For the first time ever, the three Queens met on the River Mersey, in Liverpool, over the bank holiday weekend.
Queen Mary, Elizabeth and Victoria, all came together in a magical river dance to celebrate 175 years of Cunard shipping, the home of which, began in Liverpool, hence the three ship salute.
Given that over a million people were headed for the docks, hubs and I opted to see the views from our local beach, in Formby. Hundreds had the same idea, and like us, they all brought their dogs along too. I can’t recall ever seeing so many happy, bouncy dogs, they must have felt the same shock and surprise that ours did, being taken to the beach on a Monday morning, NOT the usual routine at all!
Victoria and Elizabeth, heading to the Mersey to meet Mary …..such a strange sight….desert ships for sure!
Waiting in the wings on the Mersey, in the center of this pic is Queen Mary, the largest cruise ship of the three.
I’m sure everyone in the UK has heard about this event, but for those of you who haven’t, have a peep here.
A couple of chicken stories for you.
You never know what you’re going to come across in the rescue, today, it happened to be a batch of chicks.
I asked where they had come from and was surprised by the answer, yet again…..
A school!
A teacher had acquired the fertilized eggs from a farmer and had decided to hatch them for her pupils.
Of course, as they began to grow, they became noisy, messy, and then a problem, so were brought to the rescue. This has happened so many times before. Sadly, the last thing the rescue needs is more cockerels, constantly fighting over females….it takes a few months before the comb appears so the gender is unknown at this point.
I don’t think it’s a good example for children, breeding animals and then dumping them at a rescue….I wonder if they even know where they go?
A rather marvelous chiminea was had….
Now….talking of roosters brings me to a rather squidgy incident that occurred today….
I was brushing the wildlife unit when the vet arrived, almost blown in on the tail-end of a tornado….
“Rooster” she clipped, efficiently, I pointed to the rooster crate…..”Could you get him out and hold him?”
The cockerel had an injury to his eye….due to fighting of course, and he’d been on eye-drops for a week, now it was time for his check- up. The vet, grasping a cotton bud, opened his eye……and went in!
At this point, I must say that I have a thing about eyes, and immediately went weak at the knees….and in the stomach….
Anniversary meal….thirty three years…..gosh….obviously I was a child bride!
I was trying desperately not to look but my gaze remained magnetically drawn to the cockerel’s eye. Then a whole lump of goo flew out, straight into a seed container. Oh…….the smell was hideous and the entire process had me feeling a little dizzy. I must have relaxed my grip on the cockerel as I heard the vet asking me if I was alright…..
My favourite Columbine, I have white, purple, blue, pink and red, doubles and singles….they’re ALL welcome!
“That’s all that’s left of his eye!”
That sentence seemed to come from a great distance, it almost sounded as though it was under water! I felt a vague scratching sensation on my arm, the cockerel’s response to his treatment…..
Somehow, I got the cockerel back into his crate…..
…..while the vet retrieved what was left of the eye from the seed container. Oh!!! OH!!!
While I was struggling to pull myself together, I became aware of the vet staring at my T shirt….then she grabbed it by the hemline, pulled it taut, and stared even more intently….
Like an obedient child, I asked her, rather weakly, what she was doing.
“Chicken fleas!” she barked, as though it was the most natural thing in the world….
And then I saw them, crawling all over my T shirt and arms…nooooooooo…..hate fleas I do!
The box hedging is FINALLY beginning to grow……wonders NEVER cease….
Without another word, the vet lunged into her Mary Poppins’ bag and produced a spray, and covering my eyes lightly with her hand, began to spray me….very thoroughly….I coughed a little lot, I now know how the chickens feel about spraying!
I felt rather wobbly after that, I can tell you, my two pet hates rolled into one, eyes and fleas!
I scratched and clawed at myself while I mucked out the endless hog crates, with images of what was left of the cockerels’ eye haunting me…..shant sleep tonight, hence the late posting….anything to delay going to bed….
I received this utterly charming, home made quilt from a lovely friend. I’m amazed how anyone can make anything SO beautiful….
How true, these days the liners are like floating apartments, I would have liked to sail on them when they were more like ships. It’s lovely to think of you sailing on a ship that was made in Liverpool, they took a long time to get places then I’ve heard!Thanks
An amazing story about the Cunard line. And it reminded me that when I first set out to see the world, I traveled on one of their ships, from continent to continent, twice. This was many years ago, when it took more than a week to cross the ocean. I don’t think there are many, anymore who remember such transportation. Nowadays, ships are though of as a luxury cruise. But you have brought back memories here. And it is always a pleasure to see your hubby starring in one of your posts. Love your stories, Dina.
The ships did look mighty strange, almost as though they were coming out of the sand….interesting for sure!
Gosh almighty…..well said that woman, sums it up beautifully! Eye a popping, fleas a hopping….BRILLIANT!!!
I think I will follow up on policy re raising live animals in schools….marvelous idea!
Wonderful to see the three ships ~ even when they look like they are grounded
Thanks for the link as well.
Gosh almighty! What a horrible experience with the rooster eye popping and the chicken fleas hopping. Never thought I’d ever write that sentence…and geesh, it has rhymes in it.
As far as the chicks hatching in school, I’d call the School District administration to find out what their policy is regarding such an occurrence. Certainly there should be an option set up for when the chicks hatch… makes me curious what happens around here!
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
Sorry – that should have read 33 years – even more impressive. Hope you have a great week this week. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog – much appreciated as I’m just catching up with my blogging with plenty to write about and plenty of news to read too.
Thanks Linda….looking forward to hearing all your tales….always lovely without a flea in sight!xxx
I would happily have come over to see the three Queens since my dear Dad worked for Cunard at one time. However, your photos are very atmospheric and you managed to avoid the crowds. All the dogs must have been happy to get an unexpected walk on the beach! I didn’t know that you could keep animals in school these days. The teacher didn’t think about the consequences of her classroom’experiment’. Did you mean to describe the treatment of the poor cockerel’s eyes at the same time as posting a pic of a pizza plus the flea incident? It’s the way you tell it and all in a day’s work, I guess, It was good to see the garden and the lovely quilt – very calming. Finally, congratulations to you and hubby on the occasion of your 30th wedding anniversary.
What a shame you couldn’t see the queens….but lovely to know that your dad worked for cunard, such a historical shipping line!
Sometimes the crowds can be off-putting and getting in and out of the city becomes impossible for these sort of events, but our views were wonderful, and the dogs got to play out too.
Gosh, until I read the post back I didn’t realize the pizza pic was in such a dreadful place….there’s no hope for me is there???? Glad there were some calming images to counter balance the eye/flea story….I feel obliged to tell those tales here, no-one will listen at home! Thanks
What a wonderful sight those ships are sailing past the beach. Thanks for the photos. The Pianist would have loved to have been there so I showed him your photos.
You were a child bride too? Congratulations on your anniversary.
Oh dear the hazards of your job, definitely not for the squeamish. The exploding eye is an image I could do without. I don’ t know which is worse chicken fleas or being sprayed with flea killing chemicals. Yuck.
Your garden is looking lovely.
It was fascinating seeing the ships, almost coming out of the sand….I hope the pianist enjoyed them.
Oh yes….couldn’t have been younger when hitched….you too??? Barely out of my pram!
Yes…yuk is a great word for the whole fiasco….and the itching afterwards…..oh my! Thanks
Chicken fleas? I have never heard of chicken fleas. How horrible for you! I wouldn’t have slept either! I agree about the teacher being irresponsible. What is she really teaching the children if she dumps the chicks the moment they become difficult.
The ships are an incredible site. I am glad you incorporated people and animals into the shots so we could get a sense of scale. How impressive they look on the horizon.
The quilt is gorgeous. What a clever friend!
P.S. Happy Anniversary. 33 years!
I wish I hadn’t heard of, and SEEN chicken fleas! I have a thing about ALL fleas….gosh the scratching afterwards!!!! I don’t understand the mentality of that teacher either….it is totally irresponsible!
The ships were enormous…it was such an eerie sight to see them almost coming out of the sand…..
Lol….yes, 33 years, you get less for murder!!! Thanks
I don’t think I would have done too well, either, if a chicken’s eye came shooting out of its socket. He’ll be a One Eyed Wonder.
As for raising chickens in the classroom, unless the teacher has a home for them to go to, she really should stop. They aren’t props. I have pet gerbils in my class that live a life of luxury during the school year and are sent home with a good student at the end.
Lol….he certainly is the one-eyed wonder, he seemed fine with the procedure and is back doing what chickens do best, animals are so resilient!
I agree about raising animals with no regard for their future……if only teachers were all like you!!! Thanks
Eyes. Ick. Shudder. Great photos of the ships, though, and your garden looks great.
Ick…shudder…..that’s it in a nutshell!!! Thanks
And I meant to add, Happy Anniversary!
I love your mashups. And I particularly appreciated that you had no hands available to photograph the vet’s little procedure. Instead, we were all treated to the gorgeousness that is your garden in May. Oh, what beauties! Between you and Elaine, I’m going to be pining for columbines.
Congrats to you and Hubs. Thirty three years — all bliss, I’m sure. Many good wishes for many more years together.
And thank you for those amazing ships on the sand photos
I shall have a peek at your link now.
p.s., Ah, now I see the inspiration for quilting. Have you got the Singer down and set up yet?
Glad you enjoy my mashups….another really GROOVY word! I don’t think I would have been able to take that chicken shot even if my hands had of been free, talk about go into a decline!!! Urghhhh…..
Columbines….I think they would grow absolutely anywhere, all mine to date are self seeded from somewhere….
Lol…..not quite all bliss…..but then what is? Sadly, the singer is still in the loft, I don’t think I could produce anything as lovely as that though, it even has little animals sewn into it….sighs….thanks
Oh, my. I just had my second cataract surgery today, and I must say — I think your poor chicken’s procedure was worse than mine! But I’m not going back to read that chapter a second time….
I have a friend, now in Wales but originally from Southhampton, whose husband worked for Cunard for years. He’s been gone for some years now, but he was a perfect delight, and used to tell the most marvelous stories. Honestly, that sort of ship isn’t my cup of tea, but I do have postcards written by a great-aunt who used to travel back and forth to Europe via passenger liner. She thought it was the only way to travel.
Your poppies are exquisite. I’m glad you added them in, to help take the edge off the chicken story!
Lol….I don’t blame you not wanting to read that again, you and me both! I’m glad your surgery went well, I would have to be drugged to have something like that done, one of my worst fears it is!
I don’t think the ships are at all attractive, they are like so many new buildings now…all glass, they’re floating apartments really! I much prefer the older ships that actually look like ships…..
G;ad the poppies eased your pain a little! Thanks
Eeeeek! Well the garden’s looking lovely…
Eeeek indeed!!! Thanks
What a great post. I saw the big event on the Mersey on BBC and immediately thought of you. Love your photographs – there is a very surreal quality to them….which is great.
As for the other story re the eye…..and the flees…….like you I can get very squiddgey about such things…..hmmmmmmm
Also schools should be taught what happens to these the sweet little chicks once all the fun of Easter is over.
Love the other pictures, of Hubs, flowers, garden looks fab….and life in general in your wonderful home.. Janet. xxxx
How lovely that you thought of me, it’s funny with blog friends isn’t it, lot’s of things remind me of you too, especially hummers!
Sorry about the ye and the fleas, it is grim but a gal has to unload somewhere, no-one will hear me out at home! I wonder why???
Yes….schools do need to be responsible, most teachers are, I’m surprised the heads allow chicks to be reared with no future home in mind! Thanks
Thanks for helping with my diet, Dina…probably won’t eat tonight.
Love the look of the gardens: just heavenly. What a great lot of work you’ve done and how marvelous it’s all looking! Love the poppies, columbines and box hedging…what are the lovely little white flowers on long stems? They resemble heucheras…
How cool to see the three great ships: Did you sing, “I Saw Three Ships?” Thank you for all the lovely photos!
Your friend sent you a most beautiful, cheerful quilt! How wonderful!
Joy to your week’s end and, again, thanks for the eyes and fleas imagery. Sure to knock quite a few calories out of my week’s end!
Oooops….sorry about that! I lost my appetite for a while there too….I have to tell these stories here, no-one will entertain them at home!!!!Lol…
The garden is a work in progress…..I’ve so much to do, but I do love it. The flowers are London’s Pride, a marvelous ground covering, evergreen plant, that throws those lovely tall stems up late spring…..very hardy too!
It was freezing on the beach, we’ve had some dismal weather, so no singing I’m afraid…..I did enjoy the ships though, they looked so strange!
Sorry about the fleas…..I shall keep them off my blog for a while!!! Says I until next time….Thanks
Oh nooooo! Putrefying spurting eyeballs and seething fleas! You poor love….!! How very horrid!!
The school sounds very irresponsible in breeding creatures and then passing them on to you guys….huh!
The ships do look surreal ploughing across the vast sands there….. very weird sight!
Box wood is very good for carving but you rarely get big pieces as it is such a slow growing beast….so it does take ages and ages to grow.
Your garden is looking lovely and the blazing chiminea most enticing and enjoyable…… As ever you have lots and lots going on! And congratulations on your wedding anniversary – and yes – you must have been a child-bride obviously
Urghhhh…I know…I don’t wuss out very often but I did on this occasion, I almost fainted……I’m still trying to get the eye image out of my mind…..I was SO sorry for the bird, he did seem much happier afterwards though!
I am always surprised when schools hatch chicks with no thought for their future… expect better.
I didn’t know you could carve box wood, how interesting, I must look into that, but it does take a veritable AGE to grow for sure!!!
Lol…OBVIOUSLY a child bride!! Thanks
Delightful rendezvous for ‘The Three Little Maids’? Super!
Ha! Ha! Enjoyed that Cockerel Chicken Flea Escapade!!!!
Splebdid pictures as always…soeloquent in their own right!
Congrats…..Many More Repeats….. Hugs! xx
Three little maids….I love that! Eyes and fleas were nearly the un-doing of me….seriously wobbly I was! Thanks
Three Ships a sailing by; it was well reported and was obviously a special sight.
I was wondering if you have a set or two of clothes that stay at the rescue.
Your life at the rescue is nothing if not full of variety. You must be ready for another holiday!
Re. the school – is there anyone who could set up an education programme about the do’s and don’ts that includes staff? The chicks are cute, but, as you say, it is not the whole story.
Lovely chimenea pic and the quilt is a delight.
It was rather eerie seeing such huge ships sailing by…a one off for sure!
Now that is an excellent idea re a spare set of clothing….now why haven’t I ever thought of that, every shift finds me messy for one reason or another! We have another long weekend coming up at the end of June, just to get the dogs and Laura used to the routine….after all this holiday cover I’ll be in the moos for a break!
I am giving a great deal of thought to the problem of schools hatching chicks, I think I may write to the local paper….Thanks
Oh I know exactly how you feel – gross! I suppose you have to take the rough with the smooth when you deal with animals – but the fleas OMG – yuk. The three ships made a wonderful sight you were lucky to see them – something that will never be seen again. Congrats on your anniversary – I can’t remember how long we have been married – I’m not very good with dates ha! We never celebrate our anniversaries because neither of us can ever remember – and that’s the truth.
Anything to do with eyes is so urghh….and yes, there are always good and bad days at the rescue, some are just plain shocking though, it took me a while to get over that eye thing!!!
Lol….I’m smiling at you and hubs forgetting your anniversary, to be honest hubs and I nearly do too…usually daughter reminds us! Thanks
We watched the 3 Queens on the TV, hubby’s brother used to work for Cunard, it was a fantastic sight to see them all together.
I felt for you, re the cockerel, how awful. I won’t tell you about both my cataract operations!
Love your poppy photo and what a wonderful friend to give you such a beautiful quilt.
It was good to see them altogether, history in the making for sure! Oh gosh….no…please don’t tell me about cataract operations…..I’ll be found in a dead faint on the floor, hope yours went well though!
It is a beautiful quilt, I’m really thrilled with it! Thanks
An impressive, once-in-a-lifetime, sight but I wouldn’t like to go for a cruise on one.
I shuddered when I read about you and the chicken.
Happy anniversary! xx
I must say that the ships are rather ugly close up, they look like giant floating apartments to me…..I haven’t been on a cruise either….
Sorry for causing you to shudder, I have to put these things on my blog as no-one else will listen to me…thanks
Urghh, I know exactly how you feel as I hate anything to do with eyes too. I think that’s really irresponsible of the school to hatch eggs and have nowhere for the chicks to go, they’re supposed to be educating our children. Happy belated anniversary.
Eyes are so very fragile….I hate messing with them, plus they don’t ‘alf hurt!
It’s surprising how many schools actually hatch chicks and bring them to the rescue…..I am always really amazed, it’s certainly not a good example to set children, animals shouldn’t be seen as so disposable. Thanks
Oh god the chicken scenario sounds horrific! Lovely pics of the boats though, and of the anniversary meal – I want that pizza x
Oooooh….that pizza…..SO delicious! Yes…..I think the chicken incident is best buried forever!xxx
My sister feels the same about eyes and I wear contact lenses.
From the title I thought camels had arrived at the rescue.
I don’t know how you manage to get contact lenses in, I tried them once and l almost blinded myself as I scratched my eyeballs so often…
Hahahaha….camels! None so far, although we do have llamas locally…xxx