How can time possibly go by so quickly? These last few weeks have passed in a total blur!
There have been catch ups with friends, trustee business, which is all new to me, so lots to learn! I am to be the green arm of the rescue, so environmental and conservation issues shall be keeping me busy! I may be picking brains!
There was also a weekend away, as hubs and I rented a little cottage so we could attend our old friends daughters’ 21st….right in the heart of Shropshire.
Daughter stayed home with Buddy, while we took our two….not only did they have a garden, they had a run too, and the cottage itself was absolutely perfect, you should have seen the stars each night, utterly breathtaking!
Now you see her…..
now you don’t….only the flash of her white tipped tail. Annie just loved prancing about in those fields.
Wildlife remains CRAZILY busy, the call of the wild is deafening!
This sparrow hawk chick was brought in recently, it was attacked by herring gulls, obviously defending their chicks. It’s made a complete recovery and is in an aviary, shortly to be released…we’ve had to keep an eye on those talons and beak while feeding it!
Shelduck chicks.
Not a bird we usually get to see, they’re often kept as pets, but given these were found in the wild, that’s where they shall be released.
We’ve also had a run on house martin chicks, all are happily thriving. This little lot simply REFUSE to feed themselves!!! Some chicks take forever to catch on!
I seem to have a bit of a meadow forming around the ancient potato digger, Hubs mowing. I rather like it!
The lavatera has been rather lovely this year, perennial and seed grown, this is the perennial. It’s so pretty, and looks lovely swaying in the breeze. I had forgotten how much I liked it.
I’m really pleased that the clematis and honeysuckle have finally started growing up the old stump in the courtyard, and funnily enough, the self seeded nasturtium…the soil beneath it is awful. I’m hoping to see that stump completely covered next year….
and talking of clematis, I really wanted one growing around the kitchen door….and this one has obliged beautifully, I only planted it in the spring!
The back lawn is being wrecked again….there is no hope for it! I am exploring other options….
and L’il dog, aka Buddy…..note his black, back leg…..he gravitates to the ponds each day, and enjoys paddling in their depths…. and comes out reeking! REEKING!!!
You should see the state of the shower…and… still he stinks!
And finally….
I came across this unusual sight yesterday, it looks to me like a queen bumble bee, with two bumbles trying to mate with her at the same time…I saw a similar sight last year, I watched this scene for about thirty minutes, then they all separated and flew off.
Fascinating stuff!
Dogs racing around is always music to my eyes! I do need to stop worrying about the lawn, one day I’ll have one, and then the beasties will be old….I don’t want to wish their lives away…so getting over myself! Lol….
Struth…being a trustee is busier and a little more complicated than I thought it would be…..but hey…onwards and upwards eh? Thanks Arose!xxx
Fabulous photos of the fields and everything and so lovely seeing the dogs playing and racing around – they are such wonderful characters!
The saga of the lawn though – poor you…. I remember you laying turf and all sorts! I wish I could think of a perfect solution… they really tear about don’t they! You are very patient though….
All sounds very grown up being a Trustee and so on and how right up your street the being the green arm etc – wonderful…xxx
Glad you enjoyed your break – the dogs look as though they certainly did too! Your garden is looking lovely and I love the photo of those adorable house martin chicks. Have a fun weekend. xx
We all had such a lovely time, we didn’t expect the location to be so beautiful so that was an unexpected bonus. House martin chicks are such fascinating birds….thanks Veggie
It is true the months go by all too quickly – but then we are all busy bees!
Great photo’s and I especially love the lavatera, it has always been a favourite of mine, just sheer delight and so pretty the pink.
Have a happy August
All the best Jan
Life sure does speed by Jan…..lovely to know you enjoy lavatera too, it’s such an old cottage garden plant! Happy August to you too…xxx
I don’t know about England, but here, August is the month when it’s hottest,and the summer is at its most intense. I too was thinking, how did it happen that we’re already here. It does seem that time is moving too fast, and just yesterday the summer was starting. I got a kick out of the pictures of your dogs having fun. Fortunately, Buddy’s getting himself filthy doesn’t really come across that convincingly, over the internet. But you do seem to have a lot on your plate… and a lot of responsibility too. Wishing you the very best of summer, with clean, clear days, and lots of sun. xxx
I’m hoping we have a hot August, we haven’t really had much of a summer so far. Yes….time is flying by so quickly…..unbelievably so.
Glad you enjoyed the dogs, they always cheer me up, dogs know how to enjoy life, they make the most of every moment….
I’m SO glad that Buddy’s scent didn’t come across well….you really don’t need that! ‘Orrible it is! Thanks
The problem of time elapsing quickly (and every year is even worst) is connected with our aging.
But reading all what you have being able to arrange and do… is a demonstration of great energy and determination.
It’s beautiful your definition of being “the green arm of the rescue” (as matter of environmental issues, which my husband and I are very concerned too).
I see that the ears of wheat are golden
The gulls are becoming very aggressive (I do remember the two doves freed from Pope Francis killed in St.Peter square) possibly not only when they have chicks to defend…
Are these swallows? the on refusing to feed themselves which you call…
Yes fascinating Nature and strange bumbles guess this is the need to ensure life to the species (and maybe this way the bumbles to not have to fight for the queen)!
Have a lovely evening, dearest Dina! :-)c
How true about time, it does seem to fly by, more quickly each year for sure…
The birds are house martins, very similar to swifts and swallows…
Funnily enough, herring gull numbers here are down by 50%, but other gulls are on the increase, many are being driven into cities, as waste is everywhere and fish stocks in the sea are reduced…
I am happy to deal with environmental issues for the rescue and shall be picking your brains if that is ok? Thanks
I love that golden field by your rented cottage. I might prance about it myself if my knees were in better shape! Also love that clematis blooming over the doorway!
Hahaha….you and me both re prancing about in those fields! I am most impressed with that clematis, especially the amount of flowers it has! Thanks
Loved seeing the photos of dogs playing and exploring at different times and places. They look as if they’re having a great time. Shropshire countyside looks beautiful and nice you could enjoy time with friends. Your garden is looking good. I like the grass growing around the old potato digger. I hope our clematis climbing up our fig tree does as well as yours which has done really well in a year! I was interested to see the sparrow hawk chick and the ducks. I know you must be busy at the rescue, but it’s good to know you’ll be involved with environmental aspects and I imagine that includes wild life that comes into the rescue and aftercare. All the best and have a good rest of the week!
Dogs certainly know how to have fun don’t they? Shropshire turned out to be wonderful! We hadn’t really checked the cottage out before booking it, so had a pleasant surprise when we found ourselves in such a lovely area!
You have the perfect climate for clematis so hopefully yours will fly up the fig tree!
It was interesting to see the sparrow hawk chick close up, such a beautiful bird, it’s now released, such a fantastic outcome!
It is lovely to think I can focus on greener issues, that include wildlife, and their habitat. Thanks
Lovely post Dina. Your life is so full. Lovely to catch up. Shropshire is beautiful, lucky you to have a weekend there.
Those dogs of yours are so full of energy, and now you’ ve got the little one and he is a pond wader! I’ ve had one of those. My Pip was a pond wader when he wasn’ t rolling in duck and goose poo. Those sort of delicate aromas don’ t wash off.
Your house martins need to get a move on to be ready to fly . I’ m always surprised how early they start congregating on telegraph lines.
Now tell me why have you dressed your tree stump with ribbons?
Thanks Chloris….we just booked a cottage that took dogs and were happily surprised to find ourselves in such a stunning spot!
Sighs…..pond waders……so GLAD you get that!!! Your Pip sounds JUST like Buddy……and how true…..those aromas linger, no matter WHAT!!!
I’ve noticed the house martins lining up too…..hopefully ours will set off on the second migration…fingers crossed!
When our three old dogs died, one after another, hubs insisted we spend six weeks travelling before getting another dog….we were in Thailand for three days on route to Oz and came across many ancient Banyan trees in shrines covered in ribbons.
Then we had to have that Leylandii down, and, as all the birds roosted there I kept the stump high for feeders etc, then decided to add ribbons. Friends then started to add theirs too, every time they
Love your ‘Now you see her… ” photos – what a wonderful space for the dogs to run and play! Well spotted on the bumblebee front too – nice to see bees enjoying your garden in every respect! Have a brilliant week, Dina! x
Those fields are just perfect for Annie, I could watch her leaping about in them all day, and how she loves them! Bees are such fascinating wee critters for sure……hope you had a brilliant week too! Thanks
potato digger,clematis holiday
So glad you had a wonderful weekend in Shropshire, it is such a lovely county. I really like your potato digger, such an unusual garden ornament! Isn’t your clematis doing well, in just a year it has put out amazing growth with beautiful flowers.
Your photos of the wildlife are always so interesting, they are lucky to have you looking after them!
Shropshire is lovely isn’t it, we just booked a cottage to stay in that took dogs so we could attend the party, the countryside was such a huge bonus!
I love the old digger, it was bought at an auction several years ago , it was a nightmare getting it home, it weighs half a ton!
I am really impressed with the clematis, it does look pretty overhanging the kitchen door….
It’s a real pleasure caring for wildlife, and a joy to see them returned…
That looks like a lovely place that you stayed in no wonder you enjoyed it. Life seems to be busy for you right now what with all your obligations. Love the pictures of the creatures in your sanctuary – it must be a privilege to take care of so many creatures and restore them to the wild. The garden is looking lovely too all your hard work coming to fruition.
It really was a gorgeous place to stay, we had such beautiful views and hardly saw a soul….
It’s always a real privilege to take care of our wildlife, and seeing them return to the wild is something I shall never tire off. The sparrow hawk chic is now back where it belongs….thanks
Roomie and I just enjoyed admiring the energy of those dogs tearing around having a grand time! We’re only sorry it’s at the cost of your lawn, though
As for your clem… I’m so very impressed! It’s so obedient — you want it draping over a door, it complies! RESPECT! (to quote a good friend of mine) Mine is still debating between life and death. How lush things are looking with that gorgeous lavatera and something prolific and yellow in the background. So glad you and the dogs had a lovely time away.
We are still praying for Teresa and hope she is coping well.
Y’know what? I’ve decided not to worry about that lawn any more…..well, not today anyway! I may change my mind tomorrow when I see huge clumps being shorn off! So glad you and Roomie enjoyed watching the beasties running, I do love to see them having fun too….
Hahahahaha….loving the RESPECT comment re the clem! It has been awfully obliging, I must say…..but many a plant that you grow dies and withers here…
Thank you for your prayers, I do appreciate
Honestly, by the time I finish looking at your garden, admiring the dogs, cooing over the babies and generally being impressed with your flowers — I’m exhausted! It looks to me like everything flora and fauna has decided to go into overdrive, and you’re the one trying to keep up!
I’m glad you had a good time away, and I certain enjoyed those photos of the dogs in the fields. It reminded me of Sting’s “Fields of Gold” — one of my favorite songs.
I’m laughing! How very true, I spend my entire life trying to keep up and am always behind….
Ah yes….Fields of Gold, one of my favourites too. Thanks
Just love your dogs. They make me smile with their antics. I like how you manage to capture their personalities. Garden is looking good despite the help from the dogs. Glad to see the birds receiving your usual tlc. Busy lady indeed. Currently up in your neck of the woods….exploring the Lancashire coast, staying in Morecambe Bay. There are some really lovely places to visit.
Thanks Karen, I must say those beasties do have me smiling too, lovely that you can see their unique personalities! They sure are different, but they all have a love of running in common….
My sis lives right on the prom in Morecambe Bay, when the tide goes out there is a safe route to walk all the way across……with a qualified guide of course…I just love the blue mountains there too….next time you’re up here let me know, it would be lovely to meet up!xxx
The corn is much further on than in our area.
We noticed that while we had a garden of overgrown meadow flowers while hubby was trying to avoid mowing the multitude of flowering wild orchids, there was little grass growth. That will be a problem for the farmers who rely on grass to produce winter feed for their animals.
You’ve plenty of feathered life keeping you busy, let alone committee work with special responsibilities. Perhaps winter will give you a chance to catch up.
Your dogs really are very energetic. The bee activity is truly fascinating. xx
Your seasons have been weeks behind ours from the start. I would like to see some pics of your meadow, especially of the orchids…interesting about the lack of grass, I wonder why?
Winter is always a good time to catch up! Thanks
Wow….and yes where is the time going…here we are in August…how on earth did that happen??????
As always wonderful post….the gardens look better and better and have all of my favourite flowers including the Lavatera which is one of my favourites. Also the clematis growing over the door..could never get enough of it.
Dogs look healthy and oh so happy….as do all the other little critters…and a stay in Shropshire sounds lovely.
Keep up all the good work….and the bee item is positively mind boggling.
Thank you and continue to enjoy a wonderful summer…Janet. xxxx
Each year seems to go by even faster somehow….sighs…Lavatera is such a lovely plant, I’m pleased I grew it from seed this year. I could watch the bees all day long….thanks Janet, hoping you get to enjoy a marvelous summer
Such a fullness-of-things, Dina! Happy to see all the chicks so well cared for and preparing to take flight once again, and what a lovely setting your friends enjoy in Shropshire!
I hope you can find time with all your good works to relax in that beautiful world of bees and blooms that you’ve created, too: breathtaking and gorgeous…and it wouldn’t delight half as much without those peppy pups running and chasing! Just love those photos…
Blessings to your new week and all your pleasures: gentle peace and sweet comforts as well…sending love.
Shropshire was lovely, and a wonderful place for the dogs as well as a party!
How true…..I could have a beautiful lawn. but how sterile it would be without the dogs bouncing about and running on it….
So many birds and hogs have been released this week, including the sparrow hawk chick which was released on site, we are hoping it doesn’t hang around as we have lots of rescue pigeons on site….thanks Kitty, I hope you have a lovely week too….sending love right back!!xxx
Your garden is lovely…Such delightful, cheering pictures! Glad you were able to have a week-end away. Hope you got some rest.
Yes, I’ve had the privilege of watching the ‘mating’ of bumbles as well….Quite fascinating.
Enjoy your week…..Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka, how lovely to know that you have observed the bumbles mating too! It certainly is
A most enjoyable post and lovely pictures. Good to see that you had an enjoyable weekend away. xx
Thanks Flighty, it was a lovely setting for a weekend
It seems you have been busy. What a delight for your dogs to get to romp in such open spaces. Maybe you should not worry about lawn as long as your dogs are so young and energetic. When they get older it will grow. I think the stump covered with odd wraps and bobs has a story? Perhaps I missed that story since I just started reading your blog. Seeing it makes me curious. We are in a droughty spell here. All I am doing in the garden is watering. My DB didn’t have to mow this week because the grass is going dormant. Your tiny meadow is cute. Maybe that is what you should do for your entire lawn. Let it be.
I have accepted that I’ll probably never have a lawn Lisa….my two are nearly four now, and are as active as they were when puppies….I don’t really let it bother me too much, as you say, one day it will grow!
While travelling for six weeks, after all our old dogs died, before we got these two, we were in Thailand for a few days, and everywhere I looked I saw banyan trees dressed with ribbons in shrines…they looked so pretty….so when we had to cut that old tree down, I left a high stump for the birds to feed on and then began to add ribbons. Suddenly, every friend who came to visit began to add one too…
Hoping you get some rain soon!xxx
I like the little meadow too – it just needs a couple of cornflowers and poppies. The image of you as a green arm made me smile – what colour is the other arm?
Yes…a couple of poppies and cornflowers would work a treat…I shall try that next year!
The other arm….struth….probably green too! Lol….xxx
You and I have the same blue pot! Your grass is a wreck because your dogs are so well loved they know they can run and play and not get in trouble. They are happy, free souls. One of my dogs very kindly avoids pooping on my grass by crapping in the garden instead. I actually think she thinks she’s doing me a favor. She just looks so proud of herself. Thank God she’s not human.
How lovely that we share the same pot!
I would love to have a lawn, but it’s so much more fun to see dogs running and doing what dogs should be doing….
I’m laughing here at your dogs antics…..sighs…..thanks