Yes, it’s that time of the year that finds us out and about in the parks of Liverpool trying to persuade people to neuter and micro- chip their bull breed dogs, for free of course, as there are far too many of these dogs in rescues across the region, one is being put to sleep every four minutes. We’re also on hand with advice re training and socialisation, some people still check us out without their dogs, just to see if it’s safe to bring them along, most now trust us!
Each year the turn-out is bigger and more and more bull breed dogs are signed up for neutering and micro-chipping! And, strangely enough we’re making more money each year too, with our little stalls and what not….I, of course, was face painting……and was SO busy I didn’t even have time to take a pic of any of my little angels!
This week I FINALLY finished all my potting on and was giving myself a well deserved pat on the back when I spotted a pot of pea plants, on the bottom right of this picture…..sighs…I have absolutely nowhere to plant them!
Every inch of the greenhouse and veggie patch is full to bursting….
Tomatoes are spilling out everywhere!
Each corner is dotted with excess tomatoes and other plants…
they are even here on my herb rack. Can a girl ever have TOO many tomatoes?
On the rescue front, we now have a chaffinch chick, it does a little waggle dance when you feed it….adorable it is!
Chicks have completely taken over now, each shift is twice as long!
Each week I am now releasing hedgehogs. One of these was found by my Sam last year, he actually found six! To think a rescue dog is now regularly rescuing hedgehogs…and given their depleted numbers they sure do need rescuing!
These are a male and female. I had to wade through the undergrowth to find the perfect spot for them, I’m now covered in nettle stings and bramble scratches.
I’m hoping these two get together and produce some of these….
Four young hedgehogs came into wildlife yesterday, they’re only 36 hours old. The nest was disturbed by a dog so mum abandoned it.
These little prickles are ever so soft…..
They need feeding every two hours, day and night…It’s my turn to have them for a few days tomorrow, so I MUST try and get some sleep in!
They take a while to feed as they only lap the goats milk, you have to form a tiny bubble on the top of the syringe! It takes a while to master this technique!
It’s also kitten time at the rescue, they’re all so darned cute!
I’d love to take this one…
And finally….
Hubs and Sam seem to have a new game! Boys will be boys I suppose….
Those hedgehogs are so cute it makes the heart melt to see them. It is too bad that the mother abandoned them after the run in with the dog. You would think a Mum would overlook the intrusion for the sake of her babies. I am glad the rescue was able to step in.
Too many plants- I can so identify with the problem! Love that last picture. Looks like your hubby and Sam are having a great time.
Hog mothers are terribly stessy! They will even eat their offspring is their nest is disturbed, dogs do it too….they kill pups when really distressed.
Oh…I have a real problem were potting- on is concerned, I simply can’t dispose of seedlings…. Thanks
Oh my word, those baby hedgehogs are soooo cute! It’s wonderful that your bulldog program is meeting with great success! And no, a girl cannot have too many tomatoes!
Nice to see you….hoglets are gorgeous aren’t they?
It’s fantastic to see the bull breed awareness going from strength to strength….I’m with you on the tomato front! Thanks
Thanks so much Cheryl, it’s a privilege to be able to work with these animals and birds, I love being able to be so close to them and seeing them released one fine day is the icing on the cake!
What a wonderful person that lady who took the hogs is, they are notoriously hard to raise so what an achievement! I hope your computer gets sorted, it’s a pain when they play up, as I know to my cost!xxx
I do not know where to start…..your life is so full of giving……….
Being a responsible dog owner is so important. You are doing such good work snowbird.
Fledgling chaffinch and tiny hedgehogs are so beautiful.
I found abandoned hedgehogs in my garden once. I phoned an elderly lady, who had worked with them for many years. She took them and kept me updated on their progress. All were released back into the wild. A wonderful job you all do.
Well done with the potting on………….doesn’t it take some time ?
You will have plenty of tomatoes for sure !
My computer will be sent away sometime during the next few weeks.
I have had problems with it………too many really.
I am hoping that when it comes back all will be well
Gorgeous chaffinch, hoglets (?!) and kittens. Good luck with the 2 hourly feeds – it will be like having your own baby again. The feeding method sounds quite an art too. Have a lovely week. xx
Littl’uns are so sweet aren’t they? I have had the babies for five days and nights and am now looking forward to a great sleep tonight! Thanks Veggie
Hi Dina, found you after a while searching. I used to have the View from the Zeppelin and other blogs on then went to Marshland it just wasn’t me, so I’ve reinvented here
It’s wonderful what you are doing. I’ve got it all on with Mandarijn the Swearing Cat. She’s lapsed a bit with her blog, instead she posts on her cooking blog.
I love the photo of your hubby and dog.
Nice to see you Mick….I shall go and check out your new
It took me a while to get to this post, because my life has been just a bit too busy lately… and as I was reading, I kept saying WOW. Again and again, I found a picture I wanted to comment on… such as the wonderful one of the little hedgehog. I’ll say it again, Wow. That really gets to me. I would love to meet that guy or gal personally. But then I loved the kitten pictures too. And most of all, that all time classic of hubs playing with Sam. This was such an encouraging post. It really improved my mood this morning. All the best to you. And how wonderful that you are working to rescue those bull dogs.
A wow from you is praise indeed, two has my heart soaring….I shall preen myself for a long time to come! You would love those little hoglets, holding them while they are feeding is special, feeling their little heartbeats and watching their paddling paws is something that stays with me for a long time!
I usually avoid kittens, far too tempting for me!!! I’m glad you liked the hubs and Sam pic, they do have a good laugh….in their own special ways!! I’m glad I improved your mood. Thanks Shimon, you have improved my mood too!xxx
Lovely post, I enjoyed the read and all your photo’s. The baby hedgehogs and that last great picture of Hubs and Sam was good to see.
All the best Jan
Ahhh, thanks Jan, I so glad you enjoyed it. Hoglets are absolutely adorable!xxx
I’d be a zombie if I had to feed a baby bird every two hours! I hope the little hogs survive. I’ve given up on growing tomatoes. They always end up with some disease and I got tired of the drama. But I hope yours are easy growers, covered with fruit.
I was lucky Casa, I’ve had the hoglets for the last five days, the manager brought them on a little so by the time they came to me it was every three hours and five at night…..still tiring though! It’s good to still have all four alive!
What a shame about your toms, for some reason they grow like weeds here….says I touching wood! xxx
It’s a common problem to sow too many seeds.
Love the baby hoglets – we once had a nest in the plot.
I always seem to sow too many seeds, I find it almost impossible to not pot the lot on….. Hoglets are gorgeous for sure, good to hear you have hogs on the plot! Thanks
The entire extent of my orphaned animal raising was a baby fox squirrel who was tossed from his nest, along with his siblings. They all died, and we thought our little fellow had, too, but in fact, a twitching foot saved his life. My goodness – we didn’t know anything, but we got him to start taking water and then formula. Kitten formula, I think it was. I can’t remember. But I do remember those every-two-hour feedings. You’re a hero!
The garden looks wonderful, but I confess those baby hedgehogs stole the show for me. i’ve never seen them, of course (hadn’t seen a grown one until I came here) so it’s all very exciting and fun.
It’s good to hear about your work with the dogs, too. We have a very active rescue association here that doesn’t do precisely that sort of work, but they are getting more and more cats and dogs adopted: which of course means neutering and chipping.
How lovely that you rescued a baby squirrel, was it released again? Gosh, every two hours is hard going, you’re an angel!I was every three hours and five at night as the manager took them home for the first few nights and brought them on a little…..I must say even that is exhausting!
Hoglets are such cute wee things for sure, so odd looking!
Good to hear you have a good rescue, wonderful that they are getting their animals adopted! Thanks
Another lovely post. You have been busy. I wish I had your energy. Those hedgehog babies are adorable, but every 2 hours throughout the night, now that is heroic. The baby chaffinch is adorable too. Funny how baby animals are all so cute.
I love your header, what an amazing shot.
Thanks Chloris, life has been something of a whirlwind of late!! I was lucky, my shift was every three hours and every five at night, I’ve had them for the last five days and nights and am now worn out….all still alive though. xxx
Brilliant post, Dina! So lovely to catch up with all your exploits, you’re a regular whirlwind of activity! I’m with everyone else on the cuteness of those hedgehoglets. Knowing nothing about nature, I’m amazed that the mum would abandon her babies rather than protecting them when the nest was disturbed. Yet again, a reason to be grateful for the invaluable work you do. Your last photo made me smile – yes, boys will be boys!! xx
Thanks Caro, hedgehogs are adorable aren’t they, now they are getting their wrinkly faces and their paws are developing little claws, they should have their eyes open in a week or so….
Mother hedgehogs are notorious for abandoning their babies if the nest is disturbed, they also eat the very young ones if disturbed or stressed. Lol….boys!xxx
Well done on making more money on your stall.
Your tomatoes look much better than mine.
That chaffinch chick’s expression makes me smile. It’ s good to see the hedgehogs, and the wide-eyed kittens. xx
It’s funny how our crops vary isn’t it, some of your veg and flowers are way ahead of mine, the toms have really shot up now and have their flowers so I’m hoping for a good harvest, if only it would warm up for the outdoor ones…..Thanks
It sounds as if the neutering, microchipping and advice event is going from strength to strength. That will benefit everyone. Those hoglets look so tiny and vulnerable so hope they pull through after a lot of hard work from you and your team. The little chick is very cute and you got a great action shot of Sam and hubby, Finally, I don’t think you can have too many tomatoes, although they do take up a lot of room as they grow. They’re our staple so concentrate on growing them. We’ve had to cut down on many other vegetables since giving up the allotment, but it’s amazing what you can grow in pots.
We are all really pleased with the bull breed progress, word of mouth is taking it from strength to strength! Oh those hoglets are hard work, but really worth it!
I agree about tomatoes, they can be bottled or cooked and frozen, tomato form the basis of so many different meals and home grown are far nicer than bought! Thanks
I can’t believe a whole year has gone by since your last event for bull breeds…amazing and what great work.
I wish I was your neighbour for a thousand reasons, not least of which is I could enjoy some of your excess veggies:)
Oh, the little hogs…and the kittens…I would be taking those all home….
and yes, boys will be boys:)
As always a wonderful post…I do love your blog – Janet. xxxx
Time seems to be going faster each year, it only felt like a few months since we last did it! It’s great to see people getting on board and having their dogs neutered……
We would have SUCH fun if we were neighbours….it is hard resisting kittens….and puppies….
Thanks so much
Oh those baby hedgehogs.. SO cute!!!
I’m in the same predicament with excess veggie plants. We already have a cucumber glut, I’ll be giving the damn things away.
The hoglets are adorable aren’t they, people rarely see them at this age, they are incredibly difficult to rear though so we are all surprised that they have made it this far….fingers crossed!
I think all veggie growers end up with far too many plants! Thanks
I boggle at what is happening in your week. The plants and plantlings are all pregnant with the hope of their development and end products. The young animals are so dependant and so needy. What a vocation you have. Hand rearing those hoglets is extremely careful and demanding of the surrogate mums.
The kittens sre adorable as is your feathered friend. They’re bound to grow up as equally cute and adorable adults.
Well done you!!
Thanks Menhir, it has been a busy old week with one thing and another… always wonderful to see all the healthy plants in their final pots/positions, I always pot on too many seedlings, I hate to compost healthy ones, something I will have to get over one day.
Hand rearing hoglets is hard work, we are all amazed that all four are still alive, I have to maintain that record! All we can do is our best, it would be marvelous if all four made it and were released, fingers and toes crossed!
Oh kittens…..I have a terrible weakness for them and try to avoid them at all costs!xxx
Oh my goodness, what do I comment about first, those baby hedgehogs, the cute kittens or that adorable chaffinch chick? All so cute, I think the rescue would have a few empty cages if I worked there, I’d be sneaking them out underneath my coat. Actually I’d love a kitten but Daniel became allergic after out beloved Jake had to be put to sleep, it’s funny how these allergic reactions just suddenly come on but I don’t think we’ll be able to have another cat now. Well done on the bull breed awareness day, I always look forward to hearing how you’ve done with that. I got my tomatoes planted out last week but there’s still lots of things in the greenhouse waiting to go out, it’s always busy at this time of year.
Lol….I’m with you Jo, I avoid kittens, puppies and baby rabbits like the plague, so very tempting they are!
It’s odd how allergies start isn’t it, I’m allergic to cats and rabbits, if I have no contact with them I suffer terribly, but the more I’m around them the better I am, the only problem I have now is when I get fur in my eye, then I get the most awful jelly eye…
It’s good to see the bull breed awareness going from strength to strength, word of mouth now results in more calls to the rescue…it’s all about education, many owners are happy to neuter after a chat.
Gosh yes, this time of the year is always a little crazy isn’t it….here’s to a great harvest for us all!xxx
How adorable these little heggies!
I wish we had some here around… but I guess isn’t the right place to dwell…
I keep asking myself why humans do breed (and buy) dogs which after are put asleep for several reason. Bull terrier, pit bull or american stafford are lovely dogs… I had met quite a few of them, all very friendly and care-sharing as well with little kids… the problem aren’t the dogs but the owners!!!
Here we have a law which doesn’t allow every body to have this breed of dogs. That’s the first good step…
Next weekend, I HAVE to do it, I’ll go and buy some cherry tomatoes and several other veggie (I know is quite late, but I’m too busy).
Love :-)c
I am a huge fan of hedgehogs, such odd little animals, once they were so common and now they are hardly seen! The babies are adorable! It will be hard work feeding them through the night for sure!
People often get dogs on a whim and soon get bored of them, especially powerful breeds that they can’t control….it’s a real problem, I do feel so sorry for the dogs…..I agree with you, in the right hands these dogs are wonderful, loyal family pets.
There are several banned breeds here, certain people just ignore that and breed them anyway, they are usually status symbols for young men, even worse, most are bred for fighting.
Oh….I do hope you get your veggie plants bought, it’s still early enough! Thanks
Your greenhouse really is ready to burst. Looks like you will have an abundant harvest this year.
Thanks Jason, I certainly get a lot of use from that greenhouse all year round. Most of the veggies are looking good, the carrots have had a slow start, and lots of garlic has died back due to the dry weather, but everything else is on
Oh oh oh! Cute overload! From cute tomato plants to itsy bitsy cute hedge hoglets to cute games with Sam. I’ve been lamenting my procrastination in sending you tomato seeds for The Neverending Tomato in my front garden. But now I see you’ve got quite the overflow, I will save you some for next year! And the answer is “maybe” to the too many tomatoes, but it’s hard to resist when they are as healthy looking as your lot.
And congrats on a successful fundraising event. It’s always encouraging to hear that these are well-attended.
Lol, thanks Anne…..the itsy bitsy hoglets are adorable….that may wane somewhat when my alarm rings every two hours at night….hopefully we can keep them alive between us all!
Please don’t lament anything!!! I never expected seeds….just regular updates of your Neverending tomato plant will do, I think you must have a record breaker there….oh and the irony of it all, planted by birds an all! If I have a glut of toms, I have plenty of people to share with… xxx
Simply LOVE that Header Picture. Super!
You’ll be having Tomatoes…for Breakfast, Dinner and Supper….in some shape, form or recipe for some time…..
That ‘Bull Awareness’ seems an excellent idea. Far too many people do not have the slightest idea about their pets..especially this kind of dog.
Thanks for sharing, D! Hugs!
Thanks Bushka, we were cycling home from the pub at the time….summer sunsets are lovely aren’t they?
Yes….I predict a tomato glut, but I can share them with neighbours and friends!
I agree about bull breed dogs, great dogs in the right hands with the right level of socialisation…
Oh, my goodness, Dina, the baby hedggies took my breath away! I agree about that kitten, too; it just looks too adorable…
I sure love your greenhouse, and am dreaming about tomatoes big time. I over-planted this year, too: we’ll have tomatoes and potatoes to feed the county in autumn. Plenty of other fruit and veggies, too: isn’t it grand?
I’m glad your neutering and micro-chipping gatherings are meeting with such great success: Hooray! Just love you for the work you do and for everything else about you as well. Thanks for another happy, wonderful post! Sam and your sweet husband look quite merry!
The baby hoglets are so cute aren’t they! I never tire of seeing them, we will probably get lots more in before the next few months are out….and as for kittens I try to keep away, the temptation is far too great!
It’s wonderful to think of the harvests to come isn’t it? Tomatoes are great for roasting and turning into sauces, they keep for ever, so I suppose too many isn’t a bad thing! Glad to hear your taters are doing well too!
Ahhhh……thanks for your lovely comment, you are far to kind! What are Sam and hubs like??? Boys having fun!!!xxxxxxx