This week I have been mummy hog to the four hoglets, who I have now named John, Paul, Ringo and Georgina, the Fab Four! Three boys and a girl!
I had them for four days and nights and did feel the pressure. Hedgehogs are now endangered animals, and these are so tiny and young, so it’s a huge responsibility, and given that the manager had the hardest job of actually getting them feeding etc, before me, made it all the more stressful, I simply HAD to keep them alive! But in the dark of the night, each time I got up, my heart was in my mouth….would they still be alive?…….all very nerve racking!
Now, a week before I became mummy hog, I released three pigeons in the back garden. All three of these birds had been hand reared as chicks and given they can all now fly and feed themselves, it was time for them to go….with a little help of course!
All three ended up in the silver birch tree. I watched them for a while, then left them to it, with lots of seed and water on the ground. The first two are older than the third.
The next day, two of the pigeons had moved on, but one remained, the youngest. It was no longer in the back garden, no….now it was wandering around the courtyard where the dogs go out. Hmmmmmmm
I spent two days training it, trying to get it off the ground, it has no problem flying, it just likes pottering around there, and of course it knows me, so refuses to fly anywhere other than straight to me!
First, I put seed on the table, then, when it fed there, I moved the feed to the bird table. But… wouldn’t take the feed there, so I had to sprinkle it on the roof of the bird table, which means it keeps kicking it off….sighs…
Hubs with a hoglet, Georgina, you’d think he was holding glass!
So….with the arrival of the hoglets things suddenly became complicated. In between feeding them I was running out and putting seed on the roof of the bird table. To do this, I would have to check that Special Pige was off the ground so the dogs could go out…..and if I left the dogs in while feeding Special Pige, then I had to move the hogs to another room in case their squealing attracted unwanted attention from the dogs….and of course there is Curly cat and Herbie hog to care for and dogs to walk and run, sometimes, I do feel all animaled out!
Special Pige roosting on the lamp, dogs wanting to go out knowing it’s there…and my brush out…I need to clean up!!!
Special pige has now settled into the courtyard. Each night it roosts on the lamp outside the kitchen door and I feel so attached to it…if only it was afraid of the dogs, but it has no fear of them, at all! Fortunately the dogs are being rather well- behaved! I am hollering at them a lot though….
Night feeds with the hoglets became hard going, I could hardly focus on their tiny mouths as the nights went by, and a bee nest outside the bedroom was making sleeping difficult…the gods seem to be conspiring against me, or testing me!
But we need bees and it’s is great that there are so many nesting in the gardens!
Now, I can be a terrible worrier and I found myself constantly stressing about the hoglets, and Special Pige….
Is the heatpad too hot, will it fry them? If I heat it for a shorter period will they freeze? Are they getting enough milk, too little? Am I feeding them too often, not often enough?
Are the dogs going to maul special Pige? Should I take it back to the rescue? Will it ever learn to feed itself? Is it too tame to survive? Can I get the dogs to accept it and care for it forever?
In the end, my endless chunterings even bored me stiff! I often bore myself! So what on earth do I do to you lot???? Please don’t tell!
I finally got sick of the endless voice in my head, and decided to just go with the flow. The only thing to do is to give everything your best shot, and accept that what will be will be….
And a perfect example of this is relaxing re the new shrubs in the old horrible hedging border! This is the Foxdog, one of Sam’s pals, he and Annie will now chase Foxdog all the way around the railings….and trample the new shrubs…
Let them, says the newly chilled me!
So I quit stressing, you can only stress to a certain point! The hoglets, all Fab Four of them, went back to the rescue yesterday, a little bit bigger and stronger. Special Pige is still in the courtyard, and still in one piece. As I type, it’s roosting on the lamp outside the kitchen door…who knows how anything will pan out, I suppose we just have to live in the present …..and hope for the best.
And Finally…..
Hubs and I are off on a long weekend break at the crack of dawn on Friday.
We have NO idea where we are going, as the dates were booked with Laura some time ago, just so she can get used to house sitting the dogs…..
still in the mode of going with the flow, and, as neither hubs or I have had time to book anything, we are simply going to throw our gear into the boot of the car and just drive, a road trip to……somewhere, and you know what? I rather like that, if push comes to shove we can always sleep in the car!
I now have a house to clean, for a gal has to have the place immaculate when someone is staying….
and I have to leave a note for Laura about Special Pige! Worrying again….
So. I’ll see you all when I get back… good now, and wish all my little guys luck!
You certainly deserved a break after all this animal worry. Perhaps you need some animal- free time now and then.. The little hoglets are so cute but what a nightmare looking after them. But you are right, they really are scarce now, I haven’ t seen one for years.
I hope Pige learns some sense of self preservation. I’ m sure he will.
I have tree bumble bees nesting in my house this year.
It is worrying seeing the decline of the hedgehogs, the speed of it is astonishing so to get four back into the wild would be wonderful. All four are still alive and Special Pige is now growing up and flying all over the place, only coming for two feed a day so all in all, a wonderful result!
I hadn’t heard of tree bumblebees until I posted this, we had them last year too….gosh, they sure are noisy aren’t they? Thanks
I can’t tell you how much a blog post like this means to me, filled with good news and the love you have for all living things around you. Even though you might feel animaled out now and then, I feel refreshed and encouraged by your staying power and strength in dealing with the problems of the animals around you. Thank you so much.
Ahhh, thanks so much Shimon, I don’t really get animaled out though, sometimes I just get tired. I’m so glad the post had you feeling positive, it’s always good to get animals and birds back to the wild and to date all four hoglets are doing well and Special Pige is growing up and exploring and now only coming twice a day for a feed. It’s always such a thrill to see an animal back in the wild, free as the day it was born, especially birds!xxx
Enjoy your much needed break!
Thanks Linda…a short break always works
I’ve had to have a nap after reading this through ~ I’m thoroughly exhausted just even thinking about what you accomplish and deal with!! You are amazing! I hope you have a wonderful break and are able to just go with the flow….
Lol….I’ve found myself napping regularly since the hogs went back to the rescue! It’s well worth it and knowing the hoglets are all alive is wonderful, and Special Pige is doing great too! Thanks SO much
Lovely to read …
Have a great and safe trip.
All the best Jan
Those little hedgehogs make me go, “awhh!!”
What a time of it you have had. And having a bees’ nest to top it all off. My word. What did you do to deserve such a testing time ?
As someone else said, your break has come at a good time. Have a lovely time and come back refreshed. Xxx
The hoglets are gorgeous aren’t they? Funny looking little things though!
Lol….sometimes events conspire against us for sure….still, all is well as all four hoglets are still with us and Special Pige is growing up and now exploring and only coming to feed twice a day. Thanks
I’m a worrier too. I wish I wasn’t. But I do know exactly how you feel. It takes a lot of willpower to let it go so good luck. A holiday is just the ticket and what better way than get in the car and see where you end up. Hope it was fun!
I think some people are born worriers, I’m much better than I used to be but sometimes I go into total anx mode! Yes, we do have to let go sometimes. Thanks
One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was, “Do what you can, not what you can’t.” You can’t control where a pigeon roosts, unless you cage it, and of course you don’t want to do that. You can’t control whether all of the little hoglets will survive — there may be one that just isn’t up to it. You probably have the most control over the dogs, but even dogs can take a notion to do this or that, and we’re helpless to stop them.
I think your get-away was perfectly timed. I hope you’re having a wonderful time, and that all is perfectly well when you get back.
How true…’s always good to let go and accept that everything cannot be ordered and controlled. Thankfully all four hoglets and Special Pige are still alive, SP is becoming more mature by the day and is now off exploring and only coming to the courtyard twice a day for a feed. Thanks
Oh my! I am dazed just reading about what you have been doing. I am reminded of hand-rearing a kitten that needed night and day feeds, and a human baby, the same. Could I do all that now and the other animal and domestic stuff you speak of…I doubt it! Hats off to you and hubby!!
You deserve your time away. Enjoy! xxx
Gosh, a baby and a kitten??? Respect, I raise my hat to you! Sometimes I think I’m getting too old for the night shift! Thanks
Blimey Snowbird – what an exhausting life! I can quite see why you worry over them all – that’s why you have them, because you love them so much. Hopefully Special Pige will eventually get the message …
your pots look wonderful!
Hope you have a lovely and VERY CHILLED time away – you need it. Hugs xx
Thanks Gilly, SP is growing up by the day and is now exploring it’s new environment and only coming to the courtyard for two feeds a day which is a wonderful result. xxx
You are incredible! I love the idea of just getting in the car and driving somewhere. You really need a break.
That pigeon’s too smart to fly away from such good care. I wouldn’t leave, either.
Ahhhh, thanks Casa, it’s rather liberating not making plans and just going where the wind blows. Lol…..I think the Pige will be feeding here for life!xxx
Hopefully, there will be no fretting for the whole week-end….
Welcome Break after all the ‘animation’ from birds and bees….hogs and hounds….and what have you….Ha! Ha!
Have a Super Time! Hugs! xxx
Thanks Bushka, a break is always a good tonic, a change is as good as a rest!xxx
I’m sure that your best shot is fantastic care,. Have a good break
Ahhh, thanks
You’re doing a wonderful job, I’m sure we can all empathise with your concerns over the wellbeing of all your charges. Wishing you a wonderful weekend break, hope you end up somewhere glorious! Looking forward to hearing all about it on your return! C x
Thanks Caro, all critters are doing well so it’s all worth it. It can be worrying looking after tiny babies, but they are ever so cute! xxx
Your little hoglets are so cute, but you must be so tired feeding them so often. You deserve a break, hope you have a wonderful time. I’m sure your special pigeon will be fine as long as he has his food. Will look forward to hearing where you ended up for your mini break!
They are adorable, strange, but adorable! Everyone is worn out with the night shift but it’s well worth it as all four are still alive. Special Pige is doing well too, he’s growing up fast and exploring his environment which is great news. Thanks
Love the names for the hoglets. Why are they endangered – is it habitat loss? Going with the flow is by all means the wisest course. You can’t feel responsible for things that are beyond your control.
There are many reasons for their decline, loss of habitat, over tidy gardens, climate change, increased road traffic, and poisoning by slug pellets etc. We had 60 million ten years ago, now we’re down to a million, it’s becoming desperate. Yes, I have to accept what I cannot change, thanks
Goodness, you’ve got me stressing for the hoglets and SP and Laura and the dogs and you on your unknown-destination-vacation! But I’ve taken a deep breath and hope that you will have a fab fab fab time away with plenty of relaxation thrown in. And it sounds like a short change/time away is well timed. HUGS!
Lol…..thanks Anne. Hoglets and SP all doing well, everyone who has had them has been worn out, but they all live so it’s well worth it! xxx
Sounds like quite a few hard days’ nights with the winged and 4-footed, but they’ll surely get by with a little help from a friend like you, Dina. Glad you gave in to the invitation to let it be and are now heading across the universe, or at least across the country side, on a magical mystery tour down those long and winding roads, with your love…after all, all we need is love, right? And when you get back from your day tripping, I hope you’ll be able to say, “Whatever happens, we can work it out, because everything keeps getting better all the time. ”
Love your photos and tales, and hey, those gardens are looking amazing! Yay, bees, yay, you!
It was a rather worrying time, but it’s good to know that all four hoglets are still alive as is Special Pige who is growing up nicely and has now taken to exploring it’s environment rather than hanging around the courtyard all day, now it only comes for a morning and evening feed and waits patiently for me to feed it.
Yes, love is all we need for sure and a trip away is a great tonic! Yes, everything can be worked out….still going with the flow and turning off the worry voice!!!
Thanks so much Kitty….you always know exactly what to say!xxx
Hectic there as usual I see, but isn’t it all worth it when you see all those birds and animals released once again in the wild. I’ve got bees nesting too, have a look on my other blog, there’s a link on the post to an article on Tree bumblebees, which is what I think you may have. They buzz around the nest like yours (and mine) are doing waiting to mate with virgin queens. Have a wonderful weekend break, wherever you end up, you deserve it.
Oh, it’s certainly worth it Jo, seeing animals released back into the wild is the best feeling!
I had a look at your blog, yes these are tree bumblebees too, they have a strange eye marking on their backs, I’d never heard of them before so thanks for letting meknow! Thanks
As always a most enjoyable, and interesting, post with wonderful pictures.
All you can do is what you do and stressing about it won’t help as I’m sure you realise.
Enjoy your long weekend away. xx
Thanks Flighty, worrying is a waste of good energy isn’t it, yes, we do need to turn that voice off!xxx
Have a great weekend. You and the Hubs deserve a nice quiet weekend after all the late night feedings and worrying about the pigeons. As you say let it be. All will take care of itself.
Thanks Lisa, a break is a cure for all ills for sure. Yes, there is no point in worrying!xxx
Good morning snowbird
I love your stories……will never be tired of hearing them.
It must be exhausting night feeding hoglets……….but such a worthwhile job.
I think you may end up with a pet pigeon
Have a wonderful trip………….my husband and I have often thrown everything in the back of the car and hit the road. They have turned out to be our best holidays.
Have fun and relax……get your batteries re-charged.
Safe travelling.
Thanks Cheryl, I’m glad you enjoy my stories. It is tiring when night feeding but as you say a most worthwhile job, all four hoglets are still alive and still needing night feeds. I think you may be right re Special Pige. xxx