to top it all off, one of the kennel staff came across with a mauled rat in a towel, which thankfully died quickly. On days like that I realize just how fragile and fleeting life can be.
Mine is not to wonder why…
This little duckling had been caught by a cat and needed an injection, I know it’s for the best, but it always seems awfully cruel to inject such a tiny creature, so I opted out of the injection and held it instead. Against the odds this little guy has pulled through…..
Several stray rabbits have been brought in, all found in parks, which usually indicates that they have been abandoned. The females are usually pregnant. These little brown bunnies look just like wild rabbits, yet their mother is snow white! She obviously mated with a wild rabbit and that has proved to be the dominant gene.
Do you remember me telling you that I had to provide artwork for a floral exhibition in a church?
Well, the exhibition began over the weekend and concludes tomorrow, and I have to say that the whole experience was incredibly traumatic! Traumatic you say???? How can a simple little exhibition be traumatic? Let me explain…..
I arrived, as requested, at the church last Wednesday. Previous to this I simply couldn’t get any information regarding how much space I had to exhibit in. The lovely gal who initially invited me to show my work had no joy either. In the end I framed some pieces and kept some unframed, but nicely mounted.
The old stump covering beautifully in the back garden.
As soon as I set foot in the church, an elderly lady approached, to “help” me….she immediately removed all the mounts from the unframed work and started attaching them to a board with drawing pins, and as fast as she attached them they fell off. I tried to intervene, but quite frankly I might as well have been invisible! Talk about single-minded and formidable…..
Leafing out nicely.
As I resigned myself to old lady no 1, along came old lady no 2, and an argument immediately broke out regarding the unframed pics on the board….old lady no 2 felt they should be on another board or on the wall, and furiously began pulling them off the board…..[they were falling off anyway, to be fair]….and slapping them on a wall with huge dollops of blue tack….they fell off there too! Meanwhile, the argument between the two became increasing heated and at one point they were pulling my paintings out of each others hands….
Montana on a trellis, SO fragrant!
Just as I plucked up enough courage to intervene and rescue my work, old lady no 3 appeared, closely followed by old lady no 4……oh….it pains me just to think about it!
Old lady no 3 had yet another board in mind, and old lady no 4 was adamant that only two pieces of art were permitted…..which was fine by me, as by this point I was fearing for the safety of all the pieces as they were now punctured with drawing pin holes, a bit bent due to all the endless yanking and dusty from repeatedly falling onto the floor…..
The bliss of potting on…an old lady free zone…
When all four old ladies became involved in what I can only describe as a murderous argument, I was so astonished I just stood by with eyes like saucers and a gaping jaw. Talk about fur and feathers flying! By now, all of the old ladies had acquired various pieces of artwork and had them tucked under their respective arms, mainly so they could keep their hands free for finger pointing etc. How they didn’t come to blows is beyond me…..anyway….without a word, I left them to it and went missing for simply ages. When I arrived back they had come up with this….hmmmmm… prefer them with mounts myself!
Obviously they were not all in agreement as there were many dark and non-charitable looks flying around and the air was heavy with furious mutterings and mumbling, frankly, I was past caring!
This little arrangement actually took five hours!
To round it all off, the aforesaid lovely girl who initially invited me to display, managed to coerce me into singing with her in the church concert on the Saturday night….no real problem, except I had to sing one of her original songs, which, although brilliant, was extremely hard to learn at such short notice! It’s a good job I don’t have a huge ego to defend! I now appear to have been adopted by the band….more gigs coming soon, oh…you couldn’t make this stuff up!
What made me laugh the most about the whole debacle, was that every time I visited the church I found my paintings in different places, currently they are scattered all over the church. The war, it appears, aint over yet!
And finally…..
This is the first time that I have ever seen one of these eggs laid at the rescue, can anyone guess what it is? It’s about the size of a duck egg.
Your comment had me smiling….so true as always! You sure know how to get to the heart of the matter! Yes,we do have to accept many things in life, sometimes kicking and screaming.
You are a tonic…a unique voice. talking truth…always! Thank you my friend.xxx
So this is the famous hounded and harassed post… you should know by now that like some of your creature friends, who after being mauled and abused, find the courage to embrace nature… so it is with our writings and images… we never know when they will pop up unexpectedly, screaming or sighing once again. As you said recently… ‘unexpected outcomes’. And the traumatic experience relating to your paintings is a similar experience. We do our work, and something unique and very much a part of us goes out to the world… sometimes to be adopted with love and appreciated… but other times falling into the hands of rambunctious animals who see them as squares or rectangles and couldn’t imagine the delicacy of what they’ve grabbed in their paws. And yet, we have to accept that too… for our issue has gone out of our reach. xxx
I can’t type a blown exhalation of irritated air, but that is exactly what I did when reading of the petty power games you witnessed …how on earth did you tolerate your art work being abused as it was! Also, I do hope they were all copies. So much for some church volunteers and committee members…please save us all from them.
Your rescue work is always very interesting and yes – it is rescue with a big ‘R’.
I’m so glad this popped up again, because I have a guess on the egg. Is there any chance it’s a cliff swallow? Whatever: it surely is pretty.
I hope the ladies aren’t giving you a hard time again! And I certainly hope all’s going well at the rescue. I’m awash in baby birds just now at my feeder. They’ve fledged, of course, but the bluejay, cardinal, mockingbird and sparrow babies all are demanding that their parents provide their meals. It’s so funny to watch!
I was thinking I had read this before, I see it is from May. Strange it came out via email again. However it did make me smile to read it again. Hope you are keeping well.
Oh the self appointed old ladies that seem to frequent local art shows and consider the domain to be their ‘Fiefdom’ – I could picture the whole thing.:):)
By the way the paintings are beautiful……hope you sold some…
I love your new header picture of the badgers…absolutely beautiful….and as for such a traumatic day at the Rescue….well – I think that you are positively bloody amazing….
Oh and the garden is looking so fantastic…..we need to drink gardens in at this time of the year so that we have sustenance over the winter.
Continue to enjoy August, and may it be filled with calm joy and beautiful vistas….and of course loving, lovely furies. Janet. xxxx
I remember the story about the old ladies who acted like babies. I would have told them all to sit their wrinkly arses down and give me back the art! Or maybe you should have just turned the hose on them or started blowing a whistle like a lunatic to distract them. I’m so glad the little duckling pulled through. All that death in one day would have depressed me.
You do tell a funny story, but really what appalling behaviour. I should have given your old ladies a piece of my mind. You are just too nice.
Your garden is looking so lovely. Is the Clematis Montana Elizabeth?
I love your badger header.
Thanks Chloris….I’m not that nice, they were just so over the top I knew they were incapable of listening to reason…..still….I at least had a good laugh, once I got over being irritated!!! Now….I think they may have listened to you…were where you when I needed you eh??? Eh???
The clematis is Elizabeth….struth…you’re good! I saw those badgers in the Lakes….I was thrilled! Yes!xxx
I am absolutely horrified that they took your paintings off the mounts and stuck pins in them! Horrified! You are very humble and forgiving to have endured such behaviour – don’t think I could have been! Lovely paintings – lovely happy uplifting colours and imagery!
Must be really upsetting when lots of the animals die all around you….. but well done for not letting the little duckling be injected and just holding it instead…
Your garden is looking wonderful!
Hope you have a fab and groovy bank holiday weekend!
I did start off a little horrified myself, I knew it didn’t matter what I said or did, they were all too far gone….they seemed possessed to me….totally beyond reasoning with. What a waste of time and energy….
Yes, it’s always sad to have to watch animals die, some days are like that, it’s so draining. The little duckling is quite big now, they don’t tend to do well on their own so we are all so pleased to see this one thriving.
Thanks Arose…..groovy….FAB word!!! xxx
You had me in stitches over the artwork debacle! Your work does look lovely though and well done with the short notice singing! The animals are adorable and the I love the clematis in your garden – we used to have the same type in our old house and you’ve reminded me how much I miss it – next time I’m at the garden centre ……….. xx
I must say I did find the whole thing hysterically funny, once I moved on from irritated! The sudden singing opp was a little daunting but I must say I enjoyed it…..once it was over mind!
Oh….you must get yourself another mantana, it will be huge by the end of summer! Thanks Veggie mummy.xxx
The older I get, the less foolishness I’m willing to put up with, and those ladies were right near the top of the foolishness scale. I think you’re exactly right, that there was a power struggle going on, but it I had taken artwork there and had them putting holes in it….
Ah, well. You survived, the paintings survived, the duckling survived, and all’s pretty darned good with the world. It’s too bad about the hedgehog, but I was distracted by the chinchilla. It’s a pretty thing, isn’t it?
They certainly seemed to lose the plot, that’s for sure, but I don’t think they could be reasoned with, they were so far across the line….crazy! It was frustrating seeing all the mounts coming off and pins going in!!!
But yes…..we all survived and all is pretty darn good, that has me smiling away!!!
Chinchilla’s are lovely aren’t they, their fur is ultra soft……that one is friendly and VERY strokable! Thanks Shoreacres.xxx
How crazy! I have a strong personality and would have kicked some old lady arse, for sure. How rude and insensitive of them to poke holes in all your artwork without even asking you if it was ok! I’m so glad that duckling pulled through but how sad about the hedgehog.
Hahahaha…..the image of you kicking old girl butt has me laughing out loud!!!! They were a law onto themselves, that’s for sure!!!
That duckling is getting really big now, it’s lovely to see it survive against the odds, but yes, such a shame about the hog, especially as they are so endangered now. Thanks Casa.xxx
Goodness. I felt exhausted just reading about the fraca over your art — YOUR art! I’m so glad you kept out of that tug of war. Will you get the pieces back? I’d like to get a closer look at your talent at work!
Yes, beautiful spring is in your garden! That Montana clem looks like a charmer with its fragrance and prolific blooms. All that lush green is so inviting. Hope you aren’t so busy at the rescue that you can’t enjoy this gorgeousness.
I must say I found the whole thing exhausting too, what a waste of energy eh? I do have the pieces back….I shall post some of the new ones just for your good self soon!Mantana is a real gem isn’t it, so hardy, yet so delicate and scented as you say. It’s always lovely to chill in the garden after a stressful shift, very soothing and healing, it gets things back into perspective for me. Thanks Anne.xxx
Hello lovely
I used to enter lots of art shows so I know what you are talking about – I am surprised you had patience with those women – silly old biddies! Your garden is looking very verdant – and the Montana superb. Do you know I have never thought to smell mine which is covering the front fence am running out the door to do so straight away.
Lovely pics of your furry friends – a busy time of year for you – keep smiling.
Oh….poor you if you have had to put up with such run-ins too….They must lurk around such places, attracted like ghouls!!!
I do hope you have now had a good sniff of your mantana, how pretty it looks on your fence, you must be able to smell it as you wander by….gorgeous it is!!!
Spring and summer are always a little crazy in the rescue, we do save far more than we lose, thankfully! Thanks Elaine.xxx
Oh, my goodness, all those excellent women, right out of a Barbara Pym novel! It’s so ironic when one encounters such anger and ego at a function ostensibly dedicated to promoting peace and love…ah, the humanity! Glad you can have some good laughs over it, Dina, and your art looks so very beautiful wherever and however it’s displayed…it blesses all who look upon it, so take heart!
Your clematis montana is so unbelievably gorgeous! Wow! What a treat. I’m so sorry you had such a tough week, but thankful the loves died being cared for so dearly and tenderly.
Can’t wait to find out whose egg that is! (Love the badger photo at the top!)
Joy to your week’s end, Dina!
They seemed just like characters straight out of a novel!!! I was astonished at the energy they actually had for all that arguing…you had to laugh, it was all so over the top and weird! I think the mounts would have looked better…still….it sure aint worth worrying about, life is too short!!!
I love montana, that vanilla smell is absolutely heavenly, and it lasts for quite a while too, it’s a great clematis for colour, cover and scent
The egg was laid by a seagull, we have four who can’t fly and have lived at the rescue for years now, no-one had the heart to put them to sleep. Two have paired up and are now laying eggs, they collect feathers to make a nest and it seems awful to take their eggs from them, we do it while they are feeding, it is a shame though! I saw the badgers in the Lakes, aren’t they fabulous? Thanks so much Kitty.xxx
How uncharitable; how selfish, how rude and how crude! You were just too, too, diplomatic. Too late to say pick up thy work and run. Will there be a next time?
The works have ended up a bit crowded together and you are right, mounts would have made all the difference.
Your garden is filling out and blooming well.
As for egg, I haven’t a clue.
I don’t think there was anything that I could say that they would have listened too….they were far too deep into their feud! Crazy stuff though, to be that out of control!
I think the boards looked a shambolic mess, as you say, crowded together and mountless…
Wild horses wouldn’t get be back there!!!! Still, everything was collected this evening, and not an old lady in sight, which was something of a relief!
The egg was laid by a herring gull. Thanks Menhir.xxx
I’m glad the little duckling survived, so cute! And the garden is looking fabulous!
Thanks Jess, it was such a relief to see the duckling make it.xxx
Another Super Post…..including an exciting tale of the ‘Warring Old Ladies’…
Love the pictures…allof them especially the badgers…
My! My! You sure attract stressful encounters at the Rescue! Keeps you busy, I suppose.
As I’ve often said: You are truly ‘dedicated and committed’ to your Love of Mother Nature! Take Care! Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, warring old ladies, I certainly didn’t see that one coming, or singing with the band for that matter, still, keeps me on my toes, all these surprises!!!
I’m hoping for a good shift tomorrow.xxx
Oh this did make me laugh…..I have to say that there does seem to be a certain breed of older lady who love to organise art exhibitions and so on…….I can just imagine it….:) The paintings looked great…..and hopefully they were enjoyed by many others who were not involved in the war.
Yes, a busy time at the rescue centre…..and you garden looks fabulous….meanwhile, hope you are enjoying some very relaxing times in the garden with a glass, or two of vino….Janet. xxxxx
It had me laughing too I must say, once I’d moved through surprise, shock and irritation! Right battleaxes they were, they were yelling like a bunch of fishwives…..how they worked themselves into such a frenzy was a mystery to me, but then I suspect it to be a long running feud and that they use any excuse to go to war!!! I was really amused to find that the pics kept moving around the church…..hysterical! Thanks Janet.xxx
Blimey … I’m horrified!!! At the flower festival we used to have, everything was in the hands of an extremely organised and lovely churchwarden, who had done it all for years and her mother before her. Everyone knew what they were doing, and when, and where, and it was left to the individual to create the display round the theme they were given. That’s the way to do it … horrors, I do hope your precious paintings have survived all the egos!
Thanks Gill, the most annoying thing about the whole situation was that everything had been organised and areas were assigned to people, maybe that pushed their noses out of joint, it was utterly baffling and unexpected…..it’s only painting though, I can always do more, these are like pin cushions now! xxx
Having had quite a few exhibitions of my art work through the ages, I don’t think I would have been as patient as you!! How rude to stick drawing pins in your paintings, I think someone should stick the drawing pins in them!
Your garden is looking really lovely, a complete contrast to your stressful day!
Thanks Pauline, I’m laughing out loud at your idea of sticking pins in them, it may have brought them to their senses! I went through so many stages, surprise, irritation and finally resignation, I’m amazed they had the energy to holler at each other over nothing!xxx
The wildlife is certainly keeping you well occupied, and the garden is looking good.
I think that I would have ended up saying something to those four ladies. xx
Thanks Flighty, I don’t think the ladies would have taken much notice, they seemed far to deep in their own warfare! The other option may have been that all four would have turned on me! There’s nowt so queer as folk for sure!xxx
How rude! All that work you put in to getting the paintings done and then they behave in that way, not to mention sticking pins in your work. I wouldn’t have been able to hold my tongue. Hope things are a bit calmer at the rescue now. It’s sad hearing about the bad bits but I’m sure the good outweighs them. Your garden is looking lovely.
The strangest thing about the gang of four was how utterly oblivious they were to their own behaviour! I think the feud is a long running thing! My poor pics are pock marked, I have just collected, them, it took an age as they were scattered so far and wide! I did try to get a word in but they completely blanked me……
We do have to take the rough with the smooth at the rescue…..it can be hard some days though, especially at this time of the year. Thanks Jo.xxx
I prefer with mounts too, The board colour isn’t the best is it? Does the egg belong to some sort of gull?
I think they pulled the mounts off as they were too thick to put drawing pins in! The board is a little bright for sure, black would have been so much better…..yes…..spot on as usual….a herring gull laid that, it must feel at home!xxx
You and me both Jason ….but remember…there are four formidable ladies to overpower in order to retrieve the artwork….it would take a braver soul than mine to take them on!xxx
That does sound traumatic. That is not how to treat people who are supporting a charitable event. If I were you I would have grabbed all your artwork and ran!