It would seem that summer is slowly departing and autumn is sneaking in. Today, I saw Christmas cards on sale in a charity shop. I shuddered, averted my eyes and promptly left the shop!
Hubs and I have finally managed to paint and stock the new woodshed we had built, you wouldn’t believe how many large logs it actually holds, I’m hoping it proves to be a good spot for moths and butterflies to over-winter in.
As we were moving the logs I came across this nest, with one cold egg still in it. What a strange place to build a nest, in the middle of a log pile, still, mine is not to wonder why….
On the rescue front, things are even busier if anything; never have we had so many hoglets and chicks in.
This is a goldfinch chick, two were brought in separately, and neither were sporting a single feather, so it’s good to see how they have come on. It’s hard to get a good pic of them though as they flap their wings frenziedly, while endlessly calling for food.
All the house martin chicks are now self-feeding and are hardening off in an aviary, just in time, as the summer visitors are now preparing to depart for sunnier climes.
The release aviaries are situated in what we call, “The Graveyard”. This is our beautiful wildlife garden which is teeming with wild flowers and pollinator friendly shrubs, and a lovely lady comes each day to tend to it. All the long-term dogs and cats that have died on site are buried here, and each grave is marked with a little plaque. It’s a sad, yet beautiful part of the rescue, seldom seen by the public. I shall write a post about it one of these days!
Wild birds of every description abound here and bird feeders are everywhere, as this is where most of our garden and migratory birds are released. Wood pigeons, feral pigeons, collared doves, and doves are all released by me/others, as there is a field nearby that the hunter/shooters use, and they target the bigger birds, especially those they consider to be vermin….I know who I consider to be vermin…and it sure aint the birds!! No sir!
It’s horrible listening to those guns, a stone’s throw away, and often casualties of their shooting are found close to the rescue and are brought in, half-dead, then patched up by us… is awful to see a pheasant full of buckshot, yet somehow clinging desperately to life.
I’ve had little time to even look at the garden recently, so did a grand walkabout today. I was rather surprised to see the pyracantha covered in berries and completely covering Curly cat’s feeding quarters, that was tiny in spring!
I noticed LOTS of berries, another sure sign of autumn, but what the heck happened to summer? I haven’t had the BBQ out yet….sighs…and as I type, the mother of all thunderstorms is kicking off……rather marvelous though…!
Honeysuckle berrying up.
Abe Lincoln has a second flush of roses appearing, I just love the scent of this gorgeous rose.
For some strange reason the courtyard is looking erm….extremely purple! Last year it was OTT orange!
A few days ago, I had the three dogs running in the back, when a couple stopped with their dog to meet and greet and have a chat. To my horror, Buddy simply oozed through the railings in one fluid movement! Fortunately the couple managed to scruff him and I eventually got him back in, not in one fluid movement though! Oh no, it doesn’t work like that does it???
There was squishing involved, and squeezing, wriggling, wiggling, pushing and pulling, until we all gave up and he was somehow hoisted over the top of the railings.
So…hubs and I then had to weave chicken wire throughout the railings….NOT easy with all the shrubs there. I currently look like I have been self-harming….AGAIN!
I’ve recently had to cut all the shrubs protruding from the railings back, due to the annual death threats from the council….
And finally…
There was a slight fracas today. I bought a new dog toy and a three way game began.
Sam bit Buddy, due to the excitement of it all, and Buddy responded by chomping savagely on his jowls.
Naughty boys!
Blood was spilt, although no serious injuries were sustained. So the boys were promptly sent to their respective naughty corners, to reflect upon the error of their ways while Annie was rewarded for her restraint by having sole custody of the new fuffy present, as we like to call them here!
We certainly haven’t had a summer this year, I love autumn too but like you don’t have that mentality quite yet. The rescue garden is the most peaceful place on earth, full of released birds darting around the feeders and lovely wildlife friendly plants everywhere! Thanks
I belated read of your blog post. Yes autumn has arrived before summer this year. Must admit I quite like autumn but not really ready for it yet.The garden at your rescue sounds like a lovely place. I love the photo at the end of the dogs!! Crazy!
Reading this post was interesting too… if even because I came to it late. Forgive me, Dina, for I sometimes wait with your posts for a quiet moment… and there has been so much tumult recently, that it worked out such, that I’m reading more than one this time, in the middle of the night… as we approach morning. It was good that you came to a close here with the excitement over the toy dog. From my experience, the way animals relate to toys is very childlike and free. It is as if they realize that they aren’t real creatures, and they can play out their fantasies. I wonder if it wouldn’t be interesting to place a few mirrors around, so they could gaze at their reflections. I’m sure it would give some of them pause… and an excuse for deep contemplation.
I do love the fact you read my posts in the middle of the night….I hope that’s because you prefer to rather than my posts being so busy and lengthy….and need a little peace and quiet to read them…
I totally agree about dogs and toys, Sam and Annie captured a chick once, they mithered it and sadly it died, they were puppies at the time, but they didn’t bite it, that has been the only casualty in four years! My two don’t have the killer instinct, I’m hoping Buddy doesn’t either! Thanks Shimon, I always love hearing from
The agapanthus is Queen mum, it is gorgeous! Daughter bought me it for Mother’s day and I’m hoping it has many more blooms next year. The Graveyard is a lovely place to think, and bird watch, and how true re the joys and sadness being ceaseless, how beautifully put! Thanks
That white-with-a-hint-of-blue agapanthus in your header, the flowers in your courtyard, lovely rose, the berries and the well-filled log shed do give hints of the changing season. The rescue centre work with its joys and sadness must be ceaseless whatever time of year. It’s touching to know about The Graveyard. Once more I had to smile at the pic of the doggie threesome having a scrap over a toy. Hope you have a good week Dina.
I love the picture of the three dogs playing tug ‘o war. My sister’s Border is nearly as strong as me when it comes to battle over a sausage made of old socks.
Thanks Mick. Our collie is a powerful pulling machine too, they are strong dogs for sure!xxx
Wow! Love that woodshed, it’s a corker! Now if only I lived a bit nearer – I could do with some small logs for the bee houses that I’m building. :o) Your rescue wildlife garden is beautiful and, I imagine, a lovely contemplative place to linger. I really can’t fathom why people are allowed to shoot, it seems to me like a throwback to bad old days when it was the done thing to shoot tigers, lions and elephants for sport. Hideous! Horrid, bad people! So funny about Buddy escaping but lucky that there were people on the other side to turn him in! Wishing you a lovely week and good (if wet) bank holiday Monday. Caro xx
PS. Summer may have flashed by but autumn will bring its own delights I’m sure. (I’m thinking sloe gin and rosehip cordial … ;o) )
Lol….I have to agree, the log shed certainly is a corker! I’m rather intrigued re your bee houses! The Graveyard is a lovely place to sit, teeming with birds and memories of those who never did find that forever home. Hearing the guns going off is sickening, how two opposing forces can share the same area is baffling…us and the shooters. I don’t get it either, why go killing for entertainment….sadly, people are still shooting lions and elephants and other huge animals, it’s disgusting!
Phew, yes, glad people were on hand to rescue Buddy….autumn is always a fab season, I’m just peeved that we didn’t get a summer. Thanks
I’ve just discovered your fascinating blog. That is the loveliest graveyard I have ever seen. I like the log stack too – very stylish. Our logs are so haphazardly stored they niggle me every time I see them…. your log stack has prompted me to actually go and sort them out. Well done!
Thanks for visiting Sarah. We have had a mish-mashed pile of logs for years, so it’s lovely to have the new log
Birds will build nests in surprising places. Every year Robins build a nest in the hanging planter over the cash register in a local plant nursery.
A robin built a nest in a plantpot in my local nursery, as you say, birds do pick odd places, my BBQ is a favourite spot. Thanks
**sniff sniff** Signs of autumn?! Not here, I’m afraid. The berries are very pretty, though, and I’m sure they are appropriately appreciated by your feathered friends. I can already imagine all the lovely fires you’re going to enjoy with such a tidy stash of logs.
That two-tone agapanthus at the top is pretty breath-taking, Dina. So regal and exuberant at the same time. Your beautiful yellow rose reminds me of David Austin’s Graham Thomas or perhaps Charlotte which I grew for a brief time — she was gorgeous, but pined in her too-shade locale.
Love the burst of purple in your garden. My purple oxalis revived after the mid-July rain and looks like it will survive. Love the idea of the memorial garden where animals rest after their worldly sojourn. It looks very peaceful and unruffled by all the hubbub of the rescue’s frantic activity.
The problem with scolding naughty dogs is that it’s too much like scolding naughty cats — to no avail! Glad Annie has revealed herself to be above the fray
You have certainly had a scorching summer! I’m always amazed how your garden copes, everything wilts here if we don’t have rain for a few days…
That agapanthus is called Queen mum, daughter bought me it for mother’s day and it’s the nicest one I’ve ever seen, I’m hoping for many more blooms next year.
I got all befuddled re the rose, [again!] it is Charles Darwin, it is lovely but the flowers droop and the roses don’t last very long.
The graveyard is such a calming place full of released birds and visitors, I love wandering around there.
Lol….spot on re naughty dogs! Thanks
Ah, yes. Charles Darwin! I think the two most successful yellow David Austins are Graham Thomas and Golden Celebration. Molineux is quite floriferous, but not long lasting. There’s a unique color tinge to CD that doesn’t often come across in photos. Yes, I’ve come across the drooping habits of DA roses. Some are worth putting up with; some are not!
It’s most odd how heavy the roses are, compared to the stems they hang off…..I may have to re-think some of my roses….shall email down the line for advice! If that’s ok with your good self…
The roses that are doing the best are in sunny spots in the front! xxx
I love your log store – R is thinking of building one for us but I’m sure it won’t look nearly as good! ‘The Graveyard’ looks like such a lovely peaceful spot – pity about the hunters. I love the tug of war picture! xx
We are really pleased with the log shed, the guy who built it can make anything….I have many a plan for his talents!
The graveyard is lovely, it’s teeming with birds, some have made their home there, others we have released. The sound of guns going off is the only fly in the ointment…awful it is! Thanks Veggie
But here summer was very hot… now with a couple days raining (pouring down like hell) and then sunny again. Actually we can’t complain at all… but me too I didn’t have time to take good care of the garden. In true, I even didn’t plant any vegetable as I usually do. Non cherry tomatoes, no fresh herbs…
Our two bushes of roses are quite sick: both got the rust and it is very difficult to get rid of it without using chemicals.
Now we already are looking forward to get involved with the autumn’s garden work… Take good care :-)claudine
I’m glad you had a good summer, sometimes it’s so hard to keep up with the garden isn’t it, still, hopefully we shall both catch up before next spring.
Roses are prone to so many problems, we get lots of blackspot. Thanks
The dogs just crack me up with their antics and the picture of them all tugging away in three directions is wonderful! And Sam biting Buddy in all the excitement! :)) Made me chuckle!
The flowers and garden all look lovely and the log stack and shed look VERY professional and proper!
I know what you mean about autumn feeling round the corner with all the berries – there are absolutely tons of blackberries ripening around my house and area and yet we don’t seem to have had a summer yet… dearie me….
So sorry to hear that birds are being shot and are wounded and needing to be rescued so close to the rescue….
Loved all the pictures and imagine the scent of the rose… there is nothing like a beautifully scented rose eh! xxxx
They are crazy beasts! The pic was taken at the beginning of the game, you should see the stare of the place after ten minutes!!! Sam did completely forget himself, but Buddy does a hundred times a day, my poor Sam is pock- marked!
No, it hasn’t felt much like summer this year, we have the blackberries too, far too early they all are! Thanks
Your rose looks more like Graham Thomas rather than Abe. It is such a lovely deep yellow.
Did you not get any summer on Saturday? It was really hot here. I’ m not ready for autumn berries yet, I close my eyes to them like you with the Christmas cards.
I like your purply themed courtyard.
My Jack Russell could squeeze through or jump over anything. They are real escape artists. That little dog certainly keeps you on your toes. I reckon he’ ll get to spend a lot more time on the naughty step.
I think I was having yet another senior moment re my rose, I do have Abe, but this one is Charles Darwin….it’s so fragrant, I love it but the heads droop and the roses don’t last long sadly.
No, we didn’t get much summer on the saturday, we haven’t had much on any day, feeling rather cheated here!
I have had to accept autumn….the berries are even there when I squint!
Ah, so your Pip was a Jack eh? I had one of those, he lived until he was seventeen and almost decimated the local bird population…..yes, they certainly are escape artists, the times we ran down the road after ours!
I have no doubt that Buddy shall be on the naughty step again….thanks
You will be toasty this winter with all that wood. It looks so neat and tidy in it’s little barn. I like all the purple in your courtyard. Lucky you getting rain. We need it so badly here. We are having fall-like temperatures. It makes me feel so good. I must get out and take some pictures and do a little work in the garden.
We are hoping to have a log burner put in this year, if the chap ever gets around to doing it, so hopefully that wood will see us through! So many places are rain deprived, it really plays havoc with the garden, I do hope you get some soon! I shall look forward to your pics! Thanks
The purple, and the pyracantha, are gorgeous. And that photo of the tussle made me smile even more than the garden had. You’d best be keeping those shrubs trimmed, if the garden police are anything like they are around here. Trimmed within an inch of its life — that’s how they want everything.
We had some wonderful, impresive storms this week, with lightning and thunder like I’ve never seen. But the baby birds all are present and accounted for. The good news is that, now that they’ve fledged, they’re probably better able to keep themselves in truly bad weather than when stuck in the nest. Or so I think. Clearly, they can cope in the nest, too, or we’d not have so many birds around!
One thing about these dogs, Linda, is that they often bring a smile and a few laughs! High energy means endless fun!
I do love a good storm and yours sound fantastic, I could watch lightening forever, all high drama! Glad to hear your wee birds are all accounted for!xxx
I love that three way tugging game…..Little Buddy has really taken over in many ways, I can see:)
Oh yes, autumn really feels like it’s upon us this evening. yesterday hot and muggy and this evening, definitely cool and crisp….and in the gardens signs of autumn are everywhere…amazing, because as you say it doesn’t really feel as if we have had summer.
I like the idea of the ‘graveyard’ and the fact that it attracts so many birds….something magical about all of that.
Keep up all the good work Dina with the animals at the rescue and of course the animals at home….and by the way you know what they say about lots of red berries at this time of year….a long cold winter….it was just an old wives story:):)
Enjoy the final throws of August…and thank you for another wonderful post. Janet. xxx
Buddy certainly has taken over, he spends most of his time hanging off Sam’s neck!
The evenings have suddenly become a little colder, there is no mistaking that sudden chill.
It’s funny that you should mention the berries, I was thinking of that too….we can do without a long hard winter! Thanks
Well I never; I thought that the ‘gremlin’ post was an update of the church ‘guardians’.
The plants on all fronts are doing ever so well, I am just a little envious at the range of what you can grow. The thought of Autumn, as you say, is enough, we really don’t need the retail seasons curtailing our shortened seasonal benefits.
Your four-legged boys are certainly very active. xxx
Thankfully, I have had no further contact with the warring ladies! Phew….couldn’t go through that again!
Yes, autumn is enough, I like to deal with one season at a time, there’s nothing quite like the present!
I do feel for you, your weather has been nothing short of grim, I’m surprised you managed to get anything to grow!
The beasties certainly are active! It’s all play, play, play here! Thanks
I love your rose but it’s not Abe! Abe is deep red. I cleaned out a birdhouse earlier this summer and found a single dehydrated chick left in the nest. Very odd. I’d love to know why. What a fascinating perspective that would be. But I’m sure the birds find us as perplexing as we find them.
I think I was having a senior moment, my rose is Charles Darwin, I have Abe too so don’t know how I mixed them up!
It’s odd what you find in nature, I once found three skeleton chicks in a nest, maybe the parents died? Yes, I’m quite sure the birds would find us an odd species! Thanks
I did think I was having a moment of dejavue when I saw that gremlin post come up – either that or I thought you were going crazy re-posting it.
There’s never a dull moment at your place that’s for sure – love that pic of the three dogs having a tug of war – priceless. Buddy sounds a bit of a handful – he will certainly miss your dogs when he goes back to your daughter. Your rose is a beauty mine are no longer flowering – I must try and remember the name of yours for when I next go on a rose hunt.
It’s been a funny old summer hasn’t it – I have hardly anything left in flower even my petunias have disappeared and they can usually be counted on to flower till the very end of summer.
Love your log store nicely filled to the brim, no chance of you getting cold this winter, although it’s amazing just how many logs you get can through during the winter.
I noticed the other day that the swallows and martins are starting to gather on the wires won’t be long before they are off – I also noticed that there were far fewer this year – my thoughts are always with them for a safe journey there and back again.
Hahaha….I thought I was going crazy when comments began to appear! What IS it with me and gremlins???
The three dogs play endlessly, they do have fun together! Buddy will be a frequent visitor so they shall always remain good friends now…
I seem to be having a second flush of roses on most of my shrubs, something I’m grateful for as like you I don’t have much flowering at the moment, only lots of purple stuff of course!
I have noticed a decline in summer visitors too, I always worry about the tremendous journey they have to take. Our martins went a few days ago, we are hoping for a happy outcome! Thanks
Super post…..Yes! I recognised the error re your previous post….
Dogs featured in both….unsurprisingly!
Shoring up for Winter…I see! Start early, to be sure.
Love that header picture….Beauty!
Have a good week…..Hugs! xx
Thanks Bushka, lol, dogs seem to feature in all my posts! The agapanthus is Queen mum, it’s a lovely variety, daughter bought it for me for Mother’s
I think autumn is definitely on the way, we got that thunder storm here too, in fact there was flooding. How touching to see that the animals have dignity in death as well as life at the rescue, The Graveyard must be a very special place, especially with all the releases which happen there too. So sad to hear about the vermin with guns though. The dogs look to be having a great game with their new toy, they are so childlike with their little squabbles and spats but I’m sure, just like children, they soon make up again.
Gosh yes….it was a real humdinger that storm, we were flooded too! It is always so good to watch though…the lightening was amazing!
The Graveyard is special Jo, all the old-timers that never got adopted are there, but they were all loved and are respected in death, as you say….it’s lovely to see all the garden birds there too, especially those that were raised from chicks, that is simply priceless!
Glad you agree re the vermin, why do some take such pleasure from killing? I simply can’t understand that mentality, there is enough suffering in this world without adding to it…
Lol…spot on re the dogs, just like kids, little spats that are soon forgotten…..the three of them get along brilliantly, which is a first for Annie! Thanks
Oh, Dina, I know what you mean about having those rotters with guns so close to the rescue. We have a neighbor who loves to trap and shoot and I don’t think he gives a fig about a balanced ecology or hunting for food; he just likes to overwhelm and destroy. I soooo hate hearing his gun go off.
But, on a related thread, I do so love the quiet and peaceful resting place that’s been created at the Rescue. Bless the holy gardener who tends such a lovely retreat and sanctuary for the sweet bodies of those in your care who have died knowing they were lovable and worthy of your tender care.
And your gardens, by the by, are such a gorgeous fullness of fullness! I also have a lot of purple this time of year, but it’s getting better balanced by a lot of orangey-russet mums, too…and the gold of the rudbeckia. I wish I could have such roses: sigh. Too many Japanese beetles in this neck of the woods.
Buddy certainly seems to be worth his weight in entertainment, doesn’t he? Hope peace is restored and the boys will follow gentle Annie’s sweet example. Although, I may have snapped as well, for the chance to play with such a thrilling toy.
Blessings and peace to your new week. I have over 500 photos to glean through and putz about with, and may be doing this for at least week! Yikes. Such a lovely time of year!
Oh….so sorry to hear you have a shooter/trapper nearby, why on earth can’t people leave animals alone and let them just go about their daily lives, I get what you are saying about hearing guns go off….I just hope for a clean, instant kill, which sadly isn’t often the case!
You would just love the graveyard, and the lady who tends it….both are a total joy! It’s always a good place to remember the old-timers who never did find that perfect home….
I plant all sorts, and am surprised by what flowers, each year there seems to be a dominating colour, last year it was pink!
I am laughing at the thought of you snapping, to be honest, the games are so high energy I’m sure I would snap too! Buddy is utterly adorable, the dogs, hubs and I shall certainly miss him,but thankfully he will be a frequent visitor!
Oooooh…looking forward to seeing some of those pics! Thanks
A very enjoyable read and some lovely photo’s too.
The pyracantha … just love those berries
Your Abe Lincoln … stunning bloom
Your courtyard is purple … looks good
and finally … how on earth did you manage to get a great picture of the fracas? Well done
Hope you have a great week next week – I bet it will be busy …
All the best Jan
Thanks Jan, the rose is Charles Darwin, I was having yet another senior moment when posting….having FAR too many of those!
The fracas piccie? This shot was the fun, pleasant bit before it all became very lengthy and eventually all very snappy and snarly, still, just minor, letting off steam stuff!.Here’s too a lovely bank holiday for you!xxx
I’m with you on who the vermin are. I had to smile about the martins being hardened off, amazing that they can find their way to Africa with no guiding parents.
Glad you agree re the vermin Sue, who goes out to kill for pleasure? I’ll NEVER get that mentality, and it’s so frustrating seeing the suffering they cause, and how the rescue has to pick up the pieces and see that suffering first hand.
We may have to keep the housemartins as most of them seem to have departed, the chicks are with adults who can show them the way when the time
A most enjoyable post, and lovely pictures. That’s an impressive looking log store, which I’m sure will attract all sorts of wildlife.
The rescue centre’s wildlife garden looks, and sounds, really nice.
The dogs antics made me smile, especially Buddy. xx
Hubs and I are rather pleased with the wood shed, having something made for our requirements sure beats buying something flimsy and unsubstantial! Hopefully lots of insects will happily spend the winter there.
The wildlife garden is lovely, I shall post on that soon….
Sighs….oh those dogs! Thanks Flighty!xxx
PS Great work on the wood shed and contents! Also, that photo of the three dogs pulling at the fluffy present shows that Buddy isn’t the slightest bit intimated by anyone…and is an escape artist to boot!
Lol…Buddy has no fear of neither man nor beast! He’s a right handful, in the nicest way possible!xxx
Always such an interesting read! Never a dull moment and lots of work to do with the rescue, garden, and life in general. It looks a bit like autumn here with the leaves becoming so dry without any rain for ages…when it does come, it’s 1 mm worth!! That’s not rain, that’s a drip! It’s lovely to see your Abe Lincoln rose, with its fragrant scent, and all of your purpleness. The pet graveyard looks like a peaceful sanctuary. Before Christmas even thinks about coming, Duggy will be out and about scaring the living daylights out of gremlins.
Thanks Glo. Oh dearie me….your lack of rain does sound rather grim, 1mm is a drip for sure! Here’s to some proper drenchings, and soon!
My rose is Charles Darwin, I have been told that Abe is red, of course it is, I have that too….sighs…so many SENIOR moments….
How true….we do have Halloween and Dougie, weeeeell before Christmas, thanks for that lovely reminder….xxx